Sean Spicer Says Trump 'Has Been Incredibly Tough On Russia'




What a lot of nerve. The Russian Poodle has been incredibly tough on Russia?????????????

Even Trump's minions can't possibly believe that.


Emperor Trump has handled Russia very well. He should be commended for an admirable job so far. He makes me so proud to be an American.
Emperor Trump has handled Russia very well. He should be commended for an admirable job so far. He makes me so proud to be an American.

I know what you mean...I just love those pro-Putin sycophants. Kind gives me the warm fuzzies willies.
Emperor Trump has handled Russia very well. He should be commended for an admirable job so far. He makes me so proud to be an American.
So being subjugated to Russia is a good thing? Perhaps you should move there.
Emperor Trump has handled Russia very well. He should be commended for an admirable job so far. He makes me so proud to be an American.

Your self-parody is a spectacle like no other.

For those that are not familiar with this poster - this degenerate is actually saying this with a straight face.
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What a lot of nerve. The Russian Poodle has been incredibly tough on Russia?????????????

Even Trump's minions can't possibly believe that.

The Crimean people voted to cast their lot with Russia instead of the globalist E.U faction that illegally came in and overthrew the duly elected government of Ukraine. Crimea isn't anyone's to "give".

I find it absolutely HILARIOUS as to how silent the leftard clown posse is about what happened in Libya and what has been happening in Syria with the Hildebeast wanting to dictate a "No fly zone" over a sovereign country because they have assets her puppet-masters want.

What is even funnier is how leftards speak out of both sides of their mouths depending on how the political winds are blowing at the time. Kicking their collective loving asses is exceedingly easy........


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