Scott Brown First Endorsement: Birther Candidate Who Compared Obama To Osama

Oh i definitely agree CMike. It shouldn't take the Liberals too long to start trying to 'Palin' him. They'll go after his children eventually. They just can't help themselves. Hopefully the electorate will reject that sad stuff though. I have said all along that Democrats only have Blame BOOOOOOOOSSH and abhorrent personal smears left. Will that be enough for them this time around? I guess we'll see.

As quickly as Palin folded, why not? These tactics worked like a champ, so I wouldn't put it past them.
Corporations are not stupid.

If a GoPer is posed to take down Barry, they won't cut their own throats adding a third into the mix.

Except not all corporations are slanted to the right either. Corporations make dumb decisions all the time, some of them cutting their own throats for what would be the 100th time wouldn't be too surprising.

I'm just saying it's in the realm of possibility. Really can't count out anything in 2012. And then there is the possibility the GOP nominates a candidate that the tea party as a whole doesn't like. What do they do? Support a third party candidate like their principles say or support the Republican because of Obama?

Right now we're all speculating. But as 2012 comes, the rumbling of such questions will be heard more often and more louder.
Corporations are not stupid.

If a GoPer is posed to take down Barry, they won't cut their own throats adding a third into the mix.

Except not all corporations are slanted to the right either. Corporations make dumb decisions all the time, some of them cutting their own throats for what would be the 100th time wouldn't be too surprising.

I'm just saying it's in the realm of possibility. Really can't count out anything in 2012. And then there is the possibility the GOP nominates a candidate that the tea party as a whole doesn't like. What do they do? Support a third party candidate like their principles say or support the Republican because of Obama?

Right now we're all speculating. But as 2012 comes, the rumbling of such questions will be heard more often and more louder.

Obama received $20 million in endorsements from the health care industry. compared to only $7 million for McCain. hmm.
Corporations are not stupid.

If a GoPer is posed to take down Barry, they won't cut their own throats adding a third into the mix.

Except not all corporations are slanted to the right either. Corporations make dumb decisions all the time, some of them cutting their own throats for what would be the 100th time wouldn't be too surprising.

I'm just saying it's in the realm of possibility. Really can't count out anything in 2012. And then there is the possibility the GOP nominates a candidate that the tea party as a whole doesn't like. What do they do? Support a third party candidate like their principles say or support the Republican because of Obama?

Right now we're all speculating. But as 2012 comes, the rumbling of such questions will be heard more often and more louder.

Obama received $20 million in endorsements from the health care industry. compared to only $7 million for McCain. hmm.

So, healthcare was smart with their investment. Big deal?
Obama received $20 million in endorsements from the health care industry. compared to only $7 million for McCain. hmm.

And you can only imagine how much he'll get this time. That $20 million was just the beginning after his "Devil Deal" with Big Pharma as I like to call it all the time. Though I'm sure McCain got his own advantages in donations from Corporations.

Corporations were obviously going to cover their bets and supply both candidates with enough money to buy them off after.
Smears? I'm sorry, are posting the facts smears now? Not my fault he endorsed a birther. Or do you see no problem with this? :eusa_eh:

Oh, good Lord!!! This was his first act of business?? I can imagine what else he has in store.

I really wanted to wait and see what this guy was about and not criticize him. But being a birther is a deal breaker for me. That was dumb, Brown. :mad:

Wow, you just didn't bother to read any of this, did you? No one ever said Brown himself was a birther.

Oh, geez. I know that!!! But he supports them and that is just as bad!! So I read all of it, thank you. Apparently you didn't.

Brown's first endorsement may backfire - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

UPDATE: Brown's campaign is now distancing itself from Hudak and will not confirm that the endorsement is legitimate. See here for more.

Almost as soon as Scott Brown won Tuesday's election, he endorsed William Hudak's candidacy against Rep. John Tierney (D-Mass.). He may soon regret that decision.

During the 2008 election, neighbors called the police to complain about signs Hudak had posted portraying Barack Obama as Osama Bin Laden.

Defending the posters, Hudak told a local paper that Obama was born in Kenya:

Hudak asserts that Obama was not born in the United States but in Kenya, according to affidavits that he made available to the Tri-Town Transcript. He said that Obama has ties to the Muslim faith through an extremist cousin that is from Kenya.
The fact you don't is the problem.

First off, who cares.

Second, you now can't endorse someone if they have any single thing you find objectionable?

Frankly, I don't know whether Barry was born in the USA, the fact he won't produce a genuie BC to end this makes him look like a douche, but its not something i care about.

So now before you say I like this guy's political ideas you have to make sure he never said or did anything that some butthole didn't like or be called a crank?

Get serious, what you are doing is called 'politics as usual' and we all have damn well had enough of it.

Who cares what the fuck this guy called barry, is he able to do the job he's being endorsed to do?

THAT is what matters.

I am so sick of you racists trying to play dumb!!! How do I know you're just another worthless racist?? See below.

1. You approve of birthers.

2. You called the prez, "Barry".

3. And this gem, "I don't know whether Barry was born in the USA, the fact he won't produce a genuie BC to end this makes him look like a douche, but its not something i care about."

People like you are ruining this country. And nothing is going to get better until the dead wait of you is off our backs.

yeah, dumbfuck. anyone who won't worship you ossiah, this pathetic tailpipe of a president, is a racist.

I told you I am not going to read your stupid pm's anymore. I just deleted it. All you know how to do is cuss and call names. I already know what's in them.
The fact you don't is the problem.

First off, who cares.

Second, you now can't endorse someone if they have any single thing you find objectionable?

Frankly, I don't know whether Barry was born in the USA, the fact he won't produce a genuie BC to end this makes him look like a douche, but its not something i care about.

So now before you say I like this guy's political ideas you have to make sure he never said or did anything that some butthole didn't like or be called a crank?

Get serious, what you are doing is called 'politics as usual' and we all have damn well had enough of it.

Who cares what the fuck this guy called barry, is he able to do the job he's being endorsed to do?

THAT is what matters.

I am so sick of you racists trying to play dumb!!! How do I know you're just another worthless racist?? See below.

1. You approve of birthers.

2. You called the prez, "Barry".

3. And this gem, "I don't know whether Barry was born in the USA, the fact he won't produce a genuie BC to end this makes him look like a douche, but its not something i care about."

People like you are ruining this country. And nothing is going to get better until the dead wait of you is off our backs.

:anj_stfu: :ahole-1:

Does anyone else think this poster is either a racist projecting onto everyone else, or completely freaking insane? Or both?

Oh, I am not insane, girly. You all know that. I've said this before and I'll say it again. You all think that coming right out and using the N word is the only thing that makes people racist. But that's not true. Are you all too dumb to know that or are you just playing dumb??

Like those avatar's showing watermelons growing on the WH front lawn and another one of Obama dressed like a witch doctor. I've seen so much on here it isn't even funny. What about calling him Barry?? Tell me, why do you do that?? For what reason??

Try and sell your innocent routine to someone else. I know better.
Let the smears begin!

Smears? I'm sorry, are posting the facts smears now? Not my fault he endorsed a birther. Or do you see no problem with this? :eusa_eh:

Oh, good Lord!!! This was his first act of business?? I can imagine what else he has in store.

I really wanted to wait and see what this guy was about and not criticize him. But being a birther is a deal breaker for me. That was dumb, Brown. :mad:

he eats atheist babies and wears fur.
The fact you don't is the problem.

First off, who cares.

Second, you now can't endorse someone if they have any single thing you find objectionable?

Frankly, I don't know whether Barry was born in the USA, the fact he won't produce a genuie BC to end this makes him look like a douche, but its not something i care about.

So now before you say I like this guy's political ideas you have to make sure he never said or did anything that some butthole didn't like or be called a crank?

Get serious, what you are doing is called 'politics as usual' and we all have damn well had enough of it.

Who cares what the fuck this guy called barry, is he able to do the job he's being endorsed to do?

THAT is what matters.

I am so sick of you racists trying to play dumb!!! How do I know you're just another worthless racist?? See below.

1. You approve of birthers.

2. You called the prez, "Barry".

3. And this gem, "I don't know whether Barry was born in the USA, the fact he won't produce a genuie BC to end this makes him look like a douche, but its not something i care about."

People like you are ruining this country. And nothing is going to get better until the dead wait of you is off our backs.
Negged for being terminally stupid you fucking shit eater.

How dare you call me racist you sperm licking moron.

I have told you that I am not going to read your stupid neg reps and I don't care about "points" which you think are so important. So what do you do?? You send me another pm!!! Duh. I deleted it without reading it. Got it now???
yup, but he didn't endorse this clown as far as i can tell.

He might of. We'll never truly know because Brown may of very well done so and retracted when he saw the guy was a birther.
Common sense comes to mind.

But that would be expecting too much from barry.

Screw that. These people are nutters on par with the 9/11 truthers, Xeno. "Barry" has provided everything required to prove his eligibility. He doesn't have to jump through hoops for these people. They are dispicable.
The best way to shut people up is to prove them wrong.

Barry could very easily, and discredit them all in a heart beat, yet doesn't.

Foolish move on his part, but the least of his worries now.

so true
Brown's first endorsement may backfire - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Almost as soon as Scott Brown won Tuesday's election, he endorsed William Hudak's candidacy against Rep. John Tierney (D-Mass.). He may soon regret that decision.

During the 2008 election, neighbors called the police to complain about signs Hudak had posted portraying Barack Obama as Osama Bin Laden.

Defending the posters, Hudak told a local paper that Obama was born in Kenya:

Hudak asserts that Obama was not born in the United States but in Kenya, according to affidavits that he made available to the Tri-Town Transcript. He said that Obama has ties to the Muslim faith through an extremist cousin that is from Kenya.

In response:

Brown camp won't say whether controversial endorsement is legitimate - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Neither Scott Brown or anyone connected with his campaign approved that press release before its release or the quote that was attributed to Scott," said Felix Browne, a spokesman for Brown. "Bill Hudak is an energetic candidate who has been working hard as a candidate for Congress. Right now, Scott Brown is focused on the job that people elected him to do. That's his number one priority."

Hudak's campaign says Brown gave a private, verbal endorsement to Hudak, and blasted Brown's staff for reneging.

Harber added that Hudak and Brown are friends and that Hudak worked tirelessly for Brown during his Senate bid.

But the Hudak campaign stands firm and says Brown gave a endorsement and that Hudak is not a Birther despite his clear Birther statement to the paper.

Is this the sort of change and things that Scott Brown was talking about? :eusa_think:

*yawn* another lame attempt at a guilt by association smear and Mr. Brown hasn't even been seated yet, I just can't wait to see what you come up with next. :rolleyes:
that's not what he said when i called him and asked.

Was that before or after he went down on you? :eek: :rofl:

But hey, the male prostitute comment makes my last quote in my signature very relevant. :eusa_whistle:
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I am so sick of you racists trying to play dumb!!! How do I know you're just another worthless racist?? See below.

Not everyone nor the majority of people who oppose the President are racist. :eusa_doh:

Stop saying dumb comments and claim to be a Liberal. You make Liberalism and anyone else who supports it look like a idiot.

I never said that the majority of people that oppose the president are racists. Ever. But I totally believe that some of the people on this site are. And I am not going to play nice with them.

Please don't tell me what comments to make, Mr. And as far as I'm concerned, by calling me names as you just did, you are no better than they are. So you should be ashamed of calling yourself a liberal, not I. You are the one that just made us look bad. Mind your own business. I don't take orders from you.

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