SCOTUS Overrules Federal Fish and Wildlife Service Over Non-existant Frog


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012

The feds came in and took 1,500 acres of private land, supposedly to protect The Mississippi Gopher Frog that had not been seen there for more than half a century.

In a unanimous decision, the High Court agreed that the Fish and Wildlife Service could not designate our clients’ property critical habitat unless it showed the property was in fact habitat, which it has yet to do. Further, the Court rejected the agency’s position that its decision was not reviewable by judges. The decision opens the courthouse doors to land owners like Edward Poitevent, who stand up to the federal government when it overreaches.

Now, will the family ever get back the money they lost because of timbering being shut down and what they had to pay in legal fees?

Probably not.

More of this
@ SCOTUS returns land rights seized to protect nonexistent frog

The feds came in and took 1,500 acres of private land, supposedly to protect The Mississippi Gopher Frog that had not been seen there for more than half a century.

In a unanimous decision, the High Court agreed that the Fish and Wildlife Service could not designate our clients’ property critical habitat unless it showed the property was in fact habitat, which it has yet to do. Further, the Court rejected the agency’s position that its decision was not reviewable by judges. The decision opens the courthouse doors to land owners like Edward Poitevent, who stand up to the federal government when it overreaches.

Now, will the family ever get back the money they lost because of timbering being shut down and what they had to pay in legal fees?

Probably not.

More of this
@ SCOTUS returns land rights seized to protect nonexistent frog
I have seen so many Government over reach into life of just normal people. Many of these violations are done by people who are not elected but clerks, or office workers. Example: Ohio School sent a letter to the Dept of education ref: a class on Sex education could be separate from co ed teaching of the class. The letter returned was no they had to joinly teach the class. The State Senator investigated and found that the letter sent to the school had been sent by a clerk in the office, even tho it was signed by the Division Head. Deep Government.
This is great news! It's time to stop the Prog attempts to make life unlivable for humans.
So this frog hasn't been spotted on these lands nor, for that matter, in the entire fucking state and the goons at Obama's Fish & Wildlife department seized the land anyway? And it took a SCOTUS decision to finally overturn it? Wow. The environmental loons that are apparently pervasive in this agency should likely be shown the door. Whoever called for that action needs to be fired, but we all know that federal employees never get fired.
Better late than never..........but the endless legal battle..........cost those seeking justice massive money..........and the EPA will not pay a dime of it...........their lawyers being Tax payer funded..............

When they lose............the dang EPA should have to pay civil fines..............
Better late than never..........but the endless legal battle..........cost those seeking justice massive money..........and the EPA will not pay a dime of it...........their lawyers being Tax payer funded..............

When they lose............the dang EPA should have to pay civil fines..............

And the radicals in the Fish & Game Department that took these actions need to be FIRED.
So this frog hasn't been spotted on these lands nor, for that matter, in the entire fucking state and the goons at Obama's Fish & Wildlife department seized the land anyway? And it took a SCOTUS decision to finally overturn it? Wow. The environmental loons that are apparently pervasive in this agency should likely be shown the door. Whoever called for that action needs to be fired, but we all know that federal employees never get fired.
It's complete fraud.

I don't believe for one second that the government perpetrators were interested in protecting any habitat. They wanted to steal that land. PERIOD!!!

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