Scott Walker has endured every insidious left wing cliche attack in a blue state.


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
From being against women, to being against the poor etc etc etc. All of these cliches that democrats use the tool bags on the left (like the moronic redskin lakhota) and he has come out on top every time.

Scott Walker is the best shot at winning the white house and the best person that will represent what the majority of this country clearly wants.

Regardless of what you think the main stream media or the morons on the left (tool bags for the democrats who still sell man made global warming) tell us, the majority of this country hate the pathetic insidious politically correct along every stupid fucking cliche from the left.


Second John Doe Probe of Gov. Scott Walker on the Ropes - Breitbart

The first of those investigations went belly-up months ago, and now the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reports that the second one is just about ready to start pushing up daisies. Given Walker’s new prominence as a potential 2016 presidential candidate, Democrats won’t want to let these little crusades die completely – if nothing else, they would love to be able to describe Walker as “embattled” or “controversial” because he’s “under investigation” – but it’s pretty clear they’re on life support.

Actually, it seems like the Journal-Sentinel is straining to find ways to avoid performing last rites over the motionless remains of Probe Number 2:

The John Doe probe into Gov. Scott Walker’s campaign is not dead, but it may be mortally wounded.

U.S. District Judge Charles Clevert recently put a halt to key avenues of the investigation into whether Walker’s campaign illegally coordinated with conservative groups. Clevert’s ruling prohibits investigators and regulators from enforcing campaign finance laws involving ads that fall short of telling people how to vote.

But his ruling — in an unrelated case — leaves untouched the law prohibiting coordination between campaigns and interest groups that tell people to vote for or against a specific candidate.

Conservative groups have mounted an intense political and courtroom strategy to quash the investigation —the second of two John Doe investigations involving Walker’s campaigns. The latest probe has been stalled since last year when the judge overseeing it blocked subpoenas and found that the activity being investigated was not illegal.

Conservative commentators declared that Clevert’s ruling leaves no doubt that the secret probe is dead.

Rick Esenberg, founder and president of the Wisconsin Institute for Law & Liberty, a libertarian public interest law firm financed largely by Walker’s political boosters, said it seemed to him like the investigation was over but he couldn’t be sure because of the secrecy of the proceedings.

“It’s hard to talk definitively about anything done in secret,” he said.

Nothing else in the article supports the claim that the investigation isn’t quite dead yet; Mr. Esenberg has it right when he contends that the heavy layers of secrecy created by Wisconsin’s bizarre “John Doe” laws are the only reason anyone can pretend there’s still a future for the anti-Walker crusade.

The judicial ruling mentioned by the Journal-Sentinel effectively paralyzed these John Doe wild hunts by shutting down their investigative machinery, banning prosecutions, blocking referrals for criminal investigation, and holding parts of Wisconsin’s campaign finance law unconstitutional. The monster probe is face-down in the dirt, bleeding shredded subpoenas from those “mortal wounds.”

Democrats are quoted whining about the “very aggressive litigation tactics” of the probe’s targets; what that means in practice is that the targets pushed back against ridiculously heavy-handed tactics, which gave prosecutors an unlimited license to intimidate conservative donors while the targets were legally gagged from discussing the proceedings and won an unbroken string of devastating victories. Prosecutors, on the other hand, never managed to actually prosecute anyone. The odds that the state Supreme Court will pull the stake out of John Doe’s heart are seen as minimal even by the law’s supporters.


Left wingers are lying scumbags. Their tool bags are so fucking stupid that they actually have the morons argue for higher taxes AND higher spending.

Take a moment, just to think how stupid one needs to be to argue for that.
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Frankly, Scott Walker is the only Republican I think I could stand to vote for, based on what I know.

That said. We've seen a lot of these guys come along as the "Great White Hope" of Conservatives only to explode spectacularly on the Launch Pad. Remember Fred Thompson? Or Rick Perry?

The GOP Establishment likes candidates who are vetted, which is why they are massing behind Jeb. It's going ot take a lot for Walker to overcome that this time out.
Walker doesn't have anything but this ersatz victim act. He goes around acting like some battered holy crusader who has just been unmercifully tortured by evil libs trying to thwart his mission from God. He plays division politcs well but other than that he nothing but the Koch party candidate for president.
Unfortunately for Scott Walker, he has one of the worst records in the country as governor. And this latest debacle, cutting $300,000,000.00 from higher education in a manufacturing and technology state that needs educated workers is something he won't be able to run from.

Roughly 21 months of "insidious attacks" on anyone from either party who dares to consider running for President.

Personal insults, name-calling, outright lies, third grade stuff. This board will provide a perfect example.

In an alternate universe, they're having a mature, civil, honest, productive discussion of issues.


Roughly 21 months of "insidious attacks" on anyone from either party who dares to consider running for President.

Personal insults, name-calling, outright lies, third grade stuff. This board will provide a perfect example.

In an alternate universe, they're having a mature, civil, honest, productive discussion of issues.

There are other discussion boards in this particular universe also. Anyone who has thrown down the gauntlet as provocatively as he has and then goes around acting the victim as if the anger was all unexpected is being disingenuous at best.

Roughly 21 months of "insidious attacks" on anyone from either party who dares to consider running for President.

Personal insults, name-calling, outright lies, third grade stuff. This board will provide a perfect example.

In an alternate universe, they're having a mature, civil, honest, productive discussion of issues.

There are other discussion boards in this particular universe also. Anyone who has thrown down the gauntlet as provocatively as he has and then goes around acting the victim as if the anger was all unexpected is being disingenuous at best.
So do you feel the anger, personal attacks, etc., etc., are the only way to discuss his candidacy?


Roughly 21 months of "insidious attacks" on anyone from either party who dares to consider running for President.

Personal insults, name-calling, outright lies, third grade stuff. This board will provide a perfect example.

In an alternate universe, they're having a mature, civil, honest, productive discussion of issues.

There are other discussion boards in this particular universe also. Anyone who has thrown down the gauntlet as provocatively as he has and then goes around acting the victim as if the anger was all unexpected is being disingenuous at best.
So do you feel the anger, personal attacks, etc., etc., are the only way to discuss his candidacy?

Perhaps, he has purposely pissed off a lot of people and is trying to use that angry response to his advantage. I see nothing in his style that suggests that he gives a fuck about building bridges back to those he has demonized for opposing his reckless political agenda.

Roughly 21 months of "insidious attacks" on anyone from either party who dares to consider running for President.

Personal insults, name-calling, outright lies, third grade stuff. This board will provide a perfect example.

In an alternate universe, they're having a mature, civil, honest, productive discussion of issues.

There are other discussion boards in this particular universe also. Anyone who has thrown down the gauntlet as provocatively as he has and then goes around acting the victim as if the anger was all unexpected is being disingenuous at best.
So do you feel the anger, personal attacks, etc., etc., are the only way to discuss his candidacy?

Perhaps, he has purposely pissed off a lot of people and is trying to use that angry response to his advantage. I see nothing in his style that suggests that he gives a fuck about building bridges back to those he has demonized for opposing his reckless political agenda.

Anyone that scares the far left this much is someone to pay attention to..
i see the liberworms are starting to creep from their mostly rotten wood hovels to throw their shit against Scott Walker, compared to the other candidates, Scott is cleaner/whiter than new fallen snow, 1,000% better than an any libertraitor the dumbocrat party has to offer, everyone of them are dirtier than an old shithouse floor !! :up:

Roughly 21 months of "insidious attacks" on anyone from either party who dares to consider running for President.

Personal insults, name-calling, outright lies, third grade stuff. This board will provide a perfect example.

In an alternate universe, they're having a mature, civil, honest, productive discussion of issues.

There are other discussion boards in this particular universe also. Anyone who has thrown down the gauntlet as provocatively as he has and then goes around acting the victim as if the anger was all unexpected is being disingenuous at best.
So do you feel the anger, personal attacks, etc., etc., are the only way to discuss his candidacy?


Personally, I really do not give on rat shit how respectful I come across. The left deserves zero respect, and so long as there is place for me to vent my frustration over the politically correct asshole hypocrites on the left, I will vent.

That is until the left wing communists outlaw our freedom of expression for calling out our politicians for being the lying scumbags they are, or calling out the gullible left and showing them how they are being used to push their insidious agendas.

It is fucking pathetic, and if it comes across childish to you then you can take you fence riding bullshit disposition and jam it up your pompous arrogant ass.

I told you before, your middle of the road position is not anything to brag about. Take a side and stop pretending like you are better than everyone for not picking a side. Pick a side and defend it.

Oh never mind. My little words are too childish for you to understand.

Either way, left wing hypocrites are that pathetic, and Scott Walker is attacked incessantly with all of the bag of cliches the left wing has. That, is all they do have and you have to hand it to them. Their hypocritical disposition and cliches has worked on their dumb constituency for over 50 years.

Like I said. The left wing tool bags are so stupid that they chant for HIGHER TAXES and HIGHER SPENDING. That, is how useless they are, cause they will not understand the contradiction.
i see the liberworms are starting to creep from their mostly rotten wood hovels to throw their shit against Scott Walker, compared to the other candidates, Scott is cleaner/whiter than new fallen snow, 1,000% better than an any libertraitor the dumbocrat party has to offer, everyone of them are dirtier than an old shithouse floor !! :up:
That guy is on the Koch payroll sure as shit and there is more to being president than just doing things to piss off liberals and then complaining that liberals are pissed off at you.

Roughly 21 months of "insidious attacks" on anyone from either party who dares to consider running for President.

Personal insults, name-calling, outright lies, third grade stuff. This board will provide a perfect example.

In an alternate universe, they're having a mature, civil, honest, productive discussion of issues.

There are other discussion boards in this particular universe also. Anyone who has thrown down the gauntlet as provocatively as he has and then goes around acting the victim as if the anger was all unexpected is being disingenuous at best.
So do you feel the anger, personal attacks, etc., etc., are the only way to discuss his candidacy?


Personally, I really do not give on rat shit how respectful I come across. The left deserves zero respect, and so long as there is place for me to vent my frustration over the politically correct asshole hypocrites on the left, I will vent.

That is until the left wing communists outlaw our freedom of expression for calling out our politicians for being the lying scumbags they are, or calling out the gullible left and showing them how they are being used to push their insidious agendas.

It is fucking pathetic, and if it comes across childish to you then you can take you fence riding bullshit disposition and jam it up your pompous arrogant ass.

I told you before, your middle of the road position is not anything to brag about. Take a side and stop pretending like you are better than everyone for not picking a side. Pick a side and defend it.

Oh never mind. My little words are too childish for you to understand.

Either way, left wing hypocrites are that pathetic, and Scott Walker is attacked incessantly with all of the bag of cliches the left wing has. That, is all they do have and you have to hand it to them. Their hypocritical disposition and cliches has worked on their dumb constituency for over 50 years.

Like I said. The left wing tool bags are so stupid that they chant for HIGHER TAXES and HIGHER SPENDING. That, is how useless they are, cause they will not understand the contradiction.
So this is more about venting. Okay, well, that makes sense. I guess we all have our reasons.

Not sure where the "middle of the road" stuff comes from - I'm just as passionate about any given subject as you or anyone else, the only difference is that I don't obediently and predictably march in lockstep with one partisan ideology or the other. Choosing to think for yourself certainly doesn't translate to "middle of the road", neither is endeavoring to just be honest.

Those who are just venting have gained a great deal of influence and are causing this country great damage. I can't imagine you folks don't see that - perhaps it's the old "you have to break some eggs to make an omelet" thing, I don't know.

i see the liberworms are starting to creep from their mostly rotten wood hovels to throw their shit against Scott Walker, compared to the other candidates, Scott is cleaner/whiter than new fallen snow, 1,000% better than an any libertraitor the dumbocrat party has to offer, everyone of them are dirtier than an old shithouse floor !! :up:
That guy is on the Koch payroll sure as shit and there is more to being president than just doing things to piss off liberals and then complaining that liberals are pissed off at you.

And bam there it is the far left keywords and religious propaganda in full force.

That did not take long for this hate filled far let drone to go there..

Roughly 21 months of "insidious attacks" on anyone from either party who dares to consider running for President.

Personal insults, name-calling, outright lies, third grade stuff. This board will provide a perfect example.

In an alternate universe, they're having a mature, civil, honest, productive discussion of issues.

There are other discussion boards in this particular universe also. Anyone who has thrown down the gauntlet as provocatively as he has and then goes around acting the victim as if the anger was all unexpected is being disingenuous at best.
So do you feel the anger, personal attacks, etc., etc., are the only way to discuss his candidacy?


Personally, I really do not give on rat shit how respectful I come across. The left deserves zero respect, and so long as there is place for me to vent my frustration over the politically correct asshole hypocrites on the left, I will vent.

That is until the left wing communists outlaw our freedom of expression for calling out our politicians for being the lying scumbags they are, or calling out the gullible left and showing them how they are being used to push their insidious agendas.

It is fucking pathetic, and if it comes across childish to you then you can take you fence riding bullshit disposition and jam it up your pompous arrogant ass.

I told you before, your middle of the road position is not anything to brag about. Take a side and stop pretending like you are better than everyone for not picking a side. Pick a side and defend it.

Oh never mind. My little words are too childish for you to understand.

Either way, left wing hypocrites are that pathetic, and Scott Walker is attacked incessantly with all of the bag of cliches the left wing has. That, is all they do have and you have to hand it to them. Their hypocritical disposition and cliches has worked on their dumb constituency for over 50 years.

Like I said. The left wing tool bags are so stupid that they chant for HIGHER TAXES and HIGHER SPENDING. That, is how useless they are, cause they will not understand the contradiction.
So this is more about venting. Okay, well, that makes sense. I guess we all have our reasons.

Not sure where the "middle of the road" stuff comes from - I'm just as passionate about any given subject as you or anyone else, the only difference is that I don't obediently and predictably march in lockstep with one partisan ideology or the other. Choosing to think for yourself certainly doesn't translate to "middle of the road", neither is endeavoring to just be honest.

Those who are just venting have gained a great deal of influence and are causing this country great damage. I can't imagine you folks don't see that - perhaps it's the old "you have to break some eggs to make an omelet" thing, I don't know.


So me venting is what causes this country great damage eh? Fuck you. There have been people venting long before the fucking founding, and that venting is one of those things that caused the people who were subject to King George in this country to rise up and create a country of their own. Maybe you have not read about incidents like the Boston Tea Party along with other things that led to the Revolutionary War.

Me causing damage for venting?

Did I say fuck you? Yeah, let me reiterate it. Fuck you.

Roughly 21 months of "insidious attacks" on anyone from either party who dares to consider running for President.

Personal insults, name-calling, outright lies, third grade stuff. This board will provide a perfect example.

In an alternate universe, they're having a mature, civil, honest, productive discussion of issues.

There are other discussion boards in this particular universe also. Anyone who has thrown down the gauntlet as provocatively as he has and then goes around acting the victim as if the anger was all unexpected is being disingenuous at best.
So do you feel the anger, personal attacks, etc., etc., are the only way to discuss his candidacy?


Personally, I really do not give on rat shit how respectful I come across. The left deserves zero respect, and so long as there is place for me to vent my frustration over the politically correct asshole hypocrites on the left, I will vent.

That is until the left wing communists outlaw our freedom of expression for calling out our politicians for being the lying scumbags they are, or calling out the gullible left and showing them how they are being used to push their insidious agendas.

It is fucking pathetic, and if it comes across childish to you then you can take you fence riding bullshit disposition and jam it up your pompous arrogant ass.

I told you before, your middle of the road position is not anything to brag about. Take a side and stop pretending like you are better than everyone for not picking a side. Pick a side and defend it.

Oh never mind. My little words are too childish for you to understand.

Either way, left wing hypocrites are that pathetic, and Scott Walker is attacked incessantly with all of the bag of cliches the left wing has. That, is all they do have and you have to hand it to them. Their hypocritical disposition and cliches has worked on their dumb constituency for over 50 years.

Like I said. The left wing tool bags are so stupid that they chant for HIGHER TAXES and HIGHER SPENDING. That, is how useless they are, cause they will not understand the contradiction.
So this is more about venting. Okay, well, that makes sense. I guess we all have our reasons.

Not sure where the "middle of the road" stuff comes from - I'm just as passionate about any given subject as you or anyone else, the only difference is that I don't obediently and predictably march in lockstep with one partisan ideology or the other. Choosing to think for yourself certainly doesn't translate to "middle of the road", neither is endeavoring to just be honest.

Those who are just venting have gained a great deal of influence and are causing this country great damage. I can't imagine you folks don't see that - perhaps it's the old "you have to break some eggs to make an omelet" thing, I don't know.


So me venting is what causes this country great damage eh? Fuck you. There have been people venting long before the fucking founding, and that venting is one of those things that caused the people who were subject to King George in this country to rise up and create a country of their own. Maybe you have not read about incidents like the Boston Tea Party along with other things that led to the Revolutionary War.

Me causing damage for venting?

Did I say fuck you? Yeah, let me reiterate it. Fuck you.
Well, there's anger and there is controlled anger.

Those who can't control their anger are causing damage, yes. The anger feeds their narcissism and the cycle continues until it's essentially impossible to communicate with them on a rational, mature, sober level. Not unlike trying to communicate with a wild-eyed teenage Jihadist, there's just no way to do it.

In a vacuum, those people exist and a society can control/marginalize them. The problem is now that they are so visible and the behavior is metastasizing. These people are now in positions of influence and even authority. Not good for us.


The better Scott Walker looks in the polls the more the Liberal media will go after him....
But I think he is up to the task.
He may be up to the task but he is going to have a hard time carrying his own state. This last projected cut of cuts to the education at UW and giving 200 mill to the bucks has even his ardent supporters saying what the heck? No doubt he knows he will have to alter those cuts to make them less drastic if he is going to have any shot at all. I have lived in Wis all my life. Things haven't changed one bit since he took over. My taxes are still on the rise, the big Whigs moneywise still are laughing all the way to the bank. Its the same no matter who is in charge. Cutting education massively only to give the money to a pro team is in no way the answer. Staunch GOP supporters I am friends with are now questioning why private corporations like the bucks are getting money.
The better Scott Walker looks in the polls the more the Liberal media will go after him....
But I think he is up to the task.
The more he is in the media the more the non-asshole loving public will get a good look at how incredibly fake he is.

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