Science confirms: Men are comfortable with female strangers touching them anywhere, even their genit


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
Something for a slow news day from another site. just wow what Science has become. :coffee:

You want a slow-news-day Friday afternoon conversation-starter? You got it.

A lot rests here on how one defines “comfortable,” no?

Oxford University scientists investigated how comfortable people are being touched. In the largest-ever study on physical contact, they asked nearly 1,500 men and women from Britain, Finland, France, Italy and Russia to color in human body outlines to show which parts they would allow someone to touch, front and back.

Not surprisingly, they found that the more you know someone, the more likely you are to be happy to be touched by him or her.

Erogenous zones, however, were out of bounds to all but partners, with one exception.

Men indicated they were comfortable with female strangers touching any part of their body, even their genitals. In fact, a woman they barely know has “touching rights” similar to a parent and more than a sibling, according to the journal Proceedings of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

Follow the link and eyeball the diagram at the top of the page to see how comfortable men and women are being touched by various relations, back and front. Yellow means “very comfortable”; as you get into darker shades of red, all the way up to jet black, the comfort level decreases. Here’s the no-go zone for women vis-a-vis female and male acquaintances and strangers, respectively:


Logical and straightforward. Hands off the sexy bits, and if you’re a male stranger, you’d better relegate yourself to the far extremities. Even then, touching a woman’s feet rates as highly uncomfortable, which also makes sense. Since some people sexualize feet, and since there aren’t many casual “hey, lemme grab that foot” moments in polite company, a woman might rightly assume that any stranger who’s eager to touch hers is and can only be a leering creep.

Now for guys. The colors look … different.

ALL of it at the site:
Science confirms: Men are comfortable with female strangers touching them anywhere, even their genitals
Being raised Jewish screwed me up I guess and despite my enlightenment I have a thing about being touched by women. :) Was never shomer negiah (men and women don't touch for religious reasons,) but knowing of it I guess it makes me feel 'off-put.' Men I'm ok with.
My Jewish grandparents tried. My mother never cared to mention touching. That's why I kinda, sorta, raped my second husband in an elevator. He never once complained about being touched by a total stranger.
Well lets face the facts here. There's no need for a study to tell us what we already know.

When you're out on a first date, always, and I do mean always, let the girl make the first move. Your job is to behave like a gentleman at all times, and just as important, show her a good time. Don't forget to smile, and be happy. That'll go a long ways towards making her feel comfortable in your presence. If you have her smiling and laughing, you're halfway home. You haven't even made a move, but in her mind, you're halfway home.

And don't forget, a gentleman always shows up on time bearing gifts, such as, one or two roses in a small vase with a small box of chocolates. You can't go wrong with gifts like that. And don't forget to get your car washed & vacuumed before picking her up.
And If in the end your date decides you're not her type, chances are good that you'll still part ways with a friendly fuck, or a blow job. And you are the perfect gentleman so you will do two things. You will not talk shit about her, and you will respect her wishes by moving on. There's plenty of fish in the sea.
The KKK started out as a social organization of the families that held the wealth of the Old South. They banded together to fight anonymously. Not black people who they never cared about, but the predations of the yankee carpetbaggers. The social organization quickly became a political force.
It's funny. My objection to KKK isn't the racism and bigotry but their utter lack of theological common-sense. They use Christianity while seemingly totally ignorant what color all those first Christians were. Fucking morons.
They're patriots................. noble American patriots.

Some individuals might be, but as a group they aren't. They're a disorganized rabble of intellectually-challenged white trash who're too stupid and ignorant to see things as they are and react only to what's right in front of them.
Yeah. Like senator Robert Byrd.
It's funny. My objection to KKK isn't the racism and bigotry but their utter lack of theological common-sense. They use Christianity while seemingly totally ignorant what color all those first Christians were. Fucking morons.
They're patriots................. noble American patriots.

Some individuals might be, but as a group they aren't. They're a disorganized rabble of intellectually-challenged white trash who're too stupid and ignorant to see things as they are and react only to what's right in front of them.
They do react to what's right in front of them. That would explain the sudden rise in membership.
The OP boys and girls. Not KKK crap.
My Jewish grandparents tried. My mother never cared to mention touching. That's why I kinda, sorta, raped my second husband in an elevator. He never once complained about being touched by a total stranger.

Where did you rape the first one?
I couldn't do it in an elevator with my man, the ride isn't long enough.
Something for a slow news day from another site. just wow what Science has become. :coffee:

You want a slow-news-day Friday afternoon conversation-starter? You got it.

A lot rests here on how one defines “comfortable,” no?

Oxford University scientists investigated how comfortable people are being touched. In the largest-ever study on physical contact, they asked nearly 1,500 men and women from Britain, Finland, France, Italy and Russia to color in human body outlines to show which parts they would allow someone to touch, front and back.

Not surprisingly, they found that the more you know someone, the more likely you are to be happy to be touched by him or her.

Erogenous zones, however, were out of bounds to all but partners, with one exception.

Men indicated they were comfortable with female strangers touching any part of their body, even their genitals. In fact, a woman they barely know has “touching rights” similar to a parent and more than a sibling, according to the journal Proceedings of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

Follow the link and eyeball the diagram at the top of the page to see how comfortable men and women are being touched by various relations, back and front. Yellow means “very comfortable”; as you get into darker shades of red, all the way up to jet black, the comfort level decreases. Here’s the no-go zone for women vis-a-vis female and male acquaintances and strangers, respectively:


Logical and straightforward. Hands off the sexy bits, and if you’re a male stranger, you’d better relegate yourself to the far extremities. Even then, touching a woman’s feet rates as highly uncomfortable, which also makes sense. Since some people sexualize feet, and since there aren’t many casual “hey, lemme grab that foot” moments in polite company, a woman might rightly assume that any stranger who’s eager to touch hers is and can only be a leering creep.

Now for guys. The colors look … different.

ALL of it at the site:
Science confirms: Men are comfortable with female strangers touching them anywhere, even their genitals

Something for a slow news day from another site. just wow what Science has become. :coffee:

You want a slow-news-day Friday afternoon conversation-starter? You got it.

A lot rests here on how one defines “comfortable,” no?

Oxford University scientists investigated how comfortable people are being touched. In the largest-ever study on physical contact, they asked nearly 1,500 men and women from Britain, Finland, France, Italy and Russia to color in human body outlines to show which parts they would allow someone to touch, front and back.

Not surprisingly, they found that the more you know someone, the more likely you are to be happy to be touched by him or her.

Erogenous zones, however, were out of bounds to all but partners, with one exception.

Men indicated they were comfortable with female strangers touching any part of their body, even their genitals. In fact, a woman they barely know has “touching rights” similar to a parent and more than a sibling, according to the journal Proceedings of the Royal Academy of Sciences.

Follow the link and eyeball the diagram at the top of the page to see how comfortable men and women are being touched by various relations, back and front. Yellow means “very comfortable”; as you get into darker shades of red, all the way up to jet black, the comfort level decreases. Here’s the no-go zone for women vis-a-vis female and male acquaintances and strangers, respectively:


Logical and straightforward. Hands off the sexy bits, and if you’re a male stranger, you’d better relegate yourself to the far extremities. Even then, touching a woman’s feet rates as highly uncomfortable, which also makes sense. Since some people sexualize feet, and since there aren’t many casual “hey, lemme grab that foot” moments in polite company, a woman might rightly assume that any stranger who’s eager to touch hers is and can only be a leering creep.

Now for guys. The colors look … different.

ALL of it at the site:
Science confirms: Men are comfortable with female strangers touching them anywhere, even their genitals

How many millions did we pay for this asinine study?

Any guy would of gave it to those crack pot scientist for free.

Put this under the category of :

No shit

You pay taxes, The climate changes, guys like being touched by women and we die.
You don't need a 'study' to know men like to be touched by women.
Actually, some men do not. I like getting pedicures, and a couple of guys have told me that they would not like a woman touching their feet.
My Jewish grandparents tried. My mother never cared to mention touching. That's why I kinda, sorta, raped my second husband in an elevator. He never once complained about being touched by a total stranger.

Where did you rape the first one?
I couldn't do it in an elevator with my man, the ride isn't long enough.
I stopped the elevator between floors.
Touching strangers uninvited is a good way to get charged with sexual battery.

Not sure that a stranger touching you has to be necessarily uninvited/

Some actually pay strangers to touch them in multpile ways, even thought the other person is a complete stranger.

I call it 'being ruled by the penile brain'.
Being raised Jewish screwed me up I guess and despite my enlightenment I have a thing about being touched by women. :) Was never shomer negiah (men and women don't touch for religious reasons,) but knowing of it I guess it makes me feel 'off-put.' Men I'm ok with.

Isnt that called 'ghey'?

/just kidding.....there's nothing wrong with that :D

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