Schumer to vote for war again


Schumer to Oppose Iran Nuclear Accord in Setback for Obama

Senator Chuck Schumer, an influential New York Democrat, said he will oppose the Iran nuclear agreement, a setback for President Barack Obama’s effort to ensure the deal survives a review by U.S. lawmakers.

Declaring his break with the president after weeks of silence, Schumer said he favored preserving U.S. sanctions on Iran and resuming negotiations to obtain a tougher accord that guarantees the Islamic Republic won’t obtain a nuclear weapon.

“I will vote to disapprove the agreement, not because I believe war is a viable or desirable option, nor to challenge the path of diplomacy,” Schumer said in a statement Thursday night. “Iran will not change, and under this agreement it will be able to achieve its dual goals of eliminating sanctions while ultimately retaining its nuclear and non-nuclear power.

Schumer to Oppose Iran Nuclear Accord in Setback for Obama - Bloomberg Politics

Schumer to Oppose Iran Nuclear Accord in Setback for Obama

Senator Chuck Schumer, an influential New York Democrat, said he will oppose the Iran nuclear agreement, a setback for President Barack Obama’s effort to ensure the deal survives a review by U.S. lawmakers.

Declaring his break with the president after weeks of silence, Schumer said he favored preserving U.S. sanctions on Iran and resuming negotiations to obtain a tougher accord that guarantees the Islamic Republic won’t obtain a nuclear weapon.

“I will vote to disapprove the agreement, not because I believe war is a viable or desirable option, nor to challenge the path of diplomacy,” Schumer said in a statement Thursday night. “Iran will not change, and under this agreement it will be able to achieve its dual goals of eliminating sanctions while ultimately retaining its nuclear and non-nuclear power.

Schumer to Oppose Iran Nuclear Accord in Setback for Obama - Bloomberg Politics
I just read that myself. Seems Obama has a problem. Here's a confirming source.
Iran Deal Chuck Schumer GOP debate criticize it - POLITICO

Schumer to Oppose Iran Nuclear Accord in Setback for Obama

Senator Chuck Schumer, an influential New York Democrat, said he will oppose the Iran nuclear agreement, a setback for President Barack Obama’s effort to ensure the deal survives a review by U.S. lawmakers.

Declaring his break with the president after weeks of silence, Schumer said he favored preserving U.S. sanctions on Iran and resuming negotiations to obtain a tougher accord that guarantees the Islamic Republic won’t obtain a nuclear weapon.

“I will vote to disapprove the agreement, not because I believe war is a viable or desirable option, nor to challenge the path of diplomacy,” Schumer said in a statement Thursday night. “Iran will not change, and under this agreement it will be able to achieve its dual goals of eliminating sanctions while ultimately retaining its nuclear and non-nuclear power.

Schumer to Oppose Iran Nuclear Accord in Setback for Obama - Bloomberg Politics
I just read that myself. Seems Obama has a problem. Here's a confirming source.
Iran Deal Chuck Schumer GOP debate criticize it - POLITICO

Moveon the Jew haters...
Schumer’s opposition drew immediate criticism from liberals. pledged that its 8 million members would withhold contributions from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and any Democratic candidate “who succeeds in undermining the president’s diplomacy with Iran.”

“Our country doesn’t need another Joe Lieberman in the Senate, and it certainly doesn’t need him as Democratic leader,” Political Action executive director Ilya Sheyman said. “The vast majority of Democratic voters — the people who elected President Obama in part because of our shared belief that war must always be a last resort — will not stand for it

Read more: Iran Deal Chuck Schumer GOP debate criticize it - POLITICO

Schumer to Oppose Iran Nuclear Accord in Setback for Obama

Senator Chuck Schumer, an influential New York Democrat, said he will oppose the Iran nuclear agreement, a setback for President Barack Obama’s effort to ensure the deal survives a review by U.S. lawmakers.

Declaring his break with the president after weeks of silence, Schumer said he favored preserving U.S. sanctions on Iran and resuming negotiations to obtain a tougher accord that guarantees the Islamic Republic won’t obtain a nuclear weapon.

“I will vote to disapprove the agreement, not because I believe war is a viable or desirable option, nor to challenge the path of diplomacy,” Schumer said in a statement Thursday night. “Iran will not change, and under this agreement it will be able to achieve its dual goals of eliminating sanctions while ultimately retaining its nuclear and non-nuclear power.

Schumer to Oppose Iran Nuclear Accord in Setback for Obama - Bloomberg Politics
I just read that myself. Seems Obama has a problem. Here's a confirming source.
Iran Deal Chuck Schumer GOP debate criticize it - POLITICO

Moveon the Jew haters...
Schumer’s opposition drew immediate criticism from liberals. pledged that its 8 million members would withhold contributions from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and any Democratic candidate “who succeeds in undermining the president’s diplomacy with Iran.”

“Our country doesn’t need another Joe Lieberman in the Senate, and it certainly doesn’t need him as Democratic leader,” Political Action executive director Ilya Sheyman said. “The vast majority of Democratic voters — the people who elected President Obama in part because of our shared belief that war must always be a last resort — will not stand for it

Read more: Iran Deal Chuck Schumer GOP debate criticize it - POLITICO
Short term problem for Obama. Bigger problem for Hillary.
She is counting on New York.

Schumer to Oppose Iran Nuclear Accord in Setback for Obama

Senator Chuck Schumer, an influential New York Democrat, said he will oppose the Iran nuclear agreement, a setback for President Barack Obama’s effort to ensure the deal survives a review by U.S. lawmakers.

Declaring his break with the president after weeks of silence, Schumer said he favored preserving U.S. sanctions on Iran and resuming negotiations to obtain a tougher accord that guarantees the Islamic Republic won’t obtain a nuclear weapon.

“I will vote to disapprove the agreement, not because I believe war is a viable or desirable option, nor to challenge the path of diplomacy,” Schumer said in a statement Thursday night. “Iran will not change, and under this agreement it will be able to achieve its dual goals of eliminating sanctions while ultimately retaining its nuclear and non-nuclear power.

Schumer to Oppose Iran Nuclear Accord in Setback for Obama - Bloomberg Politics
I just read that myself. Seems Obama has a problem. Here's a confirming source.
Iran Deal Chuck Schumer GOP debate criticize it - POLITICO

Moveon the Jew haters...
Schumer’s opposition drew immediate criticism from liberals. pledged that its 8 million members would withhold contributions from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and any Democratic candidate “who succeeds in undermining the president’s diplomacy with Iran.”

“Our country doesn’t need another Joe Lieberman in the Senate, and it certainly doesn’t need him as Democratic leader,” Political Action executive director Ilya Sheyman said. “The vast majority of Democratic voters — the people who elected President Obama in part because of our shared belief that war must always be a last resort — will not stand for it

Read more: Iran Deal Chuck Schumer GOP debate criticize it - POLITICO
Short term problem for Obama. Bigger problem for Hillary.
She is counting on New York.

Hillary will win New York, no doubt about that
Since our Country's founding, we have been tasked with the beacon of these notions of "freedom" and "democracy".

If you don't want a sniff of this shit, then fuck off.

Schumer to Oppose Iran Nuclear Accord in Setback for Obama

Senator Chuck Schumer, an influential New York Democrat, said he will oppose the Iran nuclear agreement, a setback for President Barack Obama’s effort to ensure the deal survives a review by U.S. lawmakers.

Declaring his break with the president after weeks of silence, Schumer said he favored preserving U.S. sanctions on Iran and resuming negotiations to obtain a tougher accord that guarantees the Islamic Republic won’t obtain a nuclear weapon.

“I will vote to disapprove the agreement, not because I believe war is a viable or desirable option, nor to challenge the path of diplomacy,” Schumer said in a statement Thursday night. “Iran will not change, and under this agreement it will be able to achieve its dual goals of eliminating sanctions while ultimately retaining its nuclear and non-nuclear power.

Schumer to Oppose Iran Nuclear Accord in Setback for Obama - Bloomberg Politics
I just read that myself. Seems Obama has a problem. Here's a confirming source.
Iran Deal Chuck Schumer GOP debate criticize it - POLITICO

Moveon the Jew haters...
Schumer’s opposition drew immediate criticism from liberals. pledged that its 8 million members would withhold contributions from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and any Democratic candidate “who succeeds in undermining the president’s diplomacy with Iran.”

“Our country doesn’t need another Joe Lieberman in the Senate, and it certainly doesn’t need him as Democratic leader,” Political Action executive director Ilya Sheyman said. “The vast majority of Democratic voters — the people who elected President Obama in part because of our shared belief that war must always be a last resort — will not stand for it

Read more: Iran Deal Chuck Schumer GOP debate criticize it - POLITICO
Short term problem for Obama. Bigger problem for Hillary.
She is counting on New York.

Hillary will win New York, no doubt about that
Then she HAS to come out AGAINST the Iran deal. You know the one she CLAIMED to have started.
He drilled Wendy Sherman, (a Jewish lady) on Wed about it, and she knows a lot about it , being right there at the deal all along. This is also saying that France, Russia, China, Uk, Germany and the IAEA are stupid as well for negotiating with Iran, of which they are not. They have had sanctions and laid on heavy when Obama took office, and also the US did a couple cyber attacks and that didn't work. Iran is not a state sponsor of terrorism, and the Gop are stupid. They talked about the war on women and then brought up Iran, when SA is a worst than Iran. Most of them probably do not know the difference between Shia and Sunni. I am usually for Reps but since Bush that was it. That war in Iraq was a mistake from the beginning.

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