Scorched earth: U.S. wildfires near record level

Wenatchee, Washington is not in a wilderness.

At least a dozen homes burn, hundreds evacuated as Sleepy Hollow Fire grows to 1,700 acres

And the ranches and farms have been there for generations. Your ignorance is completely apparent in your blather.

Ever worked forest fires? I have, both ground and crown. Once a fire crowns, if it has a wind behind it, it can throw burning limbs and sparks two miles or more ahead of it. And you can set a town on fire from a fire that is a mile or more away.
Skeptics blew up this whole thread a couple of pages back........making a link between forest fires and drought caused by global warming is a total fraud as claimed by global warming alarmists getting all hysterical. Go check the history of US drought map a couple of pages comes and goes depending on the year...........:coffee:. Has nothing to do whatsoever with CO2. Take one gander at that map and if you still fall for the duping, I cant help you!!:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
LOL.........couldn't help myself...........I crack myself up!!!


Again.......the climate alarmists always are taking us to the present only. Anything that happens in the environment is made out to be some new phenomenon linked to global warming..........that's the MO for these people. Make everything hysterical.........but when it is placed in the context of climate history, the AGW k00ks get the message board smackdown treatment!!!

People need to realize........progressives make faux presentations an art form via use of the word "science". It has nothing to do with "science". If not for data rigging, the concept of "global warming" would not even exist. Progressives who embrace AGW screw with the semantics all the time and make the presentation muddy to persuade the reader in almost every post in here. For example....they highlight a forest fire claiming "burned nearly 1.7 million acres!!". The premise being, "OMG.....we have to do something about climate change for Christsakes!!". But its bogus from the word go.........these forest fires have been happening without interruption for billions of years. Its called nature.....several links in here look at a history of forest fires in the northern hemisphere. Always happening..........depends on the year which effects the frequency and size...............duh. All depends on drought conditions which ALWAYS come and go depending on the year.


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