Scientific evidence for a creator.

If the universe stretches back into infinity, then all of the energy would be gone since there is not an infinite supply of energy.
What is this nonsense? Where would the energy go? What? You are introducing batshit ideas.
It's called the law of entropy, dipshitzky. If the universe had no beginning, there would be no USEABLE ENERGY left, since there cannot be an infinite amount of energy. This is basic science that you should have learned in school. You did graduate, didn't you?
Each cell in our bodies contains thousands of gene regulatory networks. These networks are responsible the regulation of gene expression, among other things, required for life to exist. They are all part of a meta network in which they pass information to where it is needed. They use logical operators, as well as databases to perform their functions. This network is so complex that scientists have barely scratched the surface in understanding them. If any part of this vast Network was missing or damaged, the cell would not operate as it should, causing disease or even death. There is no scientific explanation as to how or why this network exists. It is impossible for evolution to be the answer since every component must be in place at the same instant in order to function. You cannot have a partial network. The only way it could possibly exist is if it was created all at the same time. Prove me wrong.

Yes, there may well be a creator. I don't necessarily believe in "God", per se, but I do think there is more to our existence than this life. The theory that "God" may very be another civilization of highly advanced beings in or outside of our universe is far more logical than imaginary sky fairies who don't answer your prayers who will allegedly judge you the day you die.
This advanced civilization you mentioned. If they created our universe, then who created them?
Each cell in our bodies contains thousands of gene regulatory networks. These networks are responsible the regulation of gene expression, among other things, required for life to exist. They are all part of a meta network in which they pass information to where it is needed. They use logical operators, as well as databases to perform their functions. This network is so complex that scientists have barely scratched the surface in understanding them. If any part of this vast Network was missing or damaged, the cell would not operate as it should, causing disease or even death. There is no scientific explanation as to how or why this network exists. It is impossible for evolution to be the answer since every component must be in place at the same instant in order to function. You cannot have a partial network. The only way it could possibly exist is if it was created all at the same time. Prove me wrong.

Yes, there may well be a creator. I don't necessarily believe in "God", per se, but I do think there is more to our existence than this life. The theory that "God" may very be another civilization of highly advanced beings in or outside of our universe is far more logical than imaginary sky fairies who don't answer your prayers who will allegedly judge you the day you die.
This advanced civilization you mentioned. If they created our universe, then who created them?
The Asgard.
It's called the law of entropy, dipshitzky
No it isnt. Higher entropy doesnt result in "less energy" in the system. You just made an egregious, elementary error. You really should stop posting and go rrad up before commentimg again. Even in this dicussion full of non scientists, you are embarrassing yourself with your obvious lack of understanding of these concepts.
Still waiting for someone to prove me wrong. Perhaps you could begin by providing one of the many gene regulatory networks we could live without. If you could do this, you might be on the right track to proving me wrong.
we don't have to prove you wrong because you haven't proven anything yet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what have you proven????!!!!!!!!!! NOTHING
Laugh it up. I'll be the one laughing, on Judgement Day, when you try telling God He doesn't exist.
This fails as an appeal to faith fallacy.

Faith is nothing but belief, devoid of logic or evidence.
Just like the faith of evolution. There is no logic or evidence that supports such a belief. Right back at ya, chief. Lol
Except he is correct and you are 100% wrong. This is a distinction that might matter to someone whose mind is not addled by faith in iron aged myths.
There is no scientific evidence for evolution. None. It is a philosophy. It doesn't even qually as a scientific theory. That's a fact. If you disagree, then show me the evidence.
Yes, there may well be a creator. I don't necessarily believe in "God", per se, but I do think there is more to our existence than this life. The theory that "God" may very be another civilization of highly advanced beings in or outside of our universe is far more logical than imaginary sky fairies who don't answer your prayers who will allegedly judge you the day you die.
This advanced civilization you mentioned. If they created our universe, then who created them?

Who created your god?
It's called the law of entropy, dipshitzky
No it isnt. Higher entropy doesnt result in "less energy" in the system. You just made an egregious, elementary error. You really should stop posting and go rrad up before commentimg again. Even in this dicussion full of non scientists, you are embarrassing yourself with your obvious lack of understanding of these concepts.
I misspoke. I meant to say useable energy. Are you going to tell me this is also mistaken?
There is no scientific evidence for evolution. None.
You can squeeze your eyes tight and stomp and scream this until you pass out. Your tantrum will have no bearing whatsoever on the mountains of mutually supportive evodence for the most robust scientific theory in the history of mankind. That's kind of the point of empirical evidence. That's why we perform science instead of relying on the word of ignorant shamans like yourself.
Yes, there may well be a creator. I don't necessarily believe in "God", per se, but I do think there is more to our existence than this life. The theory that "God" may very be another civilization of highly advanced beings in or outside of our universe is far more logical than imaginary sky fairies who don't answer your prayers who will allegedly judge you the day you die.
This advanced civilization you mentioned. If they created our universe, then who created them?

Who created your god?
Lol. I knew you'd say that. So predictable. And your question has been answered countless times. Quit wasting my time, and quit embarrassing yourself.
It’s taken me awhile to train FortFun but he should at least now know that as disorder in the universe increases useable energy in the universe decreases.
Yes, there may well be a creator. I don't necessarily believe in "God", per se, but I do think there is more to our existence than this life. The theory that "God" may very be another civilization of highly advanced beings in or outside of our universe is far more logical than imaginary sky fairies who don't answer your prayers who will allegedly judge you the day you die.
This advanced civilization you mentioned. If they created our universe, then who created them?

Who created your god?
Lol. I knew you'd say that. So predictable. And your question has been answered countless times. Quit wasting my time, and quit embarrassing yourself.
Then what is the answer, professor?
This advanced civilization you mentioned. If they created our universe, then who created them?

Who created your god?
Lol. I knew you'd say that. So predictable. And your question has been answered countless times. Quit wasting my time, and quit embarrassing yourself.

LOL. I knew you'd ask that. So predictable. Quit wasting my time and quit embarrassing yourself, a sentence that doesn't require a comma between "time" and "and."
This advanced civilization you mentioned. If they created our universe, then who created them?

Who created your god?
Lol. I knew you'd say that. So predictable. And your question has been answered countless times. Quit wasting my time, and quit embarrassing yourself.

LOL. I knew you'd ask that. So predictable. Quit wasting my time and quit embarrassing yourself, a sentence that doesn't require a comma between "time" and "and."
It is different than: no one my God has always existed...
we don't have to prove you wrong because you haven't proven anything yet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what have you proven????!!!!!!!!!! NOTHING
Laugh it up. I'll be the one laughing, on Judgement Day, when you try telling God He doesn't exist.
This fails as an appeal to faith fallacy.

Faith is nothing but belief, devoid of logic or evidence.
Just like the faith of evolution. There is no logic or evidence that supports such a belief. Right back at ya, chief. Lol
Except he is correct and you are 100% wrong. This is a distinction that might matter to someone whose mind is not addled by faith in iron aged myths.
There is no scientific evidence for evolution. None. It is a philosophy. It doesn't even qually as a scientific theory. That's a fact. If you disagree, then show me the evidence.
1. regarding your title and OP = you haven't proved anything--not even CLOSE
you don't even provide ANY evidence/links/stats/etc ---only your babbling!!!!!!!
2. what is your/creationists' theory on how humans ''came to be''??
PLEASE provide the creationists' theory !!!!!!! I haven't ever seen one
what the hell is it!!!!????
3. so if you don't believe in evolution, you must believe a fully developed human appeared from nothing--yes or no?
Still waiting for someone to prove me wrong. Perhaps you could begin by providing one of the many gene regulatory networks we could live without. If you could do this, you might be on the right track to proving me wrong.
we don't have to prove you wrong because you haven't proven anything yet !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what have you proven????!!!!!!!!!! NOTHING
Laugh it up. I'll be the one laughing, on Judgement Day, when you try telling God He doesn't exist.
This fails as an appeal to faith fallacy.

Faith is nothing but belief, devoid of logic or evidence.
Just like the faith of evolution. There is no logic or evidence that supports such a belief. Right back at ya, chief. Lol
Evolution is a FACT supported by scientific evidence including fossil, geologic, biological and DNA

As you have proven with your thread title, Creation is a theory unsupported by any facts
I misspoke. I meant to say useable energy.
Also a made up, nonsensical term.
Damn! I never realized someone could be so ignorant. Allow me to educate you.
"Entropy" is defined as a measure of unusable energy within a closed or isolated system (the universe for example). As usable energy decreases and unusable energy increases, "entropy" increases. Entropy is also a gauge of randomness or chaos within a closed system. As usable energy is irretrievably lost, disorganization, randomness and chaos increase.

Don't thank me. It's the least I could do.
Each cell in our bodies contains thousands of gene regulatory networks. These networks are responsible the regulation of gene expression, among other things, required for life to exist. They are all part of a meta network in which they pass information to where it is needed. They use logical operators, as well as databases to perform their functions. This network is so complex that scientists have barely scratched the surface in understanding them. If any part of this vast Network was missing or damaged, the cell would not operate as it should, causing disease or even death. There is no scientific explanation as to how or why this network exists. It is impossible for evolution to be the answer since every component must be in place at the same instant in order to function. You cannot have a partial network. The only way it could possibly exist is if it was created all at the same time. Prove me wrong.

Yes, there may well be a creator. I don't necessarily believe in "God", per se, but I do think there is more to our existence than this life. The theory that "God" may very be another civilization of highly advanced beings in or outside of our universe is far more logical than imaginary sky fairies who don't answer your prayers who will allegedly judge you the day you die.
This advanced civilization you mentioned. If they created our universe, then who created them?
Who created the creator?

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