Schumer sez "Give us Georgia and we will CHANGE AMERICA!"


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Devil's going down to Georgia looking for our souls to steal. GOP better bring the big guns because the Dems sure will.

Democrats will walk right off a cliff for their masters. They are programmed robots.
The Devil's going down to Georgia looking for our souls to steal. GOP better bring the big guns because the Dems sure will.

Democrats will walk right off a cliff for their masters. They are programmed robots.

They are a suicide cult . . . the modern democrats.
They are a suicide cult . . . the modern democrats
I've been watching American politics for decades and I have NEVER seen a crew like these Democrats. Did they forget they are Americans?

They sold America out long ago, along with their own humanity, in exchange for power over life and death in so many forms, ranging from Roe v. Wade to The Pill, and from enslaving inner city minorities in lives of barbaric crime, to opening narcotic highways right into the heart of our nation. Democrat politicians haven't been Pro-America in decades.
Democrat politicians haven't been Pro-America in decades
Agreed but they have gone completely Taliban these last few years.

How can I best sum it up? Right. Donald Trump is like sunrise to the democrats at large who are not unlike vampires. Now, why is that the case? Likely because the prime crop of the democrats' cultural war was everyone thinking they could then do whatever sadistic shit they chose. Donnie T came in and pulled a Gary Cooper High Noon on them and boy did it piss them off . . .
The Devil's going down to Georgia looking for our souls to steal. GOP better bring the big guns because the Dems sure will.

The Dem's "Big Gun" is AOC. She says she will "save" GA for Democrats, so that they don't have to "negotiate"!

That's a winning message!
AOC just bonds with those Southerners!
Well if the Dems do win the Senate it will be lefty heaven. They won't hold it long. The mid terms will take care of them but they can do some heavy damage in two years.
Well if the Dems do win the Senate it will be lefty heaven. They won't hold it long. The mid terms will take care of them but they can do some heavy damage in two years.
Manchin already said that if he's the 50th vote that he's thumbs down on the Leftwing craziness. No killing of filibuster, no destroying the Supreme Court, No adding fake states in order to destroy the Senate.

In fact, given W. Virginia being the most Republican state in the Union, and Manchin's difficult re-election last time, I'm sure that Alpha Predator, Cocaine Mitch, is wining and dining him on a regular basis with plum committee assignments.

Let's not panic. Dems have a trait of fumbling the ball in the red zone.

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