Sean Hannity Wants Rap Music Banned Along With Confederate Flag


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
As long as major companies are ending sales of the Confederate flag in the wake of the Charleston church shooting, why not pull rap music from the shelves as well?

That debatable logic came courtesy of Fox News' Sean Hannity on his radio show Wednesday.

"A lot of the music by those artists is chock full of the n-word and the b-word and the h-word, and racist, misogynist, sexist anti-woman slurs none of those retail executes would be caught dead using,” he said.

Hannity managed to work President Barack Obama's family into the conversation as well.

"If it’s OK for Obama’s teenage daughters and people to go into these stores and buy music chock-full of the n-word, the b-word, well maybe we should consider banning that too,” Hannity said. “We’re in the process of banning everything. Just a thought.”

Sean Hannity Wants Rap Music Banned Along With Confederate Flag

So, Sean wants blacks to give up something in return for the racist Confederate flag.
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I have a better idea, Sean: Ban the Bible and make churches start paying taxes!
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Sean Hannity is nothing more than cheap, trailer trash TV that appeals to a blockish audience. There's a reason his joke of a radio program lost its prized Cumulus Media slot and it was given to a real conservative talk show host.

Hannity's influence is on the decline and he really didn't have a lot to begin with.
sounds good to me. also ban that rainbow flag (they call it gay pride) that is USED for oppression, hate and nastiness.
HERE ya go. Lets go one step further in the leftist NUT jobs department

Piers Morgan: Jail All Whites Who Use The N-Word
But what about President Obama?
Trey Sanchez


If Piers Morgan were writing the moral laws of the world, he would make it illegal for white people to use the N-word.

In a message posted to Twitter this week, Morgan said:

Piers Morgan


What would I do with white people who use the N-word? Jail them.

1:16 PM - 22 Jun 2015 Reaction for and against the tweet was swift:

all of it here:

Piers Morgan Jail All Whites Who Use The N-Word Truth Revolt
The Government cannot ban that flag or Rap music. As usual Sean is playing to the lowest common dunce.........
All these calls for banning things is pitiful.

The original item recently was about removing the confederate flag from a state building. That is it. Not about banning the flag altogether.

Now people are rattling on and on about ban this, ban that. It is bullshit.

I am not a fan of Sean Hannity. So you know what I do? I don't listen to him. Problem solved.

I hate sweet cornbread, and think it is an abomination. But if you want to put sugar in your cornbread, it is up to you.

The confederate flag can still be owned and flown by private individuals. So spare us the "We should ban......yada yada yada"
As long as major companies are ending sales of the Confederate flag in the wake of the Charleston church shooting, why not pull rap music from the shelves as well?

"A lot of the music by those artists is chock full of the n-word and the b-word and the h-word, and racist, misogynist, sexist anti-woman slurs none of those retail executes would be caught dead using,” he said.
How is Hannity wrong?
If the confederate flag makes people do violent shit...Well, crap music we know for a fact does.

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