Scientific evidence for a creator.

There is no scientific evidence for evolution. None. It is a philosophy. It doesn't even qually as a scientific theory. That's a fact. If you disagree, then show me the evidence.
AND: say it's more believable that a fully formed, complex human [ much MORE complex than a cell ] appeared from NOTHING than a complex cell from evolution--do you realize how idiotic that is??
So you can't provide evidence for evolution. Thanks for playing. Who's our next contestant, Johnny?
very mature hahahhahaha
YOU are the one claiming a creator ---YOU never proved it -- YOU fail
and what is the creationists' theory in detail-----PLEASE!!!
I always thought it was in Genesis. Is there more?
I get so tired of people asking for proof of a Creator, while they deflect and insult me when I ask for evidence for evolution. I've asked many people, and none of them have offered any scientifically valid evidence.
Irrelevant. The premise of this thread is that YOU were to demonstrate proof of a “creator”. Whether others can prove “evolution”, or not; is irrelevant. Put up, or shut up. Show us this proof.
Except he is correct and you are 100% wrong. This is a distinction that might matter to someone whose mind is not addled by faith in iron aged myths.
There is no scientific evidence for evolution. None. It is a philosophy. It doesn't even qually as a scientific theory. That's a fact. If you disagree, then show me the evidence.
AND: say it's more believable that a fully formed, complex human [ much MORE complex than a cell ] appeared from NOTHING than a complex cell from evolution--do you realize how idiotic that is??
So you can't provide evidence for evolution. Thanks for playing. Who's our next contestant, Johnny?
very mature hahahhahaha
YOU are the one claiming a creator ---YOU never proved it -- YOU fail
and what is the creationists' theory in detail-----PLEASE!!!
I believe in a Creator through faith and the evidence of creation. It is not a scientific theory. Neither is evolution. Which is why you can't produce the evidence I requested. You lose.

Had out friend Magnificat been born and raised in the Islamic Middle East, what’s the over/under she would have become the hair-on-fire jihadi as opposed to the hair-on-fire Henry Morris groupie?
There is no scientific evidence for evolution. None. It is a philosophy. It doesn't even qually as a scientific theory. That's a fact. If you disagree, then show me the evidence.
AND: say it's more believable that a fully formed, complex human [ much MORE complex than a cell ] appeared from NOTHING than a complex cell from evolution--do you realize how idiotic that is??
So you can't provide evidence for evolution. Thanks for playing. Who's our next contestant, Johnny?
very mature hahahhahaha
YOU are the one claiming a creator ---YOU never proved it -- YOU fail
and what is the creationists' theory in detail-----PLEASE!!!
I believe in a Creator through faith and the evidence of creation. It is not a scientific theory. Neither is evolution. Which is why you can't produce the evidence I requested. You lose.

Had out friend Magnificat been born and raised in the Islamic Middle East, what’s the over/under she would have become the hair-on-fire jihadi as opposed to the hair-on-fire Henry Morris groupie?
exactly --they are taught/brainwashed/etc the religion/etc
if he was born in Indonesia, chances are he would believe in allah, not jesus
this is more evidence they are all wrong
There is no scientific evidence for evolution. None. It is a philosophy. It doesn't even qually as a scientific theory. That's a fact. If you disagree, then show me the evidence.
AND: say it's more believable that a fully formed, complex human [ much MORE complex than a cell ] appeared from NOTHING than a complex cell from evolution--do you realize how idiotic that is??
So you can't provide evidence for evolution. Thanks for playing. Who's our next contestant, Johnny?
very mature hahahhahaha
YOU are the one claiming a creator ---YOU never proved it -- YOU fail
and what is the creationists' theory in detail-----PLEASE!!!
I always thought it was in Genesis. Is there more?
I get so tired of people asking for proof of a Creator, while they deflect and insult me when I ask for evidence for evolution. I've asked many people, and none of them have offered any scientifically valid evidence.

Maybe your madrassah is the wrong place to ask questions about science topics
Except he is correct and you are 100% wrong. This is a distinction that might matter to someone whose mind is not addled by faith in iron aged myths.
There is no scientific evidence for evolution. None. It is a philosophy. It doesn't even qually as a scientific theory. That's a fact. If you disagree, then show me the evidence.
AND: say it's more believable that a fully formed, complex human [ much MORE complex than a cell ] appeared from NOTHING than a complex cell from evolution--do you realize how idiotic that is??
So you can't provide evidence for evolution. Thanks for playing. Who's our next contestant, Johnny?
very mature hahahhahaha
YOU are the one claiming a creator ---YOU never proved it -- YOU fail
and what is the creationists' theory in detail-----PLEASE!!!
I always thought it was in Genesis. Is there more?
Except he is correct and you are 100% wrong. This is a distinction that might matter to someone whose mind is not addled by faith in iron aged myths.
There is no scientific evidence for evolution. None. It is a philosophy. It doesn't even qually as a scientific theory. That's a fact. If you disagree, then show me the evidence.
AND: say it's more believable that a fully formed, complex human [ much MORE complex than a cell ] appeared from NOTHING than a complex cell from evolution--do you realize how idiotic that is??
So you can't provide evidence for evolution. Thanks for playing. Who's our next contestant, Johnny?
very mature hahahhahaha
YOU are the one claiming a creator ---YOU never proved it -- YOU fail
and what is the creationists' theory in detail-----PLEASE!!!
I always thought it was in Genesis. Is there more?
There is. That's why I started this thread. I wish I could make some kind of visual representation of just how complex a gene regulatory network is. Here is a tiny part of it.
There are thousands just like it, and they all communicate with each other as part of a meta network. I just cannot accept the idea that it all happened for no other reason than chance and neccesity, like evolutionists claim.
I misspoke. I meant to say useable energy.
Also a made up, nonsensical term.
Damn! I never realized someone could be so ignorant. Allow me to educate you.
"Entropy" is defined as a measure of unusable energy within a closed or isolated system (the universe for example). As usable energy decreases and unusable energy increases, "entropy" increases. Entropy is also a gauge of randomness or chaos within a closed system. As usable energy is irretrievably lost, disorganization, randomness and chaos increase.

Don't thank me. It's the least I could do.
Yes, you copy pasted a definition you googled,but still dont understand. But "usable" and "unusable" are misnomers. For one, any of that energy may be "used" again, should the system collapse and end its timeline. This is the mathematical solution to your creationist canard proposed by Hawking. Second, we cannot be truly sure that our universe is a closed system.

Third, the "beginning" only refers to our real timeline, or that which we could ever observe.
answer one question, genius. Where did all the energy come from in the first place? If it wasn't created, then it is self existent. Do you have any idea how ridiculous that notion is?
Do you have any idea how ridiculous this post is?

This fails as yet another appeal to ignorance fallacy.

That the origins of energy might be currently unknown doesn’t mean a ‘creator’ is the ‘answer.’

Like most theists you’re trapped in the hole that is this inane sophistry, failing time and again with the same fallacy: that a ‘god’ or ‘creator’ must ‘exist’ because science has yet to determine an answer to a given question.

You need to quit while you’re behind.
Just like the faith of evolution. There is no logic or evidence that supports such a belief. Right back at ya, chief. Lol
Except he is correct and you are 100% wrong. This is a distinction that might matter to someone whose mind is not addled by faith in iron aged myths.
There is no scientific evidence for evolution. None. It is a philosophy. It doesn't even qually as a scientific theory. That's a fact. If you disagree, then show me the evidence.
AND: say it's more believable that a fully formed, complex human [ much MORE complex than a cell ] appeared from NOTHING than a complex cell from evolution--do you realize how idiotic that is??
So you can't provide evidence for evolution. Thanks for playing. Who's our next contestant, Johnny?
The onus is on you sparky. You claimed evidence of a creator. Time to put up, or shut up. Let’s see it.
The evidence is all around you. Too bad you are too wilfully blind to see it. And I have already given my evidence. No one has refuted it. They could not give a reasonable explanation of how something so unimaginably complex can be the result of natural processes. Which is what I asked for in the OP. Would you care to give it a try?
Except he is correct and you are 100% wrong. This is a distinction that might matter to someone whose mind is not addled by faith in iron aged myths.
There is no scientific evidence for evolution. None. It is a philosophy. It doesn't even qually as a scientific theory. That's a fact. If you disagree, then show me the evidence.
AND: say it's more believable that a fully formed, complex human [ much MORE complex than a cell ] appeared from NOTHING than a complex cell from evolution--do you realize how idiotic that is??
So you can't provide evidence for evolution. Thanks for playing. Who's our next contestant, Johnny?
The onus is on you sparky. You claimed evidence of a creator. Time to put up, or shut up. Let’s see it.
The evidence is all around you. Too bad you are too wilfully blind to see it. And I have already given my evidence. No one has refuted it. They could not give a reasonable explanation of how something so unimaginably complex can be the result of natural processes. Which is what I asked for in the OP. Would you care to give it a try?
please specify this evidence
Except he is correct and you are 100% wrong. This is a distinction that might matter to someone whose mind is not addled by faith in iron aged myths.
There is no scientific evidence for evolution. None. It is a philosophy. It doesn't even qually as a scientific theory. That's a fact. If you disagree, then show me the evidence.
AND: say it's more believable that a fully formed, complex human [ much MORE complex than a cell ] appeared from NOTHING than a complex cell from evolution--do you realize how idiotic that is??
So you can't provide evidence for evolution. Thanks for playing. Who's our next contestant, Johnny?
The onus is on you sparky. You claimed evidence of a creator. Time to put up, or shut up. Let’s see it.
The evidence is all around you. Too bad you are too wilfully blind to see it. And I have already given my evidence. No one has refuted it. They could not give a reasonable explanation of how something so unimaginably complex can be the result of natural processes. Which is what I asked for in the OP. Would you care to give it a try?
Again... you’re shifting the onus to others to prove something. That dog don’t hunt. You made the claim. YOU prove said claim. Don’t worry... We’ll wait...
I misspoke. I meant to say useable energy.
Also a made up, nonsensical term.
Damn! I never realized someone could be so ignorant. Allow me to educate you.
"Entropy" is defined as a measure of unusable energy within a closed or isolated system (the universe for example). As usable energy decreases and unusable energy increases, "entropy" increases. Entropy is also a gauge of randomness or chaos within a closed system. As usable energy is irretrievably lost, disorganization, randomness and chaos increase.

Don't thank me. It's the least I could do.
Yes, you copy pasted a definition you googled,but still dont understand. But "usable" and "unusable" are misnomers. For one, any of that energy may be "used" again, should the system collapse and end its timeline. This is the mathematical solution to your creationist canard proposed by Hawking. Second, we cannot be truly sure that our universe is a closed system.

Third, the "beginning" only refers to our real timeline, or that which we could ever observe.
answer one question, genius. Where did all the energy come from in the first place? If it wasn't created, then it is self existent. Do you have any idea how ridiculous that notion is?
Do you have any idea how ridiculous this post is?

This fails as yet another appeal to ignorance fallacy.

That the origins of energy might be currently unknown doesn’t mean a ‘creator’ is the ‘answer.’

Like most theists you’re trapped in the hole that is this inane sophistry, failing time and again with the same fallacy: that a ‘god’ or ‘creator’ must ‘exist’ because science has yet to determine an answer to a given question.

You need to quit while you’re behind.
And just how is that any different From scientists Categorically Denying even the possibility of a Creator? Scientists do not have the answer to why anything exists, not to mention why the universe is so ordered and obeys a set of laws. Nor will they ever find out. Enjoy your ignorance. You seem to revel in it.
There is no scientific evidence for evolution. None. It is a philosophy. It doesn't even qually as a scientific theory. That's a fact. If you disagree, then show me the evidence.
AND: say it's more believable that a fully formed, complex human [ much MORE complex than a cell ] appeared from NOTHING than a complex cell from evolution--do you realize how idiotic that is??
So you can't provide evidence for evolution. Thanks for playing. Who's our next contestant, Johnny?
The onus is on you sparky. You claimed evidence of a creator. Time to put up, or shut up. Let’s see it.
The evidence is all around you. Too bad you are too wilfully blind to see it. And I have already given my evidence. No one has refuted it. They could not give a reasonable explanation of how something so unimaginably complex can be the result of natural processes. Which is what I asked for in the OP. Would you care to give it a try?
Again... you’re shifting the onus to others to prove something. That dog don’t hunt. You made the claim. YOU prove said claim. Don’t worry... We’ll wait...
he's right--you made the claim--it's up to YOU to prove it
just like in a court of law
This fails as an appeal to faith fallacy.

Faith is nothing but belief, devoid of logic or evidence.
Just like the faith of evolution. There is no logic or evidence that supports such a belief. Right back at ya, chief. Lol
Except he is correct and you are 100% wrong. This is a distinction that might matter to someone whose mind is not addled by faith in iron aged myths.
There is no scientific evidence for evolution. None. It is a philosophy. It doesn't even qually as a scientific theory. That's a fact. If you disagree, then show me the evidence.
AND: say it's more believable that a fully formed, complex human [ much MORE complex than a cell ] appeared from NOTHING than a complex cell from evolution--do you realize how idiotic that is??
So you can't provide evidence for evolution. Thanks for playing. Who's our next contestant, Johnny?
Life on Earth is proof of evolution.

The mistake those hostile to the fact of evolution make is to incorrectly perceive the Earth as static and unchanging, and that life is static and unchanging – where nothing could be further from the truth.

During its more than 4 billion years, the surface of the Earth has undergone constant and catastrophic change, change that would have long ago destroyed life if life was unable to likewise change, adapt, and evolve.

The process of evolution, therefore, is the process of life – without evolution there would be no life.
There is no scientific evidence for evolution. None. It is a philosophy. It doesn't even qually as a scientific theory. That's a fact. If you disagree, then show me the evidence.
AND: say it's more believable that a fully formed, complex human [ much MORE complex than a cell ] appeared from NOTHING than a complex cell from evolution--do you realize how idiotic that is??
So you can't provide evidence for evolution. Thanks for playing. Who's our next contestant, Johnny?
very mature hahahhahaha
YOU are the one claiming a creator ---YOU never proved it -- YOU fail
and what is the creationists' theory in detail-----PLEASE!!!
I always thought it was in Genesis. Is there more?
There is no scientific evidence for evolution. None. It is a philosophy. It doesn't even qually as a scientific theory. That's a fact. If you disagree, then show me the evidence.
AND: say it's more believable that a fully formed, complex human [ much MORE complex than a cell ] appeared from NOTHING than a complex cell from evolution--do you realize how idiotic that is??
So you can't provide evidence for evolution. Thanks for playing. Who's our next contestant, Johnny?
very mature hahahhahaha
YOU are the one claiming a creator ---YOU never proved it -- YOU fail
and what is the creationists' theory in detail-----PLEASE!!!
I always thought it was in Genesis. Is there more?
There is. That's why I started this thread. I wish I could make some kind of visual representation of just how complex a gene regulatory network is. Here is a tiny part of it.
View attachment 263565There are thousands just like it, and they all communicate with each other as part of a meta network. I just cannot accept the idea that it all happened for no other reason than chance and neccesity, like evolutionists claim.

Nothing in that cut and paste is evidence of any “creator”.

Can you admit the thread title is a fraud?
There is no scientific evidence for evolution. None. It is a philosophy. It doesn't even qually as a scientific theory. That's a fact. If you disagree, then show me the evidence.
AND: say it's more believable that a fully formed, complex human [ much MORE complex than a cell ] appeared from NOTHING than a complex cell from evolution--do you realize how idiotic that is??
So you can't provide evidence for evolution. Thanks for playing. Who's our next contestant, Johnny?
The onus is on you sparky. You claimed evidence of a creator. Time to put up, or shut up. Let’s see it.
The evidence is all around you. Too bad you are too wilfully blind to see it. And I have already given my evidence. No one has refuted it. They could not give a reasonable explanation of how something so unimaginably complex can be the result of natural processes. Which is what I asked for in the OP. Would you care to give it a try?
Again... you’re shifting the onus to others to prove something. That dog don’t hunt. You made the claim. YOU prove said claim. Don’t worry... We’ll wait...
Read the OP again. I stated that it was impossible for the gene regulatory networks, that exist in every cell of our bodies, to evolve over time. I asked anyone to prove me wrong. In order to do so, they must come up with an explanation of how it might be possible. I am the one asking for evidence. WHERE IS IT?
Except he is correct and you are 100% wrong. This is a distinction that might matter to someone whose mind is not addled by faith in iron aged myths.
There is no scientific evidence for evolution. None. It is a philosophy. It doesn't even qually as a scientific theory. That's a fact. If you disagree, then show me the evidence.
AND: say it's more believable that a fully formed, complex human [ much MORE complex than a cell ] appeared from NOTHING than a complex cell from evolution--do you realize how idiotic that is??
So you can't provide evidence for evolution. Thanks for playing. Who's our next contestant, Johnny?
very mature hahahhahaha
YOU are the one claiming a creator ---YOU never proved it -- YOU fail
and what is the creationists' theory in detail-----PLEASE!!!
I believe in a Creator through faith and the evidence of creation. It is not a scientific theory. Neither is evolution. Which is why you can't produce the evidence I requested. You lose.
There is no scientific evidence for a ‘creator,’ there is no scientific evidence for ‘creation.’

The notion of a ‘creator’ is subjective religious dogma, devoid of fact, logic, and reason.

And your thread premise has failed accordingly.
Just like the faith of evolution. There is no logic or evidence that supports such a belief. Right back at ya, chief. Lol
Except he is correct and you are 100% wrong. This is a distinction that might matter to someone whose mind is not addled by faith in iron aged myths.
There is no scientific evidence for evolution. None. It is a philosophy. It doesn't even qually as a scientific theory. That's a fact. If you disagree, then show me the evidence.
AND: say it's more believable that a fully formed, complex human [ much MORE complex than a cell ] appeared from NOTHING than a complex cell from evolution--do you realize how idiotic that is??
So you can't provide evidence for evolution. Thanks for playing. Who's our next contestant, Johnny?
Life on Earth is proof of evolution.

The mistake those hostile to the fact of evolution make is to incorrectly perceive the Earth as static and unchanging, and that life is static and unchanging – where nothing could be further from the truth.

During its more than 4 billion years, the surface of the Earth has undergone constant and catastrophic change, change that would have long ago destroyed life if life was unable to likewise change, adapt, and evolve.

The process of evolution, therefore, is the process of life – without evolution there would be no life.
Irrelevant. We are discussing gene regulatory networks. I say it's impossible for something so incredibly complex to evolve naturally. One reason is that these fully developed networks are responsible for life. Yet they would require life in order to evolve in the first place. Catch-22. Prove me wrong.
AND: say it's more believable that a fully formed, complex human [ much MORE complex than a cell ] appeared from NOTHING than a complex cell from evolution--do you realize how idiotic that is??
So you can't provide evidence for evolution. Thanks for playing. Who's our next contestant, Johnny?
The onus is on you sparky. You claimed evidence of a creator. Time to put up, or shut up. Let’s see it.
The evidence is all around you. Too bad you are too wilfully blind to see it. And I have already given my evidence. No one has refuted it. They could not give a reasonable explanation of how something so unimaginably complex can be the result of natural processes. Which is what I asked for in the OP. Would you care to give it a try?
Again... you’re shifting the onus to others to prove something. That dog don’t hunt. You made the claim. YOU prove said claim. Don’t worry... We’ll wait...
Read the OP again. I stated that it was impossible for the gene regulatory networks, that exist in every cell of our bodies, to evolve over time. I asked anyone to prove me wrong. In order to do so, they must come up with an explanation of how it might be possible. I am the one asking for evidence. WHERE IS IT?
Regardless how often the OP is read, it will always fail as an appeal to ignorance fallacy.
your evidence/OP is ''unbelievably'' foolish/laughable/etc
it's just you babbling
And you are unbelievably obnoxious and insulting. Welcome to my ignore list. No one can say you didn't earn it. You have not even attempted a rational debate. Good riddance.
Preserve the bubble! Preserve the bubble!
Are you claiming that I am wrong to expect common courtesy from others? There is no bubble, you blithering idiot. I simply refuse to allow others to throw gratuitous insults at me instead of making the effort to actually have a civil debate.
So you can't provide evidence for evolution. Thanks for playing. Who's our next contestant, Johnny?
The onus is on you sparky. You claimed evidence of a creator. Time to put up, or shut up. Let’s see it.
The evidence is all around you. Too bad you are too wilfully blind to see it. And I have already given my evidence. No one has refuted it. They could not give a reasonable explanation of how something so unimaginably complex can be the result of natural processes. Which is what I asked for in the OP. Would you care to give it a try?
Again... you’re shifting the onus to others to prove something. That dog don’t hunt. You made the claim. YOU prove said claim. Don’t worry... We’ll wait...
Read the OP again. I stated that it was impossible for the gene regulatory networks, that exist in every cell of our bodies, to evolve over time. I asked anyone to prove me wrong. In order to do so, they must come up with an explanation of how it might be possible. I am the one asking for evidence. WHERE IS IT?
Regardless how often the OP is read, it will always fail as an appeal to ignorance fallacy.
Thanks for proving that you are not interested in honest debate. Goodbye and good riddance.
Still waiting for someone to prove me wrong. Perhaps you could begin by providing one of the many gene regulatory networks we could live without. If you could do this, you might be on the right track to proving me wrong.
we don't have to prove you wrong because you haven't proven anything yet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what have you proven????!!!!!!!!!! NOTHING
Laugh it up. I'll be the one laughing, on Judgement Day, when you try telling God He doesn't exist.
This fails as an appeal to faith fallacy.

Faith is nothing but belief, devoid of logic or evidence.
Just like the faith of evolution. There is no logic or evidence that supports such a belief. Right back at ya, chief. Lol

First of all, there is far more evidence of evolution than there is of god.

Second, I did not see anyone claim proof of a creator like you did.

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