School Boards need to be held criminally liable for school shootings (Poll)

Should laws holding school boards and security personnel responsible be passed?

  • Yes, children require grown-ups to protect them

    Votes: 19 45.2%
  • No, I'll explain why in my post

    Votes: 23 54.8%

  • Total voters
Responsible school districts are designing safe schools.
Did you read the OP?
There are many protective devices that can be used.
You can build fortresses...........They will adapt and find a way around them.............Make it harder. But will not stop a determined attacker. In this case a car shoot out ended at the school. Don't think the perp planned. it.
Some schools can barely keep their lunch programs afloat. Now you want them to somehow pull money out of their asses to build fortifications? People talk about things like this every time a shooting occurs but when it comes budget time politicians looking for things to cut look first at the school system.
There is $100,000,000,000 left over from Covid protection for schools.
That can be used to protect kids.
I won't accept that schools can't be made safer, if sports needs to be cut, cut sports.
Its a matter of priorities. Safety comes FIRST.
It's not the board's fault per se, a lot of parents absolutely do not want their children to be exposed to the trappings involved in a hardened environment. I have heard parents state they don't want their children seeing people walking around carrying guns, having to go through metal detectors, or having their "innocence stolen" by them having to understand that there are evil people in the world that could mean them harm but there are things that they can do to help reduce the possibility that they too become a victim, even things they can learn to do to protect themselves and survive if their school should ever become a target.

As far as holding the district and their security personnel liable for any loss of life or injuries, security measures are all about mitigation of risk, nothing and no one can absolutely guarantee no harm will occur. Having said that though, if your personnel follow establish security procedures as they were trained to do and do all within their power to stop a threat then no, there should be no prosecution in my opinion.

If they didn't do what they were supposed to that's a different story.

I know that having someone on-site along with other security hardening measures can definitely mitigate the risk to the students from an OUTSIDE threat, however they will not eliminate the threat from someone thoroughly dedicated to inflict as much harm as possible like the Buffalo shooter who was confronted and shot 11 times it was reported by a retired police officer working security at the Top's grocery store. The 11 shots were ineffective because the shooter was wearing Kevlar and I still haven't seen anything indicating from where he obtained it, because it's not sold to the general population.

Lastly, I hated the way school resource officer Scott Petersen was treated because he didn't go into the building to confront school shooter Nikolas Cruz during the Parkland school shooting at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas high school back in 2018. Petersen at least tried to get Cruz involuntarily committed (Baker Act) but there were so many people trying to keep Cruz's criminal history clean that it is alleged that they refused to allow him to be committed. Had they no interfered, Cruz possibly could have been locked up somewhere instead of free to kill more than a dozen of his classmates.
'They Don't Know The Truth': Ex-School Resource Officer Scot Peterson Defends Actions During Parkland School Shooting

Worse still, now we find out after the horror of the elementary school shooting in Uvalde, Texas earlier this week, that the police waited an hour before entering the school to confront the 18 year old shooter Salvador Ramos, in spite of the huge number of law enforcement officers and agents who responded to the scene.
1. I disagree that the majority of parents object to a hardened school environment, especially after all of the school shootings we've had. If they do, they are irresponsible, and my response would be "see you in court".

2. The Buffalo shooter wasn't in school. Different animal...

3. Scott Peterson should have had a vest and AR in his office and in his car. How can he have a clear conscience? I'm sure he doesn't. Same with whoever let that shooter thru the security door in Sandy Hook.

4. Some cops run toward gunfire, and some hide. There was a mom who ran past the cops and went into the school and got her kids out. You don't know what you'd do when facing a gunman with an AR.

I hope you voted to hold school boards responsible for the kids' safety.
There is $100,000,000,000 left over from Covid protection for schools.
That can be used to protect kids.
I won't accept that schools can't be made safer, if sports needs to be cut, cut sports.
Its a matter of priorities. Safety comes FIRST.
Schools can certainly be made safer but will anyone actually do it 6 months or a year after the shock wears off? What makes sense and what just feels like prison for children? There's also something else to consider. We have been putting children through active shooter drills for twenty or more years, plenty of time for them to grow up thinking of ways to circumvent security.
Its almost like the democrat school boards and teacher's unions want school shootings to continue to get tougher gun laws? It won't work, but not hardening schools makes no sense!!!!
WTF do teacher's unions have to do with anything of the sort? Does it give you a big woody to say the words "teachers unions?
School Boards? No.
Parents? Yes. If Jim Bob Magniac knew he was going to be held responsible for what his kid did, you'd see a bit more care taken with knowing what his kid was up to. This goes for all kids living at home.
1. We disagree about school boards. When kids enter schools, their safety is the school boards' responsibility.

2. The TX shooter had shitty parents. Absent parents. Criminal parents. Druggie parents. Good luck prosecuting them.
1. We disagree about school boards. When kids enter schools, their safety is the school boards' responsibility.
And if a tornado took out a school, would the school board be responsible as well?
2. The TX shooter had shitty parents. Absent parents. Criminal parents. Druggie parents. Good luck prosecuting them.
Hell, if Texas can prosecute you for driving a woman to get an abortion--which is still legal--I think they would have no problem prosecuting Jim Bob MAGAaniac as well.
Schools can certainly be made safer but will anyone actually do it 6 months or a year after the shock wears off? What makes sense and what just feels like prison for children? There's also something else to consider. We have been putting children through active shooter drills for twenty or more years, plenty of time for them to grow up thinking of ways to circumvent security.
1. What "feels like a prison"? I have no clue. They'll get used to it.
2. It doesn't get any easier than walking thru an open door with an AR. We need better security than that.
I know you cons like to beat up school boards. But most countries in the world don't have a problem. The basic schools around today in low income areas can't afford the security. Unless you want to make it federally funded. You guys trying to pass the buck and try to deflect away from the fact that no other country in the world has this happening and blaming the school board is a laughing stock.

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