Scott Brown (R-MA) hears from 500+ to focus on jobs


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
Scott Brown (R-MA) hears from 500+ to focus on jobs | Blog | Rebuild the Dream

Sen. Scott Brown has refused to do town hall meetings, preferring instead to go on an invite-only “jobs tour”. So locals from Massachusetts decided they needed to show up and make their voices heard that Brown needed to focus on actually creating jobs, instead of cutting essential programs that Massachusetts depends on. More than five hundred people showed up outside a $1000 a head fundraiser for Brown in Boston, and they were definitely loud enough to be heard inside the event.

And yesterday, when Brown went on an official hike in a state park near Amherst, he encountered dozens of people who urged him to let the Bush tax cuts expire and use the revenue for job-creating investments. Amazingly, he called the sunset clauses for the Bush tax cuts, which are on the books and as real as you and I, purely “hypothetical” and accused one of the protestors of just making things up.

[ame=]500+ Mass. Residents Confront Scott Brown on Anti-Jobs Votes - YouTube[/ame]
scott brown (r-ma) hears from 500+ to focus on jobs | blog | rebuild the dream

sen. Scott brown has refused to do town hall meetings, preferring instead to go on an invite-only “jobs tour”. So locals from massachusetts decided they needed to show up and make their voices heard that brown needed to focus on actually creating jobs, instead of cutting essential programs that massachusetts depends on. More than five hundred people showed up outside a $1000 a head fundraiser for brown in boston, and they were definitely loud enough to be heard inside the event.

And yesterday, when brown went on an official hike in a state park near amherst, he encountered dozens of people who urged him to let the bush tax cuts expire and use the revenue for job-creating investments. Amazingly, he called the sunset clauses for the bush tax cuts, which are on the books and as real as you and i, purely “hypothetical” and accused one of the protestors of just making things up.

[ame=]500+ mass. Residents confront scott brown on anti-jobs votes - youtube[/ame]

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There isn't going to be a recovery in the job market until we change presidents.
Scott Brown (R-MA) hears from 500+ to focus on jobs | Blog | Rebuild the Dream

Sen. Scott Brown has refused to do town hall meetings, preferring instead to go on an invite-only “jobs tour”. So locals from Massachusetts decided they needed to show up and make their voices heard that Brown needed to focus on actually creating jobs, instead of cutting essential programs that Massachusetts depends on. More than five hundred people showed up outside a $1000 a head fundraiser for Brown in Boston, and they were definitely loud enough to be heard inside the event.

And yesterday, when Brown went on an official hike in a state park near Amherst, he encountered dozens of people who urged him to let the Bush tax cuts expire and use the revenue for job-creating investments. Amazingly, he called the sunset clauses for the Bush tax cuts, which are on the books and as real as you and I, purely “hypothetical” and accused one of the protestors of just making things up.

[ame=]500+ Mass. Residents Confront Scott Brown on Anti-Jobs Votes - YouTube[/ame]

Well of course. Its Scott Brown's fault that the nation has a 9% unemployment rate. Not President Barrack Obama.
Union thugs at it again!! Make all kinds of noise but they are not going to get their way in 2012. America has woken up!!

You should have seen how angry the verizon protestors got at me when I stopped in front of them and said some things this morning.

good think 3 police officers were there or else I might have had to defend myself, they were that pissed.

All I said was "you should be thankful to make well over 20 bucks an hour when 20% of your neighbors can't even find work and most of us have to pay for 50%, or more, of our health insurance" lots of grumbling rumbling angry eyes LOL.

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