Scott Brown First Endorsement: Birther Candidate Who Compared Obama To Osama

I can't believe that a bunch of ignorant men like you people still exist. You are all so worthless. You're boring me. Go play with the red buttons, little boys.

The Elvis and Dr. House wannabee's keep sending messages. They were not read. I just deleted them.

Later, neanderthals.

boorish: ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance
I can't believe that a bunch of ignorant men like you people still exist. You are all so worthless. You're boring me. Go play with the red buttons, little boys.

The Elvis and Dr. House wannabee's keep sending messages. They were not read. I just deleted them.

Later, neanderthals.

boorish: ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance
You reap what you sow fucktard.

Now get going, the freakshow misses its bearded lady.
Let's see.....Nelson, Lieberman, unions....yes. ANd he did cut a deal with big pharma too, but at least we were going to GET $150M in return, unlike the freebie Bush gave them.

Bush probably owed them for 2004. he certainly owed the iowa farmers. How many subsidies did they get?

Did they get? Didn't those subsidies just recently get renewed?

Good question. Obama is going to need every swing-state.
Bush probably owed them for 2004. he certainly owed the iowa farmers. How many subsidies did they get?

Did they get? Didn't those subsidies just recently get renewed?

Good question. Obama is going to need every swing-state.
Raising taxes and increasing gov won't win swing states.

Neither will renegging.

Its too late for barry, he promised a new kind of politics and came back with more of the same on steriods.
Bush probably owed them for 2004. he certainly owed the iowa farmers. How many subsidies did they get?

Did they get? Didn't those subsidies just recently get renewed?

Good question. Obama is going to need every swing-state.

If Obama continues to govern with the shady backroom deals he tried to pull to get healthcare passed, I would be willing to bet even Sarah Palin could beat him in 2012. How scary is that?
I can't believe that a bunch of ignorant men like you people still exist. You are all so worthless. You're boring me. Go play with the red buttons, little boys.

The Elvis and Dr. House wannabee's keep sending messages. They were not read. I just deleted them.

Later, neanderthals.

boorish: ill-mannered and coarse and contemptible in behavior or appearance

Stay off my visitors messages, fucktard.... The nasty vulgarities you post there will be deleted...
Did they get? Didn't those subsidies just recently get renewed?

Good question. Obama is going to need every swing-state.

If Obama continues to govern with the shady backroom deals he tried to pull to get healthcare passed, I would be willing to bet even Sarah Palin could beat him in 2012. How scary is that?

Doesn't scare me one bit, she did some really good things for Alaska, in her two years she did more then barry has done his entire life.
Good question. Obama is going to need every swing-state.

If Obama continues to govern with the shady backroom deals he tried to pull to get healthcare passed, I would be willing to bet even Sarah Palin could beat him in 2012. How scary is that?

Doesn't scare me one bit, she did some really good things for Alaska, in her two years she did more then barry has done his entire life.

Don't get me started on Sarah Palin. Does anyone know why the Republicans rail against what they consider Obama's socialism movement, yet gave Sarah Palin a pass with her oil revenue sharing in Alaska?
If Obama continues to govern with the shady backroom deals he tried to pull to get healthcare passed, I would be willing to bet even Sarah Palin could beat him in 2012. How scary is that?

Doesn't scare me one bit, she did some really good things for Alaska, in her two years she did more then barry has done his entire life.

Don't get me started on Sarah Palin. Does anyone know why the Republicans rail against what they consider Obama's socialism movement, yet gave Sarah Palin a pass with her oil revenue sharing in Alaska?
State Govs are NOT federal govs.

I'm surprised so many people don't understand that.
The way things are going nothing will help Barry in 2012.

This is one the fastest and hardest crash & burns I have ever seen in US politics.

He's been in office a year. Despite how bad it's gotten in the past couple months, he can still easily turn it around for 2012. Whether that means he'll change his policy around in a big manner is a different story.

The 2012 election will depend on two things:

1.) Has he kept us safe from Terrorist Attacks?

2.) How is the Economy?

If he can say yes to the first, and great for the second then he will win.

Yes, IF he could turn out to be a good and effective President in the next three years, he would win. However, I don't see anything in the past year to indicate that that's a likelihood, or even a possibility. Do you?
Corporations are not stupid.

If a GoPer is posed to take down Barry, they won't cut their own throats adding a third into the mix.

Except not all corporations are slanted to the right either. Corporations make dumb decisions all the time, some of them cutting their own throats for what would be the 100th time wouldn't be too surprising.

I'm just saying it's in the realm of possibility. Really can't count out anything in 2012. And then there is the possibility the GOP nominates a candidate that the tea party as a whole doesn't like. What do they do? Support a third party candidate like their principles say or support the Republican because of Obama?

Right now we're all speculating. But as 2012 comes, the rumbling of such questions will be heard more often and more louder.

It's unlikely that there will be a third-party candidate viable enough to swing the election to Obama unless the GOP moronically chooses someone unappealing to the base. Which could happen, I grant you, but right now I'd say people are too jazzed up against Obama and the Democrats to want to let that happen.

Obviously, things could change between now and then.

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