Schwarzenegger wants to run for president in 2016

Why he need to change the Constitution? Obama has already proved you don't need to be a Citizen to be president.

The Govenator Arnold Schwarzenegger wants congress to change the rule of being born in the U.S. to be eligible to become president. How appropriate, for the son of a Nazi to become the GOP candidate. I bet Rush Limpballs and Donald Trump are contributing big bucks to make it happen. I'm sure the "moderate" republicans would rather have Arnie than Cruz be the nominee. But what are the odds that the cons would get that through congress? ZIPPO!

Former Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger Wants To Run For President In 2016 -

Maybe he can help manage the border cities/states that will need to be set up for immigration reform. he pushed plans to build prisons in Mexico.

Why not set up city-states and have a designated legal place for immigrants to have dual or temp residency
while they register and complete a process for earning amnesty (if they have past violations) and/or citizenship?

Earned Amnesty

If Mexico has an est. 12 million nationals living undocumented in the US, that's roughly the population of 3 cities the size of Houston.
So why not designate sister cities for CA, TX, NM and AZ (and FL) to declare legal residency for Cuban, Mexican and other nationals?
If Mexico has nationals living on US soil, why not set up the equivalent amount of land on the Mexican side for these nationals?
Once you set up prisons, schools or military bases there, the residents/workers can apply for work/school visas to travel elsewhere,
but at least they would have a home base to be registered legally. Then hold them accountable for credits owed, similar to work-study, for any past violations that require restitution.
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The Govenator Arnold Schwarzenegger wants congress to change the rule of being born in the U.S. to be eligible to become president. How appropriate, for the son of a Nazi to become the GOP candidate. I bet Rush Limpballs and Donald Trump are contributing big bucks to make it happen. I'm sure the "moderate" republicans would rather have Arnie than Cruz be the nominee. But what are the odds that the cons would get that through congress? ZIPPO!

Former Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger Wants To Run For President In 2016 -

The son of a Nazi? Republicans are Nazis? Are you a dick in real life, or do you just play one on message boards?

Of course being a son of a Marxist is perfectly fine. Being a Marxist is perfectly fine...
An amendment to the constitution takes an act of congress. Can't be done any other way.

Try reading the Constitution. You'll find that you are wrong.

There are essentially two ways spelled out in the Constitution for how to propose an amendment. One has never been used.

The first method is for a bill to pass both houses of the legislature, by a two-thirds majority in each. Once the bill has passed both houses, it goes on to the states. This is the route taken by all current amendments. Because of some long outstanding amendments, such as the 27th, Congress will normally put a time limit (typically seven years) for the bill to be approved as an amendment (for example, see the 21st and 22nd).

The second method prescribed is for a Constitutional Convention to be called by two-thirds of the legislatures of the States, and for that Convention to propose one or more amendments. These amendments are then sent to the states to be approved by three-fourths of the legislatures or conventions. This route has never been taken, and there is discussion in political science circles about just how such a convention would be convened, and what kind of changes it would bring about.

Regardless of which of the two proposal routes is taken, the amendment must be ratified, or approved, by three-fourths of states. There are two ways to do this, too. The text of the amendment may specify whether the bill must be passed by the state legislatures or by a state convention. See the Ratification Convention Page for a discussion of the make up of a convention. Amendments are sent to the legislatures of the states by default. Only one amendment, the 21st, specified a convention. In any case, passage by the legislature or convention is by simple majority.

The Constitution, then, spells out four paths for an amendment:

•Proposal by convention of states, ratification by state conventions (never used)
•Proposal by convention of states, ratification by state legislatures (never used)
•Proposal by Congress, ratification by state conventions (used once)
•Proposal by Congress, ratification by state legislatures (used all other times)

The Govenator Arnold Schwarzenegger wants congress to change the rule of being born in the U.S. to be eligible to become president. How appropriate, for the son of a Nazi to become the GOP candidate. I bet Rush Limpballs and Donald Trump are contributing big bucks to make it happen. I'm sure the "moderate" republicans would rather have Arnie than Cruz be the nominee. But what are the odds that the cons would get that through congress? ZIPPO!

I don't think you are reading Rush correctly if you think he supports a Schwarzenegger presidency.
The Govenator Arnold Schwarzenegger wants congress to change the rule of being born in the U.S. to be eligible to become president. How appropriate, for the son of a Nazi to become the GOP candidate. I bet Rush Limpballs and Donald Trump are contributing big bucks to make it happen. I'm sure the "moderate" republicans would rather have Arnie than Cruz be the nominee. But what are the odds that the cons would get that through congress? ZIPPO!

Former Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger Wants To Run For President In 2016 -

Sorry, but your insinuation that Arnold is some type of Nazi is going to work. Arnold is a good man and I can understand his interest in wanting to run. That being said, he is not a natural born US citizen. This fact is not in question at all, and no, I do not believe we should change the Constitution on this matter.

Well he did praise Hitler..and lied about it.

Schwarzenegger admits to admiring Hitler?s speaking skills in new memoir
Sorry, but your insinuation that Arnold is some type of Nazi is going to work.
You really think it will work? Hmm, and I didn't even insinuate it.

Arnold is a good man
That's what all sluts he sleeps with say. Muscle head.

His grandmother under oath said he was born in Kenya.
Being allergic to the truth is what destroys republicans credibility, that's why Shrub Jr. is just a joke to the whole world.
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Obama was born a citizen of the US. Further he was born in Hawaii.

No he wasn't. His grandmother under oath said he was born in Kenya. I believe his family members more than I would EVER believe him.


She said it on a radio interview. Are telephone callers sworn before they go on-air?

Oh my! I messed up 1 part of the whole story...lets just trash it all and just say he was born in Hawaii ya know that BC that my first grader could have designed better proves me wrong! Who am I to believe? The liar in chief or his brother,sister and grandmother!? Hmmmm
My point is that if he is so popular that 38 States voted in less then 2 years to amend the Constitution he would have no problem winning.

It would be interesting to see what kind of support he received. I don't think he would win though. I actually doubt he could win the Republican nomination, because he's just not conservative enough.

He is a RHINO.

oh shit....cant have one of them....,he can actually try and get some common ground with someone from the other pasture....
That's what all sluts he sleeps with say. Muscle head.

This reminds me of a funny story.

During my furniture mover days, I did one of those dream jobs where you knock on the door and a hot chick in her underwear greets you at the door. And actually, you walk in and there are two more hot chicks in skimpy underwear still in bed. And it got better, turns out they were all strippers.

Well that's where it stopped getting better, they had no interest in grizzly looking moving men. Oh well. But they were still very friendly and chatty. Turns out that one just got back from vacation in Italy. She was going on and on about this gorgeous muscular guy she met in Rome. She was like, he's and actor and his name is Arnold. I was like, wait, Arnold Schwarzenegger? She said, "Yeah, that's him..we had the greatest weekend together! He's going to call me when he gets back into the states." I was like, "You do know he has a wife". Then she popped out of bed and stormed up to me. She said, "Wait a minute, HE'S MARRIED!!!"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
That's what all sluts he sleeps with say. Muscle head.

This reminds me of a funny story.

During my furniture mover days, I did one of those dream jobs where you knock on the door and a hot chick in her underwear greets you at the door. And actually, you walk in and there are two more hot chicks in skimpy underwear still in bed. And it got better, turns out they were all strippers.

Well that's where it stopped getting better, they had no interest in grizzly looking moving men. Oh well. But they were still very friendly and chatty. Turns out that one just got back from vacation in Italy. She was going on and on about this gorgeous muscular guy she met in Rome. She was like, he's and actor and his name is Arnold. I was like, wait, Arnold Schwarzenegger? She said, "Yeah, that's him..we had the greatest weekend together! He's going to call me when he gets back into the states." I was like, "You do know he has a wife". Then she popped out of bed and stormed up to me. She said, "Wait a minute, HE'S MARRIED!!!"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Damn him. :lol:
Let him run. Cruz too.
If Cruz (who was born in Canada) wants to run, then I'm all for modifying the constitution to allow that to happen. I like Arnold as an individual, however when looking at the big picture, I doubt he could pull it off. His views on many issues are to the left, and that will alienate many of us conservative voters. A good analogy would be John McCain. He is good guy, however like Arnold, his views on many issues just don't connect with Conservative voters.
Let him run, after all history shows that the greatest leaders always came from somewhere else:

Alexander the Great, was not Greek but Macedonian.
Napoleon was not French, but Corsican.
Stalin was not Russian, but Georgian.
Hitler was not German, but Austrian.

And for a lesser degree:

Pierre Trudeau was not Canadian but a Quebecker.
Angela Merkel is not a German but an East German.

And last but not least:

Obama is not an American, but a Hawaiian.
Let him run, after all history shows that the greatest leaders always came from somewhere else:

Alexander the Great, was not Greek but Macedonian.
Napoleon was not French, but Corsican.
Stalin was not Russian, but Georgian.
Hitler was not German, but Austrian.

And for a lesser degree:

Pierre Trudeau was not Canadian but a Quebecker.
Angela Merkel is not a German but an East German.

And last but not least:

Obama is not an American, but a Hawaiian.

East Germans aren't German?
Let him run, after all history shows that the greatest leaders always came from somewhere else:

Alexander the Great, was not Greek but Macedonian.
Napoleon was not French, but Corsican.
Stalin was not Russian, but Georgian.
Hitler was not German, but Austrian.

And for a lesser degree:

Pierre Trudeau was not Canadian but a Quebecker.
Angela Merkel is not a German but an East German.

And last but not least:

Obama is not an American, but a Hawaiian.

East Germans aren't German?

Sorry, if you missed the fact that GERMANY - prior to 1989 - was in the eyes of Americans, and really in the rest of the world, except the Soviet block - was WEST GERMANY, a different country from EAST Germany where Angela Merkel was born in 1954.

My post was an attempt (poor, perhaps) at humor.
Arnold thinks that because we already have a non native born President that the precedent has been established and he is eligible? Besides what makes actors think they qualify for the Presidency?
Arnold thinks that because we already have a non native born President that the precedent has been established and he is eligible? Besides what makes actors think they qualify for the Presidency?

What a stupid post. You and Arnold are full of shit. Completely.
Arnold thinks that because we already have a non native born President that the precedent has been established and he is eligible? Besides what makes actors think they qualify for the Presidency?

Yes, we can't take chances right now, the situation is so dire we can't trust anyone but a lawyer to do the job. You know, the people who got us into this....

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