Screw the Republicans, do what they want and the screw us.

You are mixed up. You are bitching about an oligarchy in one breath....and in the next....suggesting a corporate raider become POTUS.

No shit. Bitching about the plutocrats that we have had for many years, then wanting to elect another one as POTUS.

And then denigrating the one and only populist (cept for Bernie Sanders) that we have seen for quite some time.

Look, call our system anything you want to try and make an argument. But using a analogy pretend our economy is like your car engine. Would you hire someone who knows engines to fix it or someone who says your engine should run better and they will do it, even though they never have in the past?

Until it changes, if it does, we have to work with the government we got.
Like it or not the only way the poor will do better is through trickle down economics. The idea that trickle up poverty is going to raise anyone is fantasy.

Problem you have with your love of trickle down is you have NO, NONE, NADA, ZERO examples of "trickle down" working for anyone other than the ultra wealthy.

If you think you have an example of trickle down working for the poor and middle class, lets hear about it.
You are mixed up. You are bitching about an oligarchy in one breath....and in the next....suggesting a corporate raider become POTUS.

No shit. Bitching about the plutocrats that we have had for many years, then wanting to elect another one as POTUS.

And then denigrating the one and only populist (cept for Bernie Sanders) that we have seen for quite some time.

Look, call our system anything you want to try and make an argument. But using a analogy pretend our economy is like your car engine. Would you hire someone who knows engines to fix it or someone who says your engine should run better and they will do it, even though they never have in the past?

Until it changes, if it does, we have to work with the government we got.

Ridiculous. You think trickle down economics works? Still? It's weird how out of touch you are. Weird.
I am registering as an independent.

i did that about 6 years ago!!

welcome to the logical side of poly-ticks :up:

may as well throw in a few :lmao: .... :lmao: .... :lmao: .... :lmao: .... :lmao: .... :lmao: .... :lmao: .... :lmao: .... :lmao:
Like it or not the only way the poor will do better is through trickle down economics. The idea that trickle up poverty is going to raise anyone is fantasy.

Problem you have with your love of trickle down is you have NO, NONE, NADA, ZERO examples of "trickle down" working for anyone other than the ultra wealthy.

If you think you have an example of trickle down working for the poor and middle class, lets hear about it.
Let's have some examples of the poor and lower middle class job creation.
You are mixed up. You are bitching about an oligarchy in one breath....and in the next....suggesting a corporate raider become POTUS.

No shit. Bitching about the plutocrats that we have had for many years, then wanting to elect another one as POTUS.

And then denigrating the one and only populist (cept for Bernie Sanders) that we have seen for quite some time.

Look, call our system anything you want to try and make an argument. But using a analogy pretend our economy is like your car engine. Would you hire someone who knows engines to fix it or someone who says your engine should run better and they will do it, even though they never have in the past?

Until it changes, if it does, we have to work with the government we got.

Ridiculous. You think trickle down economics works? Still? It's weird how out of touch you are. Weird.

Has anything else worked? I think you have a perverted sense of trickle up. A number of years ago the government had a great idea, tax the crap out of luxury boats. Makes sense on paper and in ideology. Except the rich quit buying luxury boats and the industry started to fail. Now whom do you think got hurt? The rich or the middle class man making the boat? Trickle down does not mean handouts it means opportunity, THAT is the only solution. What we are doing today it crazy, it is lunacy.
I'm registered independent. Always have been. You act as though registering independent
Like it or not the only way the poor will do better is through trickle down economics. The idea that trickle up poverty is going to raise anyone is fantasy.

Problem you have with your love of trickle down is you have NO, NONE, NADA, ZERO examples of "trickle down" working for anyone other than the ultra wealthy.

If you think you have an example of trickle down working for the poor and middle class, lets hear about it.
Let's have some examples of the poor and lower middle class job creation.

They buy things. Simple.
Let's have some examples of the poor and lower middle class job creation.

You first dude. When has "trickle down" ever worked. This should be easy for you. It is a mainstay of belief in the Republican party. List the examples.
What do liberals have against trickle down? The trickle down comes from the government, not the private sector. I thought liberals were all in love with big government?

How can you be against the government trickle down theory at that point? I mean, sure it is a failure, but its big government and it feels good. No?
You are mixed up. You are bitching about an oligarchy in one breath....and in the next....suggesting a corporate raider become POTUS.

No shit. Bitching about the plutocrats that we have had for many years, then wanting to elect another one as POTUS.

And then denigrating the one and only populist (cept for Bernie Sanders) that we have seen for quite some time.

Look, call our system anything you want to try and make an argument. But using a analogy pretend our economy is like your car engine. Would you hire someone who knows engines to fix it or someone who says your engine should run better and they will do it, even though they never have in the past?

Until it changes, if it does, we have to work with the government we got.

Ridiculous. You think trickle down economics works? Still? It's weird how out of touch you are. Weird.

Has anything else worked? I think you have a perverted sense of trickle up. A number of years ago the government had a great idea, tax the crap out of luxury boats. Makes sense on paper and in ideology. Except the rich quit buying luxury boats and the industry started to fail. Now whom do you think got hurt? The rich or the middle class man making the boat? Trickle down does not mean handouts it means opportunity, THAT is the only solution. What we are doing today it crazy, it is lunacy.

Absolutely unproven claptrap. When is the shit going to start trickling? The rich are richer than ever before. Right? When does it start? You are simply not dealing with reality.
Like it or not the only way the poor will do better is through trickle down economics. The idea that trickle up poverty is going to raise anyone is fantasy.

Problem you have with your love of trickle down is you have NO, NONE, NADA, ZERO examples of "trickle down" working for anyone other than the ultra wealthy.

If you think you have an example of trickle down working for the poor and middle class, lets hear about it.

the whole economy works with trickle down. I gave LL a direct example in another post, read it.

But how do you want to raise the poor up? By stealing off the rich? Or do you want the poor to get meaningful employment so they can earn the money the rich have? Do you understand that concept or do you just wish to continue to spew ideology?

Lincoln said it best, you can't make the weak strong by making the strong weak.
What do liberals have against trickle down? The trickle down comes from the government, not the private sector. I thought liberals were all in love with big government?

How can you be against the government trickle down theory at that point? I mean, sure it is a failure, but its big government and it feels good. No?

I'll agree, trickle down government can't work.
Let's have some examples of the poor and lower middle class job creation.

I know that you have no examples (of trickle down working for the middle and poor)

I am middle class. Last week I created a job as a carpenter's helper all week for a poor person.

Your turn. How many jobs have you created?
Trickle down isn't an economic theory, it's a political theory of willfully, or ignorantly distorting economic theory for the purposes of policy creation.
the whole economy works with trickle down.

You don't know wtf you are talking about. Your "example" of the ultra wealthy getting pissed off that they had to pay a luxury tax on their new yachts means what?

That they were pissed and didn't mind putting the fucks to the middle class man building the boat by canceling their order.

Gee how great that was. You got any "better" examples. The one you chose sucks.
You are mixed up. You are bitching about an oligarchy in one breath....and in the next....suggesting a corporate raider become POTUS.

No shit. Bitching about the plutocrats that we have had for many years, then wanting to elect another one as POTUS.

And then denigrating the one and only populist (cept for Bernie Sanders) that we have seen for quite some time.

Look, call our system anything you want to try and make an argument. But using a analogy pretend our economy is like your car engine. Would you hire someone who knows engines to fix it or someone who says your engine should run better and they will do it, even though they never have in the past?

Until it changes, if it does, we have to work with the government we got.

Ridiculous. You think trickle down economics works? Still? It's weird how out of touch you are. Weird.

Has anything else worked? I think you have a perverted sense of trickle up. A number of years ago the government had a great idea, tax the crap out of luxury boats. Makes sense on paper and in ideology. Except the rich quit buying luxury boats and the industry started to fail. Now whom do you think got hurt? The rich or the middle class man making the boat? Trickle down does not mean handouts it means opportunity, THAT is the only solution. What we are doing today it crazy, it is lunacy.

Absolutely unproven claptrap. When is the shit going to start trickling? The rich are richer than ever before. Right? When does it start? You are simply not dealing with reality.

Everyone's boat has risen like it or not.

The problem isn't that trickle down doesn't work it is that the government is making it so it can't work. Flooding the country with workers dilute the pool for the poor we already have.

I always look at my own experiences for examples. I started out with nothing, we all did. My parents gave me nothing. They didn't pay for any education after High School, after HS I received basically nothing except a place to live for awhile.

So starting with nothing where am I going to get something? Certainly not the government, that is a dead end. So I worked my ass off, I called off work maybe twice in my life, worked many hours of OT and now can retire with little problem and help my children. Now where did the money I was able to keep from the government come from? It came from the rich where else?
the whole economy works with trickle down.

You don't know wtf you are talking about. Your "example" of the ultra wealthy getting pissed off that they had to pay a luxury tax on their new yachts means what?

That they were pissed and didn't mind putting the fucks to the middle class man building the boat by canceling their order.

Gee how great that was. You got any "better" examples. The one you chose sucks.

It's a great example of government trickle down theory. Why would they mind skipping out on the yacht if the tax rate was too high? And who did that hurt ultimately and why?

Perfect example, I tell ya.
Trickle down isn't an economic theory,

Oh horse shit. "Trickle down" was the idea sold to the American people so they wouldn't be pissed off at the huge tax cuts being given to the ultra wealthy. And cuts in taxes is economic theory. Unfortunately the "theory" sucked for everyone BUT the ultra rich.
the whole economy works with trickle down.

You don't know wtf you are talking about. Your "example" of the ultra wealthy getting pissed off that they had to pay a luxury tax on their new yachts means what?

That they were pissed and didn't mind putting the fucks to the middle class man building the boat by canceling their order.

Gee how great that was. You got any "better" examples. The one you chose sucks.

I guess the problem was that the government forgot to convince that the rich man should be happy to have his eyes gouged out.

What are you freakin' Robin Hood? You really think you can steal from the rich and give to the poor and that will make the poor less poor? Really? That is lunacy.

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