Hamas fighters surrender in droves, and their photos tell an interesting story

You have no mind. What does ham-ass do to you if you're gay, renounce Islam, mock Mohammed?


What do they do to you?
Only an ignoramus or establishment dupe supports genocide. You’ll deny you did in time.
The same people (your boy Old Joe) who told YOU that Russia is targeting civilians, because less than 600 children have been killed in 21 months, are now telling YOU Israel isn't targeting ciivilians when they've killed over 6,000 children in 2 months.

Are you incapable of learning truth at your advanced age?
Half of Gaza's population is children because all they do is fuck like bunnies!
Why do you support the governments of the US and Israel? Don’t you know of their long history of genocide, injustice, wars, destruction, lies, and death?

Mind control is a terrifying thing. Stop allowing them control of your mind.

Why do you support Hamas, Hezbollah, the PLA, Iran, Houthis, the Taliban and ISIS? Don’t you know of their long history of genocide, injustice, wars, destruction, lies, and death?
Hamas fighters surrender in droves, and their photos tell an interesting story
7 Dec 2023 ~~ By Andrea Widburg

Since the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas ended, Israel has been pushing forward relentlessly to destroy every Hamas stronghold, whether above or below ground. In Khan Younis, one of Hamas’s last redoubts, the Hamas fighters finally decided against martyrdom and surrendered en masse. There are a few notable things about the surrendering Hamas troops, and they destroy some of the propaganda we’ve heard so much about.


What you should immediately notice is that they’re not being slaughtered or tortured. In this regard, the Israeli approach is very different from what happens when Arabs get their hands on enemy soldiers that they don’t intend to keep alive as hostages for bartering. In 2000, when West Bankians got hold of two Israeli soldiers, they ripped them apart and showed their blood-stained hands to the cheering crowd. In warfare, the Arabs are indistinguishable from stone-aged tribes.
Yes, they’re fat. That being the case, you can recognize the lie behind the claim coming from Hamas and its fellow travelers that the men detained are civilians.
Here’s the truth: Gazans wholeheartedly support Hamas. Most of the military-aged men in Gaza participate in Hamas in one way or another, with a large number of them serving as fighters. They shelter their men and weapons in and under civilian enclaves to optimize deaths among women and children for propaganda purposes. What food there is goes to the men first. It’s unclear how much is left for those women and children.
Finally, and typically, when they are ascendant, the Arabs fight with sadistic ferocity. Meanwhile, when things aren’t going well, they’ll quickly give in. As the British used to say of the hierarchical Germans during WWI, the Hun is either at your throat or at your feet. Or as bin Laden, who knew his culture well, said, “When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse”—or, in this case, they’ll surrender to the strong horse.

The Hamas prisoners have been stripped down to their undies, which is the most obvious way to protect against any of them having concealed weapons or explosives. Their semi-nudity allows one to see the other notable thing, which Bonchie pointed out at Red State:
"The war against Hamas is now two months old, with the initial attack from the terrorists coming on October 7th. During that time, we've been assured that everyone is starving in Gaza due to the evil siege being carried out by Israel. In that picture, though, I see a whole lot of man boobs and beer guts. What does that tell you? It tells you that Hamas has been stealing aid and keeping its fighters well-fed as they cower underground".
Yes, they’re fat. That being the case, you can recognize the lie behind the claim coming from Hamas and its fellow travelers that the men detained are civilians.
Unfortunately Israel follows Geneva convention rules.
It's a pity that the IDF can't treat the Hamas combatants as they treated the Israeli citizens.

Sure they surrender. For every hostage that is released--Fifty of these guys will be released. Revolving doors just lead to more of the same.
Why do you support Hamas, Hezbollah, the PLA, Iran, Houthis, the Taliban and ISIS? Don’t you know of their long history of genocide, injustice, wars, destruction, lies, and death?
You war pigs are as dumb as she is. Stop supporting Joe and Kamala you dumb fuck.
Only an ignoramus or establishment dupe supports genocide. You’ll deny you did in time.

I asked you a question, skippy.

Try answering it, instead of deflecting.
Yes, Hamas will die!
So will a lot of others but you’re fine with this, until the establishment tells you it’s wrong.
All you know is what the establishment has brainwashed you to believe. You only know two things. Support Israel’s genocide or be an antisemite. This is binary thinking the establishment has purposely limited you to. You needn’t accept this, but you have to extract yourself from the mind control. Can you at least try?
Shadap you freak. Hamas is still holding, raping and mutilating women and kids or not? The answer is yes so you are in no way holding a moral high ground at all. In fact, you have nothing but Islamic bullshit diarrhea coming out of your mouth.
Mass murdering defenseless civilians is never justified. It’s always a war crime.
Again what about the defenseless civilian hostages that Hamas is raping and mutilating? Until they release them you can eat shit.

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