Scientists Claim Zapping Brains with Magnets Can Treat Belief in God

Bet you can't find that "information" anywhere but

Well, maybe the Enquirer...on the page after "UFOs Are Real!!!"
Bet you can't find that "information" anywhere but

Well, maybe the Enquirer...on the page after "UFOs Are Real!!!"

Close, it's the UK version of it.

Scientists claim they can change your belief on immigrants and God – with MAGNETS

But then the Telegraph picked it up...

Scientists find you can reduce peoples' belief in God by directing magnetic energy into the brain

So, I looked and lo and behold here it is plain as day in a respected science journal..

Who knew!

Clearly not you!

Colin Holbrook, Keise Izuma, Choi Deblieck, Daniel M. T. Fessler, Marco Iacoboni. Neuromodulation of Group Prejudice and Religious Belief.Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 2015; nsv107 DOI:10.1093/scan/nsv107
Scientists Claim Zapping Brains with Magnets Can Treat Belief in God | The Stream

Well this date had to come, and now it's here.

Scientists can zap your brain until you don't believe in God.

Scientists can zap your brain until you have friendly feelings for illegal aliens.

Let's imagine that these ridiculous statements from scientists are actually true.

What will the governments of the world do with this technology?

ROFLMNAO! "Scientists".

Yes... Objectivism is a higher function of the human brain, thus as the brain is damaged, higher functions are often the first to go. "Zap" the brain sufficiently with electromagnetism... and it will also cure you of lower functions as well.

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