Scott Walker : Trump needs to apologize to John McCain

Typical left wing tactic and republicans fall for it every time. Instead of dismissing blind side questions from the left regarding other republican candidate out of context statements republicans cave in every time because the left wing has it rigged so that if they fail to answer rigged questions they become part of the problem. Maybe Hillary has the right idea. Nobody can get near her for an opinion on any subject.
Typical left wing tactic and republicans fall for it every time. Instead of dismissing idiotic questions from the left republicans cave in. Maybe Hillary has the right idea. Nobody can get near her for an opinion on any subject.

I doubt on this one that trump will go up in polls so maybe this will be the end of him even though he also did say "maybe he is a hero"
Walker may stand to gain the most from a Trump meltdown.

It would be shock if Trump actually apologized.

If McCain had kept his mouth shut he wouldn't be mentioned. But McCain always has something to say. Usually though what he says has to do with bombing someone.
Is this the same Scott Walker who never mentioned immigration once in his 40 minute presidential run announcement speech this week? (just what we need, another spineless candidate.)
Typical left wing tactic and republicans fall for it every time. Instead of dismissing idiotic questions from the left republicans cave in. Maybe Hillary has the right idea. Nobody can get near her for an opinion on any subject.

I doubt on this one that trump will go up in polls so maybe this will be the end of him even though he also did say "maybe he is a hero"

How about you EB, did your serve? A simple yes or no will suffice. In my experience on this forum, most of the self defined conservatives did not. BTW, I did, USNR, AD '67 - '69.
Man you people and you demanding of freaking apologizes

we've been saying you all who voted in Obama NEEDS to apologize to the rest of us in the country


my gawd..., we have way MORE important things to worry about than something Trump said about some gawddam Senator who started this feud by being a dick about Trump, in other words being his usual DICK SELF

. now knock off the crap about Trump and lets get back to what matters. like that thug Obama ramming down some trade deal with Iran down our throats Against OUR WILL. like our country getting ready to go bankrupt because of the outrageous spending by this thug man, etc etc
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Man you people and you demanding of freaking apologizes

we've been saying you all who voted in Obama NEEDS to apologize to the rest of us in the country


my gawd..., we have way MORE important things to worry about than something Trump said. now knock of the crap about Trump and lets get back to what matters. like that thug Obama ramming down some trade deal with Iran down our throats Against OUR WILL. like our country getting ready to go bankrupt because of the outrageous spending by this thug man, etc etc
I'm still waiting for EB to tell us in what branch of the military he served; how about you Steph? What have you done other than whine, bitch, piss and moan?
THIS Walker article is FROM the WashingtonCompost

I wouldn't take anything they say about Walker or Trump as the freaking truth if it came Notarized on their lying propaganda Dnc lapdogs tongues

they can go to hell, they've SAID far worse shit about Republicans, conservatives, Palin, McCain etc etc

this is what they are trying to AVOID getting out so they just keep HARPING and harping on trumps every word. STOP falling for it

this is why the left/dems/commies were trying so hard to shut down Trump. LEGAL immigrants are not in FAVOR OF Obama's amnesty and are just as upset over the illegal immigrants in the country
VOTE OUT the Democrat/progressive party come 2016 before it's too late


Poll: Most Hispanic Voters Don’t Think A Path To Citizenship Is Solution
More than 60 percent of registered Hispanic voters do not think a pathway to citizenship for illegals would benefit the country, and most do not see it as the best way to solve the country’s immigration problems, a new poll shows.

Of the 62 percent who felt a pathway to citizenship for illegals would not benefit the country, 33 percent felt it would hurt the economy, 7 percent felt it would overly burden public schools and 10 percent felt it would create public safety issues, the McKeon & Associates Wednesday poll found.

“The economy is still the issue,” Michael McKeon told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “When 33 percent think immigration will hurt the economy, that’s what’s on their mind.”

all of it here:

Poll Hispanic Voters Don t See Path To Citizenship As Benefit The Daily Caller
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I voted for McCain in 2008, though I held by nose because of Sarah. Trump crossed the line. I don't think he will apologize. A demagogue goes to the prey, which now is the far right and the nativists. Bet he runs a third-party campaign.
I voted for McCain in 2008, though I held by nose because of Sarah. Trump crossed the line. I don't think he will apologize. A demagogue goes to the prey, which now is the far right and the nativists. Bet he runs a third-party campaign.

You're just like McCain about his POW record when you say you voted for him.........just have to take his and your word for it.........:biggrin:.
McCain isn't someone SPECIAL we all need to sit here and wail over something said about him. He is ONE DAMN Senator out of WAY TOO many in this stinking Government

they pulled this shit on you with Obama. everything you criticized about him they demanded an apology and then called you all a racist

WAKE UP for crying out loud. stop letting this leftwing propaganda media steer you around by the nose
I have no reason to doubt McCain's word about his POW service.

Do you?

What far right reactionary WRHINOs think about about my Republicanism means nothing to me. :lol:
McCain isn't someone SPECIAL we all need to sit here and wail over something said about him. He is ONE DAMN Senator out of WAY TOO many in this stinking Government

they pulled this shit on you with Obama. everything you criticized about him they demanded an apology and then called you all a racist

WAKE UP for crying out loud. stop letting this leftwing propaganda media steer you around by the nose

It was, and probably still is, the lead story on CNN early afternoon. The 5th soldier who succumbed to his injuries due to that Islamic Terrorist, took a back seat, even tho' he died this morning. Real patriots, eh?
I have no reason to doubt McCain's word about his POW service.

Do you?

What far right reactionary WRHINOs think about about my Republicanism means nothing to me. :lol:

When he was part of the Keating 5, they believed his every word, even tho' McCain was closest to Keating for almost a decade, as in personal friends. Why not believe him?.............:laugh:
Wait a second you liberals always flaming MCCAIN now you want some one to apologize to him

He is scaring you?

Your getting scared because no one owns him.

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