"Scientific polling" exposed

Well, no one came out to vote for spineless McCain, voter turnout out on the conservative side was At all-time lows. That's what happens when you nominate a fuck up for a candidate
So the solution was to go for the trifecta?!?! :laugh2:
Well you know what they say about insanity, the Republicans tried two GOP establishment career politicians. Epic fail
All career politicians are progressive no matter the side of the aisle. Dip shit LOL
Online click-winner-polls are not snapshots - they are straight up useless GARBAGE for entertainment purposes only. We don't even know how many of those clicks are by actual humans or some program running on someone's pc in Russia!
So how can a CNN poll be accurate? No one watches the shit network except for fucked up progressives

I'll tell you how a CNN poll can be accurate. Final CNN poll 2008 - Obama ahead by 7.

Election result: Obama wins by 7.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2008 - General Election: McCain vs. Obama
Well, no one came out to vote for spineless McCain, voter turnout out on the conservative side was At all-time lows. That's what happens when you nominate a fuck up for a candidate

Oh, and guess what, CNN's final poll in 2012 had the race a tie. Obama won.

Explain why CNN's poll was 'biased' in favor of Romney.
Conservatives had no one to vote for, thus no one showed up that was conservative to the polls.

You know when you post an answer that has nothing to do with the question, you've lost the argument.
Online click-winner-polls are not snapshots - they are straight up useless GARBAGE for entertainment purposes only. We don't even know how many of those clicks are by actual humans or some program running on someone's pc in Russia!
So how can a CNN poll be accurate? No one watches the shit network except for fucked up progressives

I'll tell you how a CNN poll can be accurate. Final CNN poll 2008 - Obama ahead by 7.

Election result: Obama wins by 7.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2008 - General Election: McCain vs. Obama
Well, no one came out to vote for spineless McCain, voter turnout out on the conservative side was At all-time lows. That's what happens when you nominate a fuck up for a candidate

Oh, and guess what, CNN's final poll in 2012 had the race a tie. Obama won.

Explain why CNN's poll was 'biased' in favor of Romney.
Romney, McCain and Obama are all the same disease… Career politicians. Of course they're going to keep their federal government going the way it is.

So after Trump loses what will your new story be?
So how can a CNN poll be accurate? No one watches the shit network except for fucked up progressives

I'll tell you how a CNN poll can be accurate. Final CNN poll 2008 - Obama ahead by 7.

Election result: Obama wins by 7.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2008 - General Election: McCain vs. Obama
Well, no one came out to vote for spineless McCain, voter turnout out on the conservative side was At all-time lows. That's what happens when you nominate a fuck up for a candidate

Oh, and guess what, CNN's final poll in 2012 had the race a tie. Obama won.

Explain why CNN's poll was 'biased' in favor of Romney.
Conservatives had no one to vote for, thus no one showed up that was conservative to the polls.

You know when you post an answer that has nothing to do with the question, you've lost the argument.
I did answer your question the poll was was wrong because no conservatives voted in the election. Lol
Chuck Todd tears into Trump spokesman: You know these online polls are 'bogus'!

Media admitting they can alter their polls for starters :lmao:

But yea, when the media isn't asking leading questions based on over-represented populations and often based on a myriad of skewed factors by companies with literal vested interests in a politician, the polls are suddenly just not 'scientific' and thusly not valid. I submit they've never been valid based on the parameters I just gave. But at least a whole host of snapshots give us a real picture that we can lucidly trust. And the picture: THE MEDIA LIES THEIR ASSES OFF, AND TRUMP IS CRUSHING HILLARY.

Online click-winner-polls are not snapshots - they are straight up useless GARBAGE for entertainment purposes only. We don't even know how many of those clicks are by actual humans or some program running on someone's pc in Russia!
so why do the onair asshats want to talk about em five minutes after the debate? funny, they didn't follow the upcoming narrative they wanted to use and now they mean nothing. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:
So how can a CNN poll be accurate? No one watches the shit network except for fucked up progressives

I'll tell you how a CNN poll can be accurate. Final CNN poll 2008 - Obama ahead by 7.

Election result: Obama wins by 7.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2008 - General Election: McCain vs. Obama
Well, no one came out to vote for spineless McCain, voter turnout out on the conservative side was At all-time lows. That's what happens when you nominate a fuck up for a candidate

Oh, and guess what, CNN's final poll in 2012 had the race a tie. Obama won.

Explain why CNN's poll was 'biased' in favor of Romney.
Romney, McCain and Obama are all the same disease… Career politicians. Of course they're going to keep their federal government going the way it is.

So after Trump loses what will your new story be?
If he does lose, we will see the same bullshit of "hope and change"... that be a no change in the status quo. Lol
Career politicians have that affect on the economy see: the last 7+ years an absolute shit economy. Except for if you're a firearm salesman… :dance:
so why do the onair asshats want to talk about em five minutes after the debate? funny, they didn't follow the upcoming narrative they wanted to use and now they mean nothing. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

What "onair asshats" do you specifically mean that accepted the internet polls as meaningful and rejected them later.
I did answer your question the poll was was wrong because no conservatives voted in the election. Lol
Why would conservatives vote in this election? Even the Republican base that does vote Trump are going to be holding their noses.
I did answer your question the poll was was wrong because no conservatives voted in the election. Lol
Why would conservatives vote in this election? Even the Republican base that does vote Trump are going to be holding their noses.
I don't think anyone knows what's going to happen in this election, as repugnant the hildabeast is... who knows?
Chuck Todd tears into Trump spokesman: You know these online polls are 'bogus'! Media admitting they can alter their polls for starters. But yea, when the media isn't asking leading questions based on over-represented populations and often based on a myriad of skewed factors by companies with literal vested interests in a politician, the polls are suddenly just not 'scientific' and thusly not valid. I submit they've never been valid based on the parameters I just gave. But at least a whole host of snapshots give us a real picture that we can lucidly trust. And the picture: THE MEDIA LIES THEIR ASSES OFF, AND TRUMP IS CRUSHING HILLARY.
If the polls are being manipulated for Hillary's sake, why don't they just keep showing her crushing Trump instead of varying back and forth? I think this is an attempt at deflection from Trump's debate loss and the substantial hit he's taken since then.


They are being manipulated to show she leads when the reality is not that many people support her.
Chuck Todd tears into Trump spokesman: You know these online polls are 'bogus'!

Media admitting they can alter their polls for starters :lmao:

But yea, when the media isn't asking leading questions based on over-represented populations and often based on a myriad of skewed factors by companies with literal vested interests in a politician, the polls are suddenly just not 'scientific' and thusly not valid. I submit they've never been valid based on the parameters I just gave. But at least a whole host of snapshots give us a real picture that we can lucidly trust. And the picture: THE MEDIA LIES THEIR ASSES OFF, AND TRUMP IS CRUSHING HILLARY.

Online click-winner-polls are not snapshots - they are straight up useless GARBAGE for entertainment purposes only. We don't even know how many of those clicks are by actual humans or some program running on someone's pc in Russia!
So how can a CNN poll be accurate? No one watches the shit network except for fucked up progressives

It's not a "scientific poll" of their viewers. It's a poll that they conduct. And frankly, they have a vested interest and shouldn't be in the business of polling (or news).
Chuck Todd tears into Trump spokesman: You know these online polls are 'bogus'!

Media admitting they can alter their polls for starters :lmao:

But yea, when the media isn't asking leading questions based on over-represented populations and often based on a myriad of skewed factors by companies with literal vested interests in a politician, the polls are suddenly just not 'scientific' and thusly not valid. I submit they've never been valid based on the parameters I just gave. But at least a whole host of snapshots give us a real picture that we can lucidly trust. And the picture: THE MEDIA LIES THEIR ASSES OFF, AND TRUMP IS CRUSHING HILLARY.
"The Media"? Like Fox News? WSJ? LOL

Sure, while I think the debate was okay, Holt did ask certain leading questions....not to mention he was wrong about stop and frisk whereas Trump was closer to the truth.

As for polls, online polls are easily biased. This goes for both LW and RW websites.

The CNN poll was done scientifically and I trust those results more than all the online polls. The next two debates will be interesting and, polls or not, all that really matters is on election day. The die-hards won't change their minds, but a few fence-sitters might be persuaded.

You "trust" them because they say what you want them to say. The reality is that these polls and subsequent vote counts are untrustworthy. Too many millions of dollars on the line by people of power; and they're all interconnected.
Chuck Todd tears into Trump spokesman: You know these online polls are 'bogus'!

Media admitting they can alter their polls for starters :lmao:

But yea, when the media isn't asking leading questions based on over-represented populations and often based on a myriad of skewed factors by companies with literal vested interests in a politician, the polls are suddenly just not 'scientific' and thusly not valid. I submit they've never been valid based on the parameters I just gave. But at least a whole host of snapshots give us a real picture that we can lucidly trust. And the picture: THE MEDIA LIES THEIR ASSES OFF, AND TRUMP IS CRUSHING HILLARY.

Online click-winner-polls are not snapshots - they are straight up useless GARBAGE for entertainment purposes only. We don't even know how many of those clicks are by actual humans or some program running on someone's pc in Russia!

If one after another shows Trump winning, you're basically saying they're all lying / misrepresenting. That's just total BS. The media has been exposed. The system has been exposed. I've been saying this since 2012 when it was obvious that people wanted Romney and Obama was getting very limited support from the masses.
You "trust" them because they say what you want them to say. The reality is that these polls and subsequent vote counts are untrustworthy. Too many millions of dollars on the line by people of power; and they're all interconnected.
No doubt you believe it's all part of ZOG's plan to have the UN invade the US and take away our jet skis and pickup trucks to stop global warming.
You "trust" them because they say what you want them to say. The reality is that these polls and subsequent vote counts are untrustworthy. Too many millions of dollars on the line by people of power; and they're all interconnected.
No doubt you believe it's all part of ZOG's plan to have the UN invade the US and take away our jet skis and pickup trucks to stop global warming.

I don't care about your reductio absurdem. I know the state of a corrupt nation's power elite.

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