Scumbag Sean Hannity talks about Obama and taking down Bin Laden

I was watching scumbag Sean Hannity and Mary Cheney, daughter of that drunken face shooter, talking about Obama just now on Fox news. They were saying that Bin Laden was taken down because of George Bush and he should be given the credit.

They felt it was wrong that Obama didn't show Americans the photos.

Then they went on a rant about how torture is good and how it saved America from further attack. And that if Obama had been president after 9/11, America would have been attacked again and again and how Obama has "failed" to close Gitmo. One lie on lie on lie.

I forget how anti America Fox is. Of course it all leads back to it's two owners, Rupert Murdoch and Arab Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. These people aren't American. They are trying to take down this country from within. They use our own freedoms against us.


Rupert and the Prince


Related to that:

The Navy SEAL Foundation says it will not accept any donations generated by the memoir, "No Easy Day," which the Pentagon says likely contains classified information that could put military personnel at risk.

SEAL charity refuses donations generated by book

Put military personal at risk? As if the right wing cares. Think of all the tens of thousands from Iraq that wouldn't be killed or maimed without the circumstances that happened just before that ridiculous shoe throwing incident.


Hannity and Mary Cheney. What a "pair".

Where is the lie anywhere in that?
I was watching scumbag Sean Hannity and Mary Cheney, daughter of that drunken face shooter, talking about Obama just now on Fox news. They were saying that Bin Laden was taken down because of George Bush and he should be given the credit.

They felt it was wrong that Obama didn't show Americans the photos.

Then they went on a rant about how torture is good and how it saved America from further attack. And that if Obama had been president after 9/11, America would have been attacked again and again and how Obama has "failed" to close Gitmo. One lie on lie on lie.

I forget how anti America Fox is. Of course it all leads back to it's two owners, Rupert Murdoch and Arab Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. These people aren't American. They are trying to take down this country from within. They use our own freedoms against us.

I was reading a post by that scumbag rdean, talking about wanting to give obama a blowjob just now on USMB. He was saying that bin Laden was taken down because of obama's heroic action and expert marksmanship and he should be given all the credit.

He felt it was right that obama didn't provide proof of Osama's death to
Americans with photos.

Then he went on a rant about how torture is bad and how being nice to terrorists will keep America safe from further attack. And that if obama had been president after 9/11, America would not have been attacked again and again because obama would have invited bin Laden to the White House for a beer. One lie on lie on lie.

I forget how anti America dweeb is. Of course it all leads back to his two
owners, Arianna Huffington and Chris Matthews. These people aren't
American. They are trying to take down this country from within. They use our own freedoms against us.

Yeah I saw that too. It was a comedy show, dean plays himself.
Democrats actually booed when God and Israel were added to the convention platform. Nuff said about the modern democrat party.

The guy running that dog and pony show was HILARIOUS! The Obama people obviously were freaking about getting called the "Anti God Party" for the next seven weeks and scared to death of losing the Jewish vote in a swing State like Florida, so they sent this poor schmuck out there to do a little "change the platform thing". He was reading his "script" off of the teleprompter but things just didn't go the way they'd obviously planned. When he called for a voice vote...the Ayes first and then the Nays...they sounded almost exactly the same and you're supposed to have a 2/3's majority to change things. That panicked whoever the sap was they had doing it so he called for the voice vote again. This time the Ayes were definitely louder but then, horror of horrors, so were the Nays so the guy tries a third time with pretty much the same result. At that point some woman steps up from the side and says loud enough so you could hear..."Just DO IT! They're going to do what they do..." or something to that effect. So then the guy kind of swallows and goes..."The Ayes have it...motion passed!" And the convention hall erupts with boos. What makes it PERFECT is they had a camera angle that showed the teleprompter that he was reading off of and the "Ayes have it...motion passed" was part of his tele-prompted speech. They were passing THAT amendment if two people yelled AYE and a thousand yelled NAY. Talk about your political shams!!!

The poor sap was Antonio Villaraigosa, Mayor of Los Angeles. We like to call him Mayor Photo Op. That is, when he's sober, which isn't very often.
Fox and Hannity are both complete pieces of shit. They know getting Bin Laden is a slam dunk for Obama, and will make up anything they can to somehow spin it into it's the (R)'s the got him
I think that makes ALMOST madder about the whole thing then Obama taking the credit! One more innocent person thrown under the bus. Pretty soon we won't find anyone that would help us, knowing we won't have their back. It stinks that Obama hasn't done anything about it!!
Saying Obama got Bin Laden is like saying that Richard Nixon landed on the moon.
Democrats actually booed when God and Israel were added to the convention platform. Nuff said about the modern democrat party.

The guy running that dog and pony show was HILARIOUS! The Obama people obviously were freaking about getting called the "Anti God Party" for the next seven weeks and scared to death of losing the Jewish vote in a swing State like Florida, so they sent this poor schmuck out there to do a little "change the platform thing". He was reading his "script" off of the teleprompter but things just didn't go the way they'd obviously planned. When he called for a voice vote...the Ayes first and then the Nays...they sounded almost exactly the same and you're supposed to have a 2/3's majority to change things. That panicked whoever the sap was they had doing it so he called for the voice vote again. This time the Ayes were definitely louder but then, horror of horrors, so were the Nays so the guy tries a third time with pretty much the same result. At that point some woman steps up from the side and says loud enough so you could hear..."Just DO IT! They're going to do what they do..." or something to that effect. So then the guy kind of swallows and goes..."The Ayes have it...motion passed!" And the convention hall erupts with boos. What makes it PERFECT is they had a camera angle that showed the teleprompter that he was reading off of and the "Ayes have it...motion passed" was part of his tele-prompted speech. They were passing THAT amendment if two people yelled AYE and a thousand yelled NAY. Talk about your political shams!!!

The poor sap was Antonio Villaraigosa, Mayor of Los Angeles. We like to call him Mayor Photo Op. That is, when he's sober, which isn't very often.

It's pretty obvious that Antonio drew the short straw on that one, Katz. Talk about your thankless jobs! If there had been a produce vendor close by he would have been chased off the stage in a hail of over-ripe tomatoes.

With as confused as he looked up there he may have very well BEEN drunk. When they have to send in someone from the wings to "cue" a guy then it doesn't say much for their performance.

I would have LOVED to have seen Barry's reaction to that fiasco going down! It must have been priceless.
It certainly would be nice if they could just give this one to Obama.

They can just say he made the right call and leave it at that.

Then go back to bashing him like they always do.

Would of shown a little bit of class. But we are talking about FOX.

well that would be fine but they keep throwing up in peoples faces all the time..
so they have no one to blame but themselves

If Bush killed Bin Laden, I'm pretty sure we'd be hearing about it for a good long time. So why should Obama be silent?
See here's the real problem. For some reason liberals aren't capable of asking questions without swearing or calling someone a name. I know I'm not the only one who has noticed. Unfortunately by the time people get past drunken face shooter and scumbag they tune out and any impact is lost.

I feel the same way about many Conservatives here and they way they treat us Liberals. As soon as I see an insult, no matter what else they say, I don't care any more and move on.
Oh, and I will add, that while Obama didn't pull the trigger himself, he did give the order to do so, against the advise of some of his closest advisors.

It really is sad if he can't get a little credit for that decision and people have to be so bitter, they try to find ways to say it was because of Bush or Obama talks about it too much.

As if he's supposed to be silent on an achievement like this.
Democrats actually booed when God and Israel were added to the convention platform. Nuff said about the modern democrat party.

The guy running that dog and pony show was HILARIOUS! The Obama people obviously were freaking about getting called the "Anti God Party" for the next seven weeks and scared to death of losing the Jewish vote in a swing State like Florida, so they sent this poor schmuck out there to do a little "change the platform thing". He was reading his "script" off of the teleprompter but things just didn't go the way they'd obviously planned. When he called for a voice vote...the Ayes first and then the Nays...they sounded almost exactly the same and you're supposed to have a 2/3's majority to change things. That panicked whoever the sap was they had doing it so he called for the voice vote again. This time the Ayes were definitely louder but then, horror of horrors, so were the Nays so the guy tries a third time with pretty much the same result. At that point some woman steps up from the side and says loud enough so you could hear..."Just DO IT! They're going to do what they do..." or something to that effect. So then the guy kind of swallows and goes..."The Ayes have it...motion passed!" And the convention hall erupts with boos. What makes it PERFECT is they had a camera angle that showed the teleprompter that he was reading off of and the "Ayes have it...motion passed" was part of his tele-prompted speech. They were passing THAT amendment if two people yelled AYE and a thousand yelled NAY. Talk about your political shams!!!

I used to think tat Bob Beckel was an anomaly: A decent and honest Democrat.

But then he admitted that when he ran a convention, and a similar situation arose, he turned the volume down on the response unfavorable to the party dictum, and turned the volume up when the party bosses decided that it was time to piss on the masses.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Democrat!

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