Scared Shitless: Top Gop Donors Wants Donald Trump Banned From First Presidential Debate


In the video he said he filed his candidacy paperwork two weeks ago, and filed the financials last week. He used the term this week, but he was speaking last week, today started a new week, got it?

Yeah, I got it. We're talking Texas talk.
Surely they can't ban him - the only thing worse for the party than having him in the race is Trump as Victim.

And if they gang up on him in the debate, same thing.

Sheesh, nightmare. I'll bet the opposition research people are working 24/7 to find a knockout punch.

Surely they can't ban him - the only thing worse for the party than having him in the race is Trump as Victim.

And if they gang up on him in the debate, same thing.

Sheesh, nightmare. I'll bet the opposition research people are working 24/7 to find a knockout punch.


They can ban him. Remember, in 2008 they were able to ban Ron Paul despite his popularity due to bad showings in the polls. They can ban Trump due to lack of intent through the lack of filing.

Wait a week, We will know where Trump stands.

His popularity in the GOP field will fall if he shows the slightest hint of not being serious about his run, so he is going to file his financial disclosures.

I am pretty certain of that.
Republicans in general have good reason to fear Trump on a 'debate’ stage, a venue where he can continue to propagate his ignorance and hate under the auspices of the GOP.
I'd put money on this proposition...

Cullen said he knows when the ride ends: Before the deadline, Trump will eventually have to file a financial-disclosure statement, under penalty of perjury, that details his assets and liabilities. At that point later this year when the last extension is exhausted, Cullen predicted, Trump will declare that the other candidates have adopted his positions and therefore he has accomplished his goals, and he will drop out.
National Journal

The fear from the left is palpable.
Yeah, just like we feared Fred Thompson, Poor Sarah Palin, and Serial-Groper Herman Cain.
Ah...Phear the Phred...a classic to be sure. :D
Of course they want him banned, they don't want someone calling BS on them when they lie. Look people the GOP establishment LIES you can't believe one word out of their lying filthy sewer mouths.

I know but Blueslegend how can you say this? They ran 40,000 ads during the 2014 election promising to defund Obamacare and Obama's executive amnesty...then the first thing the liars did after the election was fund both of them.

I just LOVE the way you RWs just lap up the lies and never ever question anything for yourselves.

The OP always lies and he lied in his thread title. Read the links.

There is no "they" in them.
After Obama, you have no credibility to talk about lying.
I suggest that everyone take a look at Donald Trump's twitter feed. If you do so, you must conclude that he has no intention of becoming our president.
That is just going to make him even more popular

Of course. Because there are always going to be those people who don't really care if we win or even about the nation. All they care about is someone is willing to tell them they are right. That all of their fear and hatred is justified. They just want to hear the lie and nothing else matters. You really can't fix stupid.
Trump is the best the GOP has to offer. He should be on stage front and center.
Of course they want him banned, they don't want someone calling BS on them when they lie. Look people the GOP establishment LIES you can't believe one word out of their lying filthy sewer mouths.

I know but Blueslegend how can you say this? They ran 40,000 ads during the 2014 election promising to defund Obamacare and Obama's executive amnesty...then the first thing the liars did after the election was fund both of them.

I just LOVE the way you RWs just lap up the lies and never ever question anything for yourselves.

The OP always lies and he lied in his thread title. Read the links.

There is no "they" in them.
After Obama, you have no credibility to talk about lying.

I didn't vote for that lying POS.
Republicans in general have good reason to fear Trump on a 'debate’ stage, a venue where he can continue to propagate his ignorance and hate under the auspices of the GOP.

Liberals, bitterly clinging to their rules for radicals, criminals, with a fear of people who don't think like them.
Republicans in general have good reason to fear Trump on a 'debate’ stage, a venue where he can continue to propagate his ignorance and hate under the auspices of the GOP.

Liberals, bitterly clinging to their rules for radicals, criminals, with a fear of people who don't think like them.

Exactly. I know, we should take the advice of liberals on the GOP primary...NOT!
Waving a piece of paper in the air isn't the same as filing.

What a dumbass!

He said they were filed, prove they weren't. Where's your link?

In the video, he said he was going to file his financials this week(3:50). That mean he has not and anything could come up to prevent him from fulling filing.

Until he fully file his financials, we will have our doubts about his candidacy.

Maybe you should get that crap cleaned out of your ears, he said "and they get filed this week", "filed" as in the past tense. He also said "when they filed, the number was larger", once again using the past tense.
Here, you dumb motherfucker.

Donald Trump-GOP debate Did the Republican National Committee just find a way to keep Trump out of the Cleveland debate

The Washington Post is reporting that Fox News has clarified the criteria for participation in the first GOP debate in such a way that Trump and most of his fellow candidates will have to file their personal financial disclosures before the debate or be kept off the stage. That’s unlikely to be a serious problem for the vast majority of the GOP field, but it will back Trump into a corner.

"As we have said from the beginning, part of that criteria involves filing 'all necessary paperwork with the [Federal Election Commission],'" Fox News vice president Michael Clemente said in a statement. "The FEC, as is well known, requires that presidential candidates file a financial disclosure statement as part of that paperwork." Under federal law, presidential candidates have 30 days from when they officially launch their campaigns to file. But candidates can, and often do, request and receive as many as two 45-day extensions—something most Trump watchers believed he would do as way to prolong his campaign without giving the world a closer look at his finances. While Clemente’s statement didn’t explicitly say candidates couldn’t use those extensions, the Post’s sources say that will indeed be the case. "They must fill out the form, putting the dollars and cents on the table, before they step on the debate stage," one source told the paper.

For his part, Trump said during his campaign launch last month that he won’t be asking for any extensions—“We’ll be filing right on time”—although the media has treated that claim with the dubiousness it deserves. If he doesn’t ask for an extension, Trump would have until July 22 to file his disclosure. If he does file, the world will get a rare firsthand look at his business empire, the exact worth of which remains very much in debate. If he would have been allowed to take his extensions by Fox, he would have been able to take part in the debate and still drop out of the race later this year without ever having to declare how much he’s actually worth as opposed to how much he claims to be worth.

And this proves he lied on 11 July HOW?
I'm sorry, but it's been showed to you multiple times. I even bolded the relevant parts so you wouldn't hurt yourself trying to understand all that I posted.

I don't have time to teach retards.
Surely they can't ban him - the only thing worse for the party than having him in the race is Trump as Victim.

And if they gang up on him in the debate, same thing.

Sheesh, nightmare. I'll bet the opposition research people are working 24/7 to find a knockout punch.


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He said they were filed, prove they weren't. Where's your link?

In the video, he said he was going to file his financials this week(3:50). That mean he has not and anything could come up to prevent him from fulling filing.

Until he fully file his financials, we will have our doubts about his candidacy.

Maybe you should get that crap cleaned out of your ears, he said "and they get filed this week", "filed" as in the past tense. He also said "when they filed, the number was larger", once again using the past tense.
Here, you dumb motherfucker.

Donald Trump-GOP debate Did the Republican National Committee just find a way to keep Trump out of the Cleveland debate

The Washington Post is reporting that Fox News has clarified the criteria for participation in the first GOP debate in such a way that Trump and most of his fellow candidates will have to file their personal financial disclosures before the debate or be kept off the stage. That’s unlikely to be a serious problem for the vast majority of the GOP field, but it will back Trump into a corner.

"As we have said from the beginning, part of that criteria involves filing 'all necessary paperwork with the [Federal Election Commission],'" Fox News vice president Michael Clemente said in a statement. "The FEC, as is well known, requires that presidential candidates file a financial disclosure statement as part of that paperwork." Under federal law, presidential candidates have 30 days from when they officially launch their campaigns to file. But candidates can, and often do, request and receive as many as two 45-day extensions—something most Trump watchers believed he would do as way to prolong his campaign without giving the world a closer look at his finances. While Clemente’s statement didn’t explicitly say candidates couldn’t use those extensions, the Post’s sources say that will indeed be the case. "They must fill out the form, putting the dollars and cents on the table, before they step on the debate stage," one source told the paper.

For his part, Trump said during his campaign launch last month that he won’t be asking for any extensions—“We’ll be filing right on time”—although the media has treated that claim with the dubiousness it deserves. If he doesn’t ask for an extension, Trump would have until July 22 to file his disclosure. If he does file, the world will get a rare firsthand look at his business empire, the exact worth of which remains very much in debate. If he would have been allowed to take his extensions by Fox, he would have been able to take part in the debate and still drop out of the race later this year without ever having to declare how much he’s actually worth as opposed to how much he claims to be worth.

And this proves he lied on 11 July HOW?
I'm sorry, but it's been showed to you multiple times. I even bolded the relevant parts so you wouldn't hurt yourself trying to understand all that I posted.

I don't have time to teach retards.

So far you still haven't proved Trump lied about filing last week, but I tell ya what, if in fact he did file as he said, I will expect a huge mia-copa from you by starting a thread that the filing was done and you were WRONG and I'll be happy to do the same. DEAL?

Here's where you go for proof, so far it hasn't been posted on the FEC site, but if it were filed Thursday or Friday that wouldn't be unusual.
In the video Trump says he filed his FDS two weeks ago. In an interview with the WaPo, Trump admitted he has yet to file. He will say whatever the suckers want to hear, he is a salesman selling swamp lots.

July 9

Trump told The Washington Post in an interview Thursday that he will file his financial disclosure ahead of schedule, perhaps next week.

Hillary says she didn't use her private email server for official business. Whose the bigger liar?

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