School Shootings Happen Because If 3 Things: Guns, 2nd Amendment, & the NRA

...or that's what DDemocratste us.

Several days ago a mentally disturbed young man entered an elementary school, killed 19 children and 2 teachers, before finally being killed by a Border Patrol Agent.

Who was responsible for this tragedy is obvious, ...
WADR, blaming mental illness for this tragedy is no different than blaming the elements you've listed. By imputing mental illness to this guy is to find him "innocent by reason of mental deficiency or defect".

The true, and only, reason he killed those people is that he was evil.
By imputing mental illness to this guy is to find him "innocent by reason of mental deficiency or defect".

I have always believed 'INNOCENT' Due To Mental Deficieny / Insanity' to be bullshit.

There is 1 question - did they do it or not?

'Yes' = 'GUILTY'

'Insanity' should not be considered until SENTENCING.

The perp murdered people because he was insane? Then he is GUILTY. What is done to him at that point should be based in large part WHY.

Insane? Mental Instutution.

But no one is 'Innocent' because they were / are insane. They either did it or not.
Hey, faggot, we could reduce the vast majority of deaths by firearms by disarming all minorities and refusing to allow them to buy firearms. You want to be racist and disarm them all?
You just said the quiet part out loud. This is exactly what magaturds want. You all are just fine with taking away liberties when it comes to 'those people'. Magaturds are raging fucking hypocrites.
You just said the quiet part out loud. This is exactly what magaturds want. You all are just fine with taking away liberties when it comes to 'those people'. Magaturds are raging fucking hypocrites.
Once again, you project the left's racism on normal people.
What did I say that was racist in any way, shape or form?
I retract that charge. You should retract yours, but you won't. Your programming is too strong.

Nobody wants to take away civil liberties except leftists. I want everyone legally entitled to own a firearm to have one, to defend themselves and their families from all threats.


You want people disarmed. You want people to be unable to defend themselves and their families from threats.

Why do you want that? What's wrong with you?
I retract that charge. You should retract yours, but you won't. Your programming is too strong.

Nobody wants to take away civil liberties except leftists. I want everyone legally entitled to own a firearm to have one, to defend themselves and their families from all threats.


You want people disarmed. You want people to be unable to defend themselves and their families from threats.

Why do you want that? What's wrong with you?
I have a range on my property. I have a CCL. I'm always packing.

I don't want to disarm anyone, magaturd. I want better vetting for purchasing firearms.

Magaturds can't seem to live with that. So Fuck 'em.
School shootings happen because of GUNS

They ain't school KNIFINGS
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Actually if they cut down on assault weapons and high capacity magazines, that would cut down on mass shootings. The Texas shooter bought a mass shooter starters kit, two assault rifles and a shitload of ammo.

How can you "cut down on assault weapons"?
Since there are only a few of these mass murder/suicides a year, you only need a few firearms for them to occur.
And anyone intent on mass murder/suicide, is not going to hesitate due to the penalty for obtaining a firearm illegally.
Nor is there any particular type of firearms that is a problem.
If these shooters used a pair of revolvers or a pump shotgun, they could have killed a lot more.
In fact, if they have used arson, toxins, or explosives, they not only could have killed far more, but not have been killed or caught in the process.

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