Screw the Republicans, do what they want and the screw us.

Trickle down isn't an economic theory,

Oh horse shit. "Trickle down" was the idea sold to the American people so they wouldn't be pissed off at the huge tax cuts being given to the ultra wealthy. And cuts in taxes is economic theory. Unfortunately the "theory" sucked for everyone BUT the ultra rich.

You're ignorant. Trickle down is not an economic theory, it's a political theory. You can look that right up and do some reading. Or you can perpetuate ignorance like it is your J-O-B.
If you want to discuss the marginal propensity to save or supply-side, those are economic theories. Trickle down is not.
No shit. Bitching about the plutocrats that we have had for many years, then wanting to elect another one as POTUS.

And then denigrating the one and only populist (cept for Bernie Sanders) that we have seen for quite some time.

Look, call our system anything you want to try and make an argument. But using a analogy pretend our economy is like your car engine. Would you hire someone who knows engines to fix it or someone who says your engine should run better and they will do it, even though they never have in the past?

Until it changes, if it does, we have to work with the government we got.

Ridiculous. You think trickle down economics works? Still? It's weird how out of touch you are. Weird.

Has anything else worked? I think you have a perverted sense of trickle up. A number of years ago the government had a great idea, tax the crap out of luxury boats. Makes sense on paper and in ideology. Except the rich quit buying luxury boats and the industry started to fail. Now whom do you think got hurt? The rich or the middle class man making the boat? Trickle down does not mean handouts it means opportunity, THAT is the only solution. What we are doing today it crazy, it is lunacy.

Absolutely unproven claptrap. When is the shit going to start trickling? The rich are richer than ever before. Right? When does it start? You are simply not dealing with reality.

Everyone's boat has risen like it or not.

The problem isn't that trickle down doesn't work it is that the government is making it so it can't work. Flooding the country with workers dilute the pool for the poor we already have.

I always look at my own experiences for examples. I started out with nothing, we all did. My parents gave me nothing. They didn't pay for any education after High School, after HS I received basically nothing except a place to live for awhile.

So starting with nothing where am I going to get something? Certainly not the government, that is a dead end. So I worked my ass off, I called off work maybe twice in my life, worked many hours of OT and now can retire with little problem and help my children. Now where did the money I was able to keep from the government come from? It came from the rich where else?

Bullshit. I'm tired of pointing out the ways in which people who think like you are wrong. You weren't given anything by rich people. Weird.

Screw all of them. They no longer have us in mind when they vote. I'm staying home in 2016. Good riddance.
Enjoy the Elizabeth Warren presidency and a further drift to the radical left beyond Obama's wildest dream.
Look, call our system anything you want to try and make an argument. But using a analogy pretend our economy is like your car engine. Would you hire someone who knows engines to fix it or someone who says your engine should run better and they will do it, even though they never have in the past?

Until it changes, if it does, we have to work with the government we got.

Ridiculous. You think trickle down economics works? Still? It's weird how out of touch you are. Weird.

Has anything else worked? I think you have a perverted sense of trickle up. A number of years ago the government had a great idea, tax the crap out of luxury boats. Makes sense on paper and in ideology. Except the rich quit buying luxury boats and the industry started to fail. Now whom do you think got hurt? The rich or the middle class man making the boat? Trickle down does not mean handouts it means opportunity, THAT is the only solution. What we are doing today it crazy, it is lunacy.

Absolutely unproven claptrap. When is the shit going to start trickling? The rich are richer than ever before. Right? When does it start? You are simply not dealing with reality.

Everyone's boat has risen like it or not.

The problem isn't that trickle down doesn't work it is that the government is making it so it can't work. Flooding the country with workers dilute the pool for the poor we already have.

I always look at my own experiences for examples. I started out with nothing, we all did. My parents gave me nothing. They didn't pay for any education after High School, after HS I received basically nothing except a place to live for awhile.

So starting with nothing where am I going to get something? Certainly not the government, that is a dead end. So I worked my ass off, I called off work maybe twice in my life, worked many hours of OT and now can retire with little problem and help my children. Now where did the money I was able to keep from the government come from? It came from the rich where else?

Bullshit. I'm tired of pointing out the ways in which people who think like you are wrong. You weren't given anything by rich people. Weird.

You are absolutely correct, I was given nothing by anyone, how did you miss that point? Rich/poor don't normally give people money people have to earn it. Is that concept too hard to understand?
Ridiculous. You think trickle down economics works? Still? It's weird how out of touch you are. Weird.

Has anything else worked? I think you have a perverted sense of trickle up. A number of years ago the government had a great idea, tax the crap out of luxury boats. Makes sense on paper and in ideology. Except the rich quit buying luxury boats and the industry started to fail. Now whom do you think got hurt? The rich or the middle class man making the boat? Trickle down does not mean handouts it means opportunity, THAT is the only solution. What we are doing today it crazy, it is lunacy.

Absolutely unproven claptrap. When is the shit going to start trickling? The rich are richer than ever before. Right? When does it start? You are simply not dealing with reality.

Everyone's boat has risen like it or not.

The problem isn't that trickle down doesn't work it is that the government is making it so it can't work. Flooding the country with workers dilute the pool for the poor we already have.

I always look at my own experiences for examples. I started out with nothing, we all did. My parents gave me nothing. They didn't pay for any education after High School, after HS I received basically nothing except a place to live for awhile.

So starting with nothing where am I going to get something? Certainly not the government, that is a dead end. So I worked my ass off, I called off work maybe twice in my life, worked many hours of OT and now can retire with little problem and help my children. Now where did the money I was able to keep from the government come from? It came from the rich where else?

Bullshit. I'm tired of pointing out the ways in which people who think like you are wrong. You weren't given anything by rich people. Weird.

You are absolutely correct, I was given nothing by anyone, how did you miss that point? Rich/poor don't normally give people money people have to earn it. Is that concept too hard to understand?

You are changing your story. Great. Perfect nutter characteristic.

You cannot claim that a rich person provided your money and not understand that the people who bought the shit that you produced...provided the rich person with the money in the first place.

Demand provided your wages. No wages.

Enough ignorance for one day.

Yup. We're officially under the thumb of a single-Party system. It's them against the working class, taxpayer. Both Parties approve another trillion dollar spending bill (at taxpayer expense) so we can legalize and coddle millions of illegal criminals. John "Boner" just boned all of us.
When you have a one party system pretending to be a two party system there is only one road to take

If you want to discuss the marginal propensity to save or supply-side, those are economic theories. Trickle down is not.

What is it that you are trying to say here?

That Republicans SOLD the American on a political theory disguised as an economic theory just to benefit the most wealthy among us?

I could go along with that idea. That Republicans fucked us on purpose for the benefit of the ultra wealthy.
If you want to discuss the marginal propensity to save or supply-side, those are economic theories. Trickle down is not.

What is it that you are trying to say here?

That Republicans SOLD the American on a political theory disguised as an economic theory just to benefit the most wealthy among us?

I could go along with that idea. That Republicans fucked us on purpose for the benefit of the ultra wealthy.

Republicans AND Democrats. Yep. I noticed you left your partisan zipper down there.
Has anything else worked? I think you have a perverted sense of trickle up. A number of years ago the government had a great idea, tax the crap out of luxury boats. Makes sense on paper and in ideology. Except the rich quit buying luxury boats and the industry started to fail. Now whom do you think got hurt? The rich or the middle class man making the boat? Trickle down does not mean handouts it means opportunity, THAT is the only solution. What we are doing today it crazy, it is lunacy.

Absolutely unproven claptrap. When is the shit going to start trickling? The rich are richer than ever before. Right? When does it start? You are simply not dealing with reality.

Everyone's boat has risen like it or not.

The problem isn't that trickle down doesn't work it is that the government is making it so it can't work. Flooding the country with workers dilute the pool for the poor we already have.

I always look at my own experiences for examples. I started out with nothing, we all did. My parents gave me nothing. They didn't pay for any education after High School, after HS I received basically nothing except a place to live for awhile.

So starting with nothing where am I going to get something? Certainly not the government, that is a dead end. So I worked my ass off, I called off work maybe twice in my life, worked many hours of OT and now can retire with little problem and help my children. Now where did the money I was able to keep from the government come from? It came from the rich where else?

Bullshit. I'm tired of pointing out the ways in which people who think like you are wrong. You weren't given anything by rich people. Weird.

You are absolutely correct, I was given nothing by anyone, how did you miss that point? Rich/poor don't normally give people money people have to earn it. Is that concept too hard to understand?

You are changing your story. Great. Perfect nutter characteristic.

You cannot claim that a rich person provided your money and not understand that the people who bought the shit that you produced...provided the rich person with the money in the first place.

Demand provided your wages. No wages.

Enough ignorance for one day.

I doubt you will stop. :^D

I have changed nothing. Demand comes from those with money. When I sell them the shirt they have less wealth and I have more. Simple.
Almost full agreement! The only difference is that I'm done voting for good (unless we can develop a pro-Constitution, third-Party).

Remember Howard Dean? I know you didn't like him but neither did either major political party. You know why they didn't like Howard? He figured out how to combat the big money plutocrats by soliciting 100 dollar contributions from the Internet. And he was raking in enough money to compete.

And the powers that be were scared. I have read that BOTH parties collaborated to make sure Howard lost the early primaries.

My point being that a third party could emerge but the money will have to come from small donors over the "Net.
And I would be a contributor because I am not willing to give up yet.

We could still see a true populist come forth. I like Lizzy Warren.

Warren? Really? If we had any sense we would elect Romney, Donald Trump or anyone else who has been successful in business. Not someone who says what the majority wants to hear. Someone who will put America back to meaningful work, not extend America slavery.

I am sure Warren is a very nice grandma and proably a very nice person. But putting her up against Putin or Arab leaders, no, no way.
Liz Warren could always wear her war paint when she meets with Putin.
When did the political majority in the house of representatives become the kings of the world? Democrats still control 2/3 of the government. All this alleged anger by alleged republicans over the alleged cave in by alleged republicans is just bull shit over the dam. Hold your outrage until Jan 20 when elected republicans are sworn in and republicans control 2/3 of the government.

No way, they told a story then voted against that story. I am tired of the two faced Republicans and I can't stand the self righteous democrats, they have left me no choice.
The alleged outrage by alleged republicans don't match the reality of the situation. My guess is that the alleged outrage is just another left wing dirty trick. Republicans would have been the "grinch" if the government shut down and the bad guys if the government didn't shut down. The outrage is a desperate attempt to try to divide support for the GOP before they become the real majority in January.

Alleged outrage? I'm pretty pissed off at republicans at this point.
If they dont start doing what the American people voted for in the last election they're screwed.
Almost full agreement! The only difference is that I'm done voting for good (unless we can develop a pro-Constitution, third-Party).

Remember Howard Dean? I know you didn't like him but neither did either major political party. You know why they didn't like Howard? He figured out how to combat the big money plutocrats by soliciting 100 dollar contributions from the Internet. And he was raking in enough money to compete.

And the powers that be were scared. I have read that BOTH parties collaborated to make sure Howard lost the early primaries.

My point being that a third party could emerge but the money will have to come from small donors over the "Net.
And I would be a contributor because I am not willing to give up yet.

We could still see a true populist come forth. I like Lizzy Warren.

Warren? Really? If we had any sense we would elect Romney, Donald Trump or anyone else who has been successful in business. Not someone who says what the majority wants to hear. Someone who will put America back to meaningful work, not extend America slavery.

I am sure Warren is a very nice grandma and proably a very nice person. But putting her up against Putin or Arab leaders, no, no way.
Liz Warren could always wear her war paint when she meets with Putin.

I can see her now storming out of a meeting with Putin pouting that he was mean to her.
If they dont start doing what the American people voted for in the last election they're screwed

Hey, why don't you explain just what it is that you think the American people voted for in this last election.
Seeing as how you gave up on the example of successful trickle down scenarios.
Lets hold off on final judgement until early next year, give the GOP led congress a chance to do what it was sent there to do.

Its too early to make a final call.

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