SEAL: How a Failed Mission to Rescue Bergdahl Caused Irreparable Loss

JoeBlow thinks the Army doesn't lie...... should we tell him, or let him live in his liberal Drone world...won't matter anyway, liberals NEVER believe the TRUTh when it goes against their AGENDA'S!

Oh, I'm positive the Army lies all the time. But I think if they could hang a KIA on Bergdahl. they'd do it in a heartbeat. Clearly, they can't.

What bush do you live under, when a KIA makes the Manchurian muslim look like a BIGGER FOOL, and INEPT than we all know he is? He's CIC and why do you think it's taken OVER A YEAR to do this?
Bergdahl should be shot.

Because he makes you SOOOOOOOOOO angry he was in a photo op with Obama.

What? Don't you mean his muzzie pappy who suddenly shut up when all the blow back started? Yet another fail for Obungles

Anyone who cant see the swap for what it was is an idiot......or a progressive.
I mean really,since when is a swap for high level terrorist a good deal when your guy is a traitor?
I would have been happy to see all involved in a tragic plane crash,no matter how many planes had to die.

It's telling, so far this evening we have leftists defending traitors and pedos. Ugh....
Anyone who cant see the swap for what it was is an idiot......or a progressive.
I mean really,since when is a swap for high level terrorist a good deal when your guy is a traitor?
I would have been happy to see all involved in a tragic plane crash,no matter how many planes had to die.

George W. Bush released over 250 "terrorists" from Gitmo. He didn't get ANYTHING back for any of them. Some of them have even rejoined the fight. Now THAT was a crappy trade.

SO what were we getting by holding these five Taliban leaders 11 years after we captured them? We obviously couldn't charge them with a crime, or we'd have done it by now. i'm sure we had waterboarded any useful intelligence out of them. And it's not like whoever replaced them in the Taliban Org Chart was about to give up their job for them.
What bush do you live under, when a KIA makes the Manchurian muslim look like a BIGGER FOOL, and INEPT than we all know he is? He's CIC and why do you think it's taken OVER A YEAR to do this?

Because the Army has a shit case even its own officers don't believe in. That's why it's taken a year.

MG Dahl has recommended against any punishment for Bergdahl. Why not release his report?
Anyone who cant see the swap for what it was is an idiot......or a progressive.
I mean really,since when is a swap for high level terrorist a good deal when your guy is a traitor?
I would have been happy to see all involved in a tragic plane crash,no matter how many planes had to die.

George W. Bush released over 250 "terrorists" from Gitmo. He didn't get ANYTHING back for any of them. Some of them have even rejoined the fight. Now THAT was a crappy trade.

SO what were we getting by holding these five Taliban leaders 11 years after we captured them? We obviously couldn't charge them with a crime, or we'd have done it by now. i'm sure we had waterboarded any useful intelligence out of them. And it's not like whoever replaced them in the Taliban Org Chart was about to give up their job for them.

So you think I approve of the release of terrorist when bush did it?
Military Officer Recommends Against Jail Time or Punitive Discharge for Bowe Bergdahl

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl shouldn’t face jail time or a punitive discharge from the military, according to a recommendation from an Army officer revealed late Friday in a filing from Sgt. Bergdahl’s defense team.

The full recommendation from Lt. Col. Mark Visger hasn’t yet been made public by the Army in the case of Sgt. Bergdahl, who facesdesertion and other misconduct charges after he allegedly left his unit in Afghanistan in 2009 and was captured by insurgents.

An Army spokesman declined to comment on the specifics of Sgt. Bergdahl’s legal case.

Col. Visger presided over an Article 32 hearing, the military equivalent of a preliminary hearing, in Sgt. Bergdahl’s case last month. During that hearing, the lead military investigator in the case said he didn’t believe Sgt. Bergdahl should be jailed.
So you think I approve of the release of terrorist when bush did it?

Since I never seen a post with you complaining about it, I'd say, yeah, you didn't care until "The Black Guy Did It!"

I'd just of soon have shot every fucken one of em......after we connected electrodes to their balls and squeezed every bit of intell we could out of them of course.
I'd just of soon have shot every fucken one of em......after we connected electrodes to their balls and squeezed every bit of intell we could out of them of course.

i'm sure you would have.

But we have signed treaties like the Geneva Conventions that say we can't do those sorts of things.
I'd just of soon have shot every fucken one of em......after we connected electrodes to their balls and squeezed every bit of intell we could out of them of course.

i'm sure you would have.

But we have signed treaties like the Geneva Conventions that say we can't do those sorts of things.

Unlawful combatants arent covered under the Geneva Convention.
Unlawful combatants arent covered under the Geneva Convention.

Um, actually, they are.

These five guys were officials in the Taliban government. That makes them persons covered under the Geneva Convention.

ICRC service

It further specifies that in countries where militia or volunteer corps (so-called “irregular” armed forces) constitute the army, or form part of it, they are included under the denomination “army”.[6] This definition is also used in Article 4 of the Third Geneva Convention, with the addition of organized resistance movements.[7] The Hague Regulations and the Third Geneva Convention thus consider all members of armed forces to be combatants and require militia and volunteer corps, including organized resistance movements, to comply with four conditions in order for them to be considered combatants entitled to prisoner-of-war status. The idea underlying these definitions is that the regular armed forces fulfil these four conditions per se and, as a result, they are not explicitly enumerated with respect to them.

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