Scientific Journal Gets Punked


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
I despise unthinking people who believe things just because "the experts" say it's so.

Fake study showing Mommys kisses on her kids boo boos has no medical advantage. I'm not saying it does, but this shows that anything and everything passes as science these days.

Study is hilarious and obviously fake. 937 children in the study were intentionall put in dangerous situations to get hurt so mom could kiss the boo boo. Concludes with a call to put a moratorium on moms kissing boo boos.

Scientific Journal Publishes Fake Study On Boo-Boo Kisses
I despise unthinking people who believe things just because "the experts" say it's so.

Fake study showing Mommys kisses on her kids boo boos has no medical advantage. I'm not saying it does, but this shows that anything and everything passes as science these days.

Study is hilarious and obviously fake. 937 children in the study were intentionall put in dangerous situations to get hurt so mom could kiss the boo boo. Concludes with a call to put a moratorium on moms kissing boo boos.

Scientific Journal Publishes Fake Study On Boo-Boo Kisses

You've read the actual study? Can you provide a point-by-point analysis of why it's fake?
I despise unthinking people who believe things just because "the experts" say it's so.

Fake study showing Mommys kisses on her kids boo boos has no medical advantage. I'm not saying it does, but this shows that anything and everything passes as science these days.

Study is hilarious and obviously fake. 937 children in the study were intentionall put in dangerous situations to get hurt so mom could kiss the boo boo. Concludes with a call to put a moratorium on moms kissing boo boos.

Scientific Journal Publishes Fake Study On Boo-Boo Kisses

You've read the actual study? Can you provide a point-by-point analysis of why it's fake?
Speaking of gullible people who can't think for themselves.
Because the author says so.
I despise unthinking people who believe things just because "the experts" say it's so.

Fake study showing Mommys kisses on her kids boo boos has no medical advantage. I'm not saying it does, but this shows that anything and everything passes as science these days.

Study is hilarious and obviously fake. 937 children in the study were intentionall put in dangerous situations to get hurt so mom could kiss the boo boo. Concludes with a call to put a moratorium on moms kissing boo boos.

Scientific Journal Publishes Fake Study On Boo-Boo Kisses

You've read the actual study? Can you provide a point-by-point analysis of why it's fake?
Speaking of gullible people who can't think for themselves.
Because the author says so.

And yet there are people who post "scientific papers" claiming that prayer can heal, even cure cancer.

Now, if you subscribe to the belief that any form of human caring can be efficacious in releasing endorphins, would an adult patient's belief in the power of prayer actually help them heal? If so, would a child not feel better if the mother showed affection?

There are scientific studies of the efficacy of maternal affection in newborns (and the effects on the infant of withholding affection), going back to the 1950s.

Finally, if you read enough medical papers, you find that, while dry, some do express a sense of humor.
I despise unthinking people who believe things just because "the experts" say it's so.

Fake study showing Mommys kisses on her kids boo boos has no medical advantage. I'm not saying it does, but this shows that anything and everything passes as science these days.

Study is hilarious and obviously fake. 937 children in the study were intentionall put in dangerous situations to get hurt so mom could kiss the boo boo. Concludes with a call to put a moratorium on moms kissing boo boos.

Scientific Journal Publishes Fake Study On Boo-Boo Kisses

You've read the actual study? Can you provide a point-by-point analysis of why it's fake?
Speaking of gullible people who can't think for themselves.
Because the author says so.

And yet there are people who post "scientific papers" claiming that prayer can heal, even cure cancer.

Now, if you subscribe to the belief that any form of human caring can be efficacious in releasing endorphins, would an adult patient's belief in the power of prayer actually help them heal? If so, would a child not feel better if the mother showed affection?

There are scientific studies of the efficacy of maternal affection in newborns (and the effects on the infant of withholding affection), going back to the 1950s.

Finally, if you read enough medical papers, you find that, while dry, some do express a sense of humor.
You obviously have never heard of peer review before publication.
That's OK, nothing the left pushes as science has ever seen that process so I wouldn't expect you to know.
I guess that some people have never heard of the "placebo effect". It's where people feel better after being told they were getting medicine but in reality it was a sugar pill.

That's how "mommy's kisses" make the young one feel better.
Pity so many liberal children will never know the warmth of a mother's love.

Only the warmth of the latex-clad fingers choking the life out of it.
I am someone that believes in a balance with some logical thought. There's no question that the family is important but science has also done some awesome stuff for humanity.

;) Not everyone is one extreme or the other on all issues.
Weatherman is just trying to justify his disdain for reality and science. He is a willfully ignorant ass, and wishes everyone else were the same. Yes, peer reviewed journals have been stiffed before, and will be again. And when they find out, they print retractions and apologies. In the meantime, the haters of science just repeat their lies, even when blatantly caught.
Weatherman is just trying to justify his disdain for reality and science. He is a willfully ignorant ass, and wishes everyone else were the same. Yes, peer reviewed journals have been stiffed before, and will be again. And when they find out, they print retractions and apologies. In the meantime, the haters of science just repeat their lies, even when blatantly caught.
I mock Leftard "science" as often as I can. Really funny yesterday when I had you arguing against NASA like the ignorant unscientific fool you are.
Weatherman is just trying to justify his disdain for reality and science. He is a willfully ignorant ass, and wishes everyone else were the same. Yes, peer reviewed journals have been stiffed before, and will be again. And when they find out, they print retractions and apologies. In the meantime, the haters of science just repeat their lies, even when blatantly caught.

The lack of moderation in this sub, vis a vis vapid fools and their vacuous anti-intellectualism/anti-science nonsense, is the primary reason I rarely participate on this forum. OP clearly thinks that he is smart and has one-upped "those nerdy libtards", but really all he does is provide a textbook example of a fool suffering from the Dunning-Kruger effect.

Science doesn't give a damn about politics, left or right, but fools fearing that their myopic and distorted view of reality is challenged, post ridiculous red herrings in an attempt to discredit it, hence what we have, here- vacuous nonsense from idiots too stupid to realize their own short comings.

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