Scientific Evidence That a Fetus Is a Person

No such thing as Satan or possession.

You need to leave the 15th century
Satan has affected most, if not all, of the LIBTURDS AND FAKKITS here like you. You are evidence.

Unless you die a hurrible death and get into the news, we won't know what happens to you. God, in his infinite wisdom, won't allow us to see what happens to our enemies, but you get to see what happens to the creationists IN HEAVEN. Just as well, as we'll quickly forget about what happens to the LIBTURDS and ABOMINABLES.

God endows the unborn with The Right To Life, not you and your Satanic Baby Murdering DemNazi Fascist Karen Friends.

If it has it's own heartbeat, circulatory system, nervous system and can perform cell division and growth it's alive.

You on the other hand are morally, ethically and spiritually dead, so can be aborted at any time without consequence.

Read it and weep, Dirt Bag.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Abortion is Murder
Planned Parenthood is Genocide
Genocide is Tyranny
Blah, blah, blah.
The cells from the lining of your colon that you shit out every day are alive too .

You're a fucking murderer

Oh my word. The level of ignorance and stupidity in the pro-abort "arguments" is absolutely stunning to me.

It's like none of you ever took basic biology. Seriously, it's embarrassing. 🤦‍♀️

Business leaders helped to bankroll the anti-abortion groups who could soon see Roe v. Wade overturned​

This is MOST EXCELLENT blah, blah, blah.
Yeah, since they need more low-wage earners, more cannon fodder to secure those substances vital to the war effort and the continuation of capitalism's colonialist economic system.
Yeah, since they need more low-wage earners, more cannon fodder to secure those substances vital to the war effort and the continuation of capitalism's colonialist economic system.
Actually, the blah, blah, blah for right to life is that life could turn out to be someone extraordinary. We just need one to make a historical difference.

If they turn out to be a low wage earner, then that's still better than a LIBTURD.
This is life. Developing Life but it still is life, and you are an accessory to Murder for not speaking out against taking this life.
You will be held accountable by God for such wickedness.
Sorry freak, your childish, magical threats carry no weight here.

BTW, that's a picture of an elephant fetus, dumbass.
Oh my word. The level of ignorance and stupidity in the pro-abort "arguments" is absolutely stunning to me.

It's like none of you ever took basic biology. Seriously, it's embarrassing. 🤦‍♀️

Sarcasm. You don;t get it do you?
Sarcasm. You don;t get it do you?

Obviously the second line was sarcasm. But the first sentence is a claim that I've heard your side actually make, and sorry but that's one of the dumbest, most ignorant pro-abort "arguments" I've heard, and I've heard them all.
This ain't a person yet


It's certainly the other patient involved in the pregnancy. As it is, when obstetricians are treating a pregnancy, they are treating two patients.

As an aside, if anything were to happen to mom and dad during the pregnancy, this patient would legally be entitled to representation and defense of its right to inheritance and whatnot.
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This ain;t a person yet

View attachment 640883
It is a being. If it came out of a woman it is called a human being not like anyone before or will ever be again. That one has already gone through a dozen stages of division/development of a human animal on its way to becoming an adult. Your picture is a very beautiful and illustrative of early stage development of a human being. Thanks for sharing it.
It is a being. If it came out of a woman it is called a human being not like anyone before or will ever be again. That one has already gone through a dozen stages of division/development of a human animal on its way to becoming an adult. Your picture is a very beautiful and illustrative of early stage development of a human being. Thanks for sharing it.
So when it is born it is a human being.

Deciding when a human being is a person is a moral question.

A fertilized ovum is nothing but a potential person
So when it is born it is a human being.

Deciding when a human being is a person is a moral question.

A fertilized ovum is nothing but a potential person
What's good for one is good for all. The 2-cell zygote is a human being in an early stage of development. He or she is the future. That tiny microscopic human being's misfortune is the same as ours. Without the new born allowed to live, we lose that gene of the grandfather who had the photographic memory. Without that newborn's gene, its adult beauty is never seen; its hard work as a new employee never supports employees who want to get ahead and make something of themselves after they took their turn doing the grunt work; its mother faces a lifetime of facing up to her spinelessness to the abortion sales outfit that starts in the cowardly Congress that refuses to acknowledge that the human being in formation is only a stage of human life, because they don't want to be the ones who take an unpopular reality and see to it that ALL HUMAN BEINGS HAVE THE RIGHT TO LIFE, THE RIGHT TO FREEDOM AND LIBERTY, AND THE RIGHT TO THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. Since zygotes ARE human beings, they have human rights. They swim fervishly to safety when after conception, the human being seeks shelter and food, and it's there in his or her mother's womb. Since he has a right to life, she better respect it. If she doesn't, her unchallenged wrongful deed and guilt never goes away. Her man dosn't support her because he wants to go to school, screw around, cheat on grades, and graduate where he can become rather rich if he works hard and invests right initially. How many naive women does he have to impregnate before he learns that he is responsible for the death of free human beings but are extinguished like they are not at all important to him and his rape victims. I'm gonna hurl.
Putting a human into the world is condemning that individual to die. Only women can put a human into the world. Let women decide.
For those who claim Christian religious ideas to justify imposing their choice on a woman, tell us what "sin" is unforgiveable.

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