School-Board Group Asks Biden to Review Whether Parent Confrontations over CRT Constitute ‘Domestic Terrorism

ANYBODY who is threatening School Boards

You tell me who is doing it

So now it's only people who threaten school boards who are guilty of domestic terrorism?

Furthermore, can you give examples of these alleged threats you say are taking place? I'm sure there have probably been a couple, but by and large this is not occurring in any place other than your imagination and that of the school board members who are being called out on their actions.
What the school boards fail to remember is that they work for the parents.
Yes, ALL of the parents. While one parent may object to something, a parent down the block may be perfectly happy. Remember, too, that the schools are a gift to parents from the community of a free education for their children. Parents pay no direct fees as happens in other countries, no child is turned away, and even people with no children in school pay for the schools.
Interesting.....doesn't look like those thugs are voting. They are violent. Why aren't they voting?
Most voters don't have kids in school and even know less what is in the school board..hence why school boards are almost always corrupt filled with people spending money that is easily funneled into their buddies pockets via teacher raises and school building projects. I've never seen a school board that did anything to justify their salaries and power-----and like this obvious abusive board here always have a sense of entitlement and think that they can't be touched. We could save millions if not billions by getting rid of the school boards and replacing them an administrator who makes the decisions with some ither sort of oversight put into place.
Yes, ALL of the parents. While one parent may object to something, a parent down the block may be perfectly happy. Remember, too, that the schools are a gift to parents from the community of a free education for their children. Parents pay no direct fees as happens in other countries, no child is turned away, and even people with no children in school pay for the schools.
Schools are not free, they are paid for through property taxes. Which begs the question, why is the federal government involved and not the local government
Schools are not free, they are paid for through property taxes. Which begs the question, why is the federal government involved and not the local government

I know that schools are paid for through property taxes, which are paid by the entire community and even community members who do not have any children in school pay them. School boards are part of "local government." What other "local government" are you referring to? The federal government is not involved at this time. It has only received a request for help in combatting violence and threats, which are crimes. Federal law-enforcement agencies have assisted local law enforcement on numerous occasions. I seem to remember DHS agents in Portland. The FBI assists in kidnapping cases and when the crime has an interstate connection.
The Article: School-Board Group Asks Biden to Review Whether Parent Confrontations over CRT Constitute ‘Domestic Terrorism’

From the Article:

"In a letter to the White House, a group that represents school boards urged the Biden administration to consider whether confrontations by outraged parents over COVID restrictions and critical race theory (CRT) being incorporated into class curriculum violate the Patriot Act. The letter contended that “the classification of these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.”

The National School Boards Association has asked President Biden to determine whether recent incidents of threats and violence against educators are prohibited under the legislation, passed in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks, as well as the Gun-Free School Zones Act and a number of other statutes.

"Coupled with attacks against school board members and educators for approving policies for masks to protect the health and safety of students and school employees, many public school officials are also facing physical threats because of propaganda purporting the false inclusion of critical race theory within classroom instruction and curricula,” a letter from the group obtained by Fox News read."

OP Comment(s):

Parents of school age children across our once great nation are at last waking up to the advent of the cult-like neo-religion masquerading and prevailing as government sanctioned curricula in public schools. Critical Race Theory is a religion of hate, an anti-American political religion parents must resist at all costs to prevent the poisoning of their children's young minds. Next up will we see drone strikes on parents who protest CRT? Or will specialized militarized Homeland Security tactical teams be raiding parents' homes middle of the night? We're on the cusp of not just a Police State coast to coast, but a Police Terror state with federal law enforcement agencies poised to become the Americanized version of the old Soviet NKVD. When will our federal government stop making war on the nuclear family?

WTF is a National School Boards Association?
I know that schools are paid for through property taxes, which are paid by the entire community and even community members who do not have any children in school pay them. School boards are part of "local government." What other "local government" are you referring to? The federal government is not involved at this time. It has only received a request for help in combatting violence and threats, which are crimes. Federal law-enforcement agencies have assisted local law enforcement on numerous occasions. I seem to remember DHS agents in Portland. The FBI assists in kidnapping cases and when the crime has an interstate connection.
This is where the Fed stick their nose in where it does not belong:
  • Policies related to Education Funding – These policies can promote certain education reform, by offering additional funding to states and districts that choose to abide by federal standards. EdSource explains that the current administration is attempting to do just that, by offering competitive grants through the Race to the Top program. States that fall in line with Race to the Top standards and recommendations stand to receive additional funding from Uncle Sam.
  • Collection of Data and Research – This information is used to identify the strengths and weaknesses in the current state of public education today. By identifying weaknesses in public education, states can draft new policies to close the gaps and improve education quality overall.
  • Identification of Problems in Education at the National Level – By shining the light on learning gaps and other problems in the education system, the federal government encourages states to take action sooner, rather than later.
  • Enforcement of Discrimination Laws – The federal government is responsible for ensuring every child in America receives the same quality of education, regardless of gender, disability, location or income level.
This is where the Fed stick their nose in where it does not belong:
  • Policies related to Education Funding – These policies can promote certain education reform, by offering additional funding to states and districts that choose to abide by federal standards. EdSource explains that the current administration is attempting to do just that, by offering competitive grants through the Race to the Top program. States that fall in line with Race to the Top standards and recommendations stand to receive additional funding from Uncle Sam.
  • Collection of Data and Research – This information is used to identify the strengths and weaknesses in the current state of public education today. By identifying weaknesses in public education, states can draft new policies to close the gaps and improve education quality overall.
  • Identification of Problems in Education at the National Level – By shining the light on learning gaps and other problems in the education system, the federal government encourages states to take action sooner, rather than later.
  • Enforcement of Discrimination Laws – The federal government is responsible for ensuring every child in America receives the same quality of education, regardless of gender, disability, location or income level.

The complaint that is the subject of this thread has to do with threats and violence.

That said, I don't see anything wrong with the items you mentioned. These activities are intended to identify problems in our educational system in the U.S. and fix them. The aim of an education is to prepare kids for adult life in the real world. Some schools really need to catch up. I've met people who didn't know that the state of New Mexico is in the U.S. I've read comments here on USMB written by people who didn't know that U.S. Supreme Court justices are not elected. I've heard of people who don't know that Hindus and Sikhs are not Muslim or can't find the UK on a map. The world is smaller and spins very fast now, and we need to keep up and stay competitive.
some schools really need to catch up. I've met people who didn't know that the state of New Mexico is in the U.S. I've read comments here on USMB written by people who didn't know that U.S. Supreme Court justices are not elected. I've heard of people who don't know that Hindus and Sikhs are not Muslim or can't find the UK on a map.
Indicates a lack of good teacher , seen this all before with Jay Leno' Jaywalking asking people on the street easy questions.
Furthermore, can you give examples of these alleged threats you say are taking place?
Red herring. Irrelevant. If threats occur, they occur. Should they be considered domestic terrorism or not? Same for violence. Seems to fit the letter of the law i posted. But you go ahead and run with "Maybe the school board association is just making all of this up, so nevermind."
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Indicates a lack of good teacher , seen this all before with Jay Leno' Jaywalking asking people on the street easy questions.

Dumb cartoons aside, too many adults who supposedly "graduated" from high school don't know anything about their own government, other countries, other cultures, other religions, and nothing about history, U.S. or foreign. For some reason, many in the U.S. mock education and are totally anti-intellectual. We will never be able to compete with other countries at the rate we're going.
....I've read comments here on USMB written by people who didn't know that U.S. Supreme Court justices are not elected. I've heard of people who don't know that Hindus and Sikhs are not Muslim or can't find the UK on a map. ....

To be fair, you should read more than just Sealybobo's posts.
The angry right learned it from the radical left

Yes, the left controls your little minds. You remind us every day, when you justify your own dumb behavior by saying a leftie did it first. If we need any more from you, we will just find the leftist that controls you and ask her.

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