SCOTUS scores a victory for the People

This makes them do their job if they want the executive to do something.

They have to be explicit.
I'm not so sure. Say the SEC fines some corp for failing to file some disclosures. I think that will require an Art III court with a jury. But the case is NOT about damages anyone suffered. Rather, the fine is levied to require regulatory enforcement and the SEC doesn't need additional taxpayer/deficit money

That would be a ridiculous additional cost if its clear the corp failed to reveal to investors what it is required.

But it would be a very different issue if, as in this case, there had to be finding of fraud or taking by the corporation. You'd think the govt would have get a jury to agree
I'm not so sure. Say the SEC fines some corp for failing to file some disclosures. I think that will require an Art III court with a jury. But the case is NOT about damages anyone suffered. Rather, the fine is levied to require regulatory enforcement and the SEC doesn't need additional taxpayer/deficit money

That would be a ridiculous additional cost if its clear the corp failed to reveal to investors what it is required.

But it would be a very different issue if, as in this case, there had to be finding of fraud or taking by the corporation. You'd think the govt would have get a jury to agree

Let government do what it's supposed to do, and not waste time on lefty programmatic bullshit.
I prefer my drinking water not have pig shit and cyanide, which is WHY we have a govt

Drama much fucktard?

You know your drinking water has fish piss in it if you get your water from surface sources, right?

The government now just has to do it's actual jobs, the legislature creates laws, detailed laws, and the executive implements those laws.

Congress can't just give the admin state a blank check anymore and let the unelected sort it out.
I prefer my drinking water not have pig shit and cyanide, which is WHY we have a govt

Drama much fucktard?

You know your drinking water has fish piss in it if you get your water from surface sources, right?

The government now just has to do it's actual jobs, the legislature creates laws, detailed laws, and the executive implements those laws.

Congress can't just give the admin state a blank check anymore and let the unelected sort it out.
fuck you and your dog marty. Actually let your dog fuck you , bitch
fuck you and your dog marty. Actually let your dog fuck you , bitch

No, now a judge can weigh in on disputes between government and those they want to regulate.

So, now it is left to the hand of judges who have no knowledge of the issues they are ruling on.

If Congress does not pull its head out of its ass and start to do its job this is going to get bad quickly.

And I personally have less faith in Congress than I do in Biden or Trump
So, now it is left to the hand of judges who have no knowledge of the issues they are ruling on.

If Congress does not pull its head out of its ass and start to do its job this is going to get bad quickly.

And I personally have less faith in Congress than I do in Biden or Trump

They can consult experts. What this prevents is the regulator from being judge, jury and executioner.

Then let congress do it's job.
What is it like going through life without a sense of irony?


Maybe you should review this Supreme Court’s decisions and see how often the Democrats break rank before spouting off. Republicans often don’t agree, which is why Republicans in Congress often have problems passing legislations. Democrats ALWAYS agree with the very rare exception of a Manchin type.
Do you have faith in them doing so?

Do you have faith in them doing so in a manner that goes against the very people that fund their campaigns and give them wonderful trips and gifts?

It's how the system is supposed to work. Chevron let them pass the buck.
Look at these leftist retards pass more laws, pass more regulations, control me, I don't know what's good for me, rule me, I might fucking die if you don't pass more laws!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I understand that, but Congress will not change, all the court did was move the power from experts to judges.

I do not see that as a positive move.

Those experts were the ones enforcing the regs and coming up with them. They can't be the ones to decide things about it.

Judges can hire their own experts to work through the technical stuff.

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