SCOTUS: states cannot ban same sex marriage

It appears that in the wake of the court’s decision, it’s not only the Republican politicians and the preachers that are having meltdowns. ………..

Marriage Equality Ruling Sparks Rise In Anti-LGBT Violence (VIDEO)

We’re all celebrating because of the Supreme Court’s ruling that made marriage equality the law of the land, but as expected, there has been serious backlash from conservatives and other homophobes. Most supporters are brushing it off; after all, it’s a done deal. However, a more serious situation surrounding discontent with the ruling has come to light: A rise in anti-LGBT hate crimes. Addicting Info Marriage Equality Ruling Sparks Rise In Anti-LGBT Violence VIDEO

South Dakota County Clerk Threatens To Marry Her Dog To Oppose Gay Marriage
Not willing to set herself on fire, a South Dakota county clerk has decided to oppose gay marriage in a less painful but equally nonsensical way: She will try to marry her dog.

Once again proving that the only slippery slope exists in the fevered minds of the homophobe, the Sioux Falls resident apparently believes that if she were to marry her dog this would prove that gay marriage is wrong, although you would be hard pressed to figure out how. South Dakota County Clerk Threatens To Marry Her Dog To Oppose Gay Marriage Addicting Info The Knowledge You Crave

Tennessee Hardware Store Puts Up ‘No Gays Allowed’ Sign To Protest Marriage Equality (VIDEO)
A Baptist minister and owner of a Tennessee hardware store is very concerned that “the gays” might handle his tools. Jeff Amyx, who owns Amyx Hardware & Roofing Supplies in Grainger County, Tennessee, reacted to the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision that the definition of “marriage” includes same-sex couples in pretty much the same way the rest of the conservative world did: with an immature and discriminatory action. Addicting Info Tennessee Hardware Store Puts Up No Gays Allowed Sign To Protest Marriage Equality VIDEO

yeah sure. how do they know? they ask the criminals why they committed the crime? spare us all the how homosexuals are such victims in this POOR poor life they have to live in. they can always move to another country. the only MELTDOWNS is coming from your leftwing HATE sites like addictinggarbageinfo

OMG! Are you serious? I'm sorry, but your views are extreme. This is America. Gay people are human beings. There is absolutely no reason to deny them the rights and privileges that anyone else has. It is not up to you to define another person's marriage.
they ALEADY had all the same rights and privileges as the rest of us. they could marry all along. just not someone of their SEX of choosing. so sorry you can knock off the dramatics
It appears that in the wake of the court’s decision, it’s not only the Republican politicians and the preachers that are having meltdowns. ………..

Marriage Equality Ruling Sparks Rise In Anti-LGBT Violence (VIDEO)

We’re all celebrating because of the Supreme Court’s ruling that made marriage equality the law of the land, but as expected, there has been serious backlash from conservatives and other homophobes. Most supporters are brushing it off; after all, it’s a done deal. However, a more serious situation surrounding discontent with the ruling has come to light: A rise in anti-LGBT hate crimes. Addicting Info Marriage Equality Ruling Sparks Rise In Anti-LGBT Violence VIDEO

South Dakota County Clerk Threatens To Marry Her Dog To Oppose Gay Marriage
Not willing to set herself on fire, a South Dakota county clerk has decided to oppose gay marriage in a less painful but equally nonsensical way: She will try to marry her dog.

Once again proving that the only slippery slope exists in the fevered minds of the homophobe, the Sioux Falls resident apparently believes that if she were to marry her dog this would prove that gay marriage is wrong, although you would be hard pressed to figure out how. South Dakota County Clerk Threatens To Marry Her Dog To Oppose Gay Marriage Addicting Info The Knowledge You Crave

Tennessee Hardware Store Puts Up ‘No Gays Allowed’ Sign To Protest Marriage Equality (VIDEO)
A Baptist minister and owner of a Tennessee hardware store is very concerned that “the gays” might handle his tools. Jeff Amyx, who owns Amyx Hardware & Roofing Supplies in Grainger County, Tennessee, reacted to the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision that the definition of “marriage” includes same-sex couples in pretty much the same way the rest of the conservative world did: with an immature and discriminatory action. Addicting Info Tennessee Hardware Store Puts Up No Gays Allowed Sign To Protest Marriage Equality VIDEO

yeah sure. how do they know? they ask the criminals why they committed the crime? spare us all the how homosexuals are such victims in this POOR poor life they have to live in. they can always move to another country. the only MELTDOWNS is coming from your leftwing HATE sites like addictinggarbageinfo

OMG! Are you serious? I'm sorry, but your views are extreme. This is America. Gay people are human beings. There is absolutely no reason to deny them the rights and privileges that anyone else has. It is not up to you to define another person's marriage.
they ALEADY had all the same rights and privileges as the rest of us. they could marry all along. just not someone of their SEX of choosing. so sorry you can knock off the dramatics

No they don't. It is up to them who they marry and not you. Mind your business!
It appears that in the wake of the court’s decision, it’s not only the Republican politicians and the preachers that are having meltdowns. ………..

Marriage Equality Ruling Sparks Rise In Anti-LGBT Violence (VIDEO)

We’re all celebrating because of the Supreme Court’s ruling that made marriage equality the law of the land, but as expected, there has been serious backlash from conservatives and other homophobes. Most supporters are brushing it off; after all, it’s a done deal. However, a more serious situation surrounding discontent with the ruling has come to light: A rise in anti-LGBT hate crimes. Addicting Info Marriage Equality Ruling Sparks Rise In Anti-LGBT Violence VIDEO

South Dakota County Clerk Threatens To Marry Her Dog To Oppose Gay Marriage
Not willing to set herself on fire, a South Dakota county clerk has decided to oppose gay marriage in a less painful but equally nonsensical way: She will try to marry her dog.

Once again proving that the only slippery slope exists in the fevered minds of the homophobe, the Sioux Falls resident apparently believes that if she were to marry her dog this would prove that gay marriage is wrong, although you would be hard pressed to figure out how. South Dakota County Clerk Threatens To Marry Her Dog To Oppose Gay Marriage Addicting Info The Knowledge You Crave

Tennessee Hardware Store Puts Up ‘No Gays Allowed’ Sign To Protest Marriage Equality (VIDEO)
A Baptist minister and owner of a Tennessee hardware store is very concerned that “the gays” might handle his tools. Jeff Amyx, who owns Amyx Hardware & Roofing Supplies in Grainger County, Tennessee, reacted to the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision that the definition of “marriage” includes same-sex couples in pretty much the same way the rest of the conservative world did: with an immature and discriminatory action. Addicting Info Tennessee Hardware Store Puts Up No Gays Allowed Sign To Protest Marriage Equality VIDEO

yeah sure. how do they know? they ask the criminals why they committed the crime? spare us all the how homosexuals are such victims in this POOR poor life they have to live in. they can always move to another country. the only MELTDOWNS is coming from your leftwing HATE sites like addictinggarbageinfo

OMG! Are you serious? I'm sorry, but your views are extreme. This is America. Gay people are human beings. There is absolutely no reason to deny them the rights and privileges that anyone else has. It is not up to you to define another person's marriage.
they ALEADY had all the same rights and privileges as the rest of us. they could marry all along. just not someone of their SEX of choosing. so sorry you can knock off the dramatics

No they don't. It is up to them who they marry and not you. Mind your business!

You and they should mind their own business. you don't like the truth be told. but people aren't going to be beat over the head any longer with the BS. People are tired of getting BENT over
It appears that in the wake of the court’s decision, it’s not only the Republican politicians and the preachers that are having meltdowns. ………..

Marriage Equality Ruling Sparks Rise In Anti-LGBT Violence (VIDEO)

We’re all celebrating because of the Supreme Court’s ruling that made marriage equality the law of the land, but as expected, there has been serious backlash from conservatives and other homophobes. Most supporters are brushing it off; after all, it’s a done deal. However, a more serious situation surrounding discontent with the ruling has come to light: A rise in anti-LGBT hate crimes. Addicting Info Marriage Equality Ruling Sparks Rise In Anti-LGBT Violence VIDEO

South Dakota County Clerk Threatens To Marry Her Dog To Oppose Gay Marriage
Not willing to set herself on fire, a South Dakota county clerk has decided to oppose gay marriage in a less painful but equally nonsensical way: She will try to marry her dog.

Once again proving that the only slippery slope exists in the fevered minds of the homophobe, the Sioux Falls resident apparently believes that if she were to marry her dog this would prove that gay marriage is wrong, although you would be hard pressed to figure out how. South Dakota County Clerk Threatens To Marry Her Dog To Oppose Gay Marriage Addicting Info The Knowledge You Crave

Tennessee Hardware Store Puts Up ‘No Gays Allowed’ Sign To Protest Marriage Equality (VIDEO)
A Baptist minister and owner of a Tennessee hardware store is very concerned that “the gays” might handle his tools. Jeff Amyx, who owns Amyx Hardware & Roofing Supplies in Grainger County, Tennessee, reacted to the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision that the definition of “marriage” includes same-sex couples in pretty much the same way the rest of the conservative world did: with an immature and discriminatory action. Addicting Info Tennessee Hardware Store Puts Up No Gays Allowed Sign To Protest Marriage Equality VIDEO

yeah sure. how do they know? they ask the criminals why they committed the crime? spare us all the how homosexuals are such victims in this POOR poor life they have to live in. they can always move to another country. the only MELTDOWNS is coming from your leftwing HATE sites like addictinggarbageinfo

OMG! Are you serious? I'm sorry, but your views are extreme. This is America. Gay people are human beings. There is absolutely no reason to deny them the rights and privileges that anyone else has. It is not up to you to define another person's marriage.
they ALEADY had all the same rights and privileges as the rest of us. they could marry all along. just not someone of their SEX of choosing. so sorry you can knock off the dramatics

That is just complete horseshit and you know it:

To say that gay people already have equal marriage rights is a logical fallacy in several ways:

Non sequitur (Latin for "it does not follow"), in formal logic, is an argument in which its conclusion does not follow from its premises.[1] In a non sequitur, the conclusion could be either true or false, but the argument is fallacious because there is a disconnection between the premise and the conclusion. All invalid arguments are special cases of non sequitur. The term has special applicability in law, having a formal legal definition.

In this case the conclusion, that they already have equal rights is based on the premise that, like heterosexuals, they can marry someone of the opposite sex. However, that can only be true if marriage were strictly a legal/ business arrangement and not a personal/ romantic one. The conclusion ignores the fact that the premise is faulty because it ignores the fact that gay people do not want to marry someone of the opposite sex.

When one makes the absurd statement that “gays already have equality “because they can, like anyone else, marry someone of the opposite sex, they are presuming that a gay person can decide to live as a straight person and have a fulfilling life with someone of the opposite sex. ( Insert reference to McGreevy) The other possibility is that you do not believe that fulfillment or love in marriage is a right or a reasonable expectation., at least not for gays.In any case they are in effect dehumanizing gay people, portraying them as being devoid of emotion and the ability to love and desire another person as heterosexuals do.

In addition, they are reducing the institution of marriage to a loveless business arrangement while for the vast majority of people it is much more. It devalues marriage in a way, much more profoundly than feared by the anti-equality bigots, who bemoan the demise of traditional marriage simply because it is being expanded to include gays.

Heterosexuals are able to choose a marriage partner based in part on sexual attraction and romantic interests. Choice, that gay people do not have, if denied legal marriage. Sure they can choose to forgo marriage in order to be with the person who they desire, but to do so would require that they forfeit the legal security, economic benefits and social status that goes with marriage That, is really not much of a choice at all and many courts have agreed.
It appears that in the wake of the court’s decision, it’s not only the Republican politicians and the preachers that are having meltdowns. ………..

Marriage Equality Ruling Sparks Rise In Anti-LGBT Violence (VIDEO)

We’re all celebrating because of the Supreme Court’s ruling that made marriage equality the law of the land, but as expected, there has been serious backlash from conservatives and other homophobes. Most supporters are brushing it off; after all, it’s a done deal. However, a more serious situation surrounding discontent with the ruling has come to light: A rise in anti-LGBT hate crimes. Addicting Info Marriage Equality Ruling Sparks Rise In Anti-LGBT Violence VIDEO

South Dakota County Clerk Threatens To Marry Her Dog To Oppose Gay Marriage
Not willing to set herself on fire, a South Dakota county clerk has decided to oppose gay marriage in a less painful but equally nonsensical way: She will try to marry her dog.

Once again proving that the only slippery slope exists in the fevered minds of the homophobe, the Sioux Falls resident apparently believes that if she were to marry her dog this would prove that gay marriage is wrong, although you would be hard pressed to figure out how. South Dakota County Clerk Threatens To Marry Her Dog To Oppose Gay Marriage Addicting Info The Knowledge You Crave

Tennessee Hardware Store Puts Up ‘No Gays Allowed’ Sign To Protest Marriage Equality (VIDEO)
A Baptist minister and owner of a Tennessee hardware store is very concerned that “the gays” might handle his tools. Jeff Amyx, who owns Amyx Hardware & Roofing Supplies in Grainger County, Tennessee, reacted to the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision that the definition of “marriage” includes same-sex couples in pretty much the same way the rest of the conservative world did: with an immature and discriminatory action. Addicting Info Tennessee Hardware Store Puts Up No Gays Allowed Sign To Protest Marriage Equality VIDEO

yeah sure. how do they know? they ask the criminals why they committed the crime? spare us all the how homosexuals are such victims in this POOR poor life they have to live in. they can always move to another country. the only MELTDOWNS is coming from your leftwing HATE sites like addictinggarbageinfo

OMG! Are you serious? I'm sorry, but your views are extreme. This is America. Gay people are human beings. There is absolutely no reason to deny them the rights and privileges that anyone else has. It is not up to you to define another person's marriage.
they ALEADY had all the same rights and privileges as the rest of us. they could marry all along. just not someone of their SEX of choosing. so sorry you can knock off the dramatics

No they don't. It is up to them who they marry and not you. Mind your business!

You and they should mind their own business. you don't like the truth be told. but people aren't going to be beat over the head any longer with the BS. People are tired of getting BENT over

You are the one sticking your nose into other people's business. What are you so scared of?
It appears that in the wake of the court’s decision, it’s not only the Republican politicians and the preachers that are having meltdowns. ………..

Marriage Equality Ruling Sparks Rise In Anti-LGBT Violence (VIDEO)

We’re all celebrating because of the Supreme Court’s ruling that made marriage equality the law of the land, but as expected, there has been serious backlash from conservatives and other homophobes. Most supporters are brushing it off; after all, it’s a done deal. However, a more serious situation surrounding discontent with the ruling has come to light: A rise in anti-LGBT hate crimes. Addicting Info Marriage Equality Ruling Sparks Rise In Anti-LGBT Violence VIDEO

South Dakota County Clerk Threatens To Marry Her Dog To Oppose Gay Marriage
Not willing to set herself on fire, a South Dakota county clerk has decided to oppose gay marriage in a less painful but equally nonsensical way: She will try to marry her dog.

Once again proving that the only slippery slope exists in the fevered minds of the homophobe, the Sioux Falls resident apparently believes that if she were to marry her dog this would prove that gay marriage is wrong, although you would be hard pressed to figure out how. South Dakota County Clerk Threatens To Marry Her Dog To Oppose Gay Marriage Addicting Info The Knowledge You Crave

Tennessee Hardware Store Puts Up ‘No Gays Allowed’ Sign To Protest Marriage Equality (VIDEO)
A Baptist minister and owner of a Tennessee hardware store is very concerned that “the gays” might handle his tools. Jeff Amyx, who owns Amyx Hardware & Roofing Supplies in Grainger County, Tennessee, reacted to the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision that the definition of “marriage” includes same-sex couples in pretty much the same way the rest of the conservative world did: with an immature and discriminatory action. Addicting Info Tennessee Hardware Store Puts Up No Gays Allowed Sign To Protest Marriage Equality VIDEO

yeah sure. how do they know? they ask the criminals why they committed the crime? spare us all the how homosexuals are such victims in this POOR poor life they have to live in. they can always move to another country. the only MELTDOWNS is coming from your leftwing HATE sites like addictinggarbageinfo

OMG! Are you serious? I'm sorry, but your views are extreme. This is America. Gay people are human beings. There is absolutely no reason to deny them the rights and privileges that anyone else has. It is not up to you to define another person's marriage.
they ALEADY had all the same rights and privileges as the rest of us. they could marry all along. just not someone of their SEX of choosing. so sorry you can knock off the dramatics

No they don't. It is up to them who they marry and not you. Mind your business!

You and they should mind their own business. you don't like the truth be told. but people aren't going to be beat over the head any longer with the BS. People are tired of getting BENT over

So, why don't you, all knowing Stephanie, tell us what the real truth is then?
It appears that in the wake of the court’s decision, it’s not only the Republican politicians and the preachers that are having meltdowns. ………..

Marriage Equality Ruling Sparks Rise In Anti-LGBT Violence (VIDEO)

We’re all celebrating because of the Supreme Court’s ruling that made marriage equality the law of the land, but as expected, there has been serious backlash from conservatives and other homophobes. Most supporters are brushing it off; after all, it’s a done deal. However, a more serious situation surrounding discontent with the ruling has come to light: A rise in anti-LGBT hate crimes. Addicting Info Marriage Equality Ruling Sparks Rise In Anti-LGBT Violence VIDEO

South Dakota County Clerk Threatens To Marry Her Dog To Oppose Gay Marriage
Not willing to set herself on fire, a South Dakota county clerk has decided to oppose gay marriage in a less painful but equally nonsensical way: She will try to marry her dog.

Once again proving that the only slippery slope exists in the fevered minds of the homophobe, the Sioux Falls resident apparently believes that if she were to marry her dog this would prove that gay marriage is wrong, although you would be hard pressed to figure out how. South Dakota County Clerk Threatens To Marry Her Dog To Oppose Gay Marriage Addicting Info The Knowledge You Crave

Tennessee Hardware Store Puts Up ‘No Gays Allowed’ Sign To Protest Marriage Equality (VIDEO)
A Baptist minister and owner of a Tennessee hardware store is very concerned that “the gays” might handle his tools. Jeff Amyx, who owns Amyx Hardware & Roofing Supplies in Grainger County, Tennessee, reacted to the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision that the definition of “marriage” includes same-sex couples in pretty much the same way the rest of the conservative world did: with an immature and discriminatory action. Addicting Info Tennessee Hardware Store Puts Up No Gays Allowed Sign To Protest Marriage Equality VIDEO

yeah sure. how do they know? they ask the criminals why they committed the crime? spare us all the how homosexuals are such victims in this POOR poor life they have to live in. they can always move to another country. the only MELTDOWNS is coming from your leftwing HATE sites like addictinggarbageinfo

What are you blathering about? It's not even coherent. It seems to me that it's the bigots and religious wing nuts who are playing victim since Friday. Wha ! Whaaaa!! Whaaaaa! I want my religious freedom!!:crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:
They should be equal. They are human beings!
who ever said they were unequal?
The highest court in the land.

Their hope is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization’s oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right.

I don't see how people can say that homosexuals are treated as "equals" when they do not want to allow them the same privileges that everyone else has!
Bigots have to twist reality in order to justify it in their deformed minds.

IMO, they don't have any right to "define" what marriage is to another person. I also cannot understand how they can insinuate themselves into another person's life and happiness!
What the fuck makes you think 9 unelected people have that right?
I think for many, the issue with homosexuality isn't about denying them rights or hating on them etc.

I think the real Christian's out there don't like that fact that gay marriage is legalized because they believe that by gay marriage becoming "legal", people will start to perceive it as acceptable, and maybe even, "okay" for a Christian to do.... their concern is FOR GOD and his ways, not AGAINST GAYS and their ways (most Christian's believe God considers Homosexuality as a sin and an abomination - you can argue against that, but, that won't change their belief. They don't believe it because they hate gays, they believe it because they were taught that and feel scriptures back it up).

Now, sex outside of marriage is also a sin. But the issue with allowing gay marriage is that on top of homosexuality being a sin, Christian's view marriage as a HOLY union (vs. a legal union).

They see it as a breaking down of the moral fabric of our Country and worry that it is part of a trend that will bring this country into further decadence and moral decay.... and ultimately, Godly punishment.

If you can look at it as a LOVE for God and Country (even if you thinks it's mis-construed) and not has a hateful and controlling thing, you still won't agree, but, maybe you can partially understand or at least see where they might be coming from, from their point of view.

You can say, well, guess what, I think gay marriage is a right and this is fair and tough for you cause that's where we are at now in this Country .... but adding on that people are hateful, backward and narrow-minded is just not fair (but, that is not to say that some aren't...).

But many really are good hearted, well intentioned people - people that would clothe and feed a homosexual person, and help them in a time of need.

I'm pretty sure I didn't word or say all this correctly, but I tried my best!
Wrong. Real Christians are not bigots. But yes many Christians have been brought up to be bigoted against gays similar to the way they were brought up to be bigoted against blacks. Stupid is as stupid does.
Hey fuck you. Stop calling those who refuse to celebrate sin bigots .
Truth hurts huh?
I think for many, the issue with homosexuality isn't about denying them rights or hating on them etc.

I think the real Christian's out there don't like that fact that gay marriage is legalized because they believe that by gay marriage becoming "legal", people will start to perceive it as acceptable, and maybe even, "okay" for a Christian to do.... their concern is FOR GOD and his ways, not AGAINST GAYS and their ways (most Christian's believe God considers Homosexuality as a sin and an abomination - you can argue against that, but, that won't change their belief. They don't believe it because they hate gays, they believe it because they were taught that and feel scriptures back it up).

Now, sex outside of marriage is also a sin. But the issue with allowing gay marriage is that on top of homosexuality being a sin, Christian's view marriage as a HOLY union (vs. a legal union).

They see it as a breaking down of the moral fabric of our Country and worry that it is part of a trend that will bring this country into further decadence and moral decay.... and ultimately, Godly punishment.

If you can look at it as a LOVE for God and Country (even if you thinks it's mis-construed) and not has a hateful and controlling thing, you still won't agree, but, maybe you can partially understand or at least see where they might be coming from, from their point of view.

You can say, well, guess what, I think gay marriage is a right and this is fair and tough for you cause that's where we are at now in this Country .... but adding on that people are hateful, backward and narrow-minded is just not fair (but, that is not to say that some aren't...).

But many really are good hearted, well intentioned people - people that would clothe and feed a homosexual person, and help them in a time of need.

I'm pretty sure I didn't word or say all this correctly, but I tried my best!
Wrong. Real Christians are not bigots. But yes many Christians have been brought up to be bigoted against gays similar to the way they were brought up to be bigoted against blacks. Stupid is as stupid does.
Hey fuck you. Stop calling those who refuse to celebrate sin bigots .
Truth hurts huh?
The truth that you are bigoted little man? That isn't a secret you despicable little man.... Just come out of the closet already.
It appears that in the wake of the court’s decision, it’s not only the Republican politicians and the preachers that are having meltdowns. ………..

Marriage Equality Ruling Sparks Rise In Anti-LGBT Violence (VIDEO)

We’re all celebrating because of the Supreme Court’s ruling that made marriage equality the law of the land, but as expected, there has been serious backlash from conservatives and other homophobes. Most supporters are brushing it off; after all, it’s a done deal. However, a more serious situation surrounding discontent with the ruling has come to light: A rise in anti-LGBT hate crimes. Addicting Info Marriage Equality Ruling Sparks Rise In Anti-LGBT Violence VIDEO

South Dakota County Clerk Threatens To Marry Her Dog To Oppose Gay Marriage
Not willing to set herself on fire, a South Dakota county clerk has decided to oppose gay marriage in a less painful but equally nonsensical way: She will try to marry her dog.

Once again proving that the only slippery slope exists in the fevered minds of the homophobe, the Sioux Falls resident apparently believes that if she were to marry her dog this would prove that gay marriage is wrong, although you would be hard pressed to figure out how. South Dakota County Clerk Threatens To Marry Her Dog To Oppose Gay Marriage Addicting Info The Knowledge You Crave

Tennessee Hardware Store Puts Up ‘No Gays Allowed’ Sign To Protest Marriage Equality (VIDEO)
A Baptist minister and owner of a Tennessee hardware store is very concerned that “the gays” might handle his tools. Jeff Amyx, who owns Amyx Hardware & Roofing Supplies in Grainger County, Tennessee, reacted to the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision that the definition of “marriage” includes same-sex couples in pretty much the same way the rest of the conservative world did: with an immature and discriminatory action. Addicting Info Tennessee Hardware Store Puts Up No Gays Allowed Sign To Protest Marriage Equality VIDEO

yeah sure. how do they know? they ask the criminals why they committed the crime? spare us all the how homosexuals are such victims in this POOR poor life they have to live in. they can always move to another country. the only MELTDOWNS is coming from your leftwing HATE sites like addictinggarbageinfo

What are you blathering about? It's not even coherent. It seems to me that it's the bigots and religious wing nuts who are playing victim since Friday. Wha ! Whaaaa!! Whaaaaa! I want my religious freedom!!:crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:
shut up. go back to addicting info. they are jerks there too. I won't be beat down by you on the left ugly shit like this post of yours
I think for many, the issue with homosexuality isn't about denying them rights or hating on them etc.

I think the real Christian's out there don't like that fact that gay marriage is legalized because they believe that by gay marriage becoming "legal", people will start to perceive it as acceptable, and maybe even, "okay" for a Christian to do.... their concern is FOR GOD and his ways, not AGAINST GAYS and their ways (most Christian's believe God considers Homosexuality as a sin and an abomination - you can argue against that, but, that won't change their belief. They don't believe it because they hate gays, they believe it because they were taught that and feel scriptures back it up).

Now, sex outside of marriage is also a sin. But the issue with allowing gay marriage is that on top of homosexuality being a sin, Christian's view marriage as a HOLY union (vs. a legal union).

They see it as a breaking down of the moral fabric of our Country and worry that it is part of a trend that will bring this country into further decadence and moral decay.... and ultimately, Godly punishment.

If you can look at it as a LOVE for God and Country (even if you thinks it's mis-construed) and not has a hateful and controlling thing, you still won't agree, but, maybe you can partially understand or at least see where they might be coming from, from their point of view.

You can say, well, guess what, I think gay marriage is a right and this is fair and tough for you cause that's where we are at now in this Country .... but adding on that people are hateful, backward and narrow-minded is just not fair (but, that is not to say that some aren't...).

But many really are good hearted, well intentioned people - people that would clothe and feed a homosexual person, and help them in a time of need.

I'm pretty sure I didn't word or say all this correctly, but I tried my best!
Wrong. Real Christians are not bigots. But yes many Christians have been brought up to be bigoted against gays similar to the way they were brought up to be bigoted against blacks. Stupid is as stupid does.
Hey fuck you. Stop calling those who refuse to celebrate sin bigots .
Truth hurts huh?
The truth that you are bigoted little man? That isn't a secret you despicable little man.... Just come out of the closet already.
I'm bigoted against bigots like you, yes. Why don't you put your stones down and go home. Gays may be legally married now. Your fight to keep your boot on their necks has been lost. You are the weak ass bully that has been shamed. You are dismissed.
You see. they get what they want but here they are still going around calling everyone names. like bigot. when are you people going to take a stand?
what's more scary than anything is these people really think the Supreme court can FORCE a state and the people in it to bow down to this.

and then when a states comes out and says, hell no...they go off again
You see. they get what they want but here they are still going around calling everyone names. like bigot. when are you people going to take a stand?
ok ok... why is bigot a bad word to use?

Is it not appropriate to call someone that does not want a minority group to have the same freedoms that other groups have a bigot against that group?

For example, are we as a nation not bigoted against islamic radical terrorists?

I think it's ok to be bigoted against some groups and not against others... it sort of depends on whether those groups really are the "enemy" or not.

I don't see gays as the enemy. Nambla, yes, that's an enemy. I'm a bigot against that minority group.
It appears that in the wake of the court’s decision, it’s not only the Republican politicians and the preachers that are having meltdowns. ………..

Marriage Equality Ruling Sparks Rise In Anti-LGBT Violence (VIDEO)

We’re all celebrating because of the Supreme Court’s ruling that made marriage equality the law of the land, but as expected, there has been serious backlash from conservatives and other homophobes. Most supporters are brushing it off; after all, it’s a done deal. However, a more serious situation surrounding discontent with the ruling has come to light: A rise in anti-LGBT hate crimes. Addicting Info Marriage Equality Ruling Sparks Rise In Anti-LGBT Violence VIDEO

South Dakota County Clerk Threatens To Marry Her Dog To Oppose Gay Marriage
Not willing to set herself on fire, a South Dakota county clerk has decided to oppose gay marriage in a less painful but equally nonsensical way: She will try to marry her dog.

Once again proving that the only slippery slope exists in the fevered minds of the homophobe, the Sioux Falls resident apparently believes that if she were to marry her dog this would prove that gay marriage is wrong, although you would be hard pressed to figure out how. South Dakota County Clerk Threatens To Marry Her Dog To Oppose Gay Marriage Addicting Info The Knowledge You Crave

Tennessee Hardware Store Puts Up ‘No Gays Allowed’ Sign To Protest Marriage Equality (VIDEO)
A Baptist minister and owner of a Tennessee hardware store is very concerned that “the gays” might handle his tools. Jeff Amyx, who owns Amyx Hardware & Roofing Supplies in Grainger County, Tennessee, reacted to the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision that the definition of “marriage” includes same-sex couples in pretty much the same way the rest of the conservative world did: with an immature and discriminatory action. Addicting Info Tennessee Hardware Store Puts Up No Gays Allowed Sign To Protest Marriage Equality VIDEO

yeah sure. how do they know? they ask the criminals why they committed the crime? spare us all the how homosexuals are such victims in this POOR poor life they have to live in. they can always move to another country. the only MELTDOWNS is coming from your leftwing HATE sites like addictinggarbageinfo

What are you blathering about? It's not even coherent. It seems to me that it's the bigots and religious wing nuts who are playing victim since Friday. Wha ! Whaaaa!! Whaaaaa! I want my religious freedom!!:crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:
shut up. go back to addicting info. they are jerks there too. I won't be beat down by you on the left ugly shit like this post of yours

Sounds like you're becoming unhinged !! :chillpill:
You see. they get what they want but here they are still going around calling everyone names. like bigot. when are you people going to take a stand?
ok ok... why is bigot a bad word to use?

Is it not appropriate to call someone that does not want a minority group to have the same freedoms that other groups have a bigot against that group?

For example, are we as a nation not bigoted against islamic radical terrorists?

I didn't mean the way you put it. I'm talking about the homosexual mafia out in force on here
It appears that in the wake of the court’s decision, it’s not only the Republican politicians and the preachers that are having meltdowns. ………..

Marriage Equality Ruling Sparks Rise In Anti-LGBT Violence (VIDEO)

We’re all celebrating because of the Supreme Court’s ruling that made marriage equality the law of the land, but as expected, there has been serious backlash from conservatives and other homophobes. Most supporters are brushing it off; after all, it’s a done deal. However, a more serious situation surrounding discontent with the ruling has come to light: A rise in anti-LGBT hate crimes. Addicting Info Marriage Equality Ruling Sparks Rise In Anti-LGBT Violence VIDEO

South Dakota County Clerk Threatens To Marry Her Dog To Oppose Gay Marriage
Not willing to set herself on fire, a South Dakota county clerk has decided to oppose gay marriage in a less painful but equally nonsensical way: She will try to marry her dog.

Once again proving that the only slippery slope exists in the fevered minds of the homophobe, the Sioux Falls resident apparently believes that if she were to marry her dog this would prove that gay marriage is wrong, although you would be hard pressed to figure out how. South Dakota County Clerk Threatens To Marry Her Dog To Oppose Gay Marriage Addicting Info The Knowledge You Crave

Tennessee Hardware Store Puts Up ‘No Gays Allowed’ Sign To Protest Marriage Equality (VIDEO)
A Baptist minister and owner of a Tennessee hardware store is very concerned that “the gays” might handle his tools. Jeff Amyx, who owns Amyx Hardware & Roofing Supplies in Grainger County, Tennessee, reacted to the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision that the definition of “marriage” includes same-sex couples in pretty much the same way the rest of the conservative world did: with an immature and discriminatory action. Addicting Info Tennessee Hardware Store Puts Up No Gays Allowed Sign To Protest Marriage Equality VIDEO

yeah sure. how do they know? they ask the criminals why they committed the crime? spare us all the how homosexuals are such victims in this POOR poor life they have to live in. they can always move to another country. the only MELTDOWNS is coming from your leftwing HATE sites like addictinggarbageinfo

What are you blathering about? It's not even coherent. It seems to me that it's the bigots and religious wing nuts who are playing victim since Friday. Wha ! Whaaaa!! Whaaaaa! I want my religious freedom!!:crybaby::crybaby::crybaby:
shut up. go back to addicting info. they are jerks there too. I won't be beat down by you on the left ugly shit like this post of yours

Sounds like you're becoming unhinged !! :chillpill:

yeah, typical when someone stands up to you bullies
what's more scary than anything is these people really think the Supreme court can FORCE a state and the people in it to bow down to this.

and then when a states comes out and says, hell no...they go off again
The people do not have to bow down to the SCOTUS. That's not the point.

I see what you are saying with regard to the tone of the discussions.

It's time for the gay community to be honorable in their win... not to rub faces. But I don't see them here rubbing faces. What I see is democrats rubbing republican faces..

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