Scott Brown First Endorsement: Birther Candidate Who Compared Obama To Osama

lol! A little late with those sad personal smears no? Haven't you heard? Scott Brown has just won the oldest and most Liberal Democrat Seat in Congress. It's the biggest upset in political history. Where ya been? WTG Scott! :)

Yup... and when you think about it, maybe it was the "birthers" vote that helped put Brown in office, since at last polling the majority of American's did have serious reservations as to where obama/soetoro was born, or if he qualified as a "natural born citizen," for very good reason. No one has ever seen his real birth certificate, and his entire past is under lock and key!

My kind of people them birthers, and happier'n a pig in shit that the liberals DON'T like them. What a great feeling.
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Yup... and when you think about it, maybe it was the "birthers" vote that helped put Brown in office, since at last polling the majority of American's did have serious reservations as to where obama/soetoro was born, or if he qualified as a "natural born citizen," for very good reason. No one has ever seen his real birth certificate, and his entire past is under lock and key!

My kind of people, and happier'n a pig in shit that the liberals DON'T like them. What a great feeling.

I'd love to see the link to this.
I loved the Grandmaster B episodes!

Confirmed Grandmaster B Malapropisms

Abdomenizer B (Bud, 0723)
Bass Master B (Al, 0604)
Bed Wetter B (Kelly, 0603)
Bellringer B (Kelly, 0607)
Buckminister B (Al, 0603)
Burgermeister B(Peggy, 0603)
Bushwacker B (Kelly, 0603)
Butt-wagger B (Kelly, 0616)
Court Jester B (Peggy, 0603)
Crossdresser B (Kelly, 0607)
Dustbuster B (Jill, 0603)
Gas-passer B (Al, 0604)
Ghostbuster B (Kelly, 0603)
Grand Bastard B (Kelly, 0614)
Grand Flasher B (Jill, 0603)
Grand Marshall B (Peggy, 0603)
Grandfather B (Al, 0604)
Grandma B (Kelly, 0603)
Grandmaster One (Bud, 0614)
Grandmaster Virgin (Kelly, 0616)
Grandpappy B (Kelly, 0607)
Grasshopper B (Al, 0604)
Grinchmaster B (TV Host, 0619)
Mixmaster B (Jill, 0603)
Thighmaster (Kelly, 0619)
Thumb Sucker B (Kelly, 0614)

Bundyology - Facts about the Bundy Family

:lol: I loved Married..With Children.

Another show that was on before you were born. ;)

I did too, and what it is the song Bud sang?
Yup... and when you think about it, maybe it was the "birthers" vote that helped put Brown in office, since at last polling the majority of American's did have serious reservations as to where obama/soetoro was born, or if he qualified as a "natural born citizen," for very good reason. No one has ever seen his real birth certificate, and his entire past is under lock and key!

My kind of people, and happier'n a pig in shit that the liberals DON'T like them. What a great feeling.

I'd love to see the link to this.

'Bout a year old now, might be hard to find. Fact remains though. That's why this issue is still alive, and always will be until obama proves where he was born... or someone else does.
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'Bout a year old now, might be hard to find. Fact remains though. That's why this issue is still alive, and always will be until obama proves where he was born... or someone else does.

Yeah, about that, I'm calling bullshit. There is no fact if you can't back it up.

And this issue will always be alive. Just like the truther issue will always be alive. Have fun at the meetings with Terral and Eots.
Let the smears begin!

Yes, Palin gets a breather for awhile, it's gonna be all Scott Brown. Desperation on full display for all to see.:lol::lol:

The liberals always were the masters at spitting vitriol. I say let'm. People are SICK of it, and it will only hurt them worse than they're already wounded. Course some of them just can't help themselves, and they'll go down spitting the venom right to the last breath.
This is a good endorsement. Obama is way more dangerous to the US right now than Osama Bin Laden .

The man who helped mastermind the deaths of over 3,000 Americans is less dangerous than Obama? You seriously are fucked up with your partisan thinking.

86 countries lost citizens on 9/11.... stop being so damned arrogant as to pretend that all 3000 were Americans. They were not. It is disrespectful to those who died to not acknowledge that.
'Bout a year old now, might be hard to find. Fact remains though. That's why this issue is still alive, and always will be until obama proves where he was born... or someone else does.

Yeah, about that, I'm calling bullshit. There is no fact if you can't back it up.

And this issue will always be alive. Just like the truther issue will always be alive. Have fun at the meetings with Terral and Eots.

Alright, I'll try and find it.... but regardless if I do or not, just because it wasn't something YOU read isn't going to make it any less true. I DID read it, and I know it's a fact.... sorry.

And there was a senator as recent as last week that sent a request over to the White House asking obama/soetoro to produce a valid birth certificate. Yup... they're still on it, and obama will NOT be able to keep up his house of cards forever. Lies have a way of coming to the surface sooner or later.
lol! A little late with those sad personal smears no? Haven't you heard? Scott Brown has just won the oldest and most Liberal Democrat Seat in Congress. It's the biggest upset in political history. Where ya been? WTG Scott! :)

Yup... and when you think about it, maybe it was the "birthers" vote that helped put Brown in office, since at last polling the majority of American's did have serious reservations as to where obama/soetoro was born, or if he qualified as a "natural born citizen," for very good reason. No one has ever seen his real birth certificate, and his entire past is under lock and key!

My kind of people them birthers, and happier'n a pig in shit that the liberals DON'T like them. What a great feeling.

It's funny that you are in here running your mouth after all the beatdowns you have taken trying promote your BS.
This is a good endorsement. Obama is way more dangerous to the US right now than Osama Bin Laden .

The man who helped mastermind the deaths of over 3,000 Americans is less dangerous than Obama? You seriously are fucked up with your partisan thinking.

86 countries lost citizens on 9/11.... stop being so damned arrogant as to pretend that all 3000 were Americans. They were not. It is disrespectful to those who died to not acknowledge that.

Are you a dumb bint on purpose? I'm going to bold what he said and what I specifically responded to. We were talking about America, so I talked about America. Yes, other people from other countries died. However, they are not in this country. So they're not relevant to this specific conversation about America. Not about Canada, etc.

So you stop being so arrogant and such a miserable bitch. Honestly, day in and day out, all you are is a miserable person on this board. Nobody wants to hear you be a negative nancy 24/7. It's sickening to the point where it's just annoying.

So stop twisting my damn words you ignorant arrogant miserable fool.
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Alright, I'll try and find it.... but regardless if I do or not, just because it wasn't something YOU read isn't going to make it any less true. I DID read it, and I know it's a fact.... sorry.

And there was a senator as recent as last week that sent a request over to the White House asking obama/soetoro to produce a valid birth certificate. Yup... they're still on it, and obama will NOT be able to keep up his house of cards forever. Lies have a way of coming to the surface sooner or later.

And I read a poll where 2% of people believe it. But since we're going by your rules, I don't need a source.

And I don't care if there was one senator. One senator also wants Universal Health Care, you don't think that's a good idea. You're a fool for trying to promote this shit as real considering how many beatdowns you're received on here to the point you stopped making birther threads.
lol! A little late with those sad personal smears no? Haven't you heard? Scott Brown has just won the oldest and most Liberal Democrat Seat in Congress. It's the biggest upset in political history. Where ya been? WTG Scott! :)

Yup... and when you think about it, maybe it was the "birthers" vote that helped put Brown in office, since at last polling the majority of American's did have serious reservations as to where obama/soetoro was born, or if he qualified as a "natural born citizen," for very good reason. No one has ever seen his real birth certificate, and his entire past is under lock and key!

My kind of people them birthers, and happier'n a pig in shit that the liberals DON'T like them. What a great feeling.

It's funny that you are in here running your mouth after all the beatdowns you have taken trying promote your BS.

Dream on. There isn't a soul here that has EVER given me a beat down. And until you can prove where obama was born, you're just pumping hot gas with the rest of them... BIG MOUTH.

Have you liked obama's boots yet today?
Dream on. There isn't a soul here that has EVER given me a beat down. And until you can prove where obama was born, you're pumping hot gas with the rest of them... BIG MOUTH.

Actually, until you can prove he wasn't born in Hawaii, there's where he was born.

Your move.
Yup... and when you think about it, maybe it was the "birthers" vote that helped put Brown in office, since at last polling the majority of American's did have serious reservations as to where obama/soetoro was born, or if he qualified as a "natural born citizen," for very good reason. No one has ever seen his real birth certificate, and his entire past is under lock and key!

My kind of people them birthers, and happier'n a pig in shit that the liberals DON'T like them. What a great feeling.

It's funny that you are in here running your mouth after all the beatdowns you have taken trying promote your BS.

Dream on. There isn't a soul here that has EVER given me a beat down. And until you can prove where obama was born, you're pumping hot gas with the rest of them... BIG MOUTH.

It's already been proven where Obama's been born, tardo. The only one pumping hot gas is YOU.
Alright, I'll try and find it.... but regardless if I do or not, just because it wasn't something YOU read isn't going to make it any less true. I DID read it, and I know it's a fact.... sorry.

And there was a senator as recent as last week that sent a request over to the White House asking obama/soetoro to produce a valid birth certificate. Yup... they're still on it, and obama will NOT be able to keep up his house of cards forever. Lies have a way of coming to the surface sooner or later.

And I read a poll where 2% of people believe it. But since we're going by your rules, I don't need a source.

And I don't care if there was one senator. One senator also wants Universal Health Care, you don't think that's a good idea. You're a fool for trying to promote this shit as real considering how many beatdowns you're received on here to the point you stopped making birther threads.

You're the one getting the beat down right now, but you're too stupid to realize it. People are sick of you liberals, and just because there's a gaggle of you obama butt kissing club members here that buy his lies and pretend you know where he was born out of the blue, that don't mean jack shit son.

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