Scientists: "Hottest year on record claims are a social crusade!"

"I didn't have to calculate it.Someone else already did."
Of course you did not calculate it because you are not able to.
And neither would that "somebody else" without the entire data set needed to calculate a (correct) standard deviation.
But this continues;



Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag

Not models, not temperatures, but the real observations of the results of those temperatures.
There are further feedbacks affecting the Arctic, as described at this page. One of the most dangerous feedbacks is methane escaping from the seafloor of the Arctic Ocean. As the temperature of the Arctic Ocean keeps rising, it seems inevitable that more and more methane will rise from its seafloor and enter the atmosphere, at first strongly warming up the atmosphere over the Arctic Ocean itself - thus causing further methane eruptions - and eventually warming up the atmosphere across the globe.


Above image paints a dire warning. The image shows that methane levels were as high as 2562 ppb on January 28, 2017. The image further shows high methane levels off the coast of Siberia and also where water from Nares Strait enters Baffin Bay.

Arctic News

While the comments are those of the author of the blog, the map is from NOAA. And illustrates the rapid increase in CH4. You can see where the major contributions to the CH4 levels are being made. Arctic clathrates and permafrost. Given the very warm arctic this winter, we can expect to see a large increase in the CH4 from the Arctic.
Of course you did not calculate it because you are not able to.
And neither would that "somebody else" without the entire data set needed to calculate a (correct) standard deviation.

But somebody else clearly did have the entire data set, the people who calculated the temperature average. That's why they were able to calculate it.
Lets be real here folks.......the AGW crowd is taking a big baseball bat to the upside of the head in 2017. Shit has been so marginalized, even Im stunned. Nobody is caring about this shit anywhere......maybe a few internet message boards like this. That's about it.:coffee:
Nobody cares about .01 degrees or .04 degrees. Only people who tend to the hysterical in life.

Absolutely nobody is getting moved by this stuff in the real world........there is no evidence whatsoever anybody is caring. These people are mental cases.

Whats the analogy?:coffee:

Imagine walking into a major metropolitan area ER tonight around 11pm complaining of an itch in your rectum and demanding to be seen immediately over people needing an emergency appendectomy or having significant chest pain. That's the way these bozo's think.......they somehow missed being around people in the real world. The perceptive abilities are fucked.

Mamooth here.......really does believe that a vast majority of the people have embraced and accepted the alarmist view of global warming. Like I said......the perceptions are just fucked.
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So are you claiming that there is no margin of error,

Well, no. If I had wanted to say something that insanely stupid, I would have said it. Thus, I didn't say it.

So why did you say something so insanely stupid?

I'm not going to try to decode whatever aberrant mental processes led you to say something that stupid, as that risks sanity. As Nietzsche sort of said, "When you gaze into the stupid, the stupid gazes back into you."

Alright hairball...lets hear it...what is the exact margin of error and how was it derived? Or would you care to admit that you were just talking out of your ass and don't have a clue and that is why you will never answer the question.
Alright hairball...lets hear it...what is the exact margin of error and how was it derived?

Read the paper, and find out. If you want me to do your research, I want payment up front.

Or would you care to admit that you were just talking out of your ass and don't have a clue and that is why you will never answer the question.

Pointing out that those who processdd the dataset can calculate an MoE from it is called "common sense". I haz it. You don't.
Alright hairball...lets hear it...what is the exact margin of error and how was it derived?

Read the paper, and find out. If you want me to do your research, I want payment up front.

Or would you care to admit that you were just talking out of your ass and don't have a clue and that is why you will never answer the question.

Pointing out that those who processdd the dataset can calculate an MoE from it is called "common sense". I haz it. You don't.

Like I don't have a just got your panties in a twist over people making fun of the sheer ridiculousness of modern climate pseudoscience and tried to distract from the fact that the margin of error is 10X larger than the claimed record.

You have no idea what it just know what you wish it weren't.
Like I don't have a just got your panties in a twist over people making fun of the sheer ridiculousness of modern climate pseudoscience and tried to distract from the fact that the margin of error is 10X larger than the claimed record.

You said a stupid thing about the statistics. I pointed it out. And instead of thanking me for educating you, you're snarling at me. You snarl at anyone who is smarter than you, which is everyone.

You're clueless about how statistics works. You shouldn't be bothering the grownups. Alas, being that you're a poster child for Dunning-Kruger Syndrome, you're stupid enough to believe that you're not stupid, which leads to these constant belligerent ignorance displays.
Like I don't have a just got your panties in a twist over people making fun of the sheer ridiculousness of modern climate pseudoscience and tried to distract from the fact that the margin of error is 10X larger than the claimed record.

You said a stupid thing about the statistics. I pointed it out. And instead of thanking me for educating you, you're snarling at me. You snarl at anyone who is smarter than you, which is everyone.

You're clueless about how statistics works. You shouldn't be bothering the grownups. Alas, being that you're a poster child for Dunning-Kruger Syndrome, you're stupid enough to believe that you're not stupid, which leads to these constant belligerent ignorance displays.

And still no idea what the margin of error is...only whining over what you wish it weren't.
lol........all based upon fake data >>

A lot on the line for these people and their globalist agenda. For awhile, they were good at hiding the fakeness but now, they aren't even trying hard anymore. Its called attempting to establish a consensus reality by using terms like "hotter" when describing increase in temperatures of 0.07 degree's.:spinner::spinner:
lol........all based upon fake data >>

A lot on the line for these people and their globalist agenda. For awhile, they were good at hiding the fakeness but now, they aren't even trying hard anymore. Its called attempting to establish a consensus reality by using terms like "hotter" when describing increase in temperatures of 0.07 degree's.:spinner::spinner:

Check this one out...NASA and NOAA are talking about a red hot december... the world is cooking...and here is their graph to prove it...


Problem's all fake is the same graph showing what is actual instrumental coverage...and what is just made up..

Note once again that the hottest places on earth are invariably places where no data exists and they just fill it in with record temperatures.


Take a good look at southern africa...according to the fakers, its record heat...according to the data...there is none...and here is the satellite imagery...showing the temperatures close to normal.n It is all fake all the time with these is going to be an enjoyable exercise watching them go down in flames over the coming years.

Like I don't have a just got your panties in a twist over people making fun of the sheer ridiculousness of modern climate pseudoscience and tried to distract from the fact that the margin of error is 10X larger than the claimed record.

You said a stupid thing about the statistics. I pointed it out. And instead of thanking me for educating you, you're snarling at me. You snarl at anyone who is smarter than you, which is everyone.

You're clueless about how statistics works. You shouldn't be bothering the grownups. Alas, being that you're a poster child for Dunning-Kruger Syndrome, you're stupid enough to believe that you're not stupid, which leads to these constant belligerent ignorance displays.

lol.....not for nothing least 1/2 a dozen times a month, SSDD makes you look stoopid and you make the level of stoopid look even more prolific with your head exploding responses!! But I do love this stuff so not trying to deter you from the predictable gheyness or anything.:coffee:
lol........all based upon fake data >>

A lot on the line for these people and their globalist agenda. For awhile, they were good at hiding the fakeness but now, they aren't even trying hard anymore. Its called attempting to establish a consensus reality by using terms like "hotter" when describing increase in temperatures of 0.07 degree's.:spinner::spinner:

Check this one out...NASA and NOAA are talking about a red hot december... the world is cooking...and here is their graph to prove it...


Problem's all fake is the same graph showing what is actual instrumental coverage...and what is just made up..

Note once again that the hottest places on earth are invariably places where no data exists and they just fill it in with record temperatures.


Take a good look at southern africa...according to the fakers, its record heat...according to the data...there is none...and here is the satellite imagery...showing the temperatures close to normal.n It is all fake all the time with these is going to be an enjoyable exercise watching them go down in flames over the coming years.

No real world data.. Just in-filling that they manufacture...Thus their claims are wholly manufactured..
Exposed: How world leaders were duped into investing billions over manipulated global warming data
  • The Mail on Sunday can reveal a landmark paper exaggerated global warming
  • It was rushed through and timed to influence the Paris agreement on climate change
  • America’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration broke its own rules
  • The report claimed the pause in global warming never existed, but it was based on misleading, ‘unverified’ data
The scandal has disturbing echoes of the ‘Climategate’ affair which broke shortly before the UN climate summit in 2009, when the leak of thousands of emails between climate scientists suggested they had manipulated and hidden data. Some were British experts at the influential Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia.

Read more: World leaders duped by manipulated global warming data | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Exposed: How world leaders were duped into investing billions over manipulated global warming data
  • The Mail on Sunday can reveal a landmark paper exaggerated global warming
  • It was rushed through and timed to influence the Paris agreement on climate change
  • America’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration broke its own rules
  • The report claimed the pause in global warming never existed, but it was based on misleading, ‘unverified’ data
The scandal has disturbing echoes of the ‘Climategate’ affair which broke shortly before the UN climate summit in 2009, when the leak of thousands of emails between climate scientists suggested they had manipulated and hidden data. Some were British experts at the influential Climatic Research Unit at the University of East Anglia.

Read more: World leaders duped by manipulated global warming data | Daily Mail Online
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
The dam is falling down (its no longer cracks its pieces falling off). The next few weeks is going to be wild to watch as NOAA, NASA, And the EPA get a broom taken to them and department heads replaced...

Expect further defections from the Cult, in an effort to keep their jobs..
Like I don't have a just got your panties in a twist over people making fun of the sheer ridiculousness of modern climate pseudoscience and tried to distract from the fact that the margin of error is 10X larger than the claimed record.

You said a stupid thing about the statistics. I pointed it out. And instead of thanking me for educating you, you're snarling at me. You snarl at anyone who is smarter than you, which is everyone.

You're clueless about how statistics works. You shouldn't be bothering the grownups. Alas, being that you're a poster child for Dunning-Kruger Syndrome, you're stupid enough to believe that you're not stupid, which leads to these constant belligerent ignorance displays. typical right? When you pwn a progressive, this is the response.......I see it all the time in forums and when I am lucky enough to bump into these fools in life. Its the whole pidgeon stomping around the chessboard illustration. Everywhere you look these days though, these people are losing all of the arguments and getting whacked in elections......and they just keep going with the same shit! Its all good.........:popcorn::popcorn:
Like I don't have a just got your panties in a twist over people making fun of the sheer ridiculousness of modern climate pseudoscience and tried to distract from the fact that the margin of error is 10X larger than the claimed record.

You said a stupid thing about the statistics. I pointed it out. And instead of thanking me for educating you, you're snarling at me. You snarl at anyone who is smarter than you, which is everyone.

You're clueless about how statistics works. You shouldn't be bothering the grownups. Alas, being that you're a poster child for Dunning-Kruger Syndrome, you're stupid enough to believe that you're not stupid, which leads to these constant belligerent ignorance displays. typical right? When you pwn a progressive, this is the response.......I see it all the time in forums and when I am lucky enough to bump into these fools in life. Its the whole pidgeon stomping around the chessboard illustration. Everywhere you look these days though, these people are losing all of the arguments and getting whacked in elections......and they just keep going with the same shit! Its all good.........:popcorn::popcorn:

No critical thinking skills...they can't see how wrong they are.

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