School-Board Group Asks Biden to Review Whether Parent Confrontations over CRT Constitute ‘Domestic Terrorism

now it depends.....the FBI says....Terrorism is defined in the Code of Federal Regulations as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, .....what violence and force was used against the school board?...
Here is the actual code of law:

domestic terrorism​

(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that— (A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended— (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States; and...

People who dislike that actions of school board have the right to speak in an orderly fashion, and may campaign for alternative candidates, and vote for them. The use of violence and/or threats on any issue crosses the line into terrorism. No one has the right to impose their views on the public by force, which obviously would negate the views of the people who disagree with them.
Not sure where you got that partial and wrong definition, but here is the ACTUAL code of law:

domestic terrorism​

(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that— (A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended— (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States; and...

domestic terrorism was not mentioned in this thread......your buddy RW said.....If you make physical threats, you are a terrorist.....the FBI says Terrorism is defined in the Code of Federal Regulations as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government,.....were was this violence and force?...
The Article: School-Board Group Asks Biden to Review Whether Parent Confrontations over CRT Constitute ‘Domestic Terrorism’

From the Article:

"In a letter to the White House, a group that represents school boards urged the Biden administration to consider whether confrontations by outraged parents over COVID restrictions and critical race theory (CRT) being incorporated into class curriculum violate the Patriot Act. The letter contended that “the classification of these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes.”

The National School Boards Association has asked President Biden to determine whether recent incidents of threats and violence against educators are prohibited under the legislation, passed in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks, as well as the Gun-Free School Zones Act and a number of other statutes.

"Coupled with attacks against school board members and educators for approving policies for masks to protect the health and safety of students and school employees, many public school officials are also facing physical threats because of propaganda purporting the false inclusion of critical race theory within classroom instruction and curricula,” a letter from the group obtained by Fox News read."

OP Comment(s):

Parents of school age children across our once great nation are at last waking up to the advent of the cult-like neo-religion masquerading and prevailing as government sanctioned curricula in public schools. Critical Race Theory is a religion of hate, an anti-American political religion parents must resist at all costs to prevent the poisoning of their children's young minds. Next up will we see drone strikes on parents who protest CRT? Or will specialized militarized Homeland Security tactical teams be raiding parents' homes middle of the night? We're on the cusp of not just a Police State coast to coast, but a Police Terror state with federal law enforcement agencies poised to become the Americanized version of the old Soviet NKVD. When will our federal government stop making war on the nuclear family?
Lunatics threatening the lives and safety of people trying to do their jobs aren't terrorists to you?
domestic terrorism was not mentioned in this thread
First sentence of the OP:

The Article: School-Board Group Asks Biden to Review Whether Parent Confrontations over CRT Constitute ‘Domestic Terrorism’

It's the thread topic. So, once again:

domestic terrorism​

(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that— (A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended— (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States; and...

18 U.S. Code § 2331 - Definitions

Lunatics threatening the lives and safety of people trying to do their jobs aren't terrorists to you?
that has been happening for come now it is terrorism and in the past it was just a big mouthed dipshit?....
First sentence of the OP:

The Article: School-Board Group Asks Biden to Review Whether Parent Confrontations over CRT Constitute ‘Domestic Terrorism’

It's the thread topic. So, once again:

domestic terrorism​

(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that— (A) involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; (B) appear to be intended— (i) to intimidate or coerce a civilian population; (ii) to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or (iii) to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping; and (C) occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States; and...

18 U.S. Code § 2331 - Definitions

who did i say i was quoting?....RW or that school board?...
that has been happening for come now it is terrorism and in the past it was just a big mouthed dipshit?....
The argument is that it always was, when there are threats involved. And that it has become such a large problem now, it's time to apply the law.
that has been happening for come now it is terrorism and in the past it was just a big mouthed dipshit?....
Americans have been really shitty about lots of things for decades. Be glad when they get something right.
now it depends.....the FBI says....Terrorism is defined in the Code of Federal Regulations as “the unlawful use of force and violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, .....what violence and force was used against the school board?...
They are constantly being threatened

School Boards are a frequent target of RW groups for indoctrinating our youth, accepting gays, the dreaded Critical Race Theory and GOD FORBID?…Masks
They are constantly being threatened

School Boards are a frequent target of RW groups for indoctrinating our youth, accepting gays, the dreaded Critical Race Theory and GOD FORBID?…Masks
The same people who threatened black kids for daring to go to school are now grandparents voting to stop anybody from teaching their grandkids about how they threatened black kids for daring to go to school
They are constantly being threatened

School Boards are a frequent target of RW groups for indoctrinating our youth, accepting gays, the dreaded Critical Race Theory and GOD FORBID?…Masks
The row over CRT draws a pretty clear line in the sand in our racist society. Like Birtherism.

For decades, the racists' ABSOLUTE FAVORITE rhetorical question was:

"Since the laws are no longer racist, and racism is basically illegal, why aren't minorities doing better overall?" This is the dog whistle, being blown with all the force they can muster.

So the intelligent people in our society took that question seriously and attempted to answer it. The answer is CRT.

Of course, the racists reject that answer, because it is not the prescribed "keep it to yourself, until we are alone" answer they already had in their brains. The CORRECT answer (CRT) involves no implication that brown people are inherently inferior, genetically or otherwise.

So they hate CRT. Simple as that. It shows pretty clearly why they have asked their little dog whistle, rhetorical question for decades. And it wasn't because they were asking honestly. They got their answer from intelligentsia and academia, instead of from Uncle-Cousin Cletus. And it isn't the answer they wanted.
No educator should fear for their lives or safety of their family for doing their job
They are constantly being threatened

School Boards are a frequent target of RW groups for indoctrinating our youth, accepting gays, the dreaded Critical Race Theory and GOD FORBID?…Masks
until there is violence it is not come summer of 2020 no one was calling those rioters terrorists?...
What the school boards fail to remember is that they work for the parents.

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