Sean Hannity angers Fox News management by charging Tea Party demonstrators to attend


Senior Member
Aug 3, 2009
Popular Fox News host Sean Hannity is reportedly in the doghouse with executives at the conservative-leaning cable network for charging admission to attend a scheduled taping of his show from a Tea Party rally at the University of Cincinnati yesterday — with the proceeds going to the rally's organizers. Fox honchos were reportedly so angry when they learned of the arrangement that they pulled the plug on the event and ordered Hannity to return to the network's headquarters to tape the show at his studio there. (Nor was that taping without controversy, as one of Hannity's guests, Col. Oliver North, who was convicted on three felony charges for his role in the 1980s Iran-Contra scandal, described President Obama's governing philosophy as "anti-American." )

Sean Hannity angers Fox News management by charging Tea Party demonstrators to attend show taping - Yahoo! News
But according to Murdock, they are not shills for the tea baggers. He had no idea.
Isn't he getting enough from those concerts for the children of soldiers?

Of course, Republicans admire someone who can get as much as possible, no matter how they do it.
Hannity should be ashamed of himself for spending all that money that was supposed to go to the family's of fallen hero's.

He is a piece of shit. Let freedom ring my ass.
Popular Fox News host Sean Hannity is reportedly in the doghouse with executives at the conservative-leaning cable network for charging admission to attend a scheduled taping of his show from a Tea Party rally at the University of Cincinnati yesterday — with the proceeds going to the rally's organizers. Fox honchos were reportedly so angry when they learned of the arrangement that they pulled the plug on the event and ordered Hannity to return to the network's headquarters to tape the show at his studio there. (Nor was that taping without controversy, as one of Hannity's guests, Col. Oliver North, who was convicted on three felony charges for his role in the 1980s Iran-Contra scandal, described President Obama's governing philosophy as "anti-American." )

Sean Hannity angers Fox News management by charging Tea Party demonstrators to attend show taping - Yahoo! News
What a dick that guy is.
Let Freedom ring to Hannity must mean the sound of MONEY 'Kachinging' in the Hannity 'pot of retirement'. What a sleezy maneuver,people like Hannity sure stoop to new lows for their agendas. They all eventually expose what type of person they really are.

The old "I'll support you all" (thinks to themselves) as long as you make me rich.

Coming to think of it, many politicians seem to have the same philosophy.

BTW, I am for the people challenging their government, nothing wrong, in my opinion, with the tea party movement, many times the opponents just like spinning the movement names into something evil, good thing they didn't do that prior to the revolutionary war, but after all is said and done, maybe we would have been better off, we ended up being ruled by a 'KING' anyway. 'Kings' do what they want regardless of the peons opinion, right?
Hannity is part of the problem. Any self-respecting member of the Tea Party movement should distance themselves as far from Hannity as possible.
Hannity is part of the problem. Any self-respecting member of the Tea Party movement should distance themselves as far from Hannity as possible.

I saw an interview with a bagger who said he was disappointed because Hannity wasnt coming but they had one of the greats backing him up, they had Joe the plumber speaking instead.

Popular Fox News host Sean Hannity is reportedly in the doghouse with executives at the conservative-leaning cable network for charging admission to attend a scheduled taping of his show from a Tea Party rally at the University of Cincinnati yesterday — with the proceeds going to the rally's organizers. Fox honchos were reportedly so angry when they learned of the arrangement that they pulled the plug on the event and ordered Hannity to return to the network's headquarters to tape the show at his studio there. (Nor was that taping without controversy, as one of Hannity's guests, Col. Oliver North, who was convicted on three felony charges for his role in the 1980s Iran-Contra scandal, described President Obama's governing philosophy as "anti-American." )

Sean Hannity angers Fox News management by charging Tea Party demonstrators to attend show taping - Yahoo! News


Ollie North wasn't convicted of anything ya lyin' sack O'Shit...

North was given immunity for his testimony before Congress and the witch trials which followed North's leading the Subversive legislative-Left by the nose, tried to convict North despite that immunity, but were summarily overturned by American jurists.

Hannity isn't in trouble at Fox...

Let's recall that Yahoo sNews also declare Beck in trouble with Fox due to the boycott of Beck's advertisers by the Left; which amounted to a rush of new advertisers trying to fill the vacancies that never materialized; increasing Fox ad revenues.
Popular Fox News host Sean Hannity is reportedly in the doghouse with executives at the conservative-leaning cable network for charging admission to attend a scheduled taping of his show from a Tea Party rally at the University of Cincinnati yesterday — with the proceeds going to the rally's organizers. Fox honchos were reportedly so angry when they learned of the arrangement that they pulled the plug on the event and ordered Hannity to return to the network's headquarters to tape the show at his studio there. (Nor was that taping without controversy, as one of Hannity's guests, Col. Oliver North, who was convicted on three felony charges for his role in the 1980s Iran-Contra scandal, described President Obama's governing philosophy as "anti-American." )

Sean Hannity angers Fox News management by charging Tea Party demonstrators to attend show taping - Yahoo! News


Ollie North wasn't convicted of anything ya lyin' sack O'Shit...

North was given immunity for his testimony before Congress and the witch trials which followed North's leading the Subversive legislative-Left by the nose, tried to convict North despite that immunity, but were summarily overturned by American jurists.

Hannity isn't in trouble at Fox...

Let's recall that Yahoo sNews also declare Beck in trouble with Fox due to the boycott of Beck's advertisers by the Left; which amounted to a rush of new advertisers trying to fill the vacancies that never materialized; increasing Fox ad revenues.

North was convicted.
They banned discussion of this on Hannity's website, which is a de facto guilty plea lololol.
Popular Fox News host Sean Hannity is reportedly in the doghouse with executives at the conservative-leaning cable network for charging admission to attend a scheduled taping of his show from a Tea Party rally at the University of Cincinnati yesterday — with the proceeds going to the rally's organizers. Fox honchos were reportedly so angry when they learned of the arrangement that they pulled the plug on the event and ordered Hannity to return to the network's headquarters to tape the show at his studio there. (Nor was that taping without controversy, as one of Hannity's guests, Col. Oliver North, who was convicted on three felony charges for his role in the 1980s Iran-Contra scandal, described President Obama's governing philosophy as "anti-American." )

Sean Hannity angers Fox News management by charging Tea Party demonstrators to attend show taping - Yahoo! News


Ollie North wasn't convicted of anything ya lyin' sack O'Shit...

North was given immunity for his testimony before Congress and the witch trials which followed North's leading the Subversive legislative-Left by the nose, tried to convict North despite that immunity, but were summarily overturned by American jurists.

Hannity isn't in trouble at Fox...

Let's recall that Yahoo sNews also declare Beck in trouble with Fox due to the boycott of Beck's advertisers by the Left; which amounted to a rush of new advertisers trying to fill the vacancies that never materialized; increasing Fox ad revenues.

Well, yes, he was, on three felony counts.

Here is what Hackworth has to say about North;

Source: Playboy, June 1994 v41 n6 p90(5).

Title: Drugstore marine. (Oliver North) Author: David Hackworth

Abstract: North's career shows an undeniable streak of deceit and misuse of the trust of colleagues and the American public. His most significant betrayal was engineering the trade of arms to Iran for US hostages. North would become a threat if he were to succeed in a bid for the Senate.

Subjects: Political corruption - Cases People: North, Oliver L. - Moral and ethical aspects Gov Agncy: United States. Marine Corps - Officials and employees

Electronic Collection: A15456160 RN: A15456160

Full Text COPYRIGHT Playboy 1994

LET ME TRY to describe Oliver North in a few fast bursts. He's a jackass. He is so preposterous that there is a temptation to laugh at him. He's smarmy, a flatter, a brownnoser. He's also a twisted impostor, a drugstore Marine with an apparent compulsion to bullshit just about all the time. But while he tries to fool people with his fantasies, he is also very easy to fool. He boasts that he was an can-do guy when he was in the White House, but the record spells no-can-do. North did terible damage to the U.S. until he was caught. One thread runs through his performance--getting conned. The Iranians conned him, the contras conned him, the crooked arms dealers conned him and even Manuel Antonio Noriega conned him.

North is also one of the most dangerous men in America today. I've talked with him only once, by telephone on Michael Jackson's radio talk show on KABC in Los Angeles. I had done my homework and wasn't surprised when North put on his usual act. By the time I debated him I had talked with dozens of Marines and soldiers who knew him, as well as with former National security Coucil staff colleagues. I had seen him on countless TV shows, had read about him in several books and hundreds of newspaper and magazine articles. "Does Oliver North Tell the Truth?" was the title of a June 1993 investigation in Reader's Digest. The writer, Rachel Wildavsky, presents a watertight case, providing names and dates and plenty of reasons why the answer to the headline is no. My own sources confirmed or amplified what Wildavsky reports: North "could not be believed--even under oath." One of his former colleagues is quoted as saying North "had trouble distinguishing between what was true and what he wished to be true."

In almost 50 years of being around soldiers, I have bumped into my fair share of bullshitters, but Ollie would have to take the first-place ribbon. His record shows that he is totally untrustworthy.

During the radio show I asked him to clarify a few of the contradictory stories he was told about himself. North bobbed and weaved and said that if we could get together he would explain everything. I don't want to go near the guy, and he can't make facts disappear by trying to flatter me. At the end of the show he said, "I'm under posttraumatic stress disorder from this interview." The fact is that North is the sort of guy who cringes at the truth.

David Hackworth on Oliver North
Hackworth, while we did not agree on women in the service, was a straight shooter. I miss his articles and public support for the military.
Popular Fox News host Sean Hannity is reportedly in the doghouse with executives at the conservative-leaning cable network for charging admission to attend a scheduled taping of his show from a Tea Party rally at the University of Cincinnati yesterday — with the proceeds going to the rally's organizers. Fox honchos were reportedly so angry when they learned of the arrangement that they pulled the plug on the event and ordered Hannity to return to the network's headquarters to tape the show at his studio there. (Nor was that taping without controversy, as one of Hannity's guests, Col. Oliver North, who was convicted on three felony charges for his role in the 1980s Iran-Contra scandal, described President Obama's governing philosophy as "anti-American." )

Sean Hannity angers Fox News management by charging Tea Party demonstrators to attend show taping - Yahoo! News


Ollie North wasn't convicted of anything ya lyin' sack O'Shit...

North was given immunity for his testimony before Congress and the witch trials which followed North's leading the Subversive legislative-Left by the nose, tried to convict North despite that immunity, but were summarily overturned by American jurists.

Hannity isn't in trouble at Fox...

Let's recall that Yahoo sNews also declare Beck in trouble with Fox due to the boycott of Beck's advertisers by the Left; which amounted to a rush of new advertisers trying to fill the vacancies that never materialized; increasing Fox ad revenues.

Oliver north was convicted of 4 Iran Contra crimes. However they were overturned in the appeals process.

It turned out to be irrelevant anyway when George Herbert Walker Bush pardoned all those involved in Iran Contra including himself apparently.
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Popular Fox News host Sean Hannity is reportedly in the doghouse with executives at the conservative-leaning cable network for charging admission to attend a scheduled taping of his show from a Tea Party rally at the University of Cincinnati yesterday — with the proceeds going to the rally's organizers. Fox honchos were reportedly so angry when they learned of the arrangement that they pulled the plug on the event and ordered Hannity to return to the network's headquarters to tape the show at his studio there. (Nor was that taping without controversy, as one of Hannity's guests, Col. Oliver North, who was convicted on three felony charges for his role in the 1980s Iran-Contra scandal, described President Obama's governing philosophy as "anti-American." )

Sean Hannity angers Fox News management by charging Tea Party demonstrators to attend show taping - Yahoo! News


Ollie North wasn't convicted of anything ya lyin' sack O'Shit...
North was given immunity for his testimony before Congress and the witch trials which followed North's leading the Subversive legislative-Left by the nose, tried to convict North despite that immunity, but were summarily overturned by American jurists.

Hannity isn't in trouble at Fox...

Let's recall that Yahoo sNews also declare Beck in trouble with Fox due to the boycott of Beck's advertisers by the Left; which amounted to a rush of new advertisers trying to fill the vacancies that never materialized; increasing Fox ad revenues.

But Ayers is a criminal though, righty?

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