Scientific Evidence That a Fetus Is a Person

Putting a human into the world is condemning that individual to die. Only women can put a human into the world. Let women decide.
For those who claim Christian religious ideas to justify imposing their choice on a woman, tell us what "sin" is unforgiveable.
Excuse me? It was old religion that stated a need for stoning people to death for " heinous sins." Today, all that just rides along and brings down children. The problem never goes away, because nobody has the guts to deal with it with consciences set against "bothering" those who disrespect the laws and set about life planning to snub their own parents until the day they die, when they suddenly become misunderstood children again until they walk away with the assets of their very lonely parents who may be dead in their homes for several weeks until someone besides "family" becomes concerned that that nice little old man or woman who lives next door has too many papers laying in the yard out front.
What's good for one is good for all. The 2-cell zygote is a human being in an early stage of development. He or she is the future. That tiny microscopic human being's misfortune is the same as ours. Without the new born allowed to live, we lose that gene of the grandfather who had the photographic memory. Without that newborn's gene, its adult beauty is never seen; its hard work as a new employee never supports employees who want to get ahead and make something of themselves after they took their turn doing the grunt work; its mother faces a lifetime of facing up to her spinelessness to the abortion sales outfit that starts in the cowardly Congress that refuses to acknowledge that the human being in formation is only a stage of human life, because they don't want to be the ones who take an unpopular reality and see to it that ALL HUMAN BEINGS HAVE THE RIGHT TO LIFE, THE RIGHT TO FREEDOM AND LIBERTY, AND THE RIGHT TO THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS. Since zygotes ARE human beings, they have human rights. They swim fervishly to safety when after conception, the human being seeks shelter and food, and it's there in his or her mother's womb. Since he has a right to life, she better respect it. If she doesn't, her unchallenged wrongful deed and guilt never goes away. Her man dosn't support her because he wants to go to school, screw around, cheat on grades, and graduate where he can become rather rich if he works hard and invests right initially. How many naive women does he have to impregnate before he learns that he is responsible for the death of free human beings but are extinguished like they are not at all important to him and his rape victims. I'm gonna hurl.
You assume that every grandfather has a photographic memory?

We also lose the gene that makes one more susceptible to addiction, or cancer, violence, deviance etc.

People die every second of every day I just don't see the loss of one of of the billions of fertilized ova that are produced every year as the end of the human race
Elephant Baby. Elephants don't kill their children in the womb, dumbass murdering DemNazi Fascist Karen.
Elephants are slaves to their instincts people are not.

But it can be argued that elephants take far better care of their offspring than people do
Elephants are slaves to their instincts people are not.

But it can be argued that elephants take far better care of their offspring than people do
Because people have Free Will to Sin or pursue death or to walk after God's Law and pursue life.

It is a choice between life and death.
Natural Law is from God and is what our system of laws are based upon.

Why do you lie?

Why is it important to you to have the right to kill an unborn citizen person?

And yet the First Amendment says otherwise

The unborn are not citizens and never have been.

The 14th Amendment specifically states that those BORN in the US are citizens.
Why are you against Human Rifhta and Self Government?

It seems to me that you people who insist on telling a woman she can't terminate a pregnancy are the ones who are against self government.

You don;t even want a person making her own medical decisions
And yet the First Amendment says otherwise

The unborn are not citizens and never have been.

The 14th Amendment specifically states that those BORN in the US are citizens.
No where does the Constitution grant you the right to kill a baby. The opposite is true. We have a right to life.

Let me make some accurate assumptions about you.

1.) You do not believe in Self Government
2.) You do not believe in Human Rights.
3.) You do not believe in God
4.) You believe that Government grants privileges to people that can be taken away at a whim if a person thinks the wrong thing according to you, or speaks the wrong words.
5.) You do not believe in freedom of speech.
6.) You are indeed a fraud because you use a free speech platform to rail against human freedoms.
No where does the Constitution grant you the right to kill a baby. The opposite is true. We have a right to life.

Let me make some accurate assumptions about you.

1.) You do not believe in Self Government
2.) You do not believe in Human Rights.
3.) You do not believe in God
4.) You believe that Government grants privileges to people that can be taken away at a whim if a person thinks the wrong thing according to you, or speaks the wrong words.
5.) You do not believe in freedom of speech.
6.) You are indeed a fraud because you use a free speech platform to rail against human freedoms.
Nowhere in th4 Constitution does it say a fetus has any constitutional rights.

In fact it specifically says people BORN in the US are citizens that does not include those that are conceived on US soil.

If you think anchor babies are a problem just wait until you ass anchor fetuses into the mix
Nowhere in th4 Constitution does it say a fetus has any constitutional rights.

In fact it specifically says people BORN in the US are citizens that does not include those that are conceived on US soil.

If you think anchor babies are a problem just wait until you ass anchor fetuses into the mix
All Human Beings are Created Equal with Inalienable Rights from their Creator among them is LIFE, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness.

Fetus is nothing but Latin for Baby, you bloody sod. A Baby is a Human Being.

I see that you did not deny the ugly accusations I listed.

Why do you think Human Beings are just doormats for you to wipe your feet on?

Asterisk Joe agrees with you. He doesn't work for America. You don't care about America either.

Joe Biden is a horrible president, yet this ruling is insignificant contrasted with the disaster that is EmperorShitzHizPantz.

Trump said he would overturn Roe V Wade.

Dude is still winning like a boss even out of office.

EmperorShitzHizPantyz is the laughing stock of the world.

He's a loser whom only losers love.

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