School Boards need to be held criminally liable for school shootings (Poll)

Should laws holding school boards and security personnel responsible be passed?

  • Yes, children require grown-ups to protect them

    Votes: 19 45.2%
  • No, I'll explain why in my post

    Votes: 23 54.8%

  • Total voters
There is no common sense or any other kind of sense in repealing the 2nd Amendment.

That would launch the greatest rise in violent crime in the US in it's history.

The weak, disabled, women and children would be the softest targets and the most frequent victims of violent crime because nobody would have a reasonable chance of stopping them.
Meh, seems to have worked in most other western nations. You don't see Australians, New Zealanders, Nordic countries, Germans, the Dutch, Brits et al having this issue.
Meh, seems to have worked in most other western nations. You don't see Australians, New Zealanders, Nordic countries, Germans, the Dutch, Brits et al having this issue.
None of those countries have our cultures, borders, border related problems, or demographics either much less 400 million or more guns already in circulation.

Just 7% of the US population is responsible for nearly half of all violent crime.

A much more honest comparison would be the US and Mexico which is by far the most violent country in the Northern Hemisphere and in the top five for the entire western hemisphere.
If that door wasn't left unlocked he could have never made it into the building.
And if he hadn't bought the peashooters none of it would have happened.
That's the thing about the US. It's so 'free' you have to worry about whether or not to lock your classroom door in case some loon decides to go postal! Yay, what a country to live in...
None of those countries have our cultures, borders, border related problems, or demographics either much less 400 million or more guns already in circulation.

Just 7% of the US population is responsible for nearly half of all violent crime.

A much more honest comparison would be the US and Mexico which is by far the most violent country in the Northern Hemisphere and in the top five for the entire western hemisphere.
Meh, BS. Since the EU, Western Europe has had an influx of criminal gangs from Eastern Europe. There is a myriad of cultures. Americans, for some weird reason - and I'm not saying with you specifically, but in general - seem to lump Europe together. You couldn't get a more less homogenous, nothing-whatsoever-in-common-with-most-of-my-neighbours, culturally polarised continent on the planet.
Sure, 7 per cent...that is still pretty high. Not too sure what that has to do with the US and its (generally) conservative-leaning part of its population having an obsession with guns.
Meh, BS. Since the EU, Western Europe has had an influx of criminal gangs from Eastern Europe. There is a myriad of cultures. Americans, for some weird reason - and I'm not saying with you specifically, but in general - seem to lump Europe together. You couldn't get a more less homogenous, nothing-whatsoever-in-common-with-most-of-my-neighbours, culturally polarised continent on the planet.
Sure, 7 per cent...that is still pretty high. Not too sure what that has to do with the US and its (generally) conservative-leaning part of its population having an obsession with guns.
Then you really lack both the foundation and intellect to have a discussion on the subject.

It isn't conservatives committing these types of shootings, our guns aren't being used in crimes at all.
Then you really lack both the foundation and intellect to have a discussion on the subject.

It isn't conservatives committing these types of shootings, our guns aren't being used in crimes at all.
It's a pretty basic subject to cover.

Ah, yes, turning it into a political debate, when the truth is people like the idiots at Sandy Hook and Ulvade had no political agenda at all. They were bullied (and in the case of Sandy Hook, Aspergers too) loners who went postal. Probably didn't give two fucks who was in govt. Talk about lacking foundation and intellect....
It's a pretty basic subject to cover.

Ah, yes, turning it into a political debate, when the truth is people like the idiots at Sandy Hook and Ulvade had no political agenda at all. They were bullied (and in the case of Sandy Hook, Aspergers too) loners who went postal. Probably didn't give two fucks who was in govt. Talk about lacking foundation and intellect....
Well, you did that.

Not too sure what that has to do with the US and its (generally) conservative-leaning part of its population having an obsession with guns.

If you don't understand the difference in cultures, demographics, geography and size of the US make it impossible to honestly compare us to Europe You lack even the most basic foundation to have an intelligent discussion of the subject.
Well, you did that.

If you don't understand the difference in cultures, demographics, geography and size of the US make it impossible to honestly compare us to Europe You lack even the most basic foundation to have an intelligent discussion of the subject.
I've had the same said to me many times on this board by gun lovers who think they know things that they obviously don't. I'm not the one generally doing the comparing , it's usually the gun lovers doing that. "Look how violent Australia and the UK are compared to the US due to their lack of guns",,...blah, blah, blah. A point, BTW, that is easily revoked upon closer inspection. Of course there are differences. And? Not too sure why geography and size even matter. The culture is all that matters, and to a lesser degree, demographics.

I didn't turn the Ulvade shooting into a political debate. They were two different subjects, thus two different paragraphs. I was talking about how it is generally conservatives who are obsessed with their gun rights. Nothing more, nothing less.
But hopefully, as time goes on, common sense will prevail and the second will be repealed and maybe replaced with a more contemporary alternative, if at all.
Nope. Not gonna happen. Thanks for playing. Let me show you the door.
There is no common sense or any other kind of sense in repealing the 2nd Amendment.

That would launch the greatest rise in violent crime in the US in it's history.

The weak, disabled, women and children would be the softest targets and the most frequent victims of violent crime because nobody would have a reasonable chance of stopping them.
That's what they want. Leftists love criminals more than they love normal people.
Hint for the leftism-impaired: Nobody said it was her fault.

For the comprehension impaired. From BB Texas:

"If I were that teacher I'd already be out of Uvalde assuming I could even live with myself after what I'd done."

If that ain't putting the blame on somebody I'm a right-wing, gun loving loon.
For the comprehension impaired. From BB Texas:

"If I were that teacher I'd already be out of Uvalde assuming I could even live with myself after what I'd done."

If that ain't putting the blame on somebody I'm a right-wing, gun loving loon.
There's a difference between being responsible for a crime and being negligent and inadvertently letting one happen.
Er, which was my a degree. How was she negligent?
Not to jump in, but she went to her car to call 911 that the shooter was shooting into the school.
She returned to the school and then either closed the door or propped it open, not confirmed yet which is true.
IF the door was propped open she was negilgient.
IF she shut the door she wasn't.

In Sandy Hook, someone let the shooter in past the security door, that is criminal negligence.
In Parkland, Mr. Peterson, who was supposed to stop shooters, hid in terror. His case is still pending.
There are psych tests to show who will run to the gunfire and who will run and hide.

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