Scott Ritter Believes Russia's Winning in Ukraine

We can all site our sources (Scott Ritter, really?) however Russia is losing this war that should have been a cakewalk. I don't care if you believe me, you'll find out soon enough.

Also, believe it or not, Ukraine isn't run by Nazis, just ask the Jewish guy they elected.
Also, believe it or not, Ukraine isn't run by Nazis, just ask the Jewish guy they elected.
Don't forget to ask the rich Jewish guy who pulls Zelensky's strings about why he funds neo-Nazi "patriots" to kill Russian-speaking Ukrainians.
How an embattled Ukrainian oligarch has kept his grip on an economic empire

How Ukraine's Jewish president Zelensky made peace with neo-Nazi paramilitaries on front lines of war with Russia - The Grayzone

"Behind the corporate media spin lies the complex and increasingly close relationship Zelensky’s administration has enjoyed with the neo-Nazi forces invested with key military and political posts by the Ukrainian state, and the power these open fascists have enjoyed since Washington installed a Western-aligned regime through a coup in 2014.

"In fact, Zelensky’s top financial backer, the Ukrainian Jewish oligarch Igor Kolomoisky, has been a key benefactor of the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion and other extremists militias."
We can all site our sources (Scott Ritter, really?) however Russia is losing this war that should have been a cakewalk. I don't care if you believe me, you'll find out soon enough.
What information about the current conflict in Ukraine do you have that Ritter doesn't? What's your source?

Ukraine Updates and Scott Ritter on Russia Military Strategy and Progress | naked capitalism

"Now to Scott Ritter.

"Ritter is a Marine who spent substantial time on the ground in Russia (as a weapons controller) and in Iraq.

"Keep in mind that in the early phases of the war in Ukraine, Ritter over-estimated how quickly Russia would be able to wind up the conflict.

"He is still very firmly of the view not only that Russia is winning but makes the strong-form claim that Russia will succeed in getting NATO to withdraw to its fall of the USSR boundaries, based on some moves Russia is making with Belarus (more on that shortly).

"As you’ll also see through the key points highlighted below, and even more so if you watch the entire video, Ritter stresses that the 'Russia is bogged down' assertions are based on either miscomprehension or misrepresentation of how Russia is conducting its campaign.

"For instance, it has not taken Kiev because it does not intend to take Kiev."
Don't forget to ask the rich Jewish guy who pulls Zelensky's strings about why he funds neo-Nazi "patriots" to kill Russian-speaking Ukrainians.
How an embattled Ukrainian oligarch has kept his grip on an economic empire

How Ukraine's Jewish president Zelensky made peace with neo-Nazi paramilitaries on front lines of war with Russia - The Grayzone

"Behind the corporate media spin lies the complex and increasingly close relationship Zelensky’s administration has enjoyed with the neo-Nazi forces invested with key military and political posts by the Ukrainian state, and the power these open fascists have enjoyed since Washington installed a Western-aligned regime through a coup in 2014.

"In fact, Zelensky’s top financial backer, the Ukrainian Jewish oligarch Igor Kolomoisky, has been a key benefactor of the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion and other extremists militias."
Ukraine does have a strong (controversial) historical memory of fascists like Stepan Bandera (whose statues in Western Ukraine are as popular as Confederate Statues once were in the South). I read this article earlier and much, much more on this problem over the years. The role of fascists and ultra-nationalists during the “Maidan Revolution” and since is disturbing, and even extremely “liberal” pro-European Ukrainian nationalists often apologize for Banderite influence, which shows deep problems in the country’s “political culture.”

It is certainly possible under certain conditions that these rightwing forces will grow stronger. Of course these elements know they must keep their profile low at present, given Ukraine’s reliance on Western military aid. The next “hero of Ukraine” will likely not be a Banderite, but Zelensky himself.

But to argue that Ukraine is now a “Nazi state” is absurd. One might as well argue Poland or Hungary are Nazi states. Indeed, Russia itself has a strong and growing fascist base, and a state apparatus that has many attributes of fascism. Ukraine is now increasingly fiercely anti-Russian, yes. But this is hardly surprising considering Putin’s invasion.
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Well, only the biggest long-distance Russian artillery can reach Kyiv now and the Russians, as I said, will likely be driven back further soon. That would only leave missiles and planes. Kyiv’s central city has been virtually untouched and all routes heading South out of the city are wide open. It’s electricity, ammunition and food stocks are secure, at least for now. I don’t see how Kyiv can be ‘surrounded” with the few Russian troops available. Watch and see them gradually pushed back, maybe even routed. Just my prediction based on what I’m reading…
The Russian Army is second-largest in the world, totaling 2 million personnel.

"As soon as the Russian forces take the city of Mariupol under control, the Kiev regime will fall. The capture of Mariupol and its complete liberation from the Ukrainian neo-nazis is of great importance for the Russian Army."
(Vladimir Kozin, Academy of Military Sciences of the Russian Federation)
Ukraine does have a strong (controversial) historical memory of fascists like Stepan Bandera (whose statues in Western Ukraine are as popular as Confederate Statues once were in the South). I read this article earlier and much, much more on this problem over the years. The role of fascists and ultra-nationalists during the “Maidan Revolution” and since is disturbing, and even extremely “liberal” pro-European Ukrainian nationalists often apologize for Banderite influence, which shows deep problems in the country’s “political culture.”

It is certainly possible under certain conditions that these rightwing forces will grow stronger. Of course these elements know they must keep their profile low at present, given Ukraine’s reliance on Western military aid. The next “hero of Ukraine” will likely not be a Banderite, but Zelensky himself.

But to argue that Ukraine is now a “Nazi state” is absurd. One might as well argue Poland or Hungary are Nazi states. Indeed, Russia itself has a strong and growing fascist base, and a state apparatus that has many attributes of fascism. Ukraine is now increasingly fiercely anti-Russian, yes. But this is hardly surprising considering Putin’s invasion.
The 2014 coup is intimately linked to CIA-MI6 creating puppets of the future. The neo-nazi creation by theses two effeminate groups and perhaps their unknown cronies is not a Hitlerist hybrid. It is known that in 11th century Germany, Jews and non-Jews lived in harmony. The CIA-MI6 IQ mistake in creating these hybrid clones, Zelenskiy, Rubio, Nuland, is that they look ridiculous when trying to explain their actions to other Homo sapiens.

For example, Zelenskiy milking indignance in the media is an ahistorical attempt to (cancel [italics]) the indignance caused by Euromaidan and the burning alive of those at Odessa.
What information about the current conflict in Ukraine do you have that Ritter doesn't? What's your source?

Ukraine Updates and Scott Ritter on Russia Military Strategy and Progress | naked capitalism

Sources for that have already been posted by others, you seem to ignore them in favor of one guy that carries water for Russian propaganda, much like yourself. That one guy who is almost always voices opinions against the United States and it's allies. He's a convicted pedo and he's directly tied to Russian propaganda (RT). What makes you think his word is trustworthy or that he'd ever come down on the side that isn't anti-American? When has he ever done that?

I don't care what Ritter's former life is, he doesn't have a security clearance, given his social status who would want to work with the guy now? Where does he get his info from? The 90s?

Why are some prominent Russian military leaders all of the sudden disappearing?
"Now to Scott Ritter.

"Ritter is a Marine who spent substantial time on the ground in Russia (as a weapons controller) and in Iraq.

Why is Ukraine taking back territory? How come Russia is no longer pushing for regime change, demilitarization and "denazification" of the Ukraine government? Now they seem to just want to hang onto those Eastern territories.

Why are they losing so much military equipment?

"Keep in mind that in the early phases of the war in Ukraine, Ritter over-estimated how quickly Russia would be able to wind up the conflict.

Everybody did. Turns out, Russia doesn't do logistics and they've suffered mightily for it. Their equipment isn't well maintained which much can be attributed to their oligarchy system where money is skimmed out of the system as Putin and his cronies have ripped off the Russian people to enrich themselves.

Russia's already unimpressive economy is going to be feeling this for a decade at least. How is a country with the world's largest land mass a non-diversified economy smaller than Italy and a population larger than Mexico going to keep a military going after sanctions? Their vehicles have tire rot many of their troops are using equipment from the cold war era (or older) and they are relying on conscripts and they can't even get 100 miles out of their own border without running out of gas?

"He is still very firmly of the view not only that Russia is winning but makes the strong-form claim that Russia will succeed in getting NATO to withdraw to its fall of the USSR boundaries, based on some moves Russia is making with Belarus (more on that shortly).

Russia can't even get countries of the former Soviet Union to vote against the U.N. resolution sanctioning them. Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan all abstained. Ouch.

Belarus? Other than supplying entry points and a place for Russian's to fire off their missiles into city centers why hasn't Belarus gotten directly involved in the conflict? They have even less of an army than Russia and at this point I'm not sure it really matters but why not?

Where is NATO going to withdraw from? Poland? Latvia? Where? Without the Orange dumptruck we find that NATO is more in alignment than ever. Even Sweden and Finland are now openly debating joining NATO, something both countries in the past have been reluctant to do. Hell, Russia even got Greece and Turkey to work together to help evacuate citizens trapped in Mariupol thanks to Russia's bombing of civilians.

Germany who is heavily reliant on Russia for oil is now finally making moves to move away from Russia.

"As you’ll also see through the key points highlighted below, and even more so if you watch the entire video, Ritter stresses that the 'Russia is bogged down' assertions are based on either miscomprehension or misrepresentation of how Russia is conducting its campaign.

"For instance, it has not taken Kiev because it does not intend to take Kiev."

It hasn't taken Kiev because it can't. In what strategy do you forfeit your armor (tanks) in a feint? Why would you lose thousands of soldiers and scale down objectives that you made public? What happened to regime change?

Russia is a paper tiger, a very poor paper tiger and that was before sanctions.

I'm not concerned with what you believe now. I'm more or less leaving this here to take a look at in 1, 2 or 5 years from now.
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Don't forget to ask the rich Jewish guy who pulls Zelensky's strings about why he funds neo-Nazi "patriots" to kill Russian-speaking Ukrainians.
How an embattled Ukrainian oligarch has kept his grip on an economic empire

How Ukraine's Jewish president Zelensky made peace with neo-Nazi paramilitaries on front lines of war with Russia - The Grayzone

"Behind the corporate media spin lies the complex and increasingly close relationship Zelensky’s administration has enjoyed with the neo-Nazi forces invested with key military and political posts by the Ukrainian state, and the power these open fascists have enjoyed since Washington installed a Western-aligned regime through a coup in 2014.

"In fact, Zelensky’s top financial backer, the Ukrainian Jewish oligarch Igor Kolomoisky, has been a key benefactor of the neo-Nazi Azov Battalion and other extremists militias."
Yes...we understand that anti-Semitism is strong in Russia...and thus their sock puppets
Sources for that have already been posted by others, you seem to ignore them in favor of one guy that carry water for Russian propaganda, much like yourself. That one guy who is almost always voices opinions against the United States and it's allies. He's a convicted pedo and he's directly tied to Russian propaganda (RT). What makes you think his word is trustworthy or that he'd ever comedown on the side that isn't anti-American? When has he ever done that?

Why are some prominent Russian military leaders all of the sudden disappearing?

Why is Ukraine taking back territory? How come Russia is no longer pushing for regime change, demilitarization and "denazification" of the Ukraine government? Now they seem to just want to hang onto those Eastern territories.

Why are they losing so much military equipment?

Everybody did. Turns out, Russia doesn't do logistics and they've suffered mightily for it. Their equipment isn't well maintained which much can be attributed to their oligarchy system where money is skimmed out of the system as Putin and his cronies have ripped off the Russian people to enrich themselves.

Russia's already unimpressive economy is going to be feeling this for a decade at least. How is a country with the world's largest land mass a non-diversified economy smaller than Italy and a population larger than Mexico going to keep a military going after sanctions? Their vehicles have tire rot many of their troops are using equipment from the cold war era (or older) and they are relying on conscripts and they can't even get 100 miles out of their own border without running out of gas?

Russia can't even get countries of the former Soviet Union to vote against the U.N. resolution sanctioning them. Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan all abstained. Ouch.

Belarus? Other than supplying entry points and a place for Russian's to fire off their missiles into city centers why hasn't Belarus gotten directly involved in the conflict? They have even less of an army than Russia and at this point I'm not sure it really matters but why not?

Where is NATO going to withdraw from? Poland? Nope. Latvia? Where? Nope. Without the Orange dumptruck we find that NATO is more in alignment than ever. Even Sweden and Finland are now openly debating joining NATO, something both countries in the past have been reluctant to do. Hell, Russia even got Greece and Turkey to work together to help evacuate citizens trapped in Mariupol thanks to Russia's bombing of civilians.

Germany who is heavily reliant on Russia for oil is now finally making moves to move away from Russia.

It hasn't taken Kiev because it can't. In what strategy do you forfeit your armor (tanks) in a feint? Why would you lose thousands of soldiers and scale down objectives that you made public? What happened to regime change?

Russia is a paper tiger, a very poor paper tiger and that was before sanctions.
when will Ukrainian troops enter Moscow to take it over?
Here is an American fighting in Ukraine.

Here are his thought on a pro-Putin propagandist while fighting for Ukraine.

Ukraine does have a strong (controversial) historical memory of fascists like Stepan Bandera (whose statues in Western Ukraine are as popular as Confederate Statues once were in the South). I read this article earlier and much, much more on this problem over the years. The role of fascists and ultra-nationalists during the “Maidan Revolution” and since is disturbing, and even extremely “liberal” pro-European Ukrainian nationalists often apologize for Banderite influence, which shows deep problems in the country’s “political culture.”

It is certainly possible under certain conditions that these rightwing forces will grow stronger. Of course these elements know they must keep their profile low at present, given Ukraine’s reliance on Western military aid. The next “hero of Ukraine” will likely not be a Banderite, but Zelensky himself.

But to argue that Ukraine is now a “Nazi state” is absurd. One might as well argue Poland or Hungary are Nazi states. Indeed, Russia itself has a strong and growing fascist base, and a state apparatus that has many attributes of fascism. Ukraine is now increasingly fiercely anti-Russian, yes. But this is hardly surprising considering Putin’s invasion.
Yep, Russia is using Ukraine's history against them (kind of ironic too) and there are fascist elements in Ukraine however the central government isn't it. For one thing the cure is not to invade an up and coming democracy and install a puppet regime.

Russia/USSR - Invade and install governments.
NATO - Lengthy process between democratic governments where treaties are signed.

Which side do the pro-Putins really want to be on?
According to one recent account I've read, China hasn't dropped a bomb outside its borders in 40 years while the US is currently dropping multiple bombs/missiles a day and many land in Africa.

There have recently been 4 or 5 coups in Africa and all involved Africans who had been trained by the US military. Until a way is found to make peace more profitable than war, I don't see any end to the killing.
Yes, coups to install new regimes that are sympathetic to America. But China is establishing a presence in many countries by peaceful means and will likely be capable of holding the loyalty of those countries' people.
As an example, Cuba is heavily influenced by China now and even being directly in the US sphere of influence, will probably not be challenged by America. If not a missile base in Cuba then constant Chinese nuclear capable warships in Havana harbour.

The only alternative is nuclear war in which the US has the capability of defending itself completely. That day will never come.

China, Russia, and other countries are forming an alliance and it so far appears to be an alliance for peace! I think the outcome of this current war between America and Russia will spell out the world's future. I can't see any other possibility other than nuclear war and I refuse to contemplate the results of that.

America's challenge to the world's other superpowers was predicable at this time as China is becoming untouchable. Probably already has and an alliance with Russia will seal it forever.
Yes, coups to install new regimes that are sympathetic to America. But China is establishing a presence in many countries by peaceful means and will likely be capable of holding the loyalty of those countries' people.
As an example, Cuba is heavily influenced by China now and even being directly in the US sphere of influence, will probably not be challenged by America. If not a missile base in Cuba then constant Chinese nuclear capable warships in Havana harbour.

The only alternative is nuclear war in which the US has the capability of defending itself completely. That day will never come.

China, Russia, and other countries are forming an alliance and it so far appears to be an alliance for peace! I think the outcome of this current war between America and Russia will spell out the world's future. I can't see any other possibility other than nuclear war and I refuse to contemplate the results of that.

America's challenge to the world's other superpowers was predicable at this time as China is becoming untouchable. Probably already has and an alliance with Russia will seal it forever.
Alliance for peace?

Not for nothing but Russia is currently in the midst of a failed invasion and the only success Russia is really having is bombing cities. Kind of what they did in Georgia and Chechnya. Nothing peaceful about it.

In the meantime NATO is stronger than ever and more countries are showing interest in joining.

Not sure if you're aware but most of the entire world is against Russia on this. China and Russia also have their issues with each other such as border disputes and well, frankly they don't trust each other.

You guys really drunk the kool-aid.
Alliance for peace?

Not for nothing but Russia is currently in the midst of a failed invasion and the only success Russia is really having is bombing cities. Kind of what they did in Georgia and Chechnya. Nothing peaceful about it.

In the meantime NATO is stronger than ever and more countries are showing interest in joining.

Not sure if you're aware but most of the entire world is against Russia on this. China and Russia also have their issues with each other such as border disputes and well, frankly they don't trust each other.

You guys really drunk the kool-aid.
Yes, I see this as Nato's aggression through expansion toward Russia's borders.

The MAD factor that has saved the world from a major war is being challenged by both sides in this war. America through it's Ukraine proxy vs. Russia.

My opinion is consistent with the opinions of writers whose articles are posted at

My position on this war is not on one side or the other winning the war, it's in ending the war in a satisfactory way that satisfies both sides.

I'm really not sure of how that can happen quite yet, but I can make some suggestions.
Sources for that have already been posted by others, you seem to ignore them in favor of one guy that carries water for Russian propaganda, much like yourself. That one guy who is almost always voices opinions against the United States and it's allies. He's a convicted pedo and he's directly tied to Russian propaganda (RT). What makes you think his word is trustworthy or that he'd ever come down on the side that isn't anti-American? When has he ever done that?

I don't care what Ritter's former life is, he doesn't have a security clearance, given his social status who would want to work with the guy now? Where does he get his info from? The 90s?

Why are some prominent Russian military leaders all of the sudden disappearing?

Why is Ukraine taking back territory? How come Russia is no longer pushing for regime change, demilitarization and "denazification" of the Ukraine government? Now they seem to just want to hang onto those Eastern territories.

Why are they losing so much military equipment?

Everybody did. Turns out, Russia doesn't do logistics and they've suffered mightily for it. Their equipment isn't well maintained which much can be attributed to their oligarchy system where money is skimmed out of the system as Putin and his cronies have ripped off the Russian people to enrich themselves.

Russia's already unimpressive economy is going to be feeling this for a decade at least. How is a country with the world's largest land mass a non-diversified economy smaller than Italy and a population larger than Mexico going to keep a military going after sanctions? Their vehicles have tire rot many of their troops are using equipment from the cold war era (or older) and they are relying on conscripts and they can't even get 100 miles out of their own border without running out of gas?

Russia can't even get countries of the former Soviet Union to vote against the U.N. resolution sanctioning them. Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan all abstained. Ouch.

Belarus? Other than supplying entry points and a place for Russian's to fire off their missiles into city centers why hasn't Belarus gotten directly involved in the conflict? They have even less of an army than Russia and at this point I'm not sure it really matters but why not?

Where is NATO going to withdraw from? Poland? Latvia? Where? Without the Orange dumptruck we find that NATO is more in alignment than ever. Even Sweden and Finland are now openly debating joining NATO, something both countries in the past have been reluctant to do. Hell, Russia even got Greece and Turkey to work together to help evacuate citizens trapped in Mariupol thanks to Russia's bombing of civilians.

Germany who is heavily reliant on Russia for oil is now finally making moves to move away from Russia.

It hasn't taken Kiev because it can't. In what strategy do you forfeit your armor (tanks) in a feint? Why would you lose thousands of soldiers and scale down objectives that you made public? What happened to regime change?

Russia is a paper tiger, a very poor paper tiger and that was before sanctions.

I'm not concerned with what you believe now. I'm more or less leaving this here to take a look at in 1, 2 or 5 years from now.
Your mistake is that you take the ad hominem bait while throwing the baby out with the bathwater. We don't give a flying rat's rear-end if Ritter, like Rimbaud, is a lecher. We intelligently look at the objective science, the objective value of the material concerning an illegitimate state since 2014.

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