School Shootings Happen Because If 3 Things: Guns, 2nd Amendment, & the NRA

That is the problem only CONGRESS can solve......, which is why nothing will happen because Democrats prefer more gun control and ignore the mentally ill people continued ability to buy firearms.

The NRA has zero legislative power all they can do is advocate something.
Democrats benefit from gun crime, especially mass shootings. They're happy to have a stack of still-warm bodies from which to preach the disarming of law-abiding citizens.

This is absolutely undeniable.
And? The guy had gins and ammo. You ignore every other issue except the fact he had guns and ammo.MILLIONS of Americans have guns and ammo and yet don't shoot up schools and kill kids.
YUP, some of them shoot up concerts in Las Vegas. Or nightclubs in Florida.
AR-15 isn't classified as a true assault weapon

AR-15-style weapons are semiautomatic, meaning a shooter must pull the trigger to fire each shot from a magazine that typically carries 30 rounds.

Wouldn't it be better to improve the Background Check database criteria to prevent mentally disturbed people from buying a firearm?
The NRA says that mentally disturbed people have the right to firearms too.

That a psychiatrist, or counselor, or teacher or neighbor or relative can't stop some one mentally from getting a gun, without a court hearing, and a judge issuing an order.

Until that order is signed, they can walk out of court and buy a gun.
Of course you can. If you have someone else drive it off the lot, you don't need a license. And if you keep it on your own private property, you can drive without a license.

You're really not very good at this.
You can't drive it (except up and down your driveway), register it, or finance it.
The NRA says that mentally disturbed people have the right to firearms too.

That a psychiatrist, or counselor, or teacher or neighbor or relative can't stop some one mentally from getting a gun, without a court hearing, and a judge issuing an order.

Until that order is signed, they can walk out of court and buy a gun.

You should post a source for that assertion but then it is a lie anyway here is what the LAW says and what the NRA tried to do about it:

Mental Health and Firearms​


More recently, the NRA has supported legislation to ensure that appropriate records of those who have been judged mentally incompetent or involuntarily committed to mental institutions be made available for use in firearms transfer background checks. The NRA will support any reasonable step to fix America’s broken mental health system without intruding on the constitutional rights of Americans.

Federal Law

Since 1968, federal law has barred the possession or acquisition of firearms by anyone who “has been adjudicated as a mental defective or has been committed to any mental institution.”[2]

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has issued regulations that define an “adjudication” as a “determination by a court, board, commission, or other lawful authority that a person is, as a result of marked subnormal intelligence, or mental illness, incompetency, condition, or disease: (1) Is a danger to himself or to others; or (2) Lacks the mental capacity to contract or manage his own affairs.” This includes a finding of insanity or incompetency in a criminal case.[3]


Instant Check Improvements

In January 2008, President George W. Bush signed the bipartisan “NICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007.”[5] The NRA-supported legislation created incentives for states to upgrade their procedures for timely and accurate reporting of records—including mental health records—to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System. All federal firearm licensees are required to check the system (either directly or through a state point of contact) before proceeding with a sale.[6] To accomplish this task, the legislation authorized federal grants to states that improve their record keeping and supply those records to NICS, while also developing procedures under which people who have recovered from mental illness can get their firearms rights restored.

To support state cooperation in providing records, the NRA has worked with lawmakers in many states to pass legislation to implement the federal law. Passage of such legislation, along with other administrative and policy changes at the state level, has allowed states to provide hundreds of thousands of mental health records to NICS since 2008.


It seems that the NRA has been active in getting the NICS database improved for many years now.
That is the problem only CONGRESS can solve......, which is why nothing will happen because Democrats prefer more gun control and ignore the mentally ill people continued ability to buy firearms.

The NRA has zero legislative power all they can do is advocate something.

Actually the NRA has the unwritten threat that voting against them, means facing the ire of armed citizens. They will rally their sometimes unstable followers to protect the 2nd amendment the way it was intended.
The NRA says that mentally disturbed people have the right to firearms too.

Show us where.



Mental Health and Firearms

A person cannot be federally disqualified from owning a gun based simply on a psychiatrist’s diagnosis, a doctor’s referral, or the opinion of a law enforcement officer, ...

At least one attempt has been made to ban gun ownership by anyone with any recognized diagnosis from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders—an outrageously broad standard that would affect the rights of countless Americans.[/QUOTE]
As you and other try to divert from the monster that killed those babies let write about what truly killed those babies and it was the monster.

Now we can scream at each other until blue in the face about what need to be done but no one is going to do anything.

Don’t worry your second amendment isn’t going anywhere but restrictions can happen like they did before…

You might not be able to buy that firearm as easily as before which the Federal Government can impose and have imposed on other firearms, so know that before you think this subject closed…
Who made you God?

Regulation is still an infringement. No other enumerated right is as clear and succinct as the 2nd, yet trashy liberals have spent decades denigrating the 2nd. Every American should be disgusted by such blatantly un-American activity.
The 2nd also gives the reason the right exists, which means it's not an unregulatable right, like those that are enumerated without modifying clauses.
Now if I were that God wouldn’t have I already aborted all mass killers?

Think before you write that!
You said yoy were your own god. Now you are a god with no power must be from Cali. No water there so you cant create it either

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