SCOTUS rejects Trump's Texas lawsuit

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Like General Flynn just said in his Twitter .....among other things....

he said:

"Take a deep breath. More to come." - :up:

GOD BLESS you General! :clap:
so, what's coming? more WINNING in courts?
This is the Tracy Beanz message Flynn was referring to. Scroll down past the couple of tweets to her vid. Yes, more cases are still in play to take the Electoral College. Quite a little general she is. She's as militant as any Antifa rabble rouser, I fear.

i am not going to read any tweets from a tracy beans. but thanks anyway. more cases pending then. i knew that. i also know the outcome.
It's what happens after the court approach is exhausted that worries me a little. Especially when they're viewing it as a war.`
SCOTUS just drove a stake into the heart of the USA and its federal system.



Yup. War is coming now for sure.
See you January 20th.
Screen Shot 2020-12-11 at 9.10.32 PM.png

So with the latest Theater for Dipshits having completed its lastest run, I have but a single question for our local conservatives:

They should appeal it to the super-dooper -supreme court
the tremendously big SPACE court. that's why space force was announced.

Supreme Court of the United Federation of Planets
It's going to take some time for Trump fans to spin this into a victory, but they'll do it.
How do you figure that?
What about Americans who recognize this precedent that undermines future elections? You don’t care about that? This makes all future elections the equivalent of a Harlem globetrotters basketball game. As long as the globetrotters are democrats and not Americans you’re OK with that? That’s creepy.

The only thing wrong with the election is the obvious loser pretended he won, and you demented fanboys pretended to believe him. Either your egos or your abject lack of self-respect keep you from admitting you've been played for a fool. You don't know what "Americans" are okay with. You're a Trumpkin, not an American. You're willing to throw away American democracy for the lies of a known fraud.
Like General Flynn just said in his Twitter .....among other things....

he said:

"Take a deep breath. More to come." - :up:

GOD BLESS you General! :clap:
so, what's coming? more WINNING in courts?
This is the Tracy Beanz message Flynn was referring to. Scroll down past the couple of tweets to her vid. Yes, more cases are still in play to take the Electoral College. Quite a little general she is. She's as militant as any Antifa rabble rouser, I fear.

i am not going to read any tweets from a tracy beans. but thanks anyway. more cases pending then. i knew that. i also know the outcome.
It's what happens after the court approach is exhausted that worries me a little. Especially when they're viewing it as a war.`
Nothing will happen on a grand scale. surely they are grooming dylann roofs. but there is no remedy for that.
Either way Joe has been stained, tarred and feathered, a dark cloud will loom forever, never be a legitimate politician.
I guess what Im saying is, good luck :auiqs.jpg:

Says the same hapless soul that bought the silly 'stolen election' horseshit.

So consider the source.
They should appeal it to the super-dooper -supreme court
the tremendously big SPACE court. that's why space force was announced.

Supreme Court of the United Federation of Planets
sounds like a plan.
It's going to take some time for Trump fans to spin this into a victory, but they'll do it.
How do you figure that?
What about Americans who recognize this precedent that undermines future elections? You don’t care about that? This makes all future elections the equivalent of a Harlem globetrotters basketball game. As long as the globetrotters are democrats and not Americans you’re OK with that? That’s creepy.

The only thing wrong with the election is the obvious loser pretended he won, and you demented fanboys pretended to believe him. Either your egos or your abject lack of self-respect keep you from admitting you've been played for a fool. You don't know what "Americans" are okay with. You're a Trumpkin, not an American. You're willing to throw away American democracy for the lies of a known fraud.
You didn’t address my post.
Why was Trump only claiming fraud in states he lost?

View attachment 427898
They all flipped after midnight.
So, you’re either a moron or a liar. No other choice.

The mail in votes were counted. You were warned of red and blue mirages on election night. Republican legislatures in these states passed laws that said the mail in ballots could not be counted until the polls closed and the election day ballots were counted.
How many times you gotta hear the same explanation?
The mail in process WS in violation of the US constitution. Never mind that there was no legit verification.
But it’s no longer the US were talking about. My country just lost to the communist states of America.

I suggest you study the constitution.
I suggest you study the constitution...

“non-legislative changes to state election laws facilitating the casting and counting of ballots in violation of state law violates the Electors Clause of Article II, Section 1, Clause 2 of the U.S. Constitution”
you should take it to court. no one had ever had these colossal insights you demonstrate here.
Plenty of people have pointed out these discrepancies. You just don’t know about it because you’re a slave to propaganda. That’s the extent of your current events knowledge.
nigga please.
SCOTUS just drove a stake into the heart of the USA and its federal system.



Yup. War is coming now for sure.
See you January 20th.
please bump this idiots rut rooh special counsel thread.
I am not that ^^^

A love GOD I love Christ.
And I can totally respect that.
Question is, HOW can you defend and Respect that current potus?
Current potus knows very little about the Bible, yet alone his claim of "Nobody Knows more about the Bible than Me."

The cowardly traitors on the Supreme Court dismissed the case because they declared Texas did not have standing.

That will go down as one of the worst decisions ever made by the Court. To determine that a state does not have an interest in the outcome of a national election that determines the leader of the Federal government is absolutely ludricous.

Fine. If the Federal government doesn't mean shit then Texas and the other states that joined in the lawsuit should secede.
It's going to take some time for Trump fans to spin this into a victory, but they'll do it.
How do you figure that?
What about Americans who recognize this precedent that undermines future elections? You don’t care about that? This makes all future elections the equivalent of a Harlem globetrotters basketball game. As long as the globetrotters are democrats and not Americans you’re OK with that? That’s creepy.

The only thing wrong with the election is the obvious loser pretended he won, and you demented fanboys pretended to believe him. Either your egos or your abject lack of self-respect keep you from admitting you've been played for a fool. You don't know what "Americans" are okay with. You're a Trumpkin, not an American. You're willing to throw away American democracy for the lies of a known fraud.
You didn’t address my post.

I said what I wanted. I'm not going to join you in pretending it was a fraudulent election. Your "evidence" is the word of Donald Trump. No one takes Trump's word for anything. What kind of idiot would?
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