Sean Hannity goes off on Media Matters in all-caps tweet storm after they target his advertisers


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
They went after O 'Reilly and will eventually succeed in taking down Hannity unless Conservatives bind together and fight back. It's only a matter of time. The only response is to target so-called "progressive" media outlet sponsors and have a war of attrition.

Sean Hannity goes off on Media Matters in all-caps tweet storm after they target his advertisers

Fox News host Sean Hannity went on an all-caps tweet storm Sunday morning against Media Matter for America president Angelo Carusone, just hours before Carusone was scheduled to appear on CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” hosted by Brian Stelter.

What did Hannity say?
The tweets were against Carusone, CNN and Stelter. Hannity indirectly called Carusone a racist, anti-semite, trans/gay homophobe and victim shamer before tweeting at CNN and Stelter asking why CNN allows someone like that on air.
Hannity thinks he can defend child rapists with impunity. Fuck him and whoever are still his supporters.
Hannity thinks he can defend child rapists with impunity. Fuck him and whoever are still his supporters.

That's slanderous. He interviewed someone accused of something as all media should, too bad not all networks react the same in their desire to obtain the truth.

Maybe you would you prefer the Russian method of justice and send him to the gulags whenever any of their state hacks raise a 40 year allegation? Or possibly Canadian justice where police sexually assault their own and taxpayers pay them off and keep the dirtbags employed?
Hannity thinks he can defend child rapists with impunity. Fuck him and whoever are still his supporters.

That's slanderous. He interviewed someone accused of something as all media should, too bad not all networks react the same in their desire to obtain the truth.

Maybe you would you prefer the Russian method of justice and send him to the gulags whenever any of their state hacks raise a 40 year allegation? Or possibly Canadian justice where police sexually assault their own and taxpayers pay them off and keep the dirtbags employed?
Sorry, no sympathy from me for child rapists and their enablers. Moore has never denied pursuing and dating highschool children as a 30+ year old. A main defense by his supporters is that that's normal in Alabama. Well sorry, that's not fucking normal.
Hannity thinks he can defend child rapists with impunity. Fuck him and whoever are still his supporters.

That's slanderous. He interviewed someone accused of something as all media should, too bad not all networks react the same in their desire to obtain the truth.

Maybe you would you prefer the Russian method of justice and send him to the gulags whenever any of their state hacks raise a 40 year allegation? Or possibly Canadian justice where police sexually assault their own and taxpayers pay them off and keep the dirtbags employed?
Sorry, no sympathy from me for child rapists and their enablers. Moore has never denied pursuing and dating highschool children as a 30+ year old. A main defense by his supporters is that that's normal in Alabama. Well sorry, that's not fucking normal.

I agree that what is alleged is not normal. Imagine a world in which evidence determined these "facts" and news networks questioned the accused and the accuser?

This smear tactic is not a system based on the Rule of Law. You will soon be Canada, and you will soon wish you weren't.
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Advertisers have the right to choose with whom they wish to advertise.

They aren't idiots.

If they think the charges are bullshit, they won't do anything.

But you think they are idiots unable to think for themselves.

Why do you hate capitalism and freedom so much?
Hannity thinks he can defend child rapists with impunity. Fuck him and whoever are still his supporters.

I have no idea what country you came from but in my country, we have something called "The presumption of innocence". We actually have courts and in those courts, a person has a lawyer who defends him or her. There's also someone called a "prosecutor" and both the person's lawyer and the prosecutor get to submit their arguments to to a group of people we call a "jury"

A jury is made up of twelve people who have proven themselves to be open-minded enough to not being biased one way or another.

This group of people we call a "jury" gets together and deliberates on the innocence or guilt of the person being tried, and then it goes back to a person we call a "judge". This person called a "judge" announces the jury's decision and also takes part in deciding the punishment, should the person tried be found guilty.

This is not a new thing I speak of, this method of determining the guilt or innocence of a person has been a tradition for hundred of years. You may not have heard of this custom in your country, but I understand. It usually takes awhile for newcomers to understand the complex customs we have here in America.
Two hacks at each other's throats.
I have no idea what country you came from but in my country, we have something called "The presumption of innocence".

Yeah, that's how you treated Benghazi :rolleyes:

Difference between Benghazi and Roy Moore's child rape: Hillary denied wrongdoing in Benghazi, Roy Moore does not deny dating highschool children as a 30+ year old man.
I have no idea what country you came from but in my country, we have something called "The presumption of innocence".

Yeah, that's how you treated Benghazi :rolleyes:

Difference between Benghazi and Roy Moore's child rape: Hillary denied wrongdoing in Benghazi, Roy Moore does not deny dating highschool children as a 30+ year old man.

Benghazi? Hillary's tribulations have barely started and they won't be about Benghazi.

Don't worry. She'll get a fair trial. :biggrin:
I have no idea what country you came from but in my country, we have something called "The presumption of innocence".

Yeah, that's how you treated Benghazi :rolleyes:

Difference between Benghazi and Roy Moore's child rape: Hillary denied wrongdoing in Benghazi, Roy Moore does not deny dating highschool children as a 30+ year old man.

Benghazi? Hillary's tribulations have barely started and they won't be about Benghazi.

Don't worry. She'll get a fair trial. :biggrin:
Yes you've been saying that for 30 years and completely failing about it. And now you find yourself supporting a child rapist. Time to reconsider your life.
They went after O 'Reilly and will eventually succeed in taking down Hannity unless Conservatives bind together and fight back. It's only a matter of time. The only response is to target so-called "progressive" media outlet sponsors and have a war of attrition.

Sean Hannity goes off on Media Matters in all-caps tweet storm after they target his advertisers

Fox News host Sean Hannity went on an all-caps tweet storm Sunday morning against Media Matter for America president Angelo Carusone, just hours before Carusone was scheduled to appear on CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” hosted by Brian Stelter.

What did Hannity say?
The tweets were against Carusone, CNN and Stelter. Hannity indirectly called Carusone a racist, anti-semite, trans/gay homophobe and victim shamer before tweeting at CNN and Stelter asking why CNN allows someone like that on air.

Hannity is part of the problem. What evidence did he see in all his that made the allogatons “compelling “? Hannity lacks integrity. Fuck Hannity. His time has passed.

Leigh Corfman: Claims Moore provided her with alcohol and sexually assaulted her when she was 14 years old.

She claimed a 32-year-old Moore picked her up near her house in Gadsden, Ala., and drove her to a remote location in the woods, where he told her “how pretty she was and kissed her,” according to the Washington Post.

“On a second visit, she said, he took off her shirt and pants and removed his clothes. He touched her over her bra and underpants, she says, and guided her hand to touch him over his underwear,” the report added.

Wendy Miller: Claims Moore asked her out on a date when she was 16 years old and he was 32. Her mother said no.

Debbie Wesson Gibson: Claims she dated Moore for roughly three months in 1981 when she was 17 years old.

Gibson said he would read her poetry and serenade her with his guitar. She said he kissed her twice during the time they dated. He was 34 at the time.

Gloria Thacker Deason: Claims she dated Moore on-and-off again when she was 18 and he was 32 after an initial meeting at the Gadsden Mall in 1979.

Deason said their physical relationship never went further than kissing and hugging. Like Corfman, Deason also said Moore gave her alcohol on dates, even though she was below the legal drinking age.

Beverly Young Nelson: Claims Moore sexually assaulted her in 1977 when she was 16 years old.

Nelson worked as a waitress at a diner Moore frequented. She said Moore once offered to give her a ride home after her shift ended. Instead, she added, he parked his truck in the back of the diner and tried to force her to perform oral sex on him.

“I tried to open my car door to leave, but he reached over and he locked it so I could not get out,” Nelson said in a statement published this week. “I tried fighting him off while yelling at him to stop. But instead of stopping, he began squeezing my neck, attempting to force my head onto his crotch. I continued to struggle.”

“I was determined that I was not going to allow him to force me to have sex with him. I was terrified, he was also trying to pull my shirt off. I thought that he was going to rape me. I was twisting and struggling and I was begging him to stop. I had tears running down my face,” she added.

Moore was 30 years old at the time.

Tina Johnson: Claims Moore groped her in his office in 1991 when she was 28 years old.

"He kept commenting on my looks, telling me how pretty I was, how nice I looked," Johnson told the Birmingham News. "He was saying that my eyes were beautiful."

"I was thinking, can we hurry up and get out of here?" she added

Johnson said Moore repeatedly flirted with her and complimented her on her looks, saying things like he wondered if her children were as good looking as their mother.

She also alleged that as she turned to leave his office after their meeting, Moore grabbed her buttocks.

"He didn't pinch it; he grabbed it," said Johnson

Moore was 44 years old at the time.

Kelly Harrison Thorp: Claims Moore asked her out in 1982 when she was a 17-year-old waitress at Red Lobster.

She said Moore, who was 35 at the time, came into her restaurant one day, introduced himself and then immediately asked her out on a date.

"I just kind of said, 'Do you know how old I am?'" she recalled asking, according to the Birmingham News.

"And he said, 'Yeah. I go out with girls your age all the time.”

Gena Richardson: Claims Moore pursued her relentlessly in 1977 when she was an 18-year-old high school senior.

Richardson said she met Moore at the Gadsden Mall, where he asked her which school she attended. She said he also asked for her phone number, which she said she declined to give.

Richardson said he then called her when she was in trigonometry class and asked her out on a date. She said he called a few more times until she relented, and agreed to go to the movies with him.

After their first date, she said, Moore gave her an unsolicited, “forceful” kiss, which prompted her to break off further contact with him.

“It was a man kiss — like really deep tongue. Like very forceful tongue. It was a surprise. I’d never been kissed like that,” she says. “And the minute that happened, I got scared then,” she told the Post. “I really did. Something came over me that scared me. And so I said, ‘I’ve got to go because my curfew is now.’”

Becky Gray: Claims Moore repeatedly asked her out on dates when she was 22 years old he was 30.
Hannitty is not immune from pressure.

He gives it.

He gets it.

Then he cries, like any far righty.
I have no idea what country you came from but in my country, we have something called "The presumption of innocence".

Yeah, that's how you treated Benghazi :rolleyes:

Difference between Benghazi and Roy Moore's child rape: Hillary denied wrongdoing in Benghazi, Roy Moore does not deny dating highschool children as a 30+ year old man.

Benghazi? Hillary's tribulations have barely started and they won't be about Benghazi.

Don't worry. She'll get a fair trial. :biggrin:
Yes you've been saying that for 30 years and completely failing about it. And now you find yourself supporting a child rapist. Time to reconsider your life.
Clinton is immune to the JGalts, in and out of Congress, of the world.
I have no idea what country you came from but in my country, we have something called "The presumption of innocence".

Yeah, that's how you treated Benghazi :rolleyes:

Difference between Benghazi and Roy Moore's child rape: Hillary denied wrongdoing in Benghazi, Roy Moore does not deny dating highschool children as a 30+ year old man.

Benghazi? Hillary's tribulations have barely started and they won't be about Benghazi.

Don't worry. She'll get a fair trial. :biggrin:
Yes you've been saying that for 30 years and completely failing about it. And now you find yourself supporting a child rapist. Time to reconsider your life.

I think you are missing the point. This is by design as I can't imagine you don't understand the issue at hand.

In the late 1930's early 1940's, the Germans sent around the Gestapo to peoples homes. They would knock on doors and ask for details about their neighbours if they were Jewish, gay or the like, "have you seen your neighbour, Mr/Mrs. So and So?" It was presented to the person as the helping their government locate "enemies of the state" or a similar definition. One of the terms given to these people and those who lived so close to concentration camps was "Good Little Germans". Turning a blind eye to abuses against people, or feigning ignorance. It's a term I apply quite often to the Canadian police apparatus and those who assist them for personal benefit.

These tactics also extended to the post war Eastern Germany. The Stasi would rely on "IM's" (basically local rats) to identify enemies of the state. The Stasi would pursue these people aggressively on nothing more than the word of some dirtbag looking for favor with the state masters. Often allegations were made to destroy a businesses competitor or someone they didn't like, not unlike a Confidential Informant ratting out another dealer to the cops. Countless lives were ruined. I suggest you read the books Stasiland and The File two books that spoke about real life stories of the stasi sobs.

Now in 2017, you have a blank accusation. Could even come anonymously. The media will report something that happened, 5, 10, 40 years ago and tell you "look at this bad person". The more offensive the accusations the greater impact it will have in destroying someones life or career. Nothing worse than a creep. You then hear the "oh, everyone knew". Of course everyone knew 40 years later, but noone cared enough at the time to speak up!?

There is no coincidence that many of Clintons supporters are trying to distance themselves from her and Bill. We have an FBI informant set to testify tomorrow regarding Uranium One. We have so many accusations, again, unfounded from decades ago which are being used against anyone. So of course, people will say "you know, come to think of it, maybe Bill WAS a creep who should have resigned from office. Yeah, I was mistake to support him and attack his accusers 25 years ago". Quit the B.S, these were Good Little Germans.

All of this taken into account, one has to have evidence. One has to consider the timing. One has to consider the motivation. One has to consider the pile on, as we saw in the general election. What one cannot do is become like East Germany, Russia, China or North Korea, where your liberty does not exist and you are as guilty as any of your masters say you are.

If he is a creep, he can go to hell, but this needed to be dealt with in a court of law, and really some many years ago.
They went after O 'Reilly and will eventually succeed in taking down Hannity unless Conservatives bind together and fight back. It's only a matter of time. The only response is to target so-called "progressive" media outlet sponsors and have a war of attrition.

Sean Hannity goes off on Media Matters in all-caps tweet storm after they target his advertisers

Fox News host Sean Hannity went on an all-caps tweet storm Sunday morning against Media Matter for America president Angelo Carusone, just hours before Carusone was scheduled to appear on CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” hosted by Brian Stelter.

What did Hannity say?
The tweets were against Carusone, CNN and Stelter. Hannity indirectly called Carusone a racist, anti-semite, trans/gay homophobe and victim shamer before tweeting at CNN and Stelter asking why CNN allows someone like that on air.

Hannity is part of the problem. What evidence did he see in all his that made the allogatons “compelling “? Hannity lacks integrity. Fuck Hannity. His time has passed.

Leigh Corfman: Claims Moore provided her with alcohol and sexually assaulted her when she was 14 years old.

She claimed a 32-year-old Moore picked her up near her house in Gadsden, Ala., and drove her to a remote location in the woods, where he told her “how pretty she was and kissed her,” according to the Washington Post.

“On a second visit, she said, he took off her shirt and pants and removed his clothes. He touched her over her bra and underpants, she says, and guided her hand to touch him over his underwear,” the report added.

Wendy Miller: Claims Moore asked her out on a date when she was 16 years old and he was 32. Her mother said no.

Debbie Wesson Gibson: Claims she dated Moore for roughly three months in 1981 when she was 17 years old.

Gibson said he would read her poetry and serenade her with his guitar. She said he kissed her twice during the time they dated. He was 34 at the time.

Gloria Thacker Deason: Claims she dated Moore on-and-off again when she was 18 and he was 32 after an initial meeting at the Gadsden Mall in 1979.

Deason said their physical relationship never went further than kissing and hugging. Like Corfman, Deason also said Moore gave her alcohol on dates, even though she was below the legal drinking age.

Beverly Young Nelson: Claims Moore sexually assaulted her in 1977 when she was 16 years old.

Nelson worked as a waitress at a diner Moore frequented. She said Moore once offered to give her a ride home after her shift ended. Instead, she added, he parked his truck in the back of the diner and tried to force her to perform oral sex on him.

“I tried to open my car door to leave, but he reached over and he locked it so I could not get out,” Nelson said in a statement published this week. “I tried fighting him off while yelling at him to stop. But instead of stopping, he began squeezing my neck, attempting to force my head onto his crotch. I continued to struggle.”

“I was determined that I was not going to allow him to force me to have sex with him. I was terrified, he was also trying to pull my shirt off. I thought that he was going to rape me. I was twisting and struggling and I was begging him to stop. I had tears running down my face,” she added.

Moore was 30 years old at the time.

Tina Johnson: Claims Moore groped her in his office in 1991 when she was 28 years old.

"He kept commenting on my looks, telling me how pretty I was, how nice I looked," Johnson told the Birmingham News. "He was saying that my eyes were beautiful."

"I was thinking, can we hurry up and get out of here?" she added

Johnson said Moore repeatedly flirted with her and complimented her on her looks, saying things like he wondered if her children were as good looking as their mother.

She also alleged that as she turned to leave his office after their meeting, Moore grabbed her buttocks.

"He didn't pinch it; he grabbed it," said Johnson

Moore was 44 years old at the time.

Kelly Harrison Thorp: Claims Moore asked her out in 1982 when she was a 17-year-old waitress at Red Lobster.

She said Moore, who was 35 at the time, came into her restaurant one day, introduced himself and then immediately asked her out on a date.

"I just kind of said, 'Do you know how old I am?'" she recalled asking, according to the Birmingham News.

"And he said, 'Yeah. I go out with girls your age all the time.”

Gena Richardson: Claims Moore pursued her relentlessly in 1977 when she was an 18-year-old high school senior.

Richardson said she met Moore at the Gadsden Mall, where he asked her which school she attended. She said he also asked for her phone number, which she said she declined to give.

Richardson said he then called her when she was in trigonometry class and asked her out on a date. She said he called a few more times until she relented, and agreed to go to the movies with him.

After their first date, she said, Moore gave her an unsolicited, “forceful” kiss, which prompted her to break off further contact with him.

“It was a man kiss — like really deep tongue. Like very forceful tongue. It was a surprise. I’d never been kissed like that,” she says. “And the minute that happened, I got scared then,” she told the Post. “I really did. Something came over me that scared me. And so I said, ‘I’ve got to go because my curfew is now.’”

Becky Gray: Claims Moore repeatedly asked her out on dates when she was 22 years old he was 30.

Fuck off that Leigh claimed he plied her with alcohol. Lie.

Both women who dated him in their late teens said that they dated him only after he asked their mothers for permission and both mothers trusted Judge Moore. Both of the women who actually dated him were complimentary and said he was romantic and nothing went beyond hugging and kissing.

Now this one you put up fucking kills me. How in 1977 did Moore call her in trig class? Did they have land lines in Alabama high schools directly to classes? Bad kisser is a reason to ruin a man's life?

Are you fucking kidding me?

Girls who didn't want to date him is evidence of fucking what?
Hannity thinks he can defend child rapists with impunity. Fuck him and whoever are still his supporters.

You really need to stop lying. Truly. Moore isn't even accused of raping a child.
He is certainly accused, credibly, as being a child molester.

You don't seem to get it. He is not charged with jack shit. No evidence. Not credible at all with Marjorie aka Leigh. You know she uses different names correct? Multiple bankruptcies. Three divorces. Her son was just busted for possession. She's a piece of work.

By doing this you are forcing hands to destroy the women now.

If Marjorie is credible why aren't the police in Alabama INVESTIGATING THIS? Charge him of shut the fuck up.
I have no idea what country you came from but in my country, we have something called "The presumption of innocence".

Yeah, that's how you treated Benghazi :rolleyes:

Difference between Benghazi and Roy Moore's child rape: Hillary denied wrongdoing in Benghazi, Roy Moore does not deny dating highschool children as a 30+ year old man.

Benghazi? Hillary's tribulations have barely started and they won't be about Benghazi.

Don't worry. She'll get a fair trial. :biggrin:
Yes you've been saying that for 30 years and completely failing about it. And now you find yourself supporting a child rapist. Time to reconsider your life.
Clinton is immune to the JGalts, in and out of Congress, of the world.

Evidently her immunity isn't working out very well for her. She did lose the most important election in her party's history, didn't she?

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