School Punishes Boy for Opposing Homosexuality

I already saw the answer you deleted, so poor attempt at trying to dance around the question.

I already saw the answer you deleted, so poor attempt at trying to dance around the question.


My original answer was based on my definitions. But then I remembered the games you play.

Sorry you didn't quote it in time. :lmao:
btw: If you're hung up on the term 'birth defect' I'm not wedded to it. How about genetic abnormality? You know, like 20/10 vision for example. It might be misleading to call that a 'defect', but it's definitely an abnormality.
It is simply a genetic difference.

Women are born that way (as women), too, but being a woman isn't a birth defect. Or an abnormality.

btw, classifying gay people as having birth defects would not end discrimination. In some cases it might make it worse.
It is simply a genetic difference.

Women are born that way (as women), too, but being a woman isn't a birth defect. Or an abnormality.

btw, classifying gay people as having birth defects would not end discrimination. In some cases it might make it worse.

If you ignore the negative connotation you've attached to the word, homosexuality is by definition an abnormality.

Fact, not opinion.

On the opinion side, I disagree with you about the effect it would have on discrimination. I've never heard any anti-gay arguments centered around it being genetic. In fact, every anti-gay argument I've ever heard pretty much insists that it's not genetic.
Look at my avi. The poor woman is cross-eyed (probably from talking to you). Labeling her problem as a genetic defect wouldn't make people treat her better.

IMO, you argument is just another argument a bigot would use to make bigots feel better and wouldn't prevent discrimination.
Look at my avi. The poor woman is cross-eyed (probably from talking to you). Labeling her problem as a genetic defect wouldn't make people treat her better.

IMO, you argument is just another argument a bigot would use to make bigots feel better and wouldn't prevent discrimination.

I disagree. I think it would destroy almost every legal argument used by opponents of gay marriage.
As far as I can tell, there is no valid legal argument against gay marriage.

Oh wait, you mean like Affirmative Action has made bigots love blacks?

As far as I can tell, there is no valid legal argument against gay marriage.

If it's a choice then it's ok to discriminate against them, just like it's ok to discriminate against smokers.

Seriously, try harder. :thup:
According to this website, there is another side of the story. And yes, it's a gay website so there might be some bias there. And no, I doubt you'll turn gay if you click on the link.

On the particular day in which this incident occurred, Mr. Franks was opening class when the topic of Christianity in Germany was broached by one student, who asked what churches were there, another whether they read the Bible in English, etc. Franks asserts that the topic of homosexuality was not broached in any way, and that Ary‘s assertions to the contrary are entirely false. At this point, Ary declared, with a class audience, “Gays can’t be Christians; homosexuality is wrong,” looking directly at Mr. Franks.

Franks says he understands and affirms students’ right to free speech, and that he is perfectly prepared to lead a respectful discussion on topics such as gay rights that allows for the assertion of opinions with which he disagrees. He has led such discussion in the past in his sociology classes. But in this case, hr feels the context makes it clear that this remark was made ad hominem, aimed specifically at him to devalue him and any information he might share on the topic of religion, on the basis of his perceived sexual orientation.

New Details Call 'Homosexuality Is Wrong' Student's Story Into Question |Gay News|Gay Blog Towleroad

So the teacher admits he took what the student said personally and punished the student for his opinion...not for disrupting class.
According to this website, there is another side of the story. And yes, it's a gay website so there might be some bias there. And no, I doubt you'll turn gay if you click on the link.

On the particular day in which this incident occurred, Mr. Franks was opening class when the topic of Christianity in Germany was broached by one student, who asked what churches were there, another whether they read the Bible in English, etc. Franks asserts that the topic of homosexuality was not broached in any way, and that Ary‘s assertions to the contrary are entirely false. At this point, Ary declared, with a class audience, “Gays can’t be Christians; homosexuality is wrong,” looking directly at Mr. Franks.

Franks says he understands and affirms students’ right to free speech, and that he is perfectly prepared to lead a respectful discussion on topics such as gay rights that allows for the assertion of opinions with which he disagrees. He has led such discussion in the past in his sociology classes. But in this case, hr feels the context makes it clear that this remark was made ad hominem, aimed specifically at him to devalue him and any information he might share on the topic of religion, on the basis of his perceived sexual orientation.

New Details Call 'Homosexuality Is Wrong' Student's Story Into Question |Gay News|Gay Blog Towleroad

So the teacher admits he took what the student said personally and punished the student for his opinion...not for disrupting class.
it could be intentionally misinterpreted that way.
either way the kid disrupted class..and got punished and then that was withdrawn.
IMO the school should not have lifted the punishment, if for no other reason then other kids will imitate his behavior with no fear of repercussions..
Being attracted to the same sex is a detriment to humans.
Being attracted to the same sex is a detriment to humans.
that the biggest steaming pile of shit yet posted on this thread.
the biggest detriment to humans is bigoted, ignorant dick heads like you!

wrong again, it's like eye color skin tone and hair.
it inherited and it a mutation just like the others

By your rationale, downs syndrome isn't a birth defect either.
wrong a third time...a defect by definition is: Definition of DEFECT
1a : an imperfection that impairs worth or utility : shortcoming <the grave defects in our foreign policy> b : an imperfection (as a vacancy or an unlike atom) in a crystal lattice
2[Latin defectus] : a lack of something necessary for completeness, adequacy, or perfection : deficiency <a hearing defect>
See defect defined for English-language learners »
See defect defined for kids »
Examples of DEFECT
They examine their products for defects.
She was born with a heart defect.
Vanity and pride were his two worst character defects.
Origin of DEFECT
Middle English, from Latin defectus lack, from deficere to desert, fail, from de- + facere to do — more at do
First Known Use: 15th century

AS far as I know gay people are just as susceptible to the same defects straight people are.
being gay in and of its self is no defect..
it is however a defect in the thinking those who believe that it is.:eusa_whistle:

I guess that is all in how you look at it. Preferring the same sex to the opposite sex limits your ability to have children.. I consider that a defect...
According to this website, there is another side of the story. And yes, it's a gay website so there might be some bias there. And no, I doubt you'll turn gay if you click on the link.

New Details Call 'Homosexuality Is Wrong' Student's Story Into Question |Gay News|Gay Blog Towleroad

So the teacher admits he took what the student said personally and punished the student for his opinion...not for disrupting class.
it could be intentionally misinterpreted that way.
either way the kid disrupted class..and got punished and then that was withdrawn.
IMO the school should not have lifted the punishment, if for no other reason then other kids will imitate his behavior with no fear of repercussions..

The school wouldn't have lifted the punishment if they felt they were in the right, apparently they knew they were in the wrong, having had trouble with that same teacher in the past.

The kid was not punished for disrupting the class, if he was, your argument would hold up.
By your rationale, downs syndrome isn't a birth defect either.
wrong a third time...a defect by definition is: Definition of DEFECT
1a : an imperfection that impairs worth or utility : shortcoming <the grave defects in our foreign policy> b : an imperfection (as a vacancy or an unlike atom) in a crystal lattice
2[Latin defectus] : a lack of something necessary for completeness, adequacy, or perfection : deficiency <a hearing defect>
See defect defined for English-language learners »
See defect defined for kids »
Examples of DEFECT
They examine their products for defects.
She was born with a heart defect.
Vanity and pride were his two worst character defects.
Origin of DEFECT
Middle English, from Latin defectus lack, from deficere to desert, fail, from de- + facere to do — more at do
First Known Use: 15th century

AS far as I know gay people are just as susceptible to the same defects straight people are.
being gay in and of its self is no defect..
it is however a defect in the thinking those who believe that it is.:eusa_whistle:

I guess that is all in how you look at it. Preferring the same sex to the opposite sex limits your ability to have children.. I consider that a defect...
then the defect is in your thinking. reproduction is optional, lot's of people gay and straight choose not to have kids
and many gay couples adopt kids.
my guess is from your pov that's a defect too?
So the teacher admits he took what the student said personally and punished the student for his opinion...not for disrupting class.
it could be intentionally misinterpreted that way.
either way the kid disrupted class..and got punished and then that was withdrawn.
IMO the school should not have lifted the punishment, if for no other reason then other kids will imitate his behavior with no fear of repercussions..

The school wouldn't have lifted the punishment if they felt they were in the right, apparently they knew they were in the wrong, having had trouble with that same teacher in the past.

The kid was not punished for disrupting the class, if he was, your argument would hold up.
the school dropped the punishment to avoid unwanted publicity...
The kid is back in school and the teacher has been removed from the school.

I expect the Teacher will soon be fired.
wrong a third time...a defect by definition is: Definition of DEFECT
1a : an imperfection that impairs worth or utility : shortcoming <the grave defects in our foreign policy> b : an imperfection (as a vacancy or an unlike atom) in a crystal lattice
2[Latin defectus] : a lack of something necessary for completeness, adequacy, or perfection : deficiency <a hearing defect>
See defect defined for English-language learners »
See defect defined for kids »
Examples of DEFECT
They examine their products for defects.
She was born with a heart defect.
Vanity and pride were his two worst character defects.
Origin of DEFECT
Middle English, from Latin defectus lack, from deficere to desert, fail, from de- + facere to do — more at do
First Known Use: 15th century

AS far as I know gay people are just as susceptible to the same defects straight people are.
being gay in and of its self is no defect..
it is however a defect in the thinking those who believe that it is.:eusa_whistle:

I guess that is all in how you look at it. Preferring the same sex to the opposite sex limits your ability to have children.. I consider that a defect...
then the defect is in your thinking. reproduction is optional, lot's of people gay and straight choose not to have kids
and many gay couples adopt kids.
my guess is from your pov that's a defect too?

Actually, I think gays should be able to adopt kids ahead of single parents...but I do think heterosexual married couples should have first choice. It's best for the kids to have a male and female role model. Absent that, two parents are better than one and one parent is better than none.

And yes, reproducing is optional but I know gay people who would have had kids if they could have....
The kid is back in school and the teacher has been removed from the school.

I expect the Teacher will soon be fired.

I expect the Teacher to be given the option of being the girl's Basketball coach.

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