Schumer calls for CIA to stage ‘intervention’ with Trump

The Human Trafficking Suspect Chuck Schumer calls for CIA to stage ‘intervention’ with Trump
During a Wednesday morning tweet session, the president disparaged the intelligence community and specifically took issue with its assessments on Iran and North Korea.

It’s not a big deal.
Sometimes the CIC disagrees with the intelligence community.
What's a really big deal is that Chucky Schumer is a despicable demagogue who wants open borders so that the Dirty Democrats can displace Anglo Voters.
ICE needs to "stage an intervention" on Chucky.
F Chuck.

View attachment 244015
dumbing it down for the right wing can be a real challenge.
Well, shades of Bill Clinton. I'm gonna faint.
Clinton was on the left and running massive federal budget surpluses; even "illegal immigration" was not a problem, then.
You said: "Clinton was on the left and running massive federal budget surpluses; even "illegal immigration" was not a problem, then."
Was that before or after Juanita Broaddrick claimed Bill Clinton raped her and told her to put some ice on her lip which the creep had just bitten hard enough to draw blood?

Was that before or after Hillary Clinton had the FBI investigate Billy Dale, the head of the White House travel office, ruining his career who was found to do nothing wrong, but was then audited by the IRS for three years after. (Travelgate) 10 Scandals Involving Hillary Clinton You May Have Forgotten

Was that before or after Bill and Hillary's Whitewater lawyer, Vince Foster, Whitehouse counsellor, "committed suicide" right after Hillary bullied him over the Whitewater profit she enjoyed? Hillary Clinton Bullied Vince Foster Before Suicide

Was that before or after he tried to seduce Paula Jones who received a court judgment of $850,000 from him for trying to seduce her against her will? Clinton pays Paula Jones $850,000

Was that before or after another Kathleen Willey's husband allegedly committed suicide because Bill assaulted Kathleen near the Oval Office? Kathleen Willey suspects Clintons murdered husband - WND - WND

Was that before or after the revelation of Monica Lewinski's blue dress showed him to be a bald-faced liar and led to his impeachment when it was discovered Bill Clinton told her to lie under oath about their affair? Monica Lewinsky: Monica Lewinsky Reveals Bill Clinton Pressured Her to Lie Under Oath About Their Affair

The Human Trafficking Suspect Chuck Schumer calls for CIA to stage ‘intervention’ with Trump
During a Wednesday morning tweet session, the president disparaged the intelligence community and specifically took issue with its assessments on Iran and North Korea.

It’s not a big deal.
Sometimes the CIC disagrees with the intelligence community.
What's a really big deal is that Chucky Schumer is a despicable demagogue who wants open borders so that the Dirty Democrats can displace Anglo Voters.
ICE needs to "stage an intervention" on Chucky.
F Chuck.

View attachment 244015
dumbing it down for the right wing can be a real challenge.
You said: "dumbing it down for the right wing can be a real challenge."​

Is that why Christine Blasey Ford went on the record for the DNC to destroy a Trump candidate for The Supreme Court Justice job that was open? You know, trying to claim that a 15-year-old Brett Kavanaugh tried to rape her, except all the people she named who were at this alleged gathering claimed they did not recollect the people were there who she claimed were there, not one of 5 people? In the meantime, her academy-award performance didn't fool body language experts, produced zero evidence, and irritated Senators and Representatives on both side of the aisle when they realized she was scamming the nation.

Far-left Christine Blasey Ford accused Judge Kavanaugh of of sexually abusing her some 36 years ago. However, her story is quickly being debunked. Here is a complete list of her misrepresentations to date.

It’s important to understand that the accusations from Ford are more than 36 years old. Senator Lindsey Graham was on Hannity and he noted –

It’s a 36-year-old allegation, its a serious allegation and everyone needs to be heard but also people need to defend themselves. I’m going to look at what she said about Brett Kavanaugh in high school and compare that to everything else I know about Brett Kavanaugh, including his denial and I will make the decision. Here’s what I want your audience to know: If Ms. Ford really did not want to come forward, never intended to come forward, never planned to come forward, why did she pay for a polygraph in August and why did she hire a lawyer in August if she never intended to do what she is doing? And who paid for it?”

Graham: "This case could not before a criminal court because it’s too old. No lawyer would bring it as a civil suit because it’s too hard to prove. The question for the Senate is, is there really enough evidence here given the nature of the allegation, how old it is and the uncertain nature of it?"

In addition to the points above from Senator Graham, we also know that the FBI will not investigate Ford’s accusations. Even Senator Feinstein who unveiled the charges, admitted on Tuesday that she “can’t say that everything is truthful” about the sexual assault allegations against Kavanaugh brought forth by far-left activist Christine Ford. Christine Blasey Ford’s Complete List Of Lies And Misrepresentations Related To Judge Kavanaugh - Tea Party News

Edit: add corroborating You tube:

Huh? She couldn't say that everything was truthful? After all those atta-girl encouragements shown on video of Sens. Feinstein and Schumer, not to mention Speaker Nancy Pelosi's limelight atta-girl me-too? lolol!!!

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The Human Trafficking Suspect Chuck Schumer calls for CIA to stage ‘intervention’ with Trump
During a Wednesday morning tweet session, the president disparaged the intelligence community and specifically took issue with its assessments on Iran and North Korea.

It’s not a big deal.
Sometimes the CIC disagrees with the intelligence community.
What's a really big deal is that Chucky Schumer is a despicable demagogue who wants open borders so that the Dirty Democrats can displace Anglo Voters.
ICE needs to "stage an intervention" on Chucky.
F Chuck.

View attachment 244015
dumbing it down for the right wing can be a real challenge.
Well, shades of Bill Clinton. I'm gonna faint.
Clinton was on the left and running massive federal budget surpluses; even "illegal immigration" was not a problem, then.


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