Scarborough, Morgan: Obama Scandals Prove Gun Advocates Aren't Crazy


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
Never, ever thought I'd see this.

How big of a wake-up call are the Obama scandals, especially the ones surrounding the seizing of phone records from the Associated Press and the IRS's targeting of conservatives? So big that two of the media's most shameful and shameless gun control advocates -- Joe Scarborough and Piers Morgan -- have finally conceded that arguments made by pro-Second Amendment activists against the expanding of background checks might not be so ridiculous.

In a roundtable discussion on Friday's "Morning Joe," Scarborough said that because of the IRS scandal, “My argument is less persuasive today because of these scandals.” He added: "People say, ‘Hey, if they do this with the IRS, asking people what books you read, then how can I trust them with information about my Second Amendment rights?’”

Mika agreed completely: "That is a really, really good point." Even the Huffington Post's Sam Stein agreed.

Video at link

Scarborough added that, when it comes to both background checks and immigration reform, the IRS scandal is "devastating," because both of those pieces of legislation ask us to trust the kind of government that would seize the media's phone records and use the IRS to target a president's political foes.

Also courtesy of NRO, here is no-less than Piers Morgan conceding he was wrong to ridicule gun-rights activists (including our own Ben Shapiro) for making the argument that a legitimate fear of government tyranny is what makes the Second Amendment so crucial:

Video at link

Though I was appalled by the media's relentless and shameless push last month to pass the Toomey-Manchin bill that would have tightened background checks, I did support its passage, and said so many times while criticizing the media for their disgusting behavior. But this chilling reminder of how corrupt the federal government is has changed my mind completely.

Moreover, our government is not only corrupt, it is vigorously protected by a media that is just as corrupt (NEVER forget the media ignored, dismissed, and even defended the IRS targeting conservatives). The government and media can scream all they want that background checks won't be used to create a backdoor registry…

But the government and media are liars.

Joe Scarborough, Piers Morgan: Obama Scandals Prove Gun Advocates Aren't Crazy
yeah, I watched Piers Morgan last night and he seemed somewhat subdued from what I remember in the past. I don't usually watch the news, but due to everything happening figured I would see what was being said by all the media.
I am, frankly, stunned that Morgan admitted that. Good on him for admitting he was wrong!
The question is how do we trust the corrupt IRS to be the police enforcing Obamacare?

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