Sean Hannity turns traitor!!!

It would take up the whole forum. Why don't you prove they said it wasn't a hoax.
Now the aliens have taken over the Republican leader!!! Thankfully.

"Look, my attitude is, you know, do your studying, know the science to the best that we can even say we have science involved in any of this, because they’ve gotten so much wrong, the great Dr. Fauci has been wrong so often.” I heard this on the radio, and it is taken out of context. He was talking about the situation as a whole, lockdowns, vaccines, masks, etc. Dr. Fauci had been wrong several times in the early months of the pandemic and flip flopped on other things as well. This is what Hannity was pointing out.
Things like vaccines. Understood.
Here is why they are worrried.

But when the cameras are off at Fox News, suddenly everything changes. The vaccine is no longer regarded as a dangerous threat to Mom and apple pie, but a common-sense health intervention backed up by medical science. As CNN reported on Monday, Fox News — while decrying "vaccine passports" on-air — has been using a vaccine passport among their own staff since early June. Vaccinated employees who get what is called the FOX Clear Pass "are allowed to bypass the otherwise required daily health screening" and basically return to normal life inside the Fox offices.

This reporting caused rounds of completely justified outrage among liberals online, with "hypocrites" being the preferred term thrown around. But really, what the folks at Fox News are up to is much worse than garden variety hypocrisy. The whole thing is a dark reminder that the well-heeled pundits and corporate executives at Fox News have almost bottomless contempt for their own viewers, who they see as a bunch of gullible rubes to be exploited and discarded as needed for profit and political gain. Indeed, they hold their viewers in such low regard that they will happily talk their viewers into contracting a highly contagious, extremely dangerous, and easily prevented disease — for no other purpose than creating headaches for a Democratic president and, quite likely, the cheap thrill of having so much power over other people.
Here is why they are worrried.

But when the cameras are off at Fox News, suddenly everything changes. The vaccine is no longer regarded as a dangerous threat to Mom and apple pie, but a common-sense health intervention backed up by medical science. As CNN reported on Monday, Fox News — while decrying "vaccine passports" on-air — has been using a vaccine passport among their own staff since early June. Vaccinated employees who get what is called the FOX Clear Pass "are allowed to bypass the otherwise required daily health screening" and basically return to normal life inside the Fox offices.

This reporting caused rounds of completely justified outrage among liberals online, with "hypocrites" being the preferred term thrown around. But really, what the folks at Fox News are up to is much worse than garden variety hypocrisy. The whole thing is a dark reminder that the well-heeled pundits and corporate executives at Fox News have almost bottomless contempt for their own viewers, who they see as a bunch of gullible rubes to be exploited and discarded as needed for profit and political gain. Indeed, they hold their viewers in such low regard that they will happily talk their viewers into contracting a highly contagious, extremely dangerous, and easily prevented disease — for no other purpose than creating headaches for a Democratic president and, quite likely, the cheap thrill of having so much power over other people.

Have you been following the data on the vaccines at all?

You realize about the TX Dems, right?

That's just a canary in a coalmine, I'm afraid. All this is blather. I think they're failing. All this stuff about who got them, who should get them--immaterial. They are failing.
Sean Hannity puts down some plausible deniability video to get ahead of oncoming lawsuits. Fox has misled viewers and the death toll racking up and the impending shut down of the economy is scaring the shit out of them. Any business shut down by covid can open a lawsuit against these guys. Look out.

I doubt there will be any law suits. Who would sue and on what grounds? That a news network caused people not to come to your roller rink? Good luck proving that. It is a lot like the NFL and CTE...the NFL is the most visible source of football players who got CTE just like FOX is the most visible source of the misinformation. Aaron Hernandez had CTE but he may have gotten that in college or even high school. There may be a way to medically prove when he got CTE and there may be some scientific tests that can be used postmortem. However, how does Cook's Roller Rink prove that John Q. Public didn't come to his business because of what he heard on FOX vs. what he may have read on the 85,000 conservative BS websites or heard on the hundreds of hours of right wing hate radio that get broadcast daily?

Hannity is interested in one thing; Hannity. Just like Megan Kelly, just like Bill O'riely, just like any number of FOX personalities. After a while, they become a caricature of themselves and, like any drug, the potency that the users experience starts to wane and the junkies look for something more potent so they can get that same kick. You either deliver it and cast your lot with the junkies who will never be sated for very long or you start thinking about expanding your revenue streams... books you could sell, the podcasts you could do, the other platforms you could exploit. That is why Hannity reversed course.
Have you been following the data on the vaccines at all?

You realize about the TX Dems, right?

That's just a canary in a coalmine, I'm afraid. All this is blather. I think they're failing. All this stuff about who got them, who should get them--immaterial. They are failing.

Are you really under the impression that a vaccine prevents you from testing positive for a virus? Wow. You're dumber than I thought.
Are you really under the impression that a vaccine prevents you from testing positive for a virus? Wow. You're dumber than I thought.

Am I? No. I knew almost from the beginning that these were going to be crap vaccines.

But for Leftists these were the Magic Vaccines. I reminding THEM
Am I? No. I knew almost from the beginning that these were going to be crap vaccines.

But for Leftists these were the Magic Vaccines. I reminding THEM
You don't seem to know what a vaccine does. You can still get the just don't suffer from the effects as much (if at all). The only crap in this scenario is between your ears.
You don't seem to know what a vaccine does. You can still get the just don't suffer from the effects as much (if at all). The only crap in this scenario is between your ears.

The Leftists were the ones that went nuts with the vaccine passports and employee mandates. I don't know why you're looking at me. I knew at best this would be maybe a flu vaccine. It is in effectiveness. In safety it is world's worse.
The Leftists were the ones that went nuts with the vaccine passports and employee mandates. I don't know why you're looking at me. I knew at best this would be maybe a flu vaccine. It is in effectiveness. In safety it is world's worse.
600,000 deaths makes you sound pretty stupid. Why? Because you are pretty stupid.'re as dumb as a box of rocks.
You people are SOOOO SILLY!!!!

WHY do you think these "journalists" are separate entities that can do and say as they please?

These people are EMPLOYEES of a conglomerate "media" empire! They are NOT, and never have been, separate sourced entities that can do and say as they please! They cannot do or say anything without the express prior consent of the people that pay them these obscene amounts of money to be the corporations puppets!

I believe what journalists spew out as much as I believe what the DNC spews out. Which is zero.

These people are not in these positions for truth, justice, and the American way...........they are in it for the money, fame, and power it gives them. And they will do and say anything their puppetmasters tell them to, in order to continue to receive their obscene paychecks!!

What these people do spout on TV, radio, and internet all has to be taken in with heavy duty sifters, in order to sift out all the BS, lies, hypocrisy, and personal opinions, to see if there is any truth of any kind left in the mix. More often than not, there isn't any truth in there at all.
Insults mean you cannot meet me with facts and data.

I knew that
What facts do you imagine you have?

You're too dumb to have any facts and if you did accidentally trip on one of're too dumb to understand what you've read. Hell, I imagine you've heard of Magic Johnson. He's had HIV for about 40 years. He's never developed AIDS. It's a textbook example of how you can carry a virus but not be infected with it. A vaccine (there is no HIV vaccine) doesn't prevent you from getting a virus any more than a swim suit prevents you from getting wet. What it does is minimize the effects of the virus just like a swimsuit withstands the water better than your street clothes.

I insult you because you're an idiot. You're constantly proving that here.
I don’t believe Tucker, Hannity or Ingraham have ever been totally against the vaccine but they want the American public to be fully informed about side effects or risks.

I personally have little faith in what the Biden administration tells me and like many Americans tend to distrust all government. I want my news to report facts not try to look out for my good by covering up negative info.

Also I find all this insistence that everyone get these COVID-19 shots somewhat suspicious. Pushing too hard is perhaps causing many people to refuse the shots.

However using the info I had at the time I calculated my own risk factor analysis and decided to get the shots over a month ago.

I have absolutely no faith in the main stream news media and seriously believe they are the propaganda machine for the Democratic Party. That’s what happens when for over four years the MSM lied about Trump again and again and again and again. I doubt if I will ever regain any confidence in our wonderful MSM.

Let’s just look at the lies the MSM told about COVID-19 while Trump was in office.


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