School Shootings Happen Because If 3 Things: Guns, 2nd Amendment, & the NRA

The 2nd also gives the reason the right exists, which means it's not an unregulatable right, like those that are enumerated without modifying clauses.
To keep and bear arms. Nothing complicated in that. No additional clauses necessary.
You said yoy were your own god. Now you are a god with no power must be from Cali. No water there so you cant create it either
You asked me if I was the God of Abortion, so I answered couldn’t be because if I was then I would have aborted the killer myself…

I am the God in my world and not all Gods can change destiny nor would your own Abraham God do it either…
Now if I were that God wouldn’t have I already aborted all mass killers?

Think before you write that!
That would require that someone cant be later educated or indoctrinated to kill. Which every army knows is their basic duty.
To keep and bear arms. Nothing complicated in that. No additional clauses necessary.
It's the only right granted that has a preceding clause.
When the reason for a right is enumerated, like the rest of the constitution those things not enumerated are assumed to be precluded, such as the powers of congress.
So far 178 people have been killed in Chicago this year. That's just over 44 deaths a month. Twice the number of deaths from this incident. Democrats can't use those deaths.
The NRA says that mentally disturbed people have the right to firearms too.

That a psychiatrist, or counselor, or teacher or neighbor or relative can't stop some one mentally from getting a gun, without a court hearing, and a judge issuing an order.

Until that order is signed, they can walk out of court and buy a gun.
Red Flag laws. Yes, there's absolutely no way irrational leftists like you would report family members, neighbors, or coworkers as being "mentally unstable" and have their property seized simply because they say things you don't like.
As you and other try to divert from the monster that killed those babies let write about what truly killed those babies and it was the monster.

Now we can scream at each other until blue in the face about what need to be done but no one is going to do anything.

Don’t worry your second amendment isn’t going anywhere but restrictions can happen like they did before…

You might not be able to buy that firearm as easily as before which the Federal Government can impose and have imposed on other firearms, so know that before you think this subject closed…
Why impose restrictions on law abiding citizens because a few crazies use guns to kill people? As you said, it was the monster that did this. The gun didn't do it. Gun restrictions, at this point, are useless. There are more guns than people in the U.S. you are NEVER going to get rid of them. Perhaps the real answer is to look at our society that promotes relative morality, letting criminals walk with little or no punishment, letting killers out before their sentence is served, D.A.s that won't charge a perp adequately and confusing children as to their born gender. All of that contributes to what we have to day. Without objective morality there are no guideposts for Society. Laws are inefficient at standing in for objective morality.
It was a terrible tragedy in Tx. but it's ongoing in Chicago and democrats don't seem to care because all they can blame is a democrat administration.
When somebody turns 18, they can immediately get their hands on an assault weapon and as much ammunition as they can carry.

The guy in Texas was better armed than a Marine infantryman.

First of all, it was semi auto only, so no where near to the arms of a Marine.
Second is that anyone intent on suicide can get one before they are 18 even, because they won't care about the deterrent penalty.
Third is that if someone is intent on murder/suicide, they need to be locked up.
Just making laws about one type of weapon is not going to prevent them from getting explosives, toxins, flammables, etc., which can kill far more.
It's the only right granted that has a preceding clause.
When the reason for a right is enumerated, like the rest of the constitution those things not enumerated are assumed to be precluded, such as the powers of congress.

The 2nd amendment does not grant a right, but restricts the feds from violating an already existing right.
When 1 reason for a restriction is listed, that does not imply there are not many other possible reasons as well.
Fact: If someone wants to get a gun, they will get a gun no matter how many laws you pass. The only sure way to counter that fact is to arm yourself.
So far 178 people have been killed in Chicago this year. That's just over 44 deaths a month. Twice the number of deaths from this incident. Democrats can't use those deaths.
It's much worse than that. I find the following site very informative and accurate.
Unfortunately that is the reality but we can regulate it better…
The same liars claiming "the border can't be regulated" and "we need to de-fund the police" are the same a--holes demanding increased gun laws.

Who, please tell, will enforce those additional laws, with less police on the street, and without the civil protections police depend upon to carry out arrests that Biden just undermined on a national level?

This is the issue with leftists; because all they pply when considering a situation is pure immature emotion at the toddler level, the consequences of their approach are guaranteed to fail every time.
It's much worse than that. I find the following site very informative and accurate.
To the democrats, minority criminals, especially black ones, don't count. They might claim "black lives matter" but these turds will never pass laws or instate policies that will actually help the poor black community, economically, socially, or from a security perspective.

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