Scientists Suggest That The Universe Knew

Lying for Jesus


Definition: when Christians deliberately spread misinformation, disinformation, propaganda, specious arguments, lies in order to further legitimize their religion or bring people to jesus.

"The Creation Museum is lying for jesus when they show that dinosaurs walked on earth with humans."

The Discovery Institute, Answers in Genesis, Creation Museum

"Scientists Suggest That The Universe Knew''

That's just so silly. Just as the religionists apply various human attributes to their God's, they apply human attributes such as intent, personality, sentience, etc., to the universe.

It's really just so silly.
Another brilliant post by a government school grad.
A few things. First, the US public school system is actually about 14k school districts + almost 35k private schools. If you start looking at education on the level where decisions are being made - the district, or school level - you see a wide variety of outcomes and metrics. Even just breaking it down by state and looking at international PISA scores (a pretty standard international metric) you see that many portions of the US are doing well above the international average, and even would be ranked within the top 5–10 if ranked as countries (Bringing it back home: Why state comparisons are more useful than international comparisons for improving U.S. education policy).

As a nation, as a whole, we have the problem of public education being available for all in a diverse country with tons of immigrants. A huge part of the education gap is the fact that about 10% of our students are learning the language of instruction at any given time (English Language Learners in Public Schools). That means that they are trying to learn math, language arts, science, history, etc in a language that they do not speak natively and are in the process of learning to fluency.

In addition, the US, unlike many other countries, is philosophically very much anti-”tracking.” That is, we don’t have different basic course requirements and outcomes goals based on whether we think you are “college material” or should instead be taught a skilled trade. Many countries, particularly in Europe, have a model where students are tracked and usually the students in the non-college-bound tracks are not counted in international comparisons (Stopping German students in their tracks? - Marketplace). This complicates education as you try to be “all things to all students” and/or prepare kids (even mainstreamed “special ed” kids) that have no interest or aptitude as if they are all going to college.

The Universities, however, don’t have the same constraints as public schools. International students usually have to take an English proficiency exam prior to enrollment, and you better believe that admissions requirements “track” students into schools/programs according to test scores/past grades/other measures of ability. To turn a popular quote and comic on it’s head:


Public schools in the US are told “teach everyone to climb that tree!” Colleges and universities are told “pick the test, and then pick the students to try and take that test.” Naturally, the latter has much better outcomes!

As for why the US has so many of these schools - we have a history of (relative to other contemporaries) high literacy rates, at least a nominal cultural meme of being a meritocracy, and we dodged most of the at-home infrastructure damage of two World Wars - letting our colleges and universities explode with students on the GI bill, filled with funding to race the Soviets in science and tech, and expanding rapidly while Europe was digging out the rubble (the US had a baby boom while the UK was still under strict rationing guidelines until 1954).
PoleChick is hom skoolled. She seems traumatized by it as well, since she always attacks regular schools. :cuckoo:
She went to an Ivy so she is one of the Chosen and obviously much smarter and more knowledgeable than the rest of us, or at least the people she quotes must be or they wouldn't agree with her. It is her noblesse oblige to enlighten the benighted masses so long as we acknowledge her elevated status. She is vaguely Judeo-Christian but never even made it to the ninth commandment. It is an honor to be insulted by such a one.
Everyone on the internet is rich, beautiful and went to an Ivy League school. Well, except you, I guess. :biggrin:

She's full of shit, she was hom skoolled.
I may not be rich or from an Ivy but at least I'm beautiful.

"I may not be rich or from an Ivy but at least I'm beautiful." the dark.
…according to various calculations, if the values of some of the fundamental parameters of our universe were a little larger or a little smaller, life could not have arisen. For example, if the nuclear force were a few percentage points stronger than it actually is, then all the hydrogen atoms in the infant universe would have fused with other hydrogen atoms to make helium, and there would be no hydrogen left. No hydrogen means no water. Although we are far from certain about what conditions are necessary for life, most biologists believe that water is necessary. [/SIZE]

On the other hand, if the nuclear force were substantially weaker than what it actually is, then the complex atoms needed for biology could not hold together.
As another example, if the relationship between the strengths of the gravitational force and the electromagnetic force were not close to what it is, then the cosmos would not harbor any stars that explode and spew out life-supporting chemical elements into space or any other stars that form planets. Both kinds of stars are required for the emergence of life. The strengths of the basic forces and certain other fundamental parameters in our universe appear to be “fine-tuned” to allow the existence of life.

The recognition of this fine tuning led British physicist Brandon Carter to articulate what he called the anthropic principle, which states that the universe must have the parameters it does because we are here to observe it. Actually, the word anthropic, from the Greek for “man,” is a misnomer: if these fundamental parameters were much different from what they are, it is not only human beings who would not exist. No life of any kind would exist.”

Of course you atheists can ignore the facts.....the science.....or, just have an epiphany.

Yes, God got it right.
11. “That our universe seems uniquely tuned to give rise to life; more specifically, human life, is known as the Anthropic Principle. And it remains a source of intense wonder, debate and speculation among scientists, philosophers and theologians since it was fullly appreciated a few decades ago.

All in all there are fifteen cosmological constants which, because they have the values and parameters they have, allow the emergence of a universe capable of supporting complex life.

Some have imaginatively likened the anthropic principle to a series of radio dials, with each instance of fine-tuning representing one dial. Unless all the dials are tuned to exactly the right settings, life would be utterly impossible. In his Just Six Numbers, Britain’s Astronomer Royal, Martin Rees, states that such finely-tuned cosmological constants, ‘constitute a “recipe” for a universe. Moreover, the outcome is sensitive to their values: if any one of them were to be ‘untuned’, there would be no stars and no life.’3

‘The chance,’ says Francis Collins, head of the human genome project, ‘that all these constants would take on the values necessary to result in a stable universe capable of sustaining complex life forms is almost infinitesimal. And yet those are exactly the parameters we observe.

Both the Big-Bang and the growing realization of how the universe is finely-tuned for life have seriously altered the tone of the debate in terms of God, science and reason. Nonetheless, as suggestive as fine-tuning may be, its explanation continues to stoke intense debate in scientific, theological and philosophical circles.’”


"...that all these constants would take on the values necessary to result in a stable universe capable of sustaining complex life forms is almost infinitesimal."
Nice random copy&paste. You do that for bluzman? :biggrin:

'cut and paste' is an attempted pejorative for well documented and sourced.

It is always wielded by the ill informed, uneducated dolts who will never confront the lies they were forced to swallow in government school.
Raise your paw.
You should explain in one paragraph what your link says and post the link. Instead of copy&pasting a bunch of shit that nobody is going to read. Quote some of the saying if need be, but don't copy&post a whole shitload of random quotes. It's not conducive to a discussion.

Re-post sans the juvenile vulgarity that evinces your level of education, and I may grace you with a response.
I'm just trying to help discuss what you're having a hard time saying without copy&paste. You reach for the insult. pity.

Cut and paste???
It upsets you that I can prove, document, provide quotes that prove everything I post?

11. “That our universe seems uniquely tuned to give rise to life; more specifically, human life, is known as the Anthropic Principle. And it remains a source of intense wonder, debate and speculation among scientists, philosophers and theologians since it was fullly appreciated a few decades ago.

All in all there are fifteen cosmological constants which, because they have the values and parameters they have, allow the emergence of a universe capable of supporting complex life.

Some have imaginatively likened the anthropic principle to a series of radio dials, with each instance of fine-tuning representing one dial. Unless all the dials are tuned to exactly the right settings, life would be utterly impossible. In his Just Six Numbers, Britain’s Astronomer Royal, Martin Rees, states that such finely-tuned cosmological constants, ‘constitute a “recipe” for a universe. Moreover, the outcome is sensitive to their values: if any one of them were to be ‘untuned’, there would be no stars and no life.’3

‘The chance,’ says Francis Collins, head of the human genome project, ‘that all these constants would take on the values necessary to result in a stable universe capable of sustaining complex life forms is almost infinitesimal. And yet those are exactly the parameters we observe.

Both the Big-Bang and the growing realization of how the universe is finely-tuned for life have seriously altered the tone of the debate in terms of God, science and reason. Nonetheless, as suggestive as fine-tuning may be, its explanation continues to stoke intense debate in scientific, theological and philosophical circles.’”


"...that all these constants would take on the values necessary to result in a stable universe capable of sustaining complex life forms is almost infinitesimal."
Nice random copy&paste. You do that for bluzman? :biggrin:

'cut and paste' is an attempted pejorative for well documented and sourced.

It is always wielded by the ill informed, uneducated dolts who will never confront the lies they were forced to swallow in government school.
Raise your paw.
You should explain in one paragraph what your link says and post the link. Instead of copy&pasting a bunch of shit that nobody is going to read. Quote some of the saying if need be, but don't copy&post a whole shitload of random quotes. It's not conducive to a discussion.

Re-post sans the juvenile vulgarity that evinces your level of education, and I may grace you with a response.
I'm just trying to help discuss what you're having a hard time saying without copy&paste. You reach for the insult. pity.

Cut and paste???
It upsets you that I can prove, document, provide quotes that prove everything I post?

You're not the least bit embarrassed at being exposed as a fraud.

11. “That our universe seems uniquely tuned to give rise to life; more specifically, human life, is known as the Anthropic Principle. And it remains a source of intense wonder, debate and speculation among scientists, philosophers and theologians since it was fullly appreciated a few decades ago.

All in all there are fifteen cosmological constants which, because they have the values and parameters they have, allow the emergence of a universe capable of supporting complex life.

Some have imaginatively likened the anthropic principle to a series of radio dials, with each instance of fine-tuning representing one dial. Unless all the dials are tuned to exactly the right settings, life would be utterly impossible. In his Just Six Numbers, Britain’s Astronomer Royal, Martin Rees, states that such finely-tuned cosmological constants, ‘constitute a “recipe” for a universe. Moreover, the outcome is sensitive to their values: if any one of them were to be ‘untuned’, there would be no stars and no life.’3

‘The chance,’ says Francis Collins, head of the human genome project, ‘that all these constants would take on the values necessary to result in a stable universe capable of sustaining complex life forms is almost infinitesimal. And yet those are exactly the parameters we observe.

Both the Big-Bang and the growing realization of how the universe is finely-tuned for life have seriously altered the tone of the debate in terms of God, science and reason. Nonetheless, as suggestive as fine-tuning may be, its explanation continues to stoke intense debate in scientific, theological and philosophical circles.’”


"...that all these constants would take on the values necessary to result in a stable universe capable of sustaining complex life forms is almost infinitesimal."
Nice random copy&paste. You do that for bluzman? :biggrin:

'cut and paste' is an attempted pejorative for well documented and sourced.

It is always wielded by the ill informed, uneducated dolts who will never confront the lies they were forced to swallow in government school.
Raise your paw.
You should explain in one paragraph what your link says and post the link. Instead of copy&pasting a bunch of shit that nobody is going to read. Quote some of the saying if need be, but don't copy&post a whole shitload of random quotes. It's not conducive to a discussion.
I hardly believe, even for a moment, that you are interested in a discussion.
Try me.
You are convinced there is no God.
I am convinced there is a God.
You are convinced that if there were a God, life would be perfect.
I am convinced that God has given mankind the responsibility of creating our own eternity and God's patience is not as small as man's inability to deal with differences of opinion or with disappointment.
Does this make me naive?
Nope; I have experienced as much emotional and physical pain as the average American, but in the end, I cannot deny that I am only a figment of God's extremely generous imagination.
I'm agnostic, I see no proof for or against a god.
A god could probably make things perfect if it wanted to.
Thinking that your god can run low on patience is naive.
If your god is so generous, why did it inflict so much pain on you? (And me as well).
11. “That our universe seems uniquely tuned to give rise to life; more specifically, human life, is known as the Anthropic Principle. And it remains a source of intense wonder, debate and speculation among scientists, philosophers and theologians since it was fullly appreciated a few decades ago.

All in all there are fifteen cosmological constants which, because they have the values and parameters they have, allow the emergence of a universe capable of supporting complex life.

Some have imaginatively likened the anthropic principle to a series of radio dials, with each instance of fine-tuning representing one dial. Unless all the dials are tuned to exactly the right settings, life would be utterly impossible. In his Just Six Numbers, Britain’s Astronomer Royal, Martin Rees, states that such finely-tuned cosmological constants, ‘constitute a “recipe” for a universe. Moreover, the outcome is sensitive to their values: if any one of them were to be ‘untuned’, there would be no stars and no life.’3

‘The chance,’ says Francis Collins, head of the human genome project, ‘that all these constants would take on the values necessary to result in a stable universe capable of sustaining complex life forms is almost infinitesimal. And yet those are exactly the parameters we observe.

Both the Big-Bang and the growing realization of how the universe is finely-tuned for life have seriously altered the tone of the debate in terms of God, science and reason. Nonetheless, as suggestive as fine-tuning may be, its explanation continues to stoke intense debate in scientific, theological and philosophical circles.’”


"...that all these constants would take on the values necessary to result in a stable universe capable of sustaining complex life forms is almost infinitesimal."
Nice random copy&paste. You do that for bluzman? :biggrin:

'cut and paste' is an attempted pejorative for well documented and sourced.

It is always wielded by the ill informed, uneducated dolts who will never confront the lies they were forced to swallow in government school.
Raise your paw.
You should explain in one paragraph what your link says and post the link. Instead of copy&pasting a bunch of shit that nobody is going to read. Quote some of the saying if need be, but don't copy&post a whole shitload of random quotes. It's not conducive to a discussion.

Re-post sans the juvenile vulgarity that evinces your level of education, and I may grace you with a response.
I'm just trying to help discuss what you're having a hard time saying without copy&paste. You reach for the insult. pity.

Cut and paste???
It upsets you that I can prove, document, provide quotes that prove everything I post?

See? you just posted without any copy&paste. How did it feel? Good?
Another brilliant post by a government school grad.
A few things. First, the US public school system is actually about 14k school districts + almost 35k private schools. If you start looking at education on the level where decisions are being made - the district, or school level - you see a wide variety of outcomes and metrics. Even just breaking it down by state and looking at international PISA scores (a pretty standard international metric) you see that many portions of the US are doing well above the international average, and even would be ranked within the top 5–10 if ranked as countries (Bringing it back home: Why state comparisons are more useful than international comparisons for improving U.S. education policy).

As a nation, as a whole, we have the problem of public education being available for all in a diverse country with tons of immigrants. A huge part of the education gap is the fact that about 10% of our students are learning the language of instruction at any given time (English Language Learners in Public Schools). That means that they are trying to learn math, language arts, science, history, etc in a language that they do not speak natively and are in the process of learning to fluency.

In addition, the US, unlike many other countries, is philosophically very much anti-”tracking.” That is, we don’t have different basic course requirements and outcomes goals based on whether we think you are “college material” or should instead be taught a skilled trade. Many countries, particularly in Europe, have a model where students are tracked and usually the students in the non-college-bound tracks are not counted in international comparisons (Stopping German students in their tracks? - Marketplace). This complicates education as you try to be “all things to all students” and/or prepare kids (even mainstreamed “special ed” kids) that have no interest or aptitude as if they are all going to college.

The Universities, however, don’t have the same constraints as public schools. International students usually have to take an English proficiency exam prior to enrollment, and you better believe that admissions requirements “track” students into schools/programs according to test scores/past grades/other measures of ability. To turn a popular quote and comic on it’s head:


Public schools in the US are told “teach everyone to climb that tree!” Colleges and universities are told “pick the test, and then pick the students to try and take that test.” Naturally, the latter has much better outcomes!

As for why the US has so many of these schools - we have a history of (relative to other contemporaries) high literacy rates, at least a nominal cultural meme of being a meritocracy, and we dodged most of the at-home infrastructure damage of two World Wars - letting our colleges and universities explode with students on the GI bill, filled with funding to race the Soviets in science and tech, and expanding rapidly while Europe was digging out the rubble (the US had a baby boom while the UK was still under strict rationing guidelines until 1954).
PoleChick is hom skoolled. She seems traumatized by it as well, since she always attacks regular schools. :cuckoo:
She went to an Ivy so she is one of the Chosen and obviously much smarter and more knowledgeable than the rest of us, or at least the people she quotes must be or they wouldn't agree with her. It is her noblesse oblige to enlighten the benighted masses so long as we acknowledge her elevated status. She is vaguely Judeo-Christian but never even made it to the ninth commandment. It is an honor to be insulted by such a one.
Everyone on the internet is rich, beautiful and went to an Ivy League school. Well, except you, I guess. :biggrin:

She's full of shit, she was hom skoolled.
I may not be rich or from an Ivy but at least I'm beautiful.

"I may not be rich or from an Ivy but at least I'm beautiful." the dark.
So which Ivy League school are you pretending to have graduated from? And in what field?
11. “That our universe seems uniquely tuned to give rise to life; more specifically, human life, is known as the Anthropic Principle. And it remains a source of intense wonder, debate and speculation among scientists, philosophers and theologians since it was fullly appreciated a few decades ago.

All in all there are fifteen cosmological constants which, because they have the values and parameters they have, allow the emergence of a universe capable of supporting complex life.

Some have imaginatively likened the anthropic principle to a series of radio dials, with each instance of fine-tuning representing one dial. Unless all the dials are tuned to exactly the right settings, life would be utterly impossible. In his Just Six Numbers, Britain’s Astronomer Royal, Martin Rees, states that such finely-tuned cosmological constants, ‘constitute a “recipe” for a universe. Moreover, the outcome is sensitive to their values: if any one of them were to be ‘untuned’, there would be no stars and no life.’3

‘The chance,’ says Francis Collins, head of the human genome project, ‘that all these constants would take on the values necessary to result in a stable universe capable of sustaining complex life forms is almost infinitesimal. And yet those are exactly the parameters we observe.

Both the Big-Bang and the growing realization of how the universe is finely-tuned for life have seriously altered the tone of the debate in terms of God, science and reason. Nonetheless, as suggestive as fine-tuning may be, its explanation continues to stoke intense debate in scientific, theological and philosophical circles.’”


"...that all these constants would take on the values necessary to result in a stable universe capable of sustaining complex life forms is almost infinitesimal."
Nice random copy&paste. You do that for bluzman? :biggrin:

'cut and paste' is an attempted pejorative for well documented and sourced.

It is always wielded by the ill informed, uneducated dolts who will never confront the lies they were forced to swallow in government school.
Raise your paw.
You should explain in one paragraph what your link says and post the link. Instead of copy&pasting a bunch of shit that nobody is going to read. Quote some of the saying if need be, but don't copy&post a whole shitload of random quotes. It's not conducive to a discussion.
I hardly believe, even for a moment, that you are interested in a discussion.
Try me.
You are convinced there is no God.
I am convinced there is a God.
You are convinced that if there were a God, life would be perfect.
I am convinced that God has given mankind the responsibility of creating our own eternity and God's patience is not as small as man's inability to deal with differences of opinion or with disappointment.
Does this make me naive?
Nope; I have experienced as much emotional and physical pain as the average American, but in the end, I cannot deny that I am only a figment of God's extremely generous imagination.
I'm agnostic, I see no proof for or against a god.
A god could probably make things perfect if it wanted to.
Thinking that your god can run low on patience is naive.
If your god is so generous, why did it inflict so much pain on you? (And me as well).
I’m sure none of us had to expend energy to learn how to walk, speak a language, keep in shape.
"Democrat Watching RNC Unsure Who This 'God' Guy They Keep Mentioning Is
August 26th, 2020

PORTLAND, OR—Local Democrat man Xander Pollen tuned in to the Republican National Convention tonight in order to get his nightly fill of outrage and screaming at the sky, since his mother was at Bunco night and couldn't give him a ride to the Wednesday night riot with his friends.

But the man soon became confused as Republicans kept mentioning someone named "God," but it was unclear who exactly this was.
"Not sure who this 'God' fellow is, but he's probably a racist bigot or something," Pollen said. "And they even said our nation is 'under God,' so maybe he's a Russian operative trying to steal the election and take over the USPS. Anyway, there's definitely something wrong with the guy to even be associated with Republicans at all."
There were also strange mentions of something called "The Constitution," "unborn babies," and a very frightening mention of "personal responsibility."
"OK, I can't take this anymore -- it's like watching a horror movie," Pollen said, shuddering, as he turned it off and watched some comforting clips of Joe Biden saying completely incoherent nonsense and not mentioning God at all, simply because he couldn't remember His name.
At publishing time, sources had confirmed that some Republicans were confused by all the mentions of God as well."
"Democrat Watching RNC Unsure Who This 'God' Guy They Keep Mentioning Is
August 26th, 2020

PORTLAND, OR—Local Democrat man Xander Pollen tuned in to the Republican National Convention tonight in order to get his nightly fill of outrage and screaming at the sky, since his mother was at Bunco night and couldn't give him a ride to the Wednesday night riot with his friends.

But the man soon became confused as Republicans kept mentioning someone named "God," but it was unclear who exactly this was.
"Not sure who this 'God' fellow is, but he's probably a racist bigot or something," Pollen said. "And they even said our nation is 'under God,' so maybe he's a Russian operative trying to steal the election and take over the USPS. Anyway, there's definitely something wrong with the guy to even be associated with Republicans at all."
There were also strange mentions of something called "The Constitution," "unborn babies," and a very frightening mention of "personal responsibility."
"OK, I can't take this anymore -- it's like watching a horror movie," Pollen said, shuddering, as he turned it off and watched some comforting clips of Joe Biden saying completely incoherent nonsense and not mentioning God at all, simply because he couldn't remember His name.
At publishing time, sources had confirmed that some Republicans were confused by all the mentions of God as well."
Off topic spam. Please limit your participation to cutting and pasting your usual “quotes”.
"The Creation Museum is lying for jesus when they show that dinosaurs walked on earth with humans."

It's you lying against Jesus as the soft tissue fossil evidence shows dinosaurs walked the Earth with humans. History shows that dinosaurs became extinct due to the global flood and being hunted to extinction by humans. Practically, every ancient civilization has some sort of art depicting giant reptilian creatures. Examples are Roman mosaics, Mayan pottery, and Babylonian city walls.
"Democrat Watching RNC Unsure Who This 'God' Guy They Keep Mentioning Is
August 26th, 2020

PORTLAND, OR—Local Democrat man Xander Pollen tuned in to the Republican National Convention tonight in order to get his nightly fill of outrage and screaming at the sky, since his mother was at Bunco night and couldn't give him a ride to the Wednesday night riot with his friends.

But the man soon became confused as Republicans kept mentioning someone named "God," but it was unclear who exactly this was.
"Not sure who this 'God' fellow is, but he's probably a racist bigot or something," Pollen said. "And they even said our nation is 'under God,' so maybe he's a Russian operative trying to steal the election and take over the USPS. Anyway, there's definitely something wrong with the guy to even be associated with Republicans at all."
There were also strange mentions of something called "The Constitution," "unborn babies," and a very frightening mention of "personal responsibility."
"OK, I can't take this anymore -- it's like watching a horror movie," Pollen said, shuddering, as he turned it off and watched some comforting clips of Joe Biden saying completely incoherent nonsense and not mentioning God at all, simply because he couldn't remember His name.
At publishing time, sources had confirmed that some Republicans were confused by all the mentions of God as well."
Off topic spam. Please limit your participation to cutting and pasting your usual “quotes”.

Don't get yourself in a tizzy. They just misspelled Dumbocrat as Democrat and guy's name was given as Xander Pollen. He's just being sarcastic, but ends up with egg on his face.
"The Creation Museum is lying for jesus when they show that dinosaurs walked on earth with humans."

It's you lying against Jesus as the soft tissue fossil evidence shows dinosaurs walked the Earth with humans. History shows that dinosaurs became extinct due to the global flood and being hunted to extinction by humans. Practically, every ancient civilization has some sort of art depicting giant reptilian creatures. Examples are Roman mosaics, Mayan pottery, and Babylonian city walls.
“the soft tissue fossil evidence shows dinosaurs walked the Earth with humans.”

"The Creation Museum is lying for jesus when they show that dinosaurs walked on earth with humans."

It's you lying against Jesus as the soft tissue fossil evidence shows dinosaurs walked the Earth with humans. History shows that dinosaurs became extinct due to the global flood and being hunted to extinction by humans. Practically, every ancient civilization has some sort of art depicting giant reptilian creatures. Examples are Roman mosaics, Mayan pottery, and Babylonian city walls.
“the soft tissue fossil evidence shows dinosaurs walked the Earth with humans.”


The soft tissue fossils show that it wasn't that long ago.


If the dinosaurs were extinct, then how did the ancient people create illustrations that follow how they looked like through our reconstructions?

Let's face it. You cannot explain while the Bible, creation science, and I can explain.
"The Creation Museum is lying for jesus when they show that dinosaurs walked on earth with humans."

It's you lying against Jesus as the soft tissue fossil evidence shows dinosaurs walked the Earth with humans. History shows that dinosaurs became extinct due to the global flood and being hunted to extinction by humans. Practically, every ancient civilization has some sort of art depicting giant reptilian creatures. Examples are Roman mosaics, Mayan pottery, and Babylonian city walls.
“the soft tissue fossil evidence shows dinosaurs walked the Earth with humans.”


The soft tissue fossils show that it wasn't that long ago.


If the dinosaurs were extinct, then how did the ancient people create illustrations that follow how they looked like through our reconstructions?

Let's face it. You cannot explain while the Bible, creation science, and I can explain.
You explained nothing.

Nonsense claims explain nothing.
"The Creation Museum is lying for jesus when they show that dinosaurs walked on earth with humans."

It's you lying against Jesus as the soft tissue fossil evidence shows dinosaurs walked the Earth with humans. History shows that dinosaurs became extinct due to the global flood and being hunted to extinction by humans. Practically, every ancient civilization has some sort of art depicting giant reptilian creatures. Examples are Roman mosaics, Mayan pottery, and Babylonian city walls.
“the soft tissue fossil evidence shows dinosaurs walked the Earth with humans.”


The soft tissue fossils show that it wasn't that long ago.


If the dinosaurs were extinct, then how did the ancient people create illustrations that follow how they looked like through our reconstructions?

Let's face it. You cannot explain while the Bible, creation science, and I can explain.
You don't have a reference to where that rock came from. Was it a recent grade school art project?

"The Creation Museum is lying for jesus when they show that dinosaurs walked on earth with humans."

It's you lying against Jesus as the soft tissue fossil evidence shows dinosaurs walked the Earth with humans. History shows that dinosaurs became extinct due to the global flood and being hunted to extinction by humans. Practically, every ancient civilization has some sort of art depicting giant reptilian creatures. Examples are Roman mosaics, Mayan pottery, and Babylonian city walls.
“the soft tissue fossil evidence shows dinosaurs walked the Earth with humans.”


The soft tissue fossils show that it wasn't that long ago.


If the dinosaurs were extinct, then how did the ancient people create illustrations that follow how they looked like through our reconstructions?

Let's face it. You cannot explain while the Bible, creation science, and I can explain.

I cannot explain how you can be so gullible.
"The Creation Museum is lying for jesus when they show that dinosaurs walked on earth with humans."

It's you lying against Jesus as the soft tissue fossil evidence shows dinosaurs walked the Earth with humans. History shows that dinosaurs became extinct due to the global flood and being hunted to extinction by humans. Practically, every ancient civilization has some sort of art depicting giant reptilian creatures. Examples are Roman mosaics, Mayan pottery, and Babylonian city walls.
“the soft tissue fossil evidence shows dinosaurs walked the Earth with humans.”


The soft tissue fossils show that it wasn't that long ago.


If the dinosaurs were extinct, then how did the ancient people create illustrations that follow how they looked like through our reconstructions?

Let's face it. You cannot explain while the Bible, creation science, and I can explain.
You don't have a reference to where that rock came from. Was it a recent grade school art project?

I don't make up stories like the universe was infinite and is now 13.7 billion years old and Earth 4.5 billion years old. That's what bugging you because you believe in bullsh*t.

It's always been around 6,000 years old and these stones show humans lived with dinosaurs. It means your billions timeline is wrong.


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