Scott Brown First Endorsement: Birther Candidate Who Compared Obama To Osama

I can't believe that a bunch of ignorant men like you people still exist. You are all so worthless. You're boring me. Go play with the red buttons, little boys.

The Elvis and Dr. House wannabee's keep sending messages. They were not read. I just deleted them.

Later, neanderthals.

boorish: ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance

Here's a song that fits you perfectly.

[ame=]YouTube - The Rolling Stones - Stupid Girl[/ame]
Oh, good Lord!!! This was his first act of business?? I can imagine what else he has in store.

I really wanted to wait and see what this guy was about and not criticize him. But being a birther is a deal breaker for me. That was dumb, Brown. :mad:

Wow, you just didn't bother to read any of this, did you? No one ever said Brown himself was a birther.

Oh, geez. I know that!!! But he supports them and that is just as bad!! So I read all of it, thank you. Apparently you didn't.

Then perhaps you noticed the part where Brown's campaign denies it, despite the fact that you just ran with the idea that it was true. SURELY you noticed the part where the "source" is a blog, which is about as reliable as the Weekly World News, and not nearly as entertaining.

Assuming that Brown DID endorse this guy - and that's a big assumption for those of us who don't just gullibly believe anything that lets us get a fun "mad on" - that doesn't mean he "supports birthers". It means he thought the guy was a better choice for the job than his opponent, which is entirely possible. God knows, I voted for Bush both times, and I didn't particularly like him, think he was a great candidate, OR agree with anything close to all of his positions and opinions. I just thought he was a better-enough candidate than the other choice to make it worthwhile.

When you grow up, you might realize that everything in life is not purest white or darkest black. Sometimes, things come in a range of gradations. You might also realize that people on the Internet aren't always honest.

Brown's first endorsement may backfire - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

UPDATE: Brown's campaign is now distancing itself from Hudak and will not confirm that the endorsement is legitimate. See here for more.

Almost as soon as Scott Brown won Tuesday's election, he endorsed William Hudak's candidacy against Rep. John Tierney (D-Mass.). He may soon regret that decision.

During the 2008 election, neighbors called the police to complain about signs Hudak had posted portraying Barack Obama as Osama Bin Laden.

Defending the posters, Hudak told a local paper that Obama was born in Kenya:

Hudak asserts that Obama was not born in the United States but in Kenya, according to affidavits that he made available to the Tri-Town Transcript. He said that Obama has ties to the Muslim faith through an extremist cousin that is from Kenya.

See above regarding "knowing a reliable source from some blogging jackass on the 'Net".
I am so sick of you racists trying to play dumb!!! How do I know you're just another worthless racist?? See below.

1. You approve of birthers.

2. You called the prez, "Barry".

3. And this gem, "I don't know whether Barry was born in the USA, the fact he won't produce a genuie BC to end this makes him look like a douche, but its not something i care about."

People like you are ruining this country. And nothing is going to get better until the dead wait of you is off our backs.

:anj_stfu: :ahole-1:

Does anyone else think this poster is either a racist projecting onto everyone else, or completely freaking insane? Or both?

Oh, I am not insane, girly. You all know that. I've said this before and I'll say it again. You all think that coming right out and using the N word is the only thing that makes people racist. But that's not true. Are you all too dumb to know that or are you just playing dumb??

Like those avatar's showing watermelons growing on the WH front lawn and another one of Obama dressed like a witch doctor. I've seen so much on here it isn't even funny. What about calling him Barry?? Tell me, why do you do that?? For what reason??

Try and sell your innocent routine to someone else. I know better.

I "know" you're not insane? HOW do I know that? By this "sane, rational, deeply thoughtful" post?

Tell me something. Does it hurt any when you throw your body against the padded walls in your cell?
You shouldn't chastize him, he's a classic example of a Barry supporter.

If you oppose his king, you are a 'racist.'

He is the real reason America is so devided, a classic asshole on so many levels.

Notice though i didn't link him to you, as you tried to link Brown with some other man after he satted he was NOT endorsing anybody.

Take it as a lesson about spreading unfounded rumor.

I chastize him because I am also getting tired of the brand of "Liberalism" that Obama and his supporters such as that are pushing. It's not Liberalism, or not the type I support anyway.

And I did notice that. And notice I'm not linking the birthers to you or any of the crazy types. And I didn't link Brown with anyone, the Hadek guy did by coming out and saying he had Brown's endorsement.

First of all, I am a she. I don't know what "brand" of liberalism you are supporting. Why don't you define it??

First of all, it doesn't show and no one cares about your sex, anyway. I'd imagine after you've been taking the Thorazine for a while, it won't make any difference.

I'd say Dogbert supports the brand of liberalism where one is just misguided and perhaps a bit stupid, as opposed to the one where YOU are barking, drooling nuts, wraparound jacket and all.

I like the fact that Obama never made the election about race. That wasn't true of everybody. And anybody that says the racists did not come out like rats are just not telling the truth. Some people just could not accept a black prez and that's that. So let me chastize you. I'm sick of people acting like it's not true. Did you see some of the signs at these stupid tea bag gatherings??? All of the terrible emails that went out during the campaign??

If your kind of liberalism does not acknowledge what all of this means, then you can keep it.

If you weren't a racist - as well as being a driveling lunatic - you wouldn't be so hung up on the President's skin color and might actually spare some attention to important matters, like policy decisions.
I never said that the majority of people that oppose the president are racists. Ever. But I totally believe that some of the people on this site are. And I am not going to play nice with them.

Please don't tell me what comments to make, Mr. And as far as I'm concerned, by calling me names as you just did, you are no better than they are. So you should be ashamed of calling yourself a liberal, not I. You are the one that just made us look bad. Mind your own business. I don't take orders from you.

Call me a racist again fucko, and watch your rep trun red.

Fair warning dickhead.

What part of I DON"T CARE do you not understand??? So now all of you big macho men are ganging up on me with your cuss words and vulgarness???

You are all making yourselves look low class and stupid. Every rotten post you send me tells me I just hit a nerve and you're angry that you have no valid comeback. :lol:

What the hell kind of sniveling, hypocritical liberal woman plays the "big mean men picking on a little woman" card? Someone ought to report your ass to NOW and Hillary Clinton. Now stop hiding behind your petticoats and powderpuff, Katie Scarlett, and start acting like a 21st century woman. You're an embarassment.
What part of I DON"T CARE do you not understand??? So now all of you big macho men are ganging up on me with your cuss words and vulgarness???

You are all making yourselves look low class and stupid. Every rotten post you send me tells me I just hit a nerve and you're angry that you have no valid comeback. :lol:
Of course you care skank, or you wouldn't keep answering.

Don't worry, we know you just haven't met 'the right guy' yet.

Now go back to haunting houses.

She probably met him and sent him running, screaming into the sunset, at the thought of taking on her psychiatric bills.
Let the smears begin!


Their next target will be his wife and they'll accuse his daughters of being sluts and screwing A-Rod at Yankee stadium during the 7th inning stretch.

Well Brown was trying to pimp his daughters out tuesday night. ;)

And if you can't handle the attacks, don't be a politician. :D starts.

All he did was make an off the cuff remark about his daughters being available and now he's a pimp? C'mon.

Their next target will be his wife and they'll accuse his daughters of being sluts and screwing A-Rod at Yankee stadium during the 7th inning stretch.

Well Brown was trying to pimp his daughters out tuesday night. ;)

And if you can't handle the attacks, don't be a politician. :D starts.

All he did was make an off the cuff remark about his daughters being available and now he's a pimp? C'mon.

:lol: I am going to start calling him P Master Brown.

Really I think it is hilarious and if I were his daughters I would have killed him. I had no idea his one daughter was on American Idol last year.
I loved the Grandmaster B episodes!

Confirmed Grandmaster B Malapropisms

Abdomenizer B (Bud, 0723)
Bass Master B (Al, 0604)
Bed Wetter B (Kelly, 0603)
Bellringer B (Kelly, 0607)
Buckminister B (Al, 0603)
Burgermeister B(Peggy, 0603)
Bushwacker B (Kelly, 0603)
Butt-wagger B (Kelly, 0616)
Court Jester B (Peggy, 0603)
Crossdresser B (Kelly, 0607)
Dustbuster B (Jill, 0603)
Gas-passer B (Al, 0604)
Ghostbuster B (Kelly, 0603)
Grand Bastard B (Kelly, 0614)
Grand Flasher B (Jill, 0603)
Grand Marshall B (Peggy, 0603)
Grandfather B (Al, 0604)
Grandma B (Kelly, 0603)
Grandmaster One (Bud, 0614)
Grandmaster Virgin (Kelly, 0616)
Grandpappy B (Kelly, 0607)
Grasshopper B (Al, 0604)
Grinchmaster B (TV Host, 0619)
Mixmaster B (Jill, 0603)
Thighmaster (Kelly, 0619)
Thumb Sucker B (Kelly, 0614)

Bundyology - Facts about the Bundy Family
I loved the Grandmaster B episodes!

Confirmed Grandmaster B Malapropisms

Abdomenizer B (Bud, 0723)
Bass Master B (Al, 0604)
Bed Wetter B (Kelly, 0603)
Bellringer B (Kelly, 0607)
Buckminister B (Al, 0603)
Burgermeister B(Peggy, 0603)
Bushwacker B (Kelly, 0603)
Butt-wagger B (Kelly, 0616)
Court Jester B (Peggy, 0603)
Crossdresser B (Kelly, 0607)
Dustbuster B (Jill, 0603)
Gas-passer B (Al, 0604)
Ghostbuster B (Kelly, 0603)
Grand Bastard B (Kelly, 0614)
Grand Flasher B (Jill, 0603)
Grand Marshall B (Peggy, 0603)
Grandfather B (Al, 0604)
Grandma B (Kelly, 0603)
Grandmaster One (Bud, 0614)
Grandmaster Virgin (Kelly, 0616)
Grandpappy B (Kelly, 0607)
Grasshopper B (Al, 0604)
Grinchmaster B (TV Host, 0619)
Mixmaster B (Jill, 0603)
Thighmaster (Kelly, 0619)
Thumb Sucker B (Kelly, 0614)

Bundyology - Facts about the Bundy Family

:lol: I loved Married..With Children.

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