Schiavo Case: Santorum Unfit for Office of Presidency

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Schiavo Case: Santorum Unfit for Office of Presidency

Santorum is no conservative. Calling for federal intervention in this case went way beyond anything a leftist or populist would ever imagine doing.

Schiavo Autopsy Released

Schiavo Autopsy Released

Asked whether he had any regrets, Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.), who visited Schiavo at the hospice in her last days, responded, "None whatsoever." He added: "If a state court decides to take the life of someone, there should be a federal review."

Government involvement in the Terri Schiavo case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Republican leaders in the House of Representatives, including Speaker Dennis Hastert of Illinois, Tom DeLay of Texas and Tom Davis of Virginia, opened a congressional inquiry of the House Government Reform Committee, which was to take place in Clearwater on March 25, and issued subpoenas for Terri and Michael Schiavo and several hospice workers
Republicans went way beyond a ny rational concern for a single human being.

and Santorum was a major player here. So much for government off our backs
Schiavo Case: Santorum Unfit for Office of Presidency

Santorum is no conservative. Calling for federal intervention in this case went way beyond anything a leftist or populist would ever imagine doing.

Schiavo Autopsy Released

Schiavo Autopsy Released

Asked whether he had any regrets, Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Pa.), who visited Schiavo at the hospice in her last days, responded, "None whatsoever." He added: "If a state court decides to take the life of someone, there should be a federal review."

Government involvement in the Terri Schiavo case - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Republican leaders in the House of Representatives, including Speaker Dennis Hastert of Illinois, Tom DeLay of Texas and Tom Davis of Virginia, opened a congressional inquiry of the House Government Reform Committee, which was to take place in Clearwater on March 25, and issued subpoenas for Terri and Michael Schiavo and several hospice workers
Republicans went way beyond a ny rational concern for a single human being.

and Santorum was a major player here. So much for government off our backs

The funny thing about Tom Delay is that.......

DeLay faced accusations of hypocrisy from critics when the Los Angeles Times revealed that he had consented to ending life support for his father, who had been in a comatose state because of a debilitating accident in 1988.

Tom DeLay - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Fourteenth Amendment specifically prohibits the states from taking someones life without due process. What crime was Terry Schiavo guilty of that empowered the state to terminate her life? When was she convicted of it.

If any state tries to terminate someones life, the Federal Government has a responsibility under the United States Constitution to prevent it from happening without due process.

I know you think that anyone who is unhealthy or somehow "less" human should be killed. But the protection of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness has always been an American value. And it will continue to be so, regardless of much you complain.

There are plenty of things to complain about Santorum on, this sure as heck isn't one of them.
The Fourteenth Amendment specifically prohibits the states from taking someones life without due process. What crime was Terry Schiavo guilty of that empowered the state to terminate her life? When was she convicted of it.

If any state tries to terminate someones life, the Federal Government has a responsibility under the United States Constitution to prevent it from happening without due process.

I know you think that anyone who is unhealthy or somehow "less" human should be killed. But the protection of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness has always been an American value. And it will continue to be so, regardless of much you complain.

There are plenty of things to complain about Santorum on, this sure as heck isn't one of them.

Bullshit. That wasn't about the 14th Amendment or the "state taking a life".

This was about a decision that was made by her husband and her doctor to "unplug" a comatose patient, his wife, with no hope of recovery.

This was also about the Executive and Legislative branches of the Federal Government attempting to interfere in a decision that only belonged to the husband and her doctor.

I know YOU favor "big gubmint activism" forcing what YOU consider "moral" upon the masses, but if I'm ever in a position where I have to make a horrible decision like that I'll thank you and the Federal Government to simply stay the fuck out of my business.
I'm finding myself in agreement with Avatar here. (It won't happen again.)

They didn't just let Schiavo die. They intentionally killed her. They deprived her of food and water until she starved to death, and it took nearly a week to do.

if we had done that to a terrorist at Gitmo, liberals would be having a fit.

My own feeling was that her husband was kind of a creep. He had moved on in his life, he just wanted to tie up this loose end. Her family wasn't ready to move on. He should have just signed over guardianship to them and let them deal with the problem.
Bullshit. That wasn't about the 14th Amendment or the "state taking a life".

This was about a decision that was made by her husband and her doctor to "unplug" a comatose patient, his wife, with no hope of recovery.

This was also about the Executive and Legislative branches of the Federal Government attempting to interfere in a decision that only belonged to the husband and her doctor.

I know YOU favor "big gubmint activism" forcing what YOU consider "moral" upon the masses, but if I'm ever in a position where I have to make a horrible decision like that I'll thank you and the Federal Government to simply stay the fuck out of my business.

The thing was, she wasn't "unplugged", she was systematically starved to death over a period of something like 15 days.
Republicans went way beyond a ny rational concern for a single human being.

Denocats will go beyond any rational means to prove they have no concern for human life.

Good for Santorum

there are certain issues in which government has no business intervening. a spouse's decision about when to turn off life support is one of them.

you know it's unconstitutional for congress to pass a law that is applicable to only one person, right?

so much for small government... unless it advances the agenda of the religious right. but heaven forbid you should have to wear a seatbelt.
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Bullshit. That wasn't about the 14th Amendment or the "state taking a life".

This was about a decision that was made by her husband and her doctor to "unplug" a comatose patient, his wife, with no hope of recovery.

This was also about the Executive and Legislative branches of the Federal Government attempting to interfere in a decision that only belonged to the husband and her doctor.

I know YOU favor "big gubmint activism" forcing what YOU consider "moral" upon the masses, but if I'm ever in a position where I have to make a horrible decision like that I'll thank you and the Federal Government to simply stay the fuck out of my business.

The thing was, she wasn't "unplugged", she was systematically starved to death over a period of something like 15 days.

Ok, fair enough. But I have to ask...........

1) What would YOU have wanted if you were in her exact position? (vegetative state, liquidated brain, no hope for recovery)

2) Do you think it is the role of the Executive and Legislative Branches of the Federal Government to take decisions away from families and doctors? (Keep in mind this was already played out in court.)
Bullshit. That wasn't about the 14th Amendment or the "state taking a life".

This was about a decision that was made by her husband and her doctor to "unplug" a comatose patient, his wife, with no hope of recovery.

This was also about the Executive and Legislative branches of the Federal Government attempting to interfere in a decision that only belonged to the husband and her doctor.

I know YOU favor "big gubmint activism" forcing what YOU consider "moral" upon the masses, but if I'm ever in a position where I have to make a horrible decision like that I'll thank you and the Federal Government to simply stay the fuck out of my business.

The thing was, she wasn't "unplugged", she was systematically starved to death over a period of something like 15 days.

Ok, fair enough. But I have to ask...........

1) What would YOU have wanted if you were in her exact position? (vegetative state, liquidated brain, no hope for recovery)

2) Do you think it is the role of the Executive and Legislative Branches of the Federal Government to take decisions away from families and doctors? (Keep in mind this was already played out in court.)

I think that I wouldn't want my spouse to show utter contempt for my family.

I guess I just don't have any sympathy for Mikey Schiavo. He didn't start advocating for pulling the tube on his wife until AFTER he won a huge settlement against her doctors. Then he was all about winning this huge settlment to take care of all her needs.

Once he got the money? New wife and pull the plug. C'Ya! And when her family objected, he fought to have her put down. And he kept doing it even after burning through all the settlement money.
The thing was, she wasn't "unplugged", she was systematically starved to death over a period of something like 15 days.

Ok, fair enough. But I have to ask...........

1) What would YOU have wanted if you were in her exact position? (vegetative state, liquidated brain, no hope for recovery)

2) Do you think it is the role of the Executive and Legislative Branches of the Federal Government to take decisions away from families and doctors? (Keep in mind this was already played out in court.)

I think that I wouldn't want my spouse to show utter contempt for my family.

I guess I just don't have any sympathy for Mikey Schiavo. He didn't start advocating for pulling the tube on his wife until AFTER he won a huge settlement against her doctors. Then he was all about winning this huge settlment to take care of all her needs.

Once he got the money? New wife and pull the plug. C'Ya! And when her family objected, he fought to have her put down. And he kept doing it even after burning through all the settlement money.

If this makes him unfit for the office,then we have nobody that is.

This is not an issue, that pertains to the campaign.
The thing was, she wasn't "unplugged", she was systematically starved to death over a period of something like 15 days.

Ok, fair enough. But I have to ask...........

1) What would YOU have wanted if you were in her exact position? (vegetative state, liquidated brain, no hope for recovery)

2) Do you think it is the role of the Executive and Legislative Branches of the Federal Government to take decisions away from families and doctors? (Keep in mind this was already played out in court.)

I think that I wouldn't want my spouse to show utter contempt for my family.

I guess I just don't have any sympathy for Mikey Schiavo. He didn't start advocating for pulling the tube on his wife until AFTER he won a huge settlement against her doctors. Then he was all about winning this huge settlment to take care of all her needs.

Once he got the money? New wife and pull the plug. C'Ya! And when her family objected, he fought to have her put down. And he kept doing it even after burning through all the settlement money.

if you can interrupt your absurd spew of venom for a moment...

he *was* her family. the law gave him the right to act on her behalf. the courts had reviewed the case up to the appellate level and back. no one believed he wasn't acting in her best interests... except her parents.

this isn't about whether you would have acted in the same fashion. it's about whether the rightwingnut loons in congress should have addressed this issue in legislation.

do you know, the only time baby bush ever interrupted one of his vacations down on the ranch was to come back to DC in the middle of the night to sign that bill into law?
Ok, fair enough. But I have to ask...........

1) What would YOU have wanted if you were in her exact position? (vegetative state, liquidated brain, no hope for recovery)

2) Do you think it is the role of the Executive and Legislative Branches of the Federal Government to take decisions away from families and doctors? (Keep in mind this was already played out in court.)

I think that I wouldn't want my spouse to show utter contempt for my family.

I guess I just don't have any sympathy for Mikey Schiavo. He didn't start advocating for pulling the tube on his wife until AFTER he won a huge settlement against her doctors. Then he was all about winning this huge settlment to take care of all her needs.

Once he got the money? New wife and pull the plug. C'Ya! And when her family objected, he fought to have her put down. And he kept doing it even after burning through all the settlement money.

if you can interrupt your absurd spew of venom for a moment...

he *was* her family. the law gave him the right to act on her behalf. the courts had reviewed the case up to the appellate level and back. no one believed he wasn't acting in her best interests... except her parents.

this isn't about whether you would have acted in the same fashion. it's about whether the rightwingnut loons in congress should have addressed this issue in legislation.

do you know, the only time baby bush ever interrupted one of his vacations down on the ranch was to come back to DC in the middle of the night to sign that bill into law?

The women's dead right?? case closed he got what he wanted.

much to do about nothing.

The women was never going to recover,but the extra time that was spent looking close at her wasn't the wrong way,We should always look to preserve life not take it,starving to death doesn't sound so good does it.

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