Science "guru" Liar

But Tyson is the messenger, and it's the conservative science-deniers who are attacking him. That's the point. Tyson talks about a lot of science which contradicts the OfficialPartyLine of the right-wing-extremist cult. Therefore, TheParty has decided he must be destroyed. Truth is unacceptable, so the messenger must be silenced. Hence this thread.

Yep, out of the dozens of hours of talking Tyson did, he misremembered a couple anecdotes. And if someone were to go over ever single utterance of you or I or anyone, they'd find similar inaccuracies. It doesn't indicate dishonesty, it indicates a memory that isn't perfect. It's telling that TheParty chose this route over discussing the science.

It won't matter to the apparatchiks, of course. TheParty has given them their orders. Apparatchiks don't get the option of choosing which beliefs of TheParty they can hold. They have to loudly announce their belief of party dogma in its entirely, on penalty of being purged.
But Tyson is the messenger, and it's the conservative science-deniers who are attacking him.


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