Scientific Discovey Race: American Conservatives versus European Socialists

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
Why will any news out of Europe embarrass and humiliate America? Because American Conservative's hostility to funding science and scientific discovery has put America in the place of a second rate nation.

Science should not be ideological and political, but conservatives have found making science so in America equals higher expectations for turnout during elections. Motivate the base. What base? Ask Jesus' proselytizers and Ayn Rand's nitwit followers (Ron/Rand Paul anyone?) -- politics makes strange bedfellows.

So when you see threads and posts about the GOD Particle, remember who calls for killing science research and technology.

Posted at 02:55 PM ET, 07/03/2012
God particle discovered (also the God asterisk)
God particle discovered (also the God asterisk) - Achenblog - The Washington Post

Race for the God Particle - by the Philadelphia Church of God

Race for the God Particle
From the August/September 2007 Trumpet Print Edition »
As scientists run their biggest race, the U.S. falls hopelessly behind Europe.
By Mark Jenkins

The biggest race in science has been on for decades now, but by this time next year, the United States will no longer be a contender. The most expensive, sophisticated machine on Earth will come online in Europe in 2008: a new Large Hadron Collider (lhc) at the cern nuclear research facility on the border of Switzerland and France. Researchers will be looking for a theoretical particle called the Higgs boson, known as the “God particle” to enthusiasts because its existence would explain why particles have mass.

"As scientists run their biggest race, the U.S. falls hopelessly behind Europe.", page 1

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC (liberal science and discovery): Great primer on things here...
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Take your political BullShit back to the proper forum.. The US SuperCollider was CHAMPIONED by Ronald Reagan and shot in the Head by a Democrat HOUSE in 1993...

You'll hear nothing in the science section except the crickets chirping..
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Republicans against science: GOP The Anti-Science Party

Take your political BullShit back to the proper forum.. The US SuperCollider was CHAMPIONED by Ronald Reagan and shot in the Head by a Democrat HOUSE in 1993...

You'll hear nothing in the science section except the crickets chirping..

Reagan? WTF? You forgot? Budget cutting madness!

Amendment Number: S.Amdt. 983 to H.R. 2445 (Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, 1994)

Statement of Purpose: To reduce funds for General Science and Research Activities and terminate the Superconducting Super Collider program for the purposes of reducing the deficit in the Federal Budget.
U.S. Senate: Legislation & Records Home > Votes > Roll Call Vote

How close was the vote to cancel the Superconducting Super Collider?
Pretty close, at least in 1993 when they killed it. The Senate and House disagreed pretty starkly, and the decision to kill it that year wasn't determined until after a second conference committee.

The House of Representatives voted three times in 1992 and 1993 to kill the SSC; the final pivotal vote was 159-264 (139 Cong. Rec. H8124 (daily ed. Oct. 19, 1993)). The Senate voted to rescue it each time; their last vote in favor was 57-42 (139 Cong. Rec. S12,760 (daily ed. Sept. 30, 1993)).

How close was the vote to cancel the Superconducting Super Collider? - Quora

Year: 2011
Republican-led House plans to cancel the James Webb Telescope


Republicans Against Science
Published: August 28, 2011

Jon Huntsman Jr., a former Utah governor and ambassador to China, isn’t a serious contender for the Republican presidential nomination. And that’s too bad, because Mr. Hunstman has been willing to say the unsayable about the G.O.P. — namely, that it is becoming the “anti-science party.” This is an enormously important development. And it should terrify us.
Take your political BullShit back to the proper forum.. The US SuperCollider was CHAMPIONED by Ronald Reagan and shot in the Head by a Democrat HOUSE in 1993...

You'll hear nothing in the science section except the crickets chirping..

Budget deficits of Reagan years dictated the death of USA reputation in science.

After 12 years of Reaganomics:

The Superconducting Super Collider (SSC) (also nicknamed the Desertron[1]) was a particle accelerator complex under construction in the vicinity of Waxahachie, Texas that was set to be world's largest and most energetic, surpassing the current record held by the Large Hadron Collider. Its planned ring circumference was 87.1 kilometres (54.1 mi) with an energy of 20 TeV per proton. The project's director was Roy Schwitters, a physicist at the University of Texas at Austin and Harvard University. Dr. Louis Ianniello served as Associate Director.[2] The project was cancelled in 1993 due to budget problems.[3]

Superconducting Super Collider - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Fertility treatments could be a factor that will result in declining fecundity (potential for fertility, such as regular menstrual cycles) across the generations, some researchers say. Others point to the depression that can come with infertility as a reason to offer medicalized pregnanies. Image
CREDIT: Dreamstime

Last week President Obama lifted restrictions on federal funding for embryonic stem cell research and asked the National Institutes of Health to come up with a funding game plan within 120 days. Yet while the field of stem cell research holds great promise, hype and misconceptions cloud the picture. Here are a five such misconceptions.

1. George W. Bush killed research on embryonic stem cells.

Wrong. Bush actually was the first president to allow federal funding. Bill Clinton had chickened out. A very brief history follows.

In 1974, Congress banned federal funding on fetal tissue research and established the Ethics Advisory Board to study the nascent field of in vitro fertilization. In 1980 Ronald Reagan killed the Board, which was friendly to embryonic research, resulting in a de facto moratorium on funding. Congress tried to override the moratorium in 1992, but George H.W. Bush vetoed it. Bill Clinton lifted the moratorium in 1993 but reversed his decision in 1994 after public outcry. In 1995, Congress passed the Dickey-Wicker Amendment, banning federal funding on any research that destroys human embryos.

In 2001 Bush enabled limited funding on embryonic stem cell lines already derived from discarded embryos; the life or death decision already had been made, he said. He thought more than 60 lines existed, but within months scientists realized that only about 20 were viable, not enough to do substantial research.

Embryonic Stem Cells: 5 Misconceptions | LiveScience
Democrats killed the SSC and NASA

Reaganomics and it's deficits killed things.

With domestic programs, Reaganomics strategy was to balloon the budget deficits in order to force an across the board cut in ALL programs. It's why Reagan ballooned the military budget, so when the cuts came, the military would be protected by ALL other programs would be cut. It's how people who insist spending is the problem, think.

facts: Paradox of Reagan Budgets: Austere Talk vs. Record Debt - New York Times
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